Tidy5e Upgrade for Dnd5e 2.2.X and Bug fixing

The Tidy5e module is no longer officially under active development with the advent of system version 2.2.X and software version 11. Anyone interested in picking up the module (or rewriting it from scratch if you prefer) please post here your interest or willingness to continue its development (monetary compensation not excluded). Commission Note (if you willing to give something just write in this thread): 4535992 @4535992 (50 euro) Gambit @gambit ($500) Melody Rose @Melody Rose ($500) Fallayn @Zeras ($100) Monkeyy @Monkeyy ( £50) Dreaming @Dreaming (He/Him) (60 euro) Webmaster94 @webmaster94 ($100) kid2407 @kid2407 | Sullivan Orbspire (50 €)
1531 Replies
gambit17mo ago
I'm interested in contributing monetarily to anyone who wants to pick this up. I think Tidy is the best foundry sheet so would hate to see it get left behind. $500 from me.
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Magus17mo ago
Im gonna investigate the state of the module this weekend
453599217mo ago
I tag @Mouse0270 (the only css expert I know besides Sdenec XD) to know if he would be interested in participating in this committee and better fix the css to lean against the new standard Dnd5e sheet and with a possible integration to his module https://foundryvtt.com/packages/lib-themer to allow anyone to customize the sheet .
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Dairid16mo ago
I would be willing to chip in as well
gambit16mo ago
Any updates on your investigation?
Magus16mo ago
I thought I would have time but I couldn't still, I will also have to look at the dnd system as a whole, I'll try this weekend.
kgar16mo ago
I have probably started typing here on 10+ different occasions and stopped. Here goes... Hello, I'm new to the league. I'm a big fan of Tidy 5e sheets. I'm currently learning Foundry module development and helping with the TypeScript v10 types effort with flr3. If people are ok with it, I can eventually start providing some support to this module, since I am both a developer and an avid user of these sheets in my D&D games. Also, I am prototyping / recreating this module with svelte components and some changes in the implementation details. I'm attempting to faithfully recreate the look and feel of Tidy 5e sheets while making it somewhat more resilient to DND5E system / sheet template updates. I have found that 5e system updates will have breaking changes on the template without warning, but the API calls receive at least a deprecation warning for a time. I could elaborate more, but I'm hoping to iron out a method for making updates / upgrades easier. I'm also looking into some automated testing options to discover regressions. Disclaimer: I'm not a designer. I don't have the eye for it. However, I can work with designers to make their vision a reality. If it works out, I would be ok presenting my prototype to this committee as a possible candidate for replacement, whenever it is ready. It could also just be an offshoot of Tidy 5e sheets, if such a thing is permissible. I would love any advice and lessons learned from the maintainer(s), and I just want to help in whatever way makes sense. If it doesn't work out, then I will have learned a lot about module development, so... still a good thing.
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kgar16mo ago
Will do, @Mouse0270 . Thank you! I'm looking forward to your sheet project, also.
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @Mouse0270 (#26 • 113)
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kgar16mo ago
It's an essential module for my games
gambit16mo ago
Same here! Looking forward to what you come back with, if you're able to upgrade/replace tidy with an equivalent that can be maintained you've got my commission 🤞
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kgar16mo ago
Just as an update, I'm probably still a month or so away from a full-fledged prototype, but I am working on it daily, and it is going well.
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kgar16mo ago
It's been almost 10 days since my last update. Hello, there! 👋 Still chipping away daily on a rewrite which uses svelte. Svelte has proven to be an incredible addition to Tidy 5e, and it will open the door for many more features to come, if it please the core team. I'm about halfway done with the Player Character sheet, but a large part of that work was ironing out my components and the overall approach to this project. Here are some screens of Akra the Cleric, now multiclassing as a fighter, with the original Tidy 5e on the left, and the forthcoming version on the right. (Please note, I haven't reimplemented dark mode, my favorite mode, yet. It is in the pipeline.)
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kgar16mo ago
You may have seen this little "Tidy5e" button on the header. This is for my sanity as I test out different game settings. If people want a game setting for putting this sheet settings button into the window header, it would be very easy to do. Either way, I wanted to point that out and explain why it was there.
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gambit16mo ago
Looking awesome so far, thanks for the update!
Leo The League Lion
@gambit gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @kgar (#223 • 3)
kaelad16mo ago
If the settings were specific to that one actor, then putting them on a header button makes sense. But I agree, long term, better to use the normal game settings if not.
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453599216mo ago
something like the one from obsidian can be very useful https://bitbucket.org/Fyorl/obsidian/raw/master/warship.webp
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kgar16mo ago
The thing that is really throwing me right now is how to approach module compatibility. I’ve read all the github issues, and the prospect of constantly reacting to new modules is pretty grim. I’m making a fresh start and wonder what would be the best approach to leaving the door open for module devs to hook into Tidy 5e and add their own customizations / augmentations. With the current approach: there’s a problem of logistics. For every new module, Tidy 5e is currently on the hook to accommodate via HTML, styles, and sometimes scripting. With my current understanding, I would prefer to expose a data-driven API that would allow module devs to choose to augment Tidy 5e from their own modules, using the API. From what I’ve seen, sheet-augmenting modules target and inject HTML somewhere in a sheet, and that just makes it hard to do anything innovative, especially if module devs are banking on Tidy 5e to have the same structure / classes as the original dnd5e sheet. This being said, I am also thinking of ways to grandfather in currently supported modules in such a way that their management can be handed off later to the target module developers, but from the initial rollout, the Grandfather settings can be toggled on. That is to say, the core problem of keeping Tidy 5e compatible with the current approach: There are potentially thousands of modules that augment sheets. There is only a small handful of sheets 😬.
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Wasp16mo ago
Svelte, while it does make traditional module development easier, it does sacrifice the traditional jQuery support that it has previously supported. I think you're right that an API to register components to certain parts of sheets would be the best, and establish a language to do so. For example, I'm the developer of Rest Recovery, and the module adds a secondary field to items that makes food items have a second field set that sets some flags on the item itself.
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Wasp16mo ago
I'd be happy to help out with that portion, if needed Item Piles have a fair bit of Svelte going on, along with some customisability. Here's a few points of inspiration that may spur your imagination: https://github.com/fantasycalendar/FoundryVTT-ItemPiles-Bankers/blob/master/src/module.js#L11 https://github.com/fantasycalendar/FoundryVTT-ItemPiles/blob/master/src/API/api.js#L2048 https://github.com/fantasycalendar/FoundryVTT-ItemPiles/blob/master/src/applications/item-pile-config/settings/custom.svelte The above example allows people to create their own item piles types, which is used to create a banker type item pile, which is the rider module that creates a bunch of vaults, like in WoW.
kgar16mo ago
After I get a decent first draft of the core module completed, I’ll finally feel comfortable enough to make the repo public. I’m learning svelte, foundry module development, custom sheet development, etc etc all at once in this storming phase, and I’m still making drastic changes and sweeping decisions in rapid succession. In any case, I will keep this commission thread informed. I greatly appreciate all this wisdom, experience, and insight.
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Wasp16mo ago
For sure, if you run into hurdles in the Svelte space, do reach out. I have some wisdom to share after creating several Svelte powered modules 😄
kgar16mo ago
Thank you! All under-the-hood unseen stuff, I assure you 😅 I am making tiny tidy decisions in the visible space, such as making exhaustion text have better contrast in the exhaustion charm on the character profile. It’s in some of the previous screenshots.
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kgar16mo ago
There was one feature in particular I wanted to include in the v1 release: Import/Export css theme. It would be cool to let people share themes as json files that can be imported into other players’ sheet settings. We could even have a theme repository 🤔
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kgar16mo ago
Yes. Vehicle sheets in general, even the default sheet, have been mysterious to me
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kgar16mo ago
We are gonna be in touch, my friend!
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Wasp16mo ago
I would love to develop a grid based inventory UI for the new tidy sheet Similar to vaults in item piles
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kgar16mo ago
In the spirit of transparency, I got a little stressed last night, thinking about the module compat situation. This has been very encouraging to have this discussion with you all.
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kgar16mo ago
If you all are ok with more frequent / detailed updates, I can post more stuff. I can see that a number of you deeply care for this module. I just don’t want to over-saturate the thread if it’s inappropriate.
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Wasp16mo ago
And keep in mind that this is a module for a vtt, not the cure for all diseases. Take it easy and enjoy yourself!
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kgar16mo ago
About this feature...
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kgar16mo ago
Can I offload the bonuses to a d4 icon?
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kgar16mo ago
Yes, the spell attack mod tooltip. I wonder if splitting off the bonuses would make it easier to read what's going on. Also, there is a problem with one of the more recent changes to the existing module... In a recent update, the bonus formula calculates and adds into the spell attack mod total. The problem is, if you're Blessed 🙏 , then your attack mod will change each time the form refreshes. Is it +5? Is it +6? Am I a wild magic sorceror?
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kgar16mo ago
It's probably better to let the calculations be run when the dice roll, but not when presenting a static number in the spellbook footer.
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kgar16mo ago
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kgar16mo ago
I like the simpler, PHB-friendly attack mod tooltip that simply tells you where the base total is coming from
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kgar16mo ago
Okdoke. Consider it done
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kgar16mo ago
Now, I'm not so shure about that
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kgar16mo ago
Ah, like a full-on game setting for "Default Dark" for a particular game world?
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kgar16mo ago
Gotcha. I'll copy this idea down and add it to the list for when I get nearer to the finish line. I think it's doable.
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kgar16mo ago
kgar16mo ago
One last thing on the d4 bonuses tooltip thingy... If you don't have any bonuses, we will not trouble you with the Big Tooltip or d4 icon. Here's my cleric with Bless turned off:
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kgar16mo ago
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kgar16mo ago
Two different tooltips One for the modifier, and one for the bonuses
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kgar16mo ago
I could make it a stretch goal to list out what all bonuses are applied individually, but that might be creeping into the territory of just going to the Effects tab or wherever to view the active effects.
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kgar16mo ago
✅ I imagine the full path of the ranged spell attack formula is there for the more litigious tables, and I definitely get it. "And just WHERE are these numbers coming from?!"
453599216mo ago
The text tooltip is set in these few lines of code, if you need to modify the output: https://github.com/sdenec/tidy5e-sheet/blob/e82b795ea6933db43d9eedfa9faed734650cb36e/src/scripts/tidy5e-sheet.js#L592 @kgar where is the.repository of the svelte version ?
453599216mo ago
Let ne know when is public . i want to slowly prepare the old Tidy to the switch to the new svelte version , for retrocomapibility testing ecc.
kgar16mo ago
I will make sure to come to you first The more I work on this project, the more impressed I am with the people who created, maintained, and contributed to Tidy 5e. That being said, I was already super impressed when I installed the module for the first time and swapped my character sheet to Tidy 5e mode ❤️
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Apostol Apostolov
It is a missed opportunity not to adopt Tidy5E as the core sheet for 5E
kgar16mo ago
They ARE doing a UI redesign, currently I thought the same thing
Apostol Apostolov
oh is there any POC of that new UI?
kgar16mo ago
Not that I’ve seen, unfortunately. It’s a general design refresh to modernize, so the sheets may be tangentially affected?
gambit16mo ago
I've got a request I'm hoping you can take a look at as well. I use Tidy in conjunction with Character Actions List 5e in order to have an Actions menu with Weapons, Spells, Features, etc in one place. Seems the original mod author is no longer maintaining that and 4535992 made a fork to get some css elements lining up correctly back in March, but it's pretty out of date at this point and the css is lacking. Any chance the actions list could be integrated into Tidy instead of relying on an outside authored module?
kgar16mo ago
I will definitely add it to the list to look into after I finish the base rewrite. I imagine we would want it to be Opt In via player settings, by default? This is especially compelling because it has such strong integration already with Tidy 5e's settings and implementation. Similarly, Lazy Money is pretty tightly integrated with Tidy 5e.
gambit16mo ago
Awesome! Yeah I'd imagine an opt in would be good, although personally I don't know how people could want to use sheets without it 🤔. Yeah I agree!
453599216mo ago
like already said from @Wasp the perfect solution is a profiled API like the one from the module "rest recovery" for let other module integrate and let the single.user customized the sheet in a better and maintaned way the solution i applied with the "embedding" of other modules is not the correct way, but i was lazy...
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453599216mo ago
one thing at the time , let's start with Character,NPC,Vehicle and Item for now (also it's seem they are working on it for 2.3 of the system, so is better to.wait and see the finalized sheet)
kgar16mo ago
Steadily moving forward. I'll post a larger update in a day or two. While I'm in the neighborhood of the attributes tab, I wanted to try this out and get the thoughts of those on this commission thread. What do you all think? Left: Current Tidy 5e tool proficiencies Right: Possible new design for tool proficiencies I did look at Roll20 and the default DND5E sheet in Foundry for inspiration. I felt like a hybrid between current Tidy 5e and default Foundry might be worth exploring.
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kgar16mo ago
Little more compact:
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kgar16mo ago
How about this
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kgar16mo ago
CSS Variables The existing Tidy 5e implementation uses CSS variables about 99% of the time that I've seen, which was 🙌 @Mouse0270 My rewrite is aiming for feature parity at first, but while the feature set will have parity, the rewrite should have made it significantly easier to make changes and innovate... at the expense of larger scripts / css (Svelte is a chonky bundle). I have intentions to level up theming for Tidy 5e in a big way, if possible. I haven't forgotten your offer earlier in this thread. I would like to collaborate with you when I get past this current stage, as much as you are willing, to give Tidy 5e a facelift for things like contrast, readability, touch-friendliness, scaling (size scaling for high DPI screens and for touch interfaces), the works. I've got a bunch of ideas forming, the longer I look at what is currently here. It's good ground, and there's huge potential. For now, it's a mad dash to get the base implementation done so I can start puzzling about an producing an API and leveraging hooks to allow other module developers to plug their content into Tidy 5e in a way that doesn't break each time HTML or CSS changes, or when the 5e system updates.
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kgar16mo ago
You are probably right. I wasn’t in the module dev scene during things like the v9-v10 update. I just know that there’s a greater likelihood of getting a deprecation notice and having data shimmed when calling into dnd5e’s and Foundry’s APIs, rather than mirroring dnd5e’s template structure in order to reuse all their listeners. In this way, it has more time to react to updates when those updates aren’t sweeping like v10. When the 5e system changes their template structure, there is typically no notice or transition period, however. Oh geez, I read that big comment 😳 I read stuff like that and think “uh oh, I (kgar) have no idea what I’m dooooiiiiiing 😨”
Dreaming (He/Him)
I'm also quite interested in putting money in for the update and for a new feature requested by one of my players which would be the following: Option to have a grid layout for the favorites section, ability to create collapsible folders/sections within the favorites menu by the player for sorting purposes.
kgar16mo ago
Thank you for joining us. I will add this to the list to look into after the initial rewrite is done.
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @Dreaming (He/Him) (#335 • 1)
Dreaming (He/Him)
Cool :)
kgar16mo ago
If such a thing gets implemented, would players want the sheet's expanded/collapsed sections to be remembered between full page reloads? That is, if they log in for game night, the sections they'd previously collapsed last session would still be in that same collapsed state. Also, if it gets implemented (very likely), we should include expand all / collapse all buttons (or icons) on each tab where relevant.
Dreaming (He/Him)
I do think that would be ideal
kgar16mo ago
I've got it jotted now. I keep these special requests in my To Do's directly in the repo so they don't get lost. I will follow up with you when I get to where I can start implementing it. By then, the repo will be public and the alpha version of the module should be ready for testing. Not sure how long that will be, but I'm making progress day by day.
Dreaming (He/Him)
Looking forward to it :D
kgar16mo ago
Speaking of progress, hello gang! I have a progress report for you. Spellbook draft 1 is done for player characters. This includes the feature parity with the existing Tidy 5e. In addition to feature parity, I separated the spell attack mod from bonuses. Bonuses are explained in a tooltip from a d4 icon next to the base spell attack mod. I kept the system data model explanation in the tooltip for those players who need it.
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kgar16mo ago
@Wasp, when I feel ready to share the repo, I will make sure to give you access so you can try your hand at that upgraded grid we were discussing previously: https://discord.com/channels/732325252788387980/1116078321067892796/1130201377772163123 For now, I've got a base implementation done which matches the original, but it's poised for you to swap it out with something new.
Wasp16mo ago
Very nice
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kgar16mo ago
I don't have Tidy 5e Item Sheets done yet, so I had to test with existing Tidy 5e, but Icon Replace and multiclass spellbook filtering do work if the class is set on the spell.
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kgar16mo ago
Ah yes, this is one of those "Feature Parity" moments. I may look into implementing these grids in CSS Grid. Currently, it just behaves the way it did before, where stretching it out will realign it:
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kgar16mo ago
On the subject of Settings, I am planning to go back through each available setting near the end to ensure they are all accounted for. I am implementing some of them now, like Spellbook filtering and quantity labels always showing, but I plan to go over all of them at the end. In general, the going is good, so far. I am learning a lot in the process, and I appreciate everyone’s input and feedback. Keep it coming, as you like. Going through this project, I am grateful that I am only running one campaign right now, and my players are traversing a mega dungeon. This rewrite is no joke.
gambit16mo ago
I can only imagine, we appreciate your efforts! :ABheart:
453599216mo ago
i have miss that on the merge
kgar16mo ago
Hello, everyone. I have an update for you. Akra is finally able to doff her second set of armor and lose the warning banner, because the first draft of Inventory tab is done:
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kgar16mo ago
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kgar16mo ago
In my previous screenshots, the favorites feature has been mostly absent, because I was saving it for when I got to the end of the road with the favorite-able character sheet items. I finally got it implemented, and it was fine. I think the real BBEG in this project so far has been text that refuses to truncate:
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kgar16mo ago
From a technical standpoint, the svelte implementation as it currently stands is fairly straightforward, if not naive. I'm taking it slow on purpose and being naive about it. As I expand next to the NPC and Item sheets, I will extract and share things that are truly share-able. I've already done this in quite a few places and have enjoyed how much easier it makes building things. At this time, the styles are mostly implemented in scope with the relevant components. I'm not sure how that will pan out in the end, whether it will stay that way, or whether I'll opt to make a separate set of stylesheets to represent the design system. These are things I will be happy to ponder about over time while I continue to get the base draft done with a quickness. I plan to stick around for a long time and continue improving Tidy 5e after this initial rewrite. As my implementation is currently still very rough, I'm not quite ready to open up the repo for alpha testing and collaboration quite yet. I appreciate your patience. There are things I want to figure out, learn, and internalize about svelte, foundry, sheets developments, etc. before I take that next step. Another quick thing I wanted to mention. When I get to a point where this rewrite is mostly done, I am interested in setting up automated UI testing for this project. Right now, I'm mostly just dreaming up the things I want, like a suite of tests that exercise the base feature set of Tidy 5e sheets, tests that walk through each of the settings and verify how things should be when the setting is on/off, tests that ensure certain behaviors when multiple related settings are configured, etc. I'll be wishlisting the things I want to make happen for now, but I will be looking into options on how to make it a reality later. All my current bandwidth for the project is funneled into this somewhat experimental storming phase of recreating the sheets from scratch. One thing that has been mentioned a lot in Tidy 5e talk is the spaghetti code situation. Thus far, it looks like the bulk of that is going away. Most of the features are very obviously out there in the svelte templates, rather than wired up in the activateListeners function. If the state changes, the template looks like it's supposed to. jQuery doesn't have to go out and change the sheets after-the-fact anymore. There are numerous cases where I would toggle settings, and I would have to refresh the page to get the original sheet to look like it should. Sometimes, things would be different if I took a series of actions in the wrong order. That is no longer a problem in the new sheets. This being said, I am still currently hooked into the page via an empty handlebars template with a form tag. This is very likely to change after a few more weeks, because I do not like the constant full re-rendering, and I am not interested at all in the technical challenges inherent to remembering states like scroll top, current tab, current element of focus, etc., between form submissions / entity updates / form refreshes. Sure, I could handle it, but it's stuff like that which causes the module to become maintainable as time goes on. That will be a problem for later, though. I've done prototypes for how to handle it with the current setup, and though I will likely do something more svelte-y in the end, at least I know there are options available in the current wire-up that I'm using. Also, in the spirit of over-sharing, I watched old YouTube videos where folks showcased Tidy 5e sheets alongside other sheet modules. It was really cool seeing this module's history in the foundry module scene. I also watch sdenec's one video about it. There was not a point to make, but I just thought it was interesting to look back at that.
kgar16mo ago
(Forgot to show how Akra got some wealthy)
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kgar15mo ago
After trying a lot of things and pondering, I learned generally how to let svelte take over a DocumentSheet and prevent the whole thing from rerendering over and over as you make changes to things and type. I'm going to fully prototype this approach with the Item Sheet rewrite. This being said, I suspect the item sheet rewrite is going to be pretty serious, because it will be converting the dnd5e item sheet itself to a new Tidy 5e sheet. The downside, of course, is taking ownership of that form, whereas currently the form is being reused in Tidy 5e, plus some additional jquery hooks and a new coat of paint. But, that's this whole project, isn't it? Tidy 5e has beautiful sheets, yes, but it also provides a lot of extra spice. I wasn't even using MidiQoL, Actions tab, or other integrated modules. I was just using Tidy 5e in dark mode, and it gave such a higher quality of life upgrade. I think that is the other hand in this project. What are ways to make the character sheet delight the user? Anyway, on this item sheet rewrite business: I will try it. If it doesn't work out, we can always use the existing approach for the item sheet. If it does work out, then doors will open for what we might be able to do with item management in the future. Also, the item sheet will be my proof of concept for breaking off almost fully from the handlebars re-rendering / refresh cycle and letting svelte do the work 💪. Hoping to have good news on that front in a few days.
kgar15mo ago
As for the character sheet, Attributes tab draft 1 is done:
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kgar15mo ago
A quick note on the favorites feature. The implementation was very chill. Out of 770+ lines of favorites code, very little survived. This comes with the caveat that module integration, which favorites was chock full of, must be done differently in the rewrite. I should not be packing more data into actor / item context while trying to show you your favorite things from the character sheet. Instead, if there is some aspect that needs to integrate with another module, like Magic Items, Actions, or something like that, there will be options in the API and hooks for augmenting Tidy 5e. I have been experimenting in this regard. I was able to make the player character tab strip and tab content viewing area data-driven, and I was able to pass in svelte components and their props to have them dynamically render out to the character sheet. I've already set up a custom hook for the future to allow module creators to take the current list of tabs and adjust it, such as, say, adding a new tab with totally different content. When I get a chance to dig more into that, I want to expand it beyond svelte components to allowing non-svelte callers to inject HTML. I'll have to ponder how to do this. In thinking about module compatibility, hooks, and API calls, I'm currently looking to this approach: whereas a hook would allow someone to make changes in the moment while a sheet is being prepared, an API call would allow a module developer to take something like the default set of Character Sheet tabs and add their own to that list, as well as reorder them, etc., whenever they wish, such as at application startup, and only once, if they wish. If one were to call the API and add a tab at app startup, for example, all subsequent renderings of the character sheet would already have that new tab in the list to render, because the blueprints were changed. In both cases, I plan to put hooks into each process where I can and provide a companion API call. This part will be a longer project, beyond the initial rewrite, because it will require that I make many parts of Tidy 5e sheet data-driven and dynamically rendered, and there is a balance to that, to avoid making it hard to maintain or support while also giving developers the appropriate hooks to augment Tidy 5e sheets. (However, I have it in my list to look at integrating Actions directly after the initial rewrite, so it's just mentioned up there as an example.)
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kgar15mo ago
I am hoping for it to mirror the compatibility of the dnd5e system itself. So that would include 10 and 11 at the moment.
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Wasp15mo ago
Excellent, that's exactly how I would have done it
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kgar15mo ago
I still have some back-of-mind concern about exactly how to implement these content addition APIs, and what it'll take to ensure reliable reactivity for svelte and non-svelte callers alike. For non-svelte callers, I was thinking of giving them two steps: - get content : a function that expects a string or HTML - activate listeners : a function that intentionally mirrors the doc sheet activateListeners function and also includes a reference to the sheet itself, which should give the caller all they need in order to wire up logic. The reactivity angle for non-svelte callers is what has got me. I'll need to figure out how to completely re-render non-svelte content each time, because I'm currently on a path for svelte stuff to only rerender fully when game settings change. Other than that, svelte content just remains around with more targeted reactivity. Maybe after a few experiments (weeks from now?), the answer will become clearer. For svelte callers, I'm still puzzling a bit on the specifics, but in general, it should work. I will have context available via getContext<T>, so technically, I should be able to make a working demo even today. Part of the available context is a Readable Store of the actor sheet context, which is the handy data object that is formed when calling the dnd5e character sheet's getData function. I'm still in the realm of what-ifs. If another module has implemented augmentation APIs like this for both svelte and non-svelte callers, I would be interested to read through. I still intend to check out those APIs that were mentioned earlier in this thread. The to-do list is long, but I'm making steady progress. It's a marathon. I will know more later, but that is the plan. I believe @Wasp expressed interest in doing some grid-work on the inventory UI in that direction.
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Wasp15mo ago
First draft would just be 1x1 squares for all items multi-dimensional sorting of items is actually really hard lol
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gambit15mo ago
Really appreciate the detailed updates and continued look into the development process on this @kgar!:chefkiss:
kgar15mo ago
Tonight is a brief update. Before delving into Item sheet development, I took some time to convert the draft 1 character sheet to svelte mode. So, now, the Tidy 5e character sheet only renders the full sheet when initially showing it. The rest is left to svelte and svelte's reactivity system. I tested and went through all the components to find that I was accidentally depending on that rerendering of the sheet every time something changes. Well, no more. Now it is truly updating actor data while I interact with the sheet without rerendering it all, and only what actually changes in the data is rerendered on the screen.
kgar15mo ago
For example, if I have numerous items expanded and I click the "Add Favorite" icon, this is what used to happen. Note how things kind of reset when you make a change to the sheet.
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kgar15mo ago
Now, with the sheet allowing svelte to handle reactivity, I'm able to have only the things which change actually rerender, like this. Note, only the icon I clicked and the favorite icon to the left changed. On another tab, the Oathbow was also added to favorites without a rerender of the whole sheet.
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kgar15mo ago
Switching the sheet to Svelte Mode forced me to deal with another issue... Prose Mirror. On the journal tab, those Prose Mirror editors do not like to keep working after saving your data one time. Usually, after you click save, all open editors save together, and the whole sheet rerenders, causing all these journal editors to be recreated from scratch and then wired up with jQuery. It is not my task at this time to replace the prose mirror editors. However, it IS my task to be able to interop with jQuery and vanilla JS in the same svelte-based sheet 🤔 So, for sections of the code that need to fully rerender when something happens in the sheet, such as a form submission, I learned how to do that in targeted places. For module compatibility, this means I now know how to have svelte trigger the needed rerendering for non-svelte content when data changes, ensuring reactivity. When creating API calls and hooks for sheet augmentation points, I should now be able to provide options for when to rerender the added content's HTML, which would naturally be chased by a onContentRendered function or something like it, allowing people to wire up their event handlers. In truth, someone could hook into Tidy 5e and not trigger rerenders and still just drop in HTML and use vanilla JS to wire up their behaviors. We can then notify them through hooks when the target actor has been updated, and they can perform their own targeted reactive changes, if they wish. And for people who just want it to rerender their segment of the sheet from scratch, we'll be able to have those options for them as well. Whew... It takes time for me to internalize this stuff. I feel like I learned a ton about svelte just from making the switch from full sheet rerendering to Svelte Mode. I also learned a lot about Foundry's application class hierarchy and more about the dnd5e system's sheets. So, while I did not have a lot of new content to share, I was able to fill in some gaps that were worrying me. I can definitely envision the kind of implementation where developers can hook into these sheets to add custom content. But again, that part will wait a bit longer as I implement items, NPCs, and vehicles. Going forward, I will use the character sheet's Svelte Mode implementation as a model for creating the rest. I'm glad I stopped and did that before making the item sheets. It would have taken longer if I tried to hand over reactivity to svelte way later in the game.
kgar15mo ago
With all this stuff I’ve been doing, I am very curious about the forthcoming advanced HTML rendering (https://foundryvtt.com/article/v12-preview/)
Version 12 Feature Preview | Foundry Virtual Tabletop
A summary of the planned priorities for Version 12 of Foundry VTT, including the results of the Patreon feature vote.
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kgar15mo ago
Jank homebrew is ❤️
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kgar15mo ago
I am doing jank homebrew for now. I will have to experiment with integrating svelte components from a separate test module. But a build step is def required in that case.
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kgar15mo ago
In my case, I’m just providing hooks and API calls to augment Tidy 5e sheets. The caller can pass in html or a svelte component. Right now, I’m assuming/hoping that works when someone calls from a separate module. Will find out before long. In my API, I’ll also provide my svelte classes for people to reuse if they wish.
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kgar15mo ago
I am still learning svelte. This project has been my first non-tutorial svelte project. There’s a lot I’m sort of feeling out as I go.
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kgar15mo ago
No reason in particular. Just haven't gotten around to it. And now I have ❤️
TyphonJS (Michael)
Glad to have you swing by! Your enthusiasm is great for this effort and I'm sure it will turn out nice though it never hurts to have a second set of eyes on a complex undertaking in the effort of not recreating the wheel so to speak. When you are ready to share what you've been up to I'd be down to take a look and help out where it makes sense.
kgar15mo ago
Thank you! I will be getting to that point before long. Currently, I am very interested in your mention of HMR for foundry module dev.
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kgar15mo ago
I will add this to the list. To help me with knowing what to look for, what kind of breakages occur with popOut! Is it functionality, styles, and/or other?
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kgar15mo ago
I see, I see I have installed the module to have a look at the current state of affairs
kgar15mo ago
First test. I can pop out and pop in. I can change fields and see them change in the main window. However, note that the character name does not change in the popout system window.
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kgar15mo ago
It looks like using items (spells, inventory, etc.) is funneling into chat as expected
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kgar15mo ago
Is this normal PopOut! behavior? I clicked a roll and got the prompting roll dialog back in the main Foundry window.
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kgar15mo ago
Looks like it is not. I see with the default sheet how it will popout the dialog to the popped out window.
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kgar15mo ago
I am encouraged that some things worked on first look. I will keep it on the radar, especially as I start working on dark theme and theme-related things.
kgar15mo ago
Thank you @Zeras for bringing this to my attention. There was a particular practice I was doing early on that prevents popout! from detecting that my window was clicked when you click some rollable things. I figured this out by reading through some of their implementation over on github. But now...
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Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @Zeras (#80 • 25)
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Leo The League Lion
@Zeras gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @kgar (#194 • 5)
kgar15mo ago
Will do. If/when this rewrite goes out the door as a full-fledged replacement, I will be ready discuss that matter further. Also, I will have to start using popout in my games ⚔
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kgar15mo ago
Oh yeah, I came from Roll20, and I play in a Princes of the Apocalypse campaign on Roll20, so I religiously pop out my sheet over there.
kgar15mo ago
Hello, there. Please enjoy the most bizarre Common Clothes. Draft 1 of the Equipment Item Sheet is done:
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kgar15mo ago
Limited number of attachments per message 😅 Tested PopOut while in the neighborhood.
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kgar15mo ago
It intentionally looks and behaves the same as the former, but under the hood, this is a full rewrite of the item sheet. Originally, Tidy 5e took the 5e item sheet and applied styles and a few jquery behaviors to it. Now, the item sheet is handcrafted, like the Tidy 5e actor sheets, so we will have full control to innovate upon any pain points with the stock item sheet from dnd5e, moving forward. Does this make us more resilient to system updates? Maybe. I hope for (but do not count on) API deprecation warnings when the system updates. I do not look for any deprecation warnings to template changes, because that is so difficult to manage that the system maintainers are understandably not doing that. As such, this item sheet, leveraging the API, can be restructured and not have to worry about what jquery listeners from the original sheet are listening for. My wager is that this change will increase its resiliency to updates and give us more time to respond to API deprecations / changes as the system updates and evolves. With these things said, I have implemented Equipment. I still have to do these next: - background - backpack - class - consumable - feat - loot - spell - subclass - tool - weapon It's quite a list, but I think I'll gain some momentum now that Equipment is done.
TyphonJS (Michael)
Popout needs special handling w/ TRL as w/ my Svelte library the entire app window is Svelte driven and everything about it including the app header is reactive + several additional features for app header options. Optimizations that I do for window movement need to be turned off when popped out, etc. If you are still just adhoc mounting Svelte components into the core / App v1 / standard app window then things aren't going to cause an immediate issue w/ PopOut. In general PopOut isn't 100% stable for any complex app window core Foundry or otherwise that has a lot of things going on and it will break in various ways. Offhand for instance try popping out an app window (standard item sheet, etc.) that has a rich text editor / PM / TinyMCE and the editing will likely break in the popped out window. So PopOut in general isn't 100% reliable and only works in most cases, but not all. IE open the editor in popped out state then try to pop in before finishing editing.
kgar15mo ago
That is good to know, thank you!
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @TyphonJS (Michael) (#16 • 216)
kgar15mo ago
With my current setup, I'm able to use the stock prose mirror editor in the popout window. Window position auto height does not work, on the other hand.
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kgar15mo ago
There are some things that just won't jive fully with popout, like the Edit Effect dialog. It loads into the main window instead.
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kgar15mo ago
That being said, that is par for the course with the stock sheet:
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TyphonJS (Michael)
That is another general issue w/ PopOut as follow on windows / dialogs created from a popped out window are not magically also popped out. Happens to any app window core or otherwise. Just saying PopOut isn't a bulletproof solution and there are usage caveats that have decreasing return on investment trying to solve them.
kgar15mo ago
Oh yeah, I'm just trying to make sure Tidy 5e Rewrite maintains popout parity with the stock dnd5e sheet. Per request of @Zeras
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kgar15mo ago
Yes. Generally speaking, compatibility with Tidy 5e will amount to using the Tidy 5e API and optionally hooks in order to augment the sheets or take certain module actions when something is happening in Tidy 5e. Anything that goes outside of that, I cannot guarantee, because there are so many modules, and matching the structure / classes / ids of dnd5e sheets will ultimately make it harder to innovate or evolve the sheets over time. This move is to allow Tidy 5e to evolve without breaking modules. Though that sounds contradictory at the moment, once module developers routinely augment the sheets via API calls, it will be easier to support those APIs while the sheets change and refine over time. I don't expect to get it perfect on the initial draft of this rewrite. There will be alpha / beta testing periods with a module.json link to give time to feel out what would be needed in the API to support as many general use cases, startng with the most critical ones. The goal would be to make the overwhelming majority of the sheets adjustable through API calls. If module developers are aware of Tidy 5e and I'm able to provide decent docs and examples for how to do numerous sheet augmentations, I hope it'll give them the tools needed. And over time, I would intend to keep expanding and refining the API in non-breaking ways. One thing to point out: a lot of things kind of work but not quite, because there are already numerous differences between Tidy sheets and dnd5e sheets. Over time, Tidy 5e has made adjustments to accommodate various modules, even really specific CSS rules for specific modules, for selectors like .tab.magic-items input[name="flags.magicitems.equipped"]. So, Tidy currently lives somewhere in the middle. Some things may work out of the box, some things won't. Some things need Tidy to make adjustment to accommodate them. However, as time goes by, modules come and go. I have seen code / styles for better rolls in here 😢 I do think that Tidy 5e sheets is well-known enough at this point that module developers will have it on their radar, and I hope to have ample documentation and resources waiting for them. I'll also be at the ready to make the sheets even more customizable as the need arises. I hope that makes sense. That is, at least for now, my plan.
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kgar15mo ago
Agreed, hahaha. I plan to complete this project and then tinker with it indefinitely. This may well be my only Foundry module, but I'm here for as long as possible 🙂 There is also the point to make that the dnd5e system and its sheets are chugging along with updates, which, if Tidy 5e follows in its kinda/sorta current mode, those modules are inevitably left behind anyway. I actively watched a system update lead to Skill roles breaking because the template now expected a data-key or the like which Tidy could not have preempted. If an abandoned module were depending on that structure to stay the same, then it's toast. With the API approach, we'll be able to carry legacy modules for quite a long time, as long as the Tidy API is rarely broken and we shim old API calls to newer API calls as things evolve. It's hard to say, as I am more a Bladesinger than a Divination wizard, but I'm leaning on my experiences in the software field over the last decade or more. That being said, this is still new territory for me. I generally do not jump out there and try something so public like this. Also, there is the idea that we absorb certain modules, like we're currently circling the Actions 5e module pretty menacingly 🦈
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kgar15mo ago
I am definitely thinking through how to manage Module Absorption and New Feature Polls after the initial rewrite.
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kgar15mo ago
It really needs to be on those Feature Votes for Foundry
kaelad15mo ago
The majority of my group. A couple which play on laptops. While multiple monitors is common, I'd suspect that most Foundry users still have one monitor
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kgar15mo ago
Hallo 🙋‍♀️ Background Item Sheet draft 1 is done.
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kgar15mo ago
Aaaand Backpack draft 1 is done
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kgar15mo ago
And also, Class Sheet draft 1 is done
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kgar15mo ago
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kaelad15mo ago
Did you replicate all those smaller config dialogs, like the one that sets saving throws on the class? Or are you just launching the default ones the system includes?
kgar15mo ago
I'm launching the defaults
kaelad15mo ago
Good. While there might be opportunities to style it a little different, that seems like an easy thing to do later considering you don't go into the advancement and the rest of the class config all that often That's assuming you want/need to at all
kgar15mo ago
I agree It kinda veers into Tidy UI territory Regarding item sheets, here is my progress: ✅ background ✅ backpack ✅ class ⬜ consumable ✅ equipment ⬜ feat ⬜ loot ⬜ spell ⬜ subclass ⬜ tool ⬜ weapon Then, I'll move onto: ⬜ NPCs ⬜ Vehicles ⬜ Dark Mode ⬜ Etc. (there's a long list of things leading up to the alpha testing phase) It's a marathon. That's for sure.
Zhell15mo ago
Items With Spells is not abandoned.
kgar15mo ago
Aha, draft 1, I had the wrong tab title for Advancement. That and a number of other things will be fixed by next progress report.
kgar15mo ago
While we are on this months-long subject of making sheets, are there modules out there that provide an exceptional Active Effect sheet?
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kgar15mo ago
Also, would there be interest in a Tidy 5e Active Effect sheet? Asking for later, but I wanted to put this out there now to get thoughts (and maybe prayers).
kaelad15mo ago
I don't know of any that change that sheet, but I would be careful making one because there's about 5 modules I can think of that modify or add to that sheet (in render hooks)
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kgar15mo ago
This is good to know. If I do someday make an active effects sheet, it'd be optional to use, of course. Foundry lets you mix and match sheets, so it'd be there in the event that module developers embrace the API approach for Tidy compatibility.
kgar15mo ago
All right, more updates for you all. Consumables draft 1 is done!
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kgar15mo ago
Features draft 1 is done!
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kgar15mo ago
Loot draft 1 is done!
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kgar15mo ago
Spells draft 1 is done!
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kgar15mo ago
Subclasses draft 1 is done!
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kgar15mo ago
I will be adding the extra data field for Spell Class soon. This data field is used for spellbook filtering and appears when the multiclass spellbook option is turned on. It IS on the list.
kgar15mo ago
Lastly, Tools draft 1 is done!
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kgar15mo ago
That's all for now. I'll be finishing up the base rewrite of items pretty soon, and I will return to Items several times while doing other to-do's, such as reviewing each setting flag and its effect on various sheets. Here's my progress on items: ✅ background ✅ backpack ✅ class ✅ consumable ✅ equipment ✅ feat ✅ loot ✅ spell ✅ subclass ✅ tool ⬜ weapon Then, I'll move onto: ⬜ NPCs ⬜ Vehicles ⬜ Dark Mode ⬜ Etc. (I will expand this list soon; I am laying the track while the train barrels through the multiverse)
gambit15mo ago
Nice work! 💪
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kgar15mo ago
I am very grateful for the encouragement, advice, and guidance people have been giving on this thread. I am soldiering on steadily. I should have another update tonight.
Opius15mo ago
Incredibly hype for this. Thank you for taking on this project.
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kgar15mo ago
As of now, they are the same. I can try to keep it that way. I added a couple of new ones because I discovered some hardcoded colors.
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No Name15mo ago
I've just spent all night trying to find different alternatives to Tidy5e for version 11, so it really soothes my soul to know a revamp is in the works, and a very diligently and fantastically looking one at that. I cannot wait to see more updates. I cannot contribute monetarily, unfortunately, but I still wanted to give thanks
Wasp15mo ago
It may be worth tallying up everyone's contributions to the bounty pool, given the amount of work kgar has already undertook. It would be a shame to have their hard work go unrewarded 🙂
gambit15mo ago
I believe myself and @Melody Rose offered 500 each. I think others have said they would contribute something but there haven't been any fixed amounts given
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gambit15mo ago
Alright I've compiled a list of others who've agreed to contribute, please let the thread know how much and hopefully @4535992 can update the header to keep track: @Monkeyy @Dairid @webmaster94 @Dreaming (He/Him) @Zeras
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gambit15mo ago
Awesome! Any amount is great I think💪
453599215mo ago
Yes even I think a patreon (or a monthly kofi in this case maybe is better), it would be the ideal solution.
Wasp15mo ago
A kofi is a good idea - it allows for the inviduals to pledged a single contribution to do so, and others to support ongoing development
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Wasp15mo ago
I know that honeybadger has used it for beta access and such
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Dreaming (He/Him)
I will at least contribute 60 euros :HYPERS:
kgar15mo ago
Hello, I meant to follow up sooner with my latest update. Life stuff going on. Weapons draft 1 is done.
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kgar15mo ago
So, as of now, the Tidy 5e rewrite officially rolls its own sheets for all item types: ✅ background ✅ backpack ✅ class ✅ consumable ✅ equipment ✅ feat ✅ loot ✅ spell ✅ subclass ✅ tool ✅ weapon That means we have the option (after the initial rewrite is finished) to improve item sheets in ways that extend beyond the stock dnd5e item sheets. Tidy 5e has done this for characters, NPCs, and vehicles already, so items are now members of the party ⚔ Next, I will be working on ⬜ NPCs ⬜ Vehicles ⬜ Dark Mode ⬜ Settings... all the settings... one by one 😅 ⬜ Lots of misc to-do's, because Tidy 5e does a lot of stuff under the hood ⬜ API and module compatibility experiments ⬜ Making the repo public and allowing for alpha testing ⬜ Automated testing (this will be an ongoing effort; I want to exercise all of the functionality Tidy 5e has to offer in automated tests so that we can quickly see any breakages when there are system and Foundry updates) ⬜ Reviewing, reorganizing, streamlining, simplifying; by this point, I will have a full picture of what the svelte-powered version of this module looks like, and I'll want to make the kinds of changes that will help me keep making changes in the future This list will likely evolve multiple times, but whenever the repo goes public, I will start putting this on github as projects / milestones / etc. I just wanted to go "head down" coding during this initial stage of discovery and storming, but I understand that visibility is important. I will feel comfortable accepting commission money at such time that my rewrite of Tidy 5e becomes the official new version and I have the blessing to maintain it henceforth. On that topic, I will consider what has been said about Patreon and Kofi. My initial thought was "Why not both?", just to give people the option. Also, if I do become the maintainer of Tidy 5e, I am considering starting a discord server for the sheets that I support, of which Tidy 5e is the first. For now, if everyone is ok with it, I'd like to keep posting updates here.
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453599215mo ago
i think it will probably a new repository or maybe a fork, but not a PR to the original repo, anyway in the roadmap there is the checkbox "Making the repo public", you must wait for that for make a review of the first beta release
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kgar15mo ago
I looked through them at the beginning of the project and took notes. Two things I recall right now which are compelling feature additions are collapsible sections and table sorting. I'll go back through and see as I get further along. @4535992, to port over a few new styles I've been working on, would I update the scss and regenerate the CSS styles?
kgar15mo ago
Aha, I see the one PR where someone has lined them up:
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kgar15mo ago
Ah yes, for the rewrite, I have been tailoring my code with things like the 10th-level spell issue in mind—i.e., as few or no hardcoded series of things (spells, exhaustion levels, etc.) as possible.
kgar15mo ago
Uh oh, gang,... Do you see what I see?
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kgar15mo ago
For those who are curious: https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/releases/tag/release-2.3.0 There are some obvious changes, for sure
Release release-2.3.0 · foundryvtt/dnd5e
dnd5e 2.3.0 This release of the dnd5e system contains several additional features, improvements and fixes. Please read on for the full breakdown of all the changes. Installation: To manually instal...
kgar15mo ago
Baaahahahahaha, they added stuff that Tidy 5e has been doing forever:
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kgar15mo ago
I'll be checking it out, for sure.
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kgar15mo ago
So many things. Makes me think they are actually looking at Tidy 5e sheet 👀 This is why I will be having automated tests by the end of this initial rewrite. I want to push the Big Red Button 🔴 and be told by my automated test modrons what works and what is broken.
kgar15mo ago
@SaltyJ turns out, it Just Works ™️ 😂
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kgar15mo ago
I guess so.
kgar15mo ago
This update does call for adding a dropdown option
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kgar15mo ago
Just as a quick peak behind the curtain, when I am adding stuff like this, I generally will emulate what they are doing in the original sheet. The left image is the updated system. The right is my update in Tidy 5e. Now I'm brainstorming ways to have automated tests detect these kinds of changes, like dropdown options that the sheets have but we do not have 👀
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kgar15mo ago
Et voila
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Zhell15mo ago
Well yeah... I did. Kinda wondering why no one had done it yet.
kgar15mo ago
That was you?
Zhell15mo ago
kgar15mo ago
That's awesome
Zhell15mo ago
Tidy looks great, and the effort being put in here is pretty astounding, but since I personally go module light I prefer having improvements done to the system moreso than leaving it all to modules. (Actually funny story, player of mine asked me to put it on our sheets in our home game, so I told him if he made it I would slap it in a PR to the system.)
kgar15mo ago
Zhell15mo ago
(10th level spells and higher are supported natively by the system as of 2.3 btw)
kgar15mo ago
@Zhell are you like on the dnd5e system team? Or do you contribute independently?
Zhell15mo ago
I'm not a maintainer of the repo, no. That is Kim and Arbron. Anyone can make pull requests.
kgar15mo ago
Oooooo Ok I'll keep that in mind
Zhell15mo ago
(Preferrably for existing issues of course.)
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kgar15mo ago
I wholeheartedly agree. If there are ways to improve the core system and its sheets, that's good for everyone, including any custom sheet modules. As to the use of Tidy 5e, I have found it so essential in my games that I felt compelled to try to reincarnate it and personally take care of it thereafter. I was originally just going to do it for my games and my players, but here we are 😅. Are there examples I can look at?
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kgar15mo ago
Gotcha I will jot this idea down and return to it when this initial rewrite effort is done. Whenever the repo is live, we can talk again about a Github issue / feature write-up for it. This way, we can get other Tidy 5e users involved and discussing.
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kgar15mo ago
This is my first one. I just started learning to make modules about a week or two before starting work on this.
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kgar15mo ago
Well, I panicked when I saw the Maintenance Mode banner on the repo. I still remember the feeling of first switching sheets to Tidy 5e 🤯
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kgar15mo ago
I'm constantly copying off of @Mouse0270 's homework
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kgar15mo ago
Hee hee. For example, when you talked about how to properly update the header, I took note. Trying to absorb this kind of stuff whenever I’m able to pay attention.
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kgar15mo ago
Looking forward to it
TyphonJS (Michael)
There is a collabsible / folder component in the TRL standard library and the reactive embedded collections support works for table sorting. Check out the Module Compatibility Checker module for sortable table w/ TRL. There is support for that already if that makes sense to use it. In the Oct-Dec dev cycle for TRL I'll be adding in easy drag and drop support / sorting for reactive embedded collections too which will close the loop for some nice data display.
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kgar15mo ago
There's a lot of upfront time investment, that's for sure. But now I have to go check out that other sheet 👀
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Gambet15mo ago
It's a tricky thing, IMO. The Foundry ecosystem is very, very frustrating to me. Speaking as only a GM and not a dev and not super in the know on what goes on behind the scenes, Foundry feels unusable to me without modules. In fact, to get it to feel even half-way usable requires dozens of modules. I presently use 90-110 modules. This was mostly stable in v7 and v9, but the number of really creative, talented module devs that have completely abandoned their modules because Foundry keeps updating things in a way that provides very little noticeable gains (at least if you're not a programmer), but breaks modules, has made it so that I haven't had a stable experience with Foundry since v10, and v11 has been even worse. I would have stuck with v10, except there were bugs in modules, but the fixes to those bugs were in v11 updates, so I face enormous pressure to update to v11, except insodoing I have to abandon 20% of my modules that have been abandoned and aren't compatible with v11. And it's just to the point now where it feels like a part-time job just troubleshooting essential modules, that, even if they get fixed, within a few months there's just gonna be another update that breaks them. It's hard wanting to invest even more money into that, with so much uncertainty surrounding the future of this stuff. I'm not speaking to whether it's worthwhile to invest in this module or any specific module, I'm just responding to the idea that people might come across kind of entitled to modules for free. It's a very awkward, unstable ecosystem that Foundry set up.
kgar15mo ago
I know there are likely a lot less moving parts, but I really like the plugin ecosystem with Obsidian.md
Gambet15mo ago
I looked at Obsidian but I won't install it because 1. I've heard it doesn't play nice with MidiQOL, one of the most essential modules out there for me, and 2. I've heard that it can break your character sheets if you ever remove it.
kgar15mo ago
Obsidian - Sharpen your thinking
Obsidian is the private and flexible note‑taking app that adapts to the way you think.
Gambet15mo ago
Oh, sorry, I'm an idiot, haha.
Zhell15mo ago
the number of really creative, talented module devs that have completely abandoned their modules because Foundry keeps updating things
I think you may find that it was not foundry updating that caused devs to abandon modules, but burnout. (and Obsidian (the sheet module) is perfectly safe.)
Gambet15mo ago
In some cases. But for instance I know Perfect Vision got abandoned specifically cuz Foundry made them rewrite their code in v10 and then did it again for v11 so they just gave up.
kgar15mo ago
I just checked it out. That's pretty handy
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Gambet15mo ago
And TBH I don't know what the solution is. I know that Foundry needs to make updates, and I know that those updates will break modules. And some devs will get burned out or just become uninterested in continuing to maintain a mod they made a year or more ago, I don't really blame anyone for the realities of that. I do kind of blame Foundry for creating a platform that feels unusable without modules. If I'm being honest I think the solution probably is Foundry doing some work on making the platform itself more usable so that the need for so many modules goes down. Like I get that it's sexy to make new flashy lights and make vision calculations 10% faster or whatever. But personally I'd just like Foundry to zoom in where I aim my mouse, and not just the center of the screen--which it calculates the center of my screen to be the center of my monitor even though the chat room makes it seem like the center of the monitor is 20% further to the left.
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Gambet15mo ago
That's cool. I knew he'd broken Perfect Vision down into those other mods. IIRC some stuff had to get left out though, like being able to make drawings that would block out weather effects. But I digress. Like I said, I'm not ignorant to the realities of the situation. And maybe it's extra frustrating to me because I run D&D for a living and have MANY groups I run for every week, and it's not just this once every other week thing that I interact with. But as a non-programmer superuser of Foundry, I do find the whole experience deeply frustrating.
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Zhell15mo ago
Some people play with like... two modules, and get on great. lol
Gambet15mo ago
I very much agree. TBH I get that, but this argument always seems kind of weird to me. Foundry has like, 2,000 modules. When I say that Foundry should have a certain feature, I'm told Foundry intentionally doesn't have certain features because they want it to be bare bones cuz they know people will make a module for it. When I say that Foundry has kind of a frustrating module ecosystem I'm told that Foundry's a great experience even without modules.
Zhell15mo ago
Depends on your system and your expectations I guess
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Gambet15mo ago
Yeah, if I ever stop running CoS I'm considering taking a look at PF2e. But I dunno. For DnD5e I'm sure it's awkward cuz I don't think Wizards supports Foundry at all, and so there's a limit to what can even be done with it.
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Gambet15mo ago
Yeah that's not an issue, I basically own everything. And I already use it. I just meant like, I don't know if there'd be an issue with automating certain things. I'm not an expert on SRD content but I could imagine it might be awkward to set up automation for feats if Feats aren't in the SRD at all. So they have to rely on modules for it. Course they don't really automate almost anything as it is.
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Gambet15mo ago
Yeah that's fair.
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Gambet15mo ago
Yeah, I was gonna say I'm gonna shut up now. I feel bad for hijacking this thread.
kgar15mo ago
(Tbh, I often feel bad for hijacking this thread) Fwiw, I enjoyed seeing everyone’s perspective on this topic
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kgar15mo ago
Hi there, making progress on NPC sheets. I've gotten the header mostly done for draft 1
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kgar15mo ago
A little overflow control for the origin summary row:
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kgar15mo ago
I'll get started on NPC tabs next.
kgar15mo ago
Oh, and with rounded portraits turned off:
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Gambet15mo ago
Zoom/Pan desperately needs to be core. I am not joking when I say that I would not use Foundry if this module didn't exist.
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Gambet15mo ago
Yeah. Zoom/Pan is a must have even on test worlds where I have 0 modules going otherwise.
kgar15mo ago
Hello, I'm hard at work on the NPC sheet. Abilities tab is still in progress, but in the meantime, let's cast some spells with NPC Spellbook tab, draft 1. Probably the main thing to mention is that it now supports grid layout for NPC spellbooks.
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kgar15mo ago
I do have it on the list to go over the English localization, just not yet.
kgar15mo ago
Hello there 🏄‍♂️ NPC Abilities Tab Draft 1 is Done.
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kgar15mo ago
Things worthy of note: - Coinage is now in a dedicated footer at the bottom (maybe we can put some other useful things down there in the future?) - The convert button is there in the coinage footer and works like it does in the character sheet (why not?) - When the spellbook is included in the Abilities tab, it now supports grid layout
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kgar15mo ago
In a future update for the item lists (spells, inventory, features, effects, etc.), I am going to resolve the issue of the first column offsetting other column headers when it gets too long. This will take some additional consideration beyond opting to use a table or CSS Grid, so I am waiting until I have actually completed the rewrite with feature parity before getting into it, as it will likely require me to don the lab coat 🥼🔬🧪 and sink some time considering the more appropriate way to go about it for Tidy 5e's particular requirements. For now, I will just match the existing styles.
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kgar15mo ago
(Lowkey, I have been checking out Level Up 5e's absolutely stunning sheets 💞 and taking some notes for the future)
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kgar15mo ago
Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (Official) | Foundry Virtual Tabletop
Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (Official), a Game System for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
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kgar15mo ago
The things I'm looking for in the short term are tricks like this menu that shows on hover and/or tap
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kgar15mo ago
In the long term, I would like to learn from some of their space-saving techniques and absorb some of these mad skills. Before I take any kind of major action to evolve the sheets, I will be in touch with those in the Tidy 5e community to gather feedback. We'll have a dedicated discord server, etc., by then and can discuss such things in great detail, take polls, all that good stuff.
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kgar15mo ago
Hello, there. Effects tab draft 1 is done for NPCs:
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kgar15mo ago
(👀 there's a great deal of flux right now as I am moving code around and adjusting things)
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kgar15mo ago
Hello there 👋 Let's get to know our NPCs a little better now that Biography tab draft 1 is done.
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kgar15mo ago
"Appearance" is new to the NPC sheet. It wouldn't be a problem to remove it, but since I was in there, I thought why not ask this group for thoughts about whether to include an appearance section.
kgar15mo ago
Here are the two side-by-side for reference
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kgar15mo ago
Along with this, the NPC Limited sheet is now also done:
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kgar15mo ago
One thing I have been fairly consistently doing in the rewrite is sizing things based on rem, which is relative to the root font size of the page. That means, if a mod or a Foundry setting allows for upping the root font-size (set to 16px by default) to some other value, the new Tidy 5e sheets will scale up in size.
kgar15mo ago
For example, if I change the root font size from 16px to, say, 24px, then the sheet will scale relative to a 24px base font-size. Look at how the current version and the upcoming rewrite differ when the core font size is changed.
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kgar15mo ago
I can imagine for higher DPI displays, this could help with readability. But that's all for the updates tonight. NPC draft 1 is almost done, and then I'll be moving on to Vehicle sheets. My initial goal is to get a serviceable, working vehicle sheet done and then discuss some ideas for making it Tidier (? ™️ ), more usable, and more quickly understandable. I will be looking at other sheets for additional inspiration in that regard.
Hel|Borg15mo ago
I think it is a good addition. It offers the possibility of creating a quick overview rather then requiring me, as a dm, to check my full notes. Also, amazing work so far!
kgar15mo ago
I'm underway with vehicle sheet planning. One thing I've noticed is that vehicle sheets do not feature Exhaustion. At least in "Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus," vehicular exhaustion is a thing. Is this something Vehicle Sheet Users would want? CC: @SaltyJ, my main known vehicle sheet user I'm tempted to look into submitting a PR for adding it to the core dnd5e vehicle sheet / data model, but it's definitely easier for me to implement it directly in Tidy 5e.
kgar15mo ago
Ah, there are 57 open PRs in the dnd5e system github... I'll give that some time before submitting my own there. https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/pulls
Pull requests · foundryvtt/dnd5e
An implementation of the 5th Edition game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (http://foundryvtt.com). - Pull requests · foundryvtt/dnd5e
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kgar15mo ago
When I get past this initial rewrite, maybe I will increment the number over there a few times. Also waiting for Foundry 12's Advanced Reactivity Update and How That Might Effect the Core 5e Sheets 👀👀👀
TyphonJS (Michael)
No need to wait as there is no "Advanced Reactivity Update". Likely the Application class gets streamlined for easier integration w/ other libraries / frameworks and Handlebars still sticks around as there is too much in core let alone 3rd party code dependent on HB; whether that is implemented in a child class of a new Application class remains to be seen. There are things that could be streamlined in the document model to make life easier, but nothing conclusive mentioned yet. Likely there will be a move towards pointer events everywhere which is good for input devices. There are no problems 100% smoothly integrating Svelte w/ the Application v1 API, so life continues on as per normal. That should continue to be the case w/ the "App v2 API". I wouldn't expect the core 5e sheets changing quickly anytime soon.
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Zhell15mo ago
It may be worth having a look whether Exhaustion is part of the Vehicle actor schema and just not shown on the sheet. If it does not exist in the schema, you would have to make use of flags... in which case you'd want to perform a migration of sorts when (or rather if) exhaustion becomes a property on vehicles.
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kgar15mo ago
Looking at the system code, I see that vehicle data does not feature exhaustion. Ditto for NPC data. Whereas, character data has exhaustion.
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Wasp15mo ago
Could be an optional thing tracked in system flags just for Tidy?
kgar15mo ago
Yes, it is an optional flag-based feature for NPCs in Tidy 5e. Not so (yet) with vehicles. I'm ok with implementing flag-based vehicular exhaustion and migrating the flag data to system data if/when the time comes that vehicles support exhaustion in the core system. I just know that vehicular exhaustion plays a nontrivial role in Descent into Avernus gameplay, so it seems appropriate to do something about that.
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Zhell15mo ago
If there is a proper, official reason to include exhaustion in vehicle data, you might be justified in requesting it on github.
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kgar15mo ago
I didn't see ship exhaustion in Saltmarsh I did a pretty thorough search Should I just submit a request or attempt a pull request? How has the turnaround time been for PRs lately?
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kgar15mo ago
Yeah, the action thresholds
Zhell15mo ago
The repo is not inactive, if that's what you mean. Version 2.3 released just recently. Issues before PRs, however. I think that's what the contributing doc says.
kgar15mo ago
Ok, I'll see if I can get the ball rolling there. In the meantime, I'll put it on my list to implement, one way or another.
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kgar15mo ago
Excellent. If you'd like, you can start with putting the list of issues either here or in a DM, whichever you'd prefer. I will take those and run with them while planning out the vehicle sheet implementation. For the demo, let's DM to schedule the time and work out any details.
kgar15mo ago
Hello, friends, NPC Journal tab draft 1 is done. It is really Business as Usual since this same design exists over in the PC sheet.
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kgar15mo ago
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kgar15mo ago
Also, I have added some juice, since there's no need to fully rerender the form.
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kgar15mo ago
It does look a fair bit smoother in-browser, but it took little time to do and was straightforward, thanks to svelte. The HP bar and the red overlay are both configurable via the existing Tidy 5e settings for PCs, NPCs, and vehicles, allowing the user to include to exclude them, so these animations are just a bonus for those who use these UI features. Also, I believe both the bar and the overlay had their colors hardcoded, so I've promoted those to CSS variables which will be adjustable in future theming endeavors. Big shoutout to @SaltyJ for helping me prepare to do vehicle sheets, as well as showing off some amazing stuff he's doing in Foundry right now. I'm looking forward to contributing to games and worlds like that and further improving the experience.
kgar15mo ago
I'm trying to post my progress visual, but I am having a struggle
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kgar15mo ago
I'll try to cut line by line and see which one it is
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kgar15mo ago
Weird. Maybe my message was .. too long..? AI is involved, according to the Learn More link, so anything goes, I guess.
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kgar15mo ago
Yeah, that's what I'll do
Daniel Thorp
Daniel Thorp15mo ago
The mod chat just got a whole bunch of notifications lol It says it's suspected spam content I can't do anything about it, but I'm sure a Ring Master will take a look in the morning, sorry about that
LukeAbby15mo ago
I'd bet it was the emojis + length tbqh but yeah no clue for sure also cannot help, sorry about that
zeel15mo ago
I'm not sure what the deal is. Annoyingly Discord doesn't give us a "allow message" button. But here's the content: The Progress ™️ : ✅ PCs (and laying the foundation) ✅ All Item Sheets (11 sheets? this list would look more impressive if this were expanded out, but I'd rather go to bed, hahaha) ✅ Updating New Tidy in response to dnd5e 2.3.0 updates ❤️ ✅ NPCs ✅ Limited NPC sheet 🟧 Vehicles ⬜ Limited PC sheet ⬜ Limited Vehicle sheet ⬜ Dark Mode ⬜ Settings Dialog Overhaul ⬜ Implement All Settings (this is well underway, actually) ⬜ Miscellaneous To-Do's which have piled up during this rewrite ⬜ Making the repo public and allowing for alpha testing ⬜ API and module compatibility experiments / fixes / grandfathering of module compatibility in a new way ⬜ Automated testing (this will be an ongoing effort; I want to exercise all of the functionality Tidy 5e has to offer in automated tests so that we can quickly see any breakages when there are system and Foundry updates) ⬜ Reviewing, reorganizing, streamlining, simplifying; by this point, I will have a full picture of what the svelte-powered version of this module looks like, and I'll want to make the kinds of changes that will help me keep making changes in the future ⬜ Feature upgrades from commission member requests ⬜ Review and revise English localization ⬜ Start discussing transitioning to New Tidy 5e as the official version and all that this entails This list will evolve, as it has, but I'm making progress, nevertheless.
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kgar15mo ago
Hello 👋 I'm working on the vehicle sheet, and I'm making some light revisions to the attributes panel on the attributes tab. Any vehicle enthusiasts have thoughts, advice, opinions, or general feedback on what I have here so far?
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kgar15mo ago
One thing that struck me immediately was the need for more space when discussing crew capacity. "80 crew, 40 passengers" should be able to fit in that box, so in this case, I made the box a content editable element rather than an input. I could have done a text area, but I decided to keep with what Tidy 5e was already doing with content editable fields.
kgar15mo ago
Weird thing: I didn't realize that the action threshold were from greatest (left) to least (right). For some reason, I thought the maximum crew action complement was on the far right. It may be the less-than symbols that got me thinking that. With that said, I'm wondering if I should pursue some more immediately understandable visual aid for action thresholds. Also, would it be useful to put how many crew members are present in this panel and calculate how many actions are available per turn? e.g., Crew: 46 Available Actions: 3
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kgar15mo ago
For reference, here is "80 crew, 40 passengers" currently:
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kgar15mo ago
Yeah, I've seen some boats with like 1-5 tons of capacity out there.
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kgar15mo ago
I've started looking over the data for crew & cargo. Figuring out actor drop behavior would be very tricky, indeed. The data model is very slim. I think it is Name and Quantity, currently.
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kgar15mo ago
And drag to reorder, and/or drag to switch passengers to crew and vice versa
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kgar15mo ago
I think the brainstorming is very useful, especially when you don't know for sure the boundaries.
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kgar15mo ago
Currently I am comparing against 0.9.16, but I am also comparing against the dnd5e 2.3.0 sheets. I've been routinely reading through both while I do the rewrite.
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kgar15mo ago
I know it's got to be a game of chance with so many modules in play. I will plan to get the base rewrite of Vehicles (with minor changes for sanity and fixing anything that is broken) done this week. I'm actually pretty far along already. Then, I'll make room and time for experimenting with adding value and quality of life based on what we figure out.
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kgar15mo ago
Will do. I appreciate the discussion so far.
453599215mo ago
it should be solved
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kgar15mo ago
Hello, Vehicle sheet header draft 1 is done. I've intentionally included the Ability Check and Saving Throw buttons that are features on PC and NPC sheets, because it is one less click.
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kgar15mo ago
Dimensions are inline editable now
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kgar15mo ago
Source is present, now, and inline editable.
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kgar15mo ago
I mimicked the functionality of the core 5e vehicle sheet in that clicking on AC does not open a dialog now:
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kgar15mo ago
Previously, this would happen:
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kgar15mo ago
Damage and Mishap Thresholds are now given a wide berth. This is because, at least for the English localization, the words were being cut off.
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kgar15mo ago
I have gone ahead and removed the Hit Dice feature from the vehicle profile section, since it is not being used.
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kgar15mo ago
Origin Summary Configuration is still available, and it opens the default dialog.
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kgar15mo ago
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kgar15mo ago
Also, movement speed configuration is intact
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kgar15mo ago
I hope to be back tomorrow to report being done with the Attributes tab first draft. Though, some of us are hoping to concoct a second draft before the rewrite goes to alpha.
kgar15mo ago
For those of you who have been following along with this adventure of rewriting Tidy 5e sheets, I would like your opinion on something. Consider the currency bar. Right now, these are Number Inputs, meaning they accept numbers only, and you can do things like press the Up/Down arrow keys and step the numbers up and down.
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kgar15mo ago
However, they do not allow for doing "delta changes." That is, you can't say, "I received +10 GP" and type that in like you would with HP. As a result, "+10" becomes just 10 GP.
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kgar15mo ago
For my table, I think it would be nice to have these currency inputs behave like other inputs which allow "delta changes." I'd like to type in "+10" on GP and have it add 10 to my current currency. This would come at the cost of changing it from a Number Input to a Text Input, so out of the box, the Up/Down Arrow Key functionality will no longer be there. I could not say with any certainty if other players / DMs are using the up/down arrows for their currency, but I do not use them. I tend to want to add or subtract money in my currency inputs. Anyway, let me know your thoughts on this, if you have any particular leaning. I will add that the core dnd5e sheets allow for "delta changes" like I'm describing.
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Wasp15mo ago
You can always create a specific component for this. Create a store for the input that always casts it to number, or the last valid number if none was given. Don't bind:value but always use events to drive the contents of the input, forcing to always be a number, but allowing inputs that you handle differently, ie, deltas. I could whip up an example component for this if you wish
Zhell15mo ago
Just turn it to type="text" and bind the core sheet's delta function It's there for the hp field and other stuff. Easy to bind to more inputs. Could probably bind the scrollwheel too if you were mad
Wasp15mo ago
Given it's a svelte sheet, I don't think it has access to those.
Zhell15mo ago
Zero clue what that means but you can still call a function from the core sheet despite not inheriting it.
Wasp15mo ago
This version of Tidy5e is build atop the Typhon JS Svelte libraries, allowing snappy reactivity, but sure, that would work.
kgar15mo ago
I've got something that works at the moment, but I'm interested to see an example. I just don't want to waste your time.
Wasp15mo ago
I'd be happy to help! I'll DM you!
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kgar15mo ago
I will add this to the list to try to implement for my TextInput component.
kgar15mo ago
Ok, I added a github issue requesting a system data field for vehicles to denote whether the vehicle is in motion: https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/issues/2432
Vehicles - System Data Field for Being in Motion or Motionless · Is...
I would like to have a vehicle system data field available for tracking whether a vehicle is in motion or motionless. I would also like the appropriate UI control on the vehicle attributes sheet th...
kgar15mo ago
At some point, I'll make a PR for the issue, also.
kgar15mo ago
Vehicles - Add Vehicular Exhaustion · Issue #2433 · foundryvtt/dnd5e
I would like to be able to specify level of exhaustion for vehicles in the vehicle system data and on the vehicle sheet. Background: In "Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus," vehicula...
kgar15mo ago
Vehicle sheet, attributes tab draft 1 is done:
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kgar15mo ago
The attributes tab has some areas where I want to do some additional work after the remainder of the tabs are implemented. Rather than try to explain what the additional work is, I will show you what I'm proposing in a few days, and everyone on this thread can feel free to weigh in.
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kgar15mo ago
For tonight's update, I have completed the first draft of the Cargo & Crew tab. Adding crew and passengers works as advertized. Dropping items onto the cargo tab adds them as cargo. Money conversion works. Thinking about ideas for a second draft, I would like some Crew and Passenger actions like: - Become Passenger : button / context menu option available to crew; moves crew entry to passenger / and/or, this could be accomplished via drag-and-drop - Join Crew : button / context menu option available to passengers; moves passenger entry to crew / and/or, this could be accomplished via drag-and-drop - Combine Like Members : a button in the table header of crew and passengers; combines all entries with the same exact name into one single entry
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kgar15mo ago
I unintentionally showed this work in progress, but since we're here, check out Vehicular Exhaustion and Vehicle Motion tracking. Currently, these are driven by Tidy 5e flags. Even so, they may prove useful both in low/no-automation and high-automation games, depending on what kind of automation tools are being used. If/when these fields make it into the 5e system data schema, I'll be sure to perform a migration away from the Tidy 5e flags.
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kgar15mo ago
The motion tracker sails ever-so-slightly
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kgar15mo ago
I appreciate the perspectives and feedback from all parties. There could be a middle ground somewhere in the future. It just takes time, brainstorming, floating ideas, all the good stuff. For now, I rewrite, achieving feature parity (mostly), while also adding some juice and quality of life here and there. I want to get this to alpha testing as soon as I reasonably can so I can iron out functional / integration / permission issues. If (When) this rewrite goes official, I'm very interested in doing things to make the sheets better for the largest audience, as well as offering some alternative sheet layouts which may well provide the opportunity to distinguish the sheets from each other. In the meantime, I will continue laboring to implement the design flaw. If nothing else, I am happy if these sheets live on, even if they stayed mostly the same as the original in terms of design. I'll take what I can get. The rest is a boon.
kgar15mo ago
Hello 👋, Vehicle Effects tab draft 1 is done. Nothing terribly out of the ordinary to report here. Things are coming right along.
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kgar15mo ago
Ok, this is interesting. Does anyone know about this secret D&D logo background on the item cards? Apparently, this background was on the item card up to March 2021, and ever since then, it is hidden just before showing the card and is made visible again after the card is tucked away. I wonder why...
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kgar15mo ago
While rewriting the item card feature, I'll most likely be leaving it behind, since it is functionally never used, but I thought I'd share an easter egg.
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kgar14mo ago
My thoughts, too
kgar14mo ago
Hello, I have some revisions to the Vehicle Attributes tab for your consideration:
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kgar14mo ago
First, HP bars for vehicle weapons and equipment, with current and max HP editable:
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kgar14mo ago
kgar14mo ago
Second, the left panel now has crew totalling and actions per turn calculation based on the chosen action thresholds. Crew total is summed up from the Cargo & Crew tab's Crew section.
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kgar14mo ago
My main concern for actions per turn calculation is that it kinda pigeonholes it to Saltmarsh rules. But maybe that's ok? The action threshold feature in general was made for Saltmarsh iirc. Now, if you play a game with some level of automation, you can probably imagine how satisfying it would be to see HP bars sliding on the sheet while the vehicle is taking damage. For me, it'll be nice to see at a glance how much health my various vehicle components have left, compared to what they had originally 😄 As a side note, I am looking into how to Tidy-ify the Group Sheet's health bar which changes color based on percent HP remaining and offer HP bars that indicate severity with based on your chosen Tidy theme. I am thinking of specifying the full HP color and the 0 HP color, then sliding the HP bar color along the diff between max HP and 0 HP HSL values. That'll be an experiment for later, though. Thanks for reading. I'm nearly done with vehicle sheets and will be tackling Item Info Cards right after. Oh last thing: For anyone who uses vehicles or plans to use 'em, let me know your thoughts these calculations on the Attributes tab. Do these particular calcs help? Do you have other ideas for useful bits in the left panel?
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kgar14mo ago
It is very easy to do. It comes at the cost of some screen real estate, but when column selection is a thing, we might as well make item/feature/resource usage consumption optionally use a bar. I would think that alternate color(s) would be appropriate to distinguish from health bars
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kgar14mo ago
@Zeras ✅ I've captured this info for future consideration. With some of the generic extensibility features I want to add, the options for providing this kind of information will become clearer to me after the initial rewrite.
Gambet14mo ago
Majorly in favor of being able to type +10 to gain 10 gold. I could not care less about using arrow keys to modify the amount of currency someone has.
kgar14mo ago
Vehicle Description tab draft 1 is done. It's got the usual stuff for editor-based fields.
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kgar14mo ago
Limited Player Character sheet is done. It only contains appearance and background/biography info. I made it something of a hybrid of the dnd5e sheet's limited view and Tidy 5e's current limited view.
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kgar14mo ago
With that said, limited NPC view now follows suit, because I added the Appearance section for it, and I'm keeping the header consistent for now.
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kgar14mo ago
Lastly, limited Vehicle sheet draft 1 is done.
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kgar14mo ago
I am now working on item info cards. I'll be implementing the flyout variety first, then the floating version that appears next to your mouse cursor. I will also be designing it with a few window management modules in mind. I'll take any good vibes if you're sending 'em. Things are moving right along, but it is a marathon, and Dark Mode is looming. There are numerous small things to fix and standardize, like making sure secret blocks stay secret from unauthorized users (i.e., there's a specific thing that has to be done to each editor field's HTML, so not a terribly big deal, just takes time to get them all). Soon, I will pause the main quest to make sure I account for the updates to dnd5e between 2.3.0 and 2.3.1. Then I'll be back to implementing features.
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kgar14mo ago
As far as Item Cards are concerned, I saw minor differences between inventory list and inventory grid item cards. Ditto for spellbook list and spellbook grid item cards. My intention is to simplify that a little. Inventory cards are inventory cards. Spellbook cards are spellbook cards. Hope that makes sense. I'll have before/after screenshots to go with the Item Card updates so you can view the differences. Cheers and good night
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kgar14mo ago
I really don't know.
453599214mo ago
depend, we want to try out the libthemer integration from the start ? it's on my todo list for a long time and it will give a example to others on how to customize the.colors on Tidy5e sheet
kgar14mo ago
I'm interested to try that
453599214mo ago
@Mouse0270 gave me a great initial tutorial https://discord.com/channels/732325252788387980/1142084814623748157, which I was starting to study, I don't know if you prefer to skip integrating the dark theme to a later step...I don't think there are many people against it, also because (at least for me) it would make sense to do it when the sheet is more or less stable
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kgar14mo ago
@4535992 can you pin that?
453599214mo ago
you don' see the link "Using lib themer" link ?
kgar14mo ago
Ah, I see it now Thank you!
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kgar14mo ago
Ah, gotcha. The current version of Tidy 5e has color selection for some of its CSS color variables, allowing for trading out undesirable color choices some of the time. It integrates with ColorSettings at present. 🤔 I did notice that the Primary Accent (the bright orange one) is not on that list. Before this discussion today, the plan that has been cooking up in the back of my mind is this: - Make all of the colors available to edit - Allow live editing with sheets pulled up so that changes can be viewed in real time; this would involve breaking the color settings into their own application dialog - Allow import/export of themes in the form of a JSON file - (after going full release) Make user-submitted themes available for import and allow for users to submit themes - The existing light and dark themes would hopefully just be 2 static entries, but users could pull in more options from online or the import feature
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453599214mo ago
in my head the final version of this feature is to build a list of premade json files for libthemer and let the users choose from a setting (or.directly on the sheet actor header O.O) with a dropdown, but is a lot of work maybe as a future additional feature
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kgar14mo ago
My intention is for the default light and dark themes to always be available, and I have it on my list to do a world-level config setting for default theme, where the DM can choose light, dark, or a custom theme as the default for all users who do not specify a preference. I jotted that down from some of your initial feedback. So the DM should be able to set that default theme by the time this rewrite is done.
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kgar14mo ago
From the perspective of a non-developer DM or player who wants to leverage this, would it be feasible to do something like optionally integrate libthemer into theme-building on this module along the lines of suggesting colors based on the user's desired primary accent color? Or is it more along the lines of a comprehensive thing that sort of precludes a color picking config setting dialog?
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kgar14mo ago
Yes, whether a dialog, inline suggestion, etc. I haven't touched the existing color picker configs yet, so it's all up in the air. What I posted above is existing pre-rewrite
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kgar14mo ago
Oh yeah, no rush. I'll be on item cards for days, probably
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TyphonJS (Michael)
TRL will have a built in reactive theming solution soon that plays real nice w/ Svelte & Foundry making things easy. I almost finished that off before my July full time hard stop / big release. I'll be back on that in October. Quite a bit is finished already. A really nice color picker component is available now; see essential-svelte-esm module for a demo of that.
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kgar14mo ago
We do have this ammunition selector available:
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kgar14mo ago
Is that the one you were thinking of?
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453599214mo ago
i think my first pr will be to add the ammunition icons on the dropdown xd
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kgar14mo ago
Hello, I have completed the base flyout functionality and the most basic of the item cards, which appears for things like PC/NPC features, and most vehicle things.
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kgar14mo ago
kgar14mo ago
One thing to note: when the "Freeze Key" is being held down and the card is actively frozen, I am now providing visual feedback on the footer of the card. The Freeze Key lights up in the primary accent color. These colors are all driven by CSS variables, and I have plans for expanding theming after the initial rewrite is done so that all colors are adjustable and provide immediate feedback during theme customization.
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kgar14mo ago
That's all for now. Next, I will be filling out the rest of the item card templates, implementing card show delay, and implementing the floating card feature. Ah, one last thing: do you use the item card feature with popout!, @Zeras? If so, in what capacity?
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453599214mo ago
the card side behaviour is annoying for little screen, so a setting for disable/enable the show card funcionality will be appreciated
kgar14mo ago
This is great info. Thank you! I will see about making this official. You'll hear from me in a day or so with a request for feedback on the design.
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @Zeras (#78 • 26)
kgar14mo ago
I will make sure the option is there.
kgar14mo ago
I'm glad to add those into the item card template (and the slide-out description beneath item rows. Do you still want them to show up as property tags the way your script currently does? Should they still go to the back of the tag list, or perhaps go in the front? Are there any others that would be nice to put in? I'm thinking versatile damage and other formula would be good to know Turns out, those aren't so readily available in labels. I was also thinking it'd be nice to include the additional text like in this screenshot. That is, include "To Hit" and "Damage" to make it clear. I would use the dnd5e system localization fields for those words and phrases, of course. One side-effect of putting it in manually will be that it no longer shows up in the chat window when using the item. Is that going to be an issue? My thinking is that it's probably for the best not to show it in the chat window, because it could spoil some surprises for players and DMs who like to keep those details secret until the opportune moment. Let me know your thoughts.
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kgar14mo ago
(Ignore the entity/content links and the roll in my item description. Those were for a different effort.) And anyone else on this thread please feel free to share thoughts on it.
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kgar14mo ago
I'll run with that and get you some screenshots for consideration
Wasp14mo ago
or, alternatively, have them on a separate row
kgar14mo ago
Here are a few renders with different arrangements
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kgar14mo ago
the three renders also with saving throw:
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kgar14mo ago
I tried a lot of different things, but I'm thinking for now, ... - no borders between the special tags (to hit, damage, saving throw) and the item property tags - use the same spacing between the tag groups as they have with the border lines above and below
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kgar14mo ago
And of course when there are no special tags, the usual footer applies:
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kgar14mo ago
Ok, with that said, I'm done with draft 1 of Inventory Item Cards and Spell Cards
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kgar14mo ago
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kgar14mo ago
Next, I'll be working on the remaining item card settings.
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453599214mo ago
That is better to stay separate , is much better develop some API on Tidy to avoid to embedded natively feature from other modules (i know by first hand). In this case the " Character Actions List for 5e" is already compatible with TidySheet (maybe some css tweak, but will see ) This format for the card is gorgeous, i will replace by default the standard summary of the item in the inventory sheet as well
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kgar14mo ago
This is definitely something on the list for consideration https://discord.com/channels/732325252788387980/1116078321067892796/1145503660474900491
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kgar14mo ago
After this initial rewrite, I will carve out a discord-related space for people to come and discuss upgrades to the sheets. I hope you’ll join me when the time comes.
No Name
No Name14mo ago
If I may add, I do like the second render, where it is definitely split by a line, most It's clearer than the others
kgar14mo ago
When I get a chance, I’ll put up the two candidate renders and hold a reaction vote.
gambit14mo ago
The problem is that module isn't really maintained anymore afaik
453599214mo ago
is been updated 2 weeks ago version 6.1.1
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gambit14mo ago
My module was locked for some reason :facepalmpicard:
kgar14mo ago
Thanks everyone for your patience as I trod along with the rewrite. I have completed the implementation of these options for Item Info Cards:
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kgar14mo ago
Just a quick demo showing floating card functionality. For @Zeras, I have tested it in popout! as requested. I made a note that I need to get the freeze key working properly (if possible) while popped out. As you described in the current version of Tidy sheets, my flyout card also does not really work out-of-the-box when popped out. The floating card, however, is almost fully functional, save for the freeze key which I hope to fix soon.
kgar14mo ago
So, I'm basically about to start work on Dark Mode 🎉
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kgar14mo ago
For the initial rewrite, I have decided to stick to the current scheme with CSS variables, but I will be managing it a little differently. And, I will be ensuring that DMs can specify the default theme for users when the user has not specified their own preference.
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kgar14mo ago
This will allow you to present sheets to new players in the theme that you prefer from the get-go. My setup will be intentionally designed so that I can roll out a theme-builder in the future, whatever that implementation may be. So far, we have discussed a potential module dependency on libThemer, if I understood correctly. The new theming will be data-driven, so even during alpha testing, Tidy 5e's theming can be rerolled in its entirety with a world script. If I remember to do it, or if someone reminds me at that time, I'll provide a sample script for applying a custom theme via world script. While not quite as user-friendly as a theme builder, those who are fairly eager to customize the color scheme as early as possible will have the option. More future talk, but,.... Along with the theme-builder, I would like to have - Theme Import/Export (the artifact would be JSON) - A way to share themes that the community feel strongly enough about So that's where I am. Cheers and good night 👋 Wait, there was one more thing.
kgar14mo ago
For those who would like to weigh in on this: 👈 if you like the left one better 👉 if you like the right one better
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kgar14mo ago
👉 has the line
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kgar14mo ago
Jotted it down to look into as I get closer to the end
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kgar14mo ago
Logged it I haven't dug too much into the Tidy 5e exhaustion code beyond just reimplementing the little exhaustion tracker. It'll be interesting to see what it's currently doing and what would be required to change it.
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kgar14mo ago
Tidy would probably do well to have less of its own automation and simply fire the right hooks and set the stage for automation-based modules to do their thing Agreed
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Dreaming (He/Him)
Ideally it would be purely aesthetical or have integration with effects that could ideally be selected from the module configuration if desired
Gambet14mo ago
Just to throw in my two cents, I absolutely 100% relied on Tidy5e's Exhaustion implementer when it functioned. I have swapped I think to Convenient Effects but I don't like having lots of icons on tokens for long-term temporary effects, so while I understand maybe not adding it to this version, I would almost certainly use it over the other options currently out there if it existed and was well-implemented.
kgar14mo ago
What was it like before compared to now? Did it start to break because of a Foundry or system update?
Gambet14mo ago
I have no idea. Like two years ago it was perfect. It would automatically reduce your speed on Level 2 and 5, cut your max HP in half on level 4. I can't remember what it did back then with giving you disadvantage. I don't think it forced it on you, but I don't remember if it highlighted the "Disadvantage" box for you. At some point, if I recall correctly, and I might be conflating it with the Variant Encumbrance rules it also implemented, I know the Encumbrance stuff had its own issues but I can't remember if they were the same or different as the Exhaustion stuff, but it started forcing icons on your token, and things started breaking on it like it wasn't reducing your speed/HP, etc. I think for a while I just stopped using it, but Tidy5e was very, very, very buggy for a long time, so I think I mostly tried to not use it for anything beyond Darkmode w/ Favorites, lol. And eventually I swapped over to Convenient Effects for it. It was a long time ago so I apologize if I'm getting some or a lot of these details wrong.
kgar14mo ago
All good. I tested it out one time a few months ago but didn't look too much into it. I did notice that some things didn't quite apply. It was good to hear another perspective on it.
Gambet14mo ago
Mostly if one were to implement it today, I'd just ask that if implementing it requires you to create effects for it, give us the option to make them "Passive Effects" instead of "Temporary Effects" so that it doesn't force an icon on your token. A big draw of Tidy5e from like, 2 or 3 years ago for me was the fact that it simplified a lot of stuff, either making things easier or cleaner. Once it started adding icons to all of your skill checks and all that it started getting really bloated, and that's when things started to break constantly.
kgar14mo ago
Is it still using icons on the skill checks? I've been staring at the rewrite for so long that I might be blind to it.
Gambet14mo ago
Thankfully an option was added to disable them at some point. I couldn't tell you if they still exist or not. I know that leveling up HP is still broken Everything else I think I got to as usable a state as it's gonna get, and haven't fiddled with it in like 6 months at least.
kgar14mo ago
What sheets do you use these days? I should take note of what is broken so the rewrite addresses it, if it's related to Tidy 5e
Gambet14mo ago
Oh, don't get me wrong. I still use Tidy5e, and I've never not used it. None of the other sheet mods have held a candle to it in my mind, even in its buggiest of states. I am very appreciative of all the hard work that's gone into it. I would probably flat out not use Foundry if I had to use the default sheets. But I think around the start of this year or maybe slightly before that there was like 6+ months where it was pretty much in a nightmare state for me, and I found it extremely frustrating to use, but even then I still used it. The big bug right now, and it's plagued it for a long time now, is that when you level a character up, let's say you get +10 HP for the level up. Your current HP will increase by 10, but your max HP remains the same.
kgar14mo ago
Gambet14mo ago
And then you gotta hit the "Configure HP" cog, which never used to exist but was added at some point and to my knowledge has never really worked properly. Once you're in there, you'll see your HP, you have to delete it, at which point it will default to what it should be with the level up. But then when you hit save, it will also increase your current HP by another 10 points, or whatever the level up gave you. So if you're at like, 25/25 HP and level up +10, it'll be 35/25. So you go into the Configuration, see it says your max HP is 25, delete the 25, and then it defaults to 35, you hit Save, and now you're at 45/35. So then you gotta go back into your current HP and reduce it by 10. Not the end of the world, but a pain in the butt, especially when you have 6 players who level up.
kgar14mo ago
That's wild. So, I tried it out in Foundry v10 with a starter hero. I rolled for health, and then went through the wizard. It seemed to work. I'm trying in v11 now
Gambet14mo ago
I'm in v11 now, but I'm pretty sure it was broken in v10 for me too. Lemme try with a starter hero Maybe it got stealth fixed recently
kgar14mo ago
Maybe, but if not,...
Gambet14mo ago
Interesting, it actually worked! That's so weird. I just leveled up my players like a week or two ago and still had the bug.
kgar14mo ago
Nice! Could it be older PCs migrating forward to new versions carrying something with them?
Gambet14mo ago
That's a good question Lemme duplicate a current PC token and see Yeah, that must be what it's doing. I still have the bug with current PCs.
kgar14mo ago
That sucks That's a hard one to fix
Gambet14mo ago
Well, just one more reason why I'm eager for your version, haha.
kgar14mo ago
This is off-topic, but I saw one of your videos from like 1-2 years ago just recently. You went over your plugins of choice, and among them was Drag Ruler with pathfinding. When I got that plugin set up for the 2 different groups I DM for, the hype was real. It was the funniest and most amazing thing to see players talk about Foundry being completely changed for them. So, thank you for the plugin recommendations.
Gambet14mo ago
Haha, thanks. I keep meaning to make more videos but I've transitioned into pro-DMing rather than YouTube.
kgar14mo ago
That's pretty awesome
Gambet14mo ago
Drag Ruler btw is one of like, six modules I probably could not live without, so I'm glad you found it.
kgar14mo ago
My goodness... I heard players saying "I CAN BREATHE AGAIN."
Gambet14mo ago
Mostly because I don't use grids in my campaigns, so counting squares is just not gonna happen. It's like, Drag Ruler, Zoom/Pan, MidiQOL, Tidy5e. I use exactly 100 modules right now, and I would be very unhappy to give up a lot of them, but those 4 I pretty much can't live without.
kgar14mo ago
I will for sure take into consideration the info about exhaustion. I still have things to learn about Foundry, the dnd5e system, and the current version of Tidy 5e, so I can't say for sure what the plan is about that quite yet. My main focus is to bring the sheets back to being just good sheets that save time and clicks, maybe shaking off a few things that did not age well. And then there's the juice—some subtle animations and visual cues to help make it feel professional. If I do reimplement some of the current module's native automation features, they would probably be presented as Legacy Features that could be enabled for those who currently rely on them. In some ways, they feel to me like overreach for this module, especially when there are really good modules for automation out there. It's up in the air, though. I just appreciate you and the others on this thread weighing in on things. The time you take to discuss this stuff is valuable to me. Module Compatibility is a Big Looming Presence for me while I'm building out the core features... I have ideas for how to handle it, but it's going to be different than before, because I'm not keeping rigidly to the HTML structure/attributes/classes/etc. of the stock 5e sheets or the current Tidy 5e sheets for a variety of reasons. Now that I'm pretty well into Dark Mode implementation, it's not so bad now. It's actually going really well 😄
Gambet14mo ago
TBH I would not blame you in the slightest if you stripped out most of the automation and left it to other modules to add. I definitely use, have used, and would use some of them, but I'm definitely not gonna sweat it if you just stick to keeping the core of what makes Tidy5e as slick as it is, and keep it streamlined but easily compatible with other mods. Like to me the core of Tidy5e is the layout, especially that Attributes tab that lets you create favorites in the other tabs. I have players who never leave the Attributes Tab. I really like how Tidy5e implements exhaustion and Inspiration, with it represented visually instead of just a text box or a check box that is easily missable. It does lots of things very smartly like that. I do wish Tidy let you add gold and other coinage natively by just typing +10 instead of having to do math. If I remember correctly you might already be working on that though. Letting ranged weapons choose ammunition from dropdowns straight from the sheet instead of having to go into the individual objects is also extremely well handled.
kgar14mo ago
Correct. That upgrade is ready to go ✅
Gambet14mo ago
But that's about it. Everything else is extremely well handled. The only thing that I probably would change Is it is EXTREMELY EASY for players to accidentally give themselves Proficiency/Expertise in skills by clicking on the checkmark/circle instead of the word, and they don't realize they do it. I have a player who just clicks his mouse as a nervous habit and almost every session he winds up giving himself expertise in one or more skills unintentionally. Right now Tidy5e lets you lock a character sheet down which does prevent that, but it also gets rid of the check marks so there's no super clear way of knowing if you have Proficiency or Expertise or nothing in a skill unless you're gonna do math.
kgar14mo ago
Ooo, I see
Gambet14mo ago
So basically I have those two options. It's way more useful to leave it unlocked so you can tell what your good skills are at a glance, but then it's all too easy to click on the circle/checkmark and give yourself proficiency.
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kgar14mo ago
Writing that one down to address during the "Implement All the Settings" phase coming soon. I would expect to be able to see those icons and a helpful tooltip even when they're locked down.
Gambet14mo ago
kgar14mo ago
This does give me another idea. Right now it's a checkbox to lock it down or keep it unlocked. It'd be interesting if there were three options: - Unlocked - Locked - Confirm with Dialog
Gambet14mo ago
Only other thing and this might be personal preference, but I can't tell you how many times I ask for an Intelligence check and my players accidentally roll Initiative instead. I don't know if there's any way to make it clearer. Maybe making the line between Ini and Str a bit thicker or something.
Gambet14mo ago
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Gambet14mo ago
Something like that or something
Gambet14mo ago
Or even just that
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Gambet14mo ago
I'm trying to think if there's anything else but I don't think so. It really is a well designed module overall.
kgar14mo ago
I've got both of these jotted down now.
Gambet14mo ago
Nice. Thanks a lot. That's awesome.
kgar14mo ago
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453599214mo ago
that will not happening here, everything now is on module flags
Gambet14mo ago
On further investigation, a brand new PC made 2 or 3 weeks ago has the same problem, so it doesn't seem to be from any conversion from v10 to 11 like we originally postulated. But then I made a brand new character last night and that one doesn't seem to be suffering from the issue. So I just don't know.
kgar14mo ago
Could the manner of character creation have an effect? I also wonder if there's something showing on devtools consoles when the max HP doesn't update If anyone wants to export a player character that exhibits the broken Max HP issue and send it to me, I can try to figure out what the deal is.
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Gambet14mo ago
I'm on v11 but IIRC it's been that way for years. I'm curious what your settings are.
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Gambet14mo ago
From the looks of your sheet you've got a few modules going. If you run it with just Tidy5e do you still not have an issue?
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Gambet14mo ago
No that has been in Tidy for as long as I've used it. Probably 3 years now. You don't have the ability to favorite things? Ah, I think I've got it figured out. Go into your Configure Settings for Tidy Sheet, click on Sheet Settings, go into the Locks Tab. My guess is you don't have "Lock down sensitive fields" checked, right?
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Gambet14mo ago
And as such, my guess is that even when the sheet is locked, you're able to click on the checkmarks/circles next to the skill names and alter them to give/remove proficiency?
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Gambet14mo ago
That explains it, honestly. I need the lockdown so my players don't accidentally change their proficiencies, but not being able to see what their proficiencies/expertise/half-proficiencies are at a glance can be confusing sometimes.
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Gambet14mo ago
That's what I'm hoping!
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Gambet14mo ago
Haha, thanks.
kgar14mo ago
As for the max HP issue, I did some digging and figured out what's going on. When "GM Options > Allow Hp Max override on Character" is turned on, then the HP Max Override input box is editable on the Tidy 5e sheet, and it is populated with the current calculated Max HP. When the HP Max Override Input is enabled, any change to the form results in the Max HP Override field being saved with the current Max HP value. This is why you later have to go into the HP config dialog and delete the Max HP override field. One option for avoiding this issue in the current edition of Tidy 5e:
Disable "GM Options > Allow Hp Max override on Character" option and refresh the page after making that change. Note: You might have to clear the Max HP Override field one more time because of a recent sheet submission.
The trigger for the issue is any change to the character sheet which triggers a form submission, so change temp HP or something, and you'll see the flicker of the form submitting. After that, you can attempt a level-up or check the HP config dialog to see if max HP override currently has a value or is showing the placeholder for the calculated max HP.
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kgar14mo ago
With that said, in the svelte update to Tidy 5e, this should no longer be a problem. If you have the option enabled but you never actually set the max HP override directly, it will not get set on accident. In the rewrite, all changes to the stock sheet values will be granular / individual, so no more Side Effect Saving ™️ . (However, for module compatibility, the form submission functionality does still exist, and module developers can perform form submissions on change for their target fields, but their changes, along with any other modules' input fields, will be submitted together, as is the custom of these Form Applications.)
Gambet14mo ago
I can confirm that this seems to fix it. Thank you for that kgar! If I recall correctly, early this year or late last year there was a different bug with HP that necessitated turning "Allow HP Max override on character" on. I don't remember what the issue was exactly, but I'll keep an eye on things and see if any oddities come up. At the very least this relieves one headache, haha. Thank you again!
kgar14mo ago
453599214mo ago
@kgar a clarification ignore the integration with the lazy money feature, i will maintain that as a separate module
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kgar14mo ago
I can jot it down for future consideration. When the initial rewrite goes out, as well as early patches / fixes for whatever I may have missed, I will be taking polls for upgrades like this. Future plans are stacking up, and that's a good thing!
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Gambet14mo ago
Only issue with that is, if you need to expand them how do they look to read the descriptions and what not?
kgar14mo ago
I recently got to looking at sheets over in the Star Wars FFG game system, and my goodness they are stylish. And, to our current discussion, they had some alternative means of representing things which might be worth looking into. Things are indeed quite table-y at the moment in our sheet tabs.
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453599214mo ago
table-y is usually the smartest choice on the long run, i know by first hand
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453599214mo ago
is a bug on the system dnd5e i think zhell a ioen a issue about that ... yes number 2401
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Zhell14mo ago
How the system currently works (and it does not have any bugs related to max hp): - If you have a value placed in hp.max in the HP config, that value will be used. For example, if you place a '70' in the field, your hit point maximum will be 70. Not 70 plus modifiers, not 70 plus bonuses. Just flat 70. No ifs, ands, or buts. - If you have no value placed in hp.max in the HP config, your actor's maximum hit points will be calculated using their Constitution modifier and hit point advancements from various classes, as well as the per-level hit point bonuses and the flat hit point bonus (both of which are present in the HP config). If you are somehow getting HP overrides where there should not be, you have a module wreaking havoc. This was (or is) a known issue with Tidy, which 45462342 can attest. The issue 2401 on the dnd5e repo is unrelated. If you wish to have your actor's hp maximum calculated automatically, and you have an override present in the HP config, simply remove the override.
kgar14mo ago
Hello, dark mode draft 1 is done.
kgar14mo ago
Along with dark mode, the GM / administrator may now specify the default theme for all users who do not have a specific theme selected.
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kgar14mo ago
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kgar14mo ago
With that said, here is where I am in the big picture of getting these sheets into your hands:
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kgar14mo ago
There are lots of new ideas and efforts that have developed from working this project and discussion with you all. I am keeping track of those upgrades and will stack them up for prioritization after I get this initial release to you and we achieve a majority of module compatibility with the most significantly used modules. I have been putting in time each day, even when I can only do a single check list item or two. It's a marathon, and I am having fun making my way to the finish line 😁 Next up, I am making a few revisions to the settings dialog to prepare it for the future when we may have some more settings. I'm also going to be removing settings that are no longer needed, such as Lazy Money Integration, since that will be handled in the module itself via the API ( @4535992 please correct me if I'm wrong here). Also, I'm moving color picker / theme settings to their own config dialog because of upcoming plans to provide a more feature-rich theme-building experience. I already have stretch goals that I want to pursue after the initial release, such as providing a search box specifically for Tidy 5e sheet settings. ...It's tough, because there are a lot of cool things I want to do above any beyond the rewrite, but time is of the essence! With that, thanks for reading. I appreciate your patience as I keep working on this. I hope it will be worth the wait. Cheers and good night.
Gambet14mo ago
This is all very excellent! Out of curiosity, I notice that in list view on inventory items/spells/features, there's the button to favorite items, and if you click it it goes from dim to highlighted, but to the left of it there's also a second favorited flag? Why have 2 flags on one item to favorite it?
Gambet14mo ago
As an example:
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453599214mo ago
there is already a settings for that (50% sure), the flag on the left is useful when you want to hide the controls icon with the lock
kgar14mo ago
Yes, there are options both to hide the right-side controls and also to hide the favorite charm on the left side.
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kgar14mo ago
Favorites in the rewrite have matching coloration to the requisite tabs where the favorites come from—spellbook, inventory, features. Also, Favorites now have item cards with the matching coloration.
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kgar14mo ago
We shall see 🤞 Module compatibility efforts will begin with alpha testing, so I expect a lot of modules to not be compatible at first.
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gambit14mo ago
Backpack Manager works really well for bag of holding type containers
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gambit14mo ago
Hmm I don't really see the difference between that and being able to open your bag on the character sheet, but to each their own. My players like that it kinda feels like opening a bag lol
kgar14mo ago
Hello, life got a little busy there for several days, but I'm hoping to get back to the grind with the project. I have lightly redone the layout of the Sheet Settings dialog in hopes of giving more room for future settings.
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kgar14mo ago
NPC and Vehicle settings are now separate from each other, to provide room for both to grow.
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kgar14mo ago
As you can see in this video, tab traversal provides a slight animation and leverages the current accent color to indicate the selected tab. Also, the settings dialog adheres to the current Tidy 5e theme, so Dark Mode is supported.
kgar14mo ago
As you may have seen in the screenshots so far, there is an "Apply Changes" button. This is something I have been leveraging for testing purposes, but if the people in this thread find it useful, I can leave it intact when the rewrite releases. Personally, I would like it for my use as a GM. "Apply Changes" saves the config changes but leaves the settings dialog open so you can keep making incremental adjustments. When changes are saved, all Tidy 5e sheets are fully-rerendered, thus displaying the sheet with the latest settings applied. This might be useful for people who are wanting to experiment with various settings and do not want to have to keep re-opening the dialog.
kgar14mo ago
Next up, I will be implementing the Theme Settings dialog so that custom color options are still supported. The dedicated dialog will provide some room to grow for more theme-related features after the rewrite releases.
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453599214mo ago
Did you try "Item Piles" ? Aniway this is a feature for a external module not a embedded one. The only thing you can add in Tidy is probably a icon control for convert the item in gp like in the "Item Collection" module
kgar13mo ago
Hello, I have a few updates for you. First of all, I have added a reusable button menu component to the rewrite which I will be using in various places. The first place you'll see it is here on the character sheet.
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kgar13mo ago
RE: something that @4535992 mentioned a while back, it would be nice to be able to select themes directly on the sheet, so we can do that now.
kgar13mo ago
When this goes to alpha testing, I would like to start working on API features which allow module developers to pass in their own menu options to this menu. Each type of sheet will have its own menu.
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kgar13mo ago
For the menu options, first we have Sheet Settings. Depending on what sheet you have open, it will open the sheet settings dialog with that particular tab selected.
kgar13mo ago
I hope this new functionality will make your sheet management easier in the upcoming version of Tidy 5e sheets, and I hope that it will provide module developers a more reliable place for their commands / functions. More updates to come today or within the next few days.
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kgar13mo ago
All right, let's talk about the Theme Settings menu option, available on all sheets. It functions the same as the Theme Settings button in the “Configure Game Settings > Tidy5e Sheet” section. When you click this option, it opens the Theme Settings dialog.
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kgar13mo ago
Behold, the Theme Settings dialog. As the original Tidy 5e color picker settings functioned, this dialog allows you to specify your own custom theme colors. Currently, it supports rgb, rgba, hex, hexa, hsl, hsla, and named colors. You may find other things it can support, but I’m sticking to this short list for now. What you see in this screenshot are the default light color settings.
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kgar13mo ago
I want to point out that you can now change the Primary Accent color, which has traditionally been this orange color. This was in response to some feedback from @Mouse0270. I wanted to make sure this color was able to be changed so that you do not have to stick with the default.
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kgar13mo ago
As you can see here, there’s a button menu with some options to aid with customizing your colors.
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kgar13mo ago
Because we are overriding these accent/outline/etc. colors and not creating whole sets of themes, you have a theme toggle here in the theme settings dialog, so you can quickly change out the base theme which underpins your custom colors.
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kgar13mo ago
You can now import a set of custom theme colors. The file type is .tidy5e-theme, and it is a basic JSON file. Note: The variable names are currently prefixed with “t5ek”, but whenever this leaves alpha testing, they will be changed back to “t5e”. There are a number of Tidy 5e prefixes which are intentionally different for this rewrite while I am testing alongside the current live version of Tidy 5e. So, the variable names will be subject to change before this leaves alpha testing.
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kgar13mo ago
Likewise, you can export your custom colors and pass them to someone else to import into their own theme settings. Sharing is caring.
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kgar13mo ago
Live Updating: If you have the box checked for “Enable Custom Theme Colors,” then any changes you make will apply to Tidy 5e in real time.
kgar13mo ago
If your browser supports the native Eye Dropper feature, then the Eye Dropper button will be available. It will capture colors in hex.
kgar13mo ago
Color Picker: There is a color picker available that will also perform live updates. If you specify a color in the color picker, it will be written to the input box as HEX or HEX with Alpha (when the opacity is below 100%).
kgar13mo ago
You can reset colors to the default light or default dark colors.
kgar13mo ago
If you close the dialog without saving, everything changes back to what it was before.
kgar13mo ago
Aside from importing via the “Import Theme” menu options, you can also drag and drop a theme file from your file system onto the theme settings dialog and import it automatically.
kgar13mo ago
When finished, just save changes.
kgar13mo ago
Ok, with that, the settings dialog overhaul (and some theming updates / quality of life changes) is done. Next, I will be going through each setting for Tidy 5e sheets and ensuring that I have implemented it for the rewrite. In some cases, I will have questions for the current maintainer, and in others, I may have questions for those who are following this thread. I have my notes about things like showing proficiency state when the proficiency toggle cycling is locked, but I will continue to keep an eye out for similar issues. We're getting close to an alpha testing release. I'm looking forward to putting this in your hands. Thanks for reading.
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No Name13mo ago
Hachi machi fantastic work!
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Leo The League Lion
@Nekro Darkmoon gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @kgar (#91 • 18)
gambit13mo ago
Fyi for settings, pretty sure the exhaustion integration with dfreds ce is not fully working at the moment
kgar13mo ago
A timely message. Tonight, I was reading through the code for each of the exhaustion automation options. I also noticed that the Tidy 5e option generally needs midi-qol in order to make the ability check / save disadvantage work. I don't even think that's mentioned in Tidy anywhere...
kaelad13mo ago
assuming it's setting the flags Midi defined, Advantage Reminder and WIRE also support those
kgar13mo ago
I have been trying to decide my course of action about exhaustion automation and the Tidy 5e rewrite. My intuition is that this particular feature, if preserved and fixed to work properly, should be broken off into its own module. I looked through the code to see what Tidy 5e was specifically doing for this feature, and really, exhaustion automation is a feature that was bolted onto a sheets module. The sheets only really call into exhaustion code when activating listeners for the sheet, and that probably isn't even needed. As far as I can tell, it could live in its own module and not even know about Tidy 5e sheets whatsoever. This being said, I'd like to reduce the Kitchen Sink Effect and focus on the sheets. So, I would like to exclude exhaustion automation in the Tidy 5e rewrite. I will contemplate whether I want to be the person who authors an exhaustion automation module that recreates this Tidy 5e setting (with whatever needed fixes applied). It's not a lot of code, but I don't know what all needs to be fixed. I haven't ruled it out, but getting Tidy 5e Rewrite to v1 is my focus right now in terms of Foundry coding. Any readers, feel free to let me know your thoughts on this.
Wasp13mo ago
I agree. It is mechanics that a sheet module shouldn't care about. If it is not visual, it is not the responsibility of the sheet.
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Wasp13mo ago
I'm totally and entirely unbiased (disregard that I'm the developer for Rest Recovery 5e 😄 )
gambit13mo ago
Agreed, it's confusing at the moment for pc's if they try to add it through the sheet anyway without that integration working as expected
kgar13mo ago
I should know these things! Anyway, I'm glad I know now. I'm looking forward to checking that out. Ok, I am leaving it behind, friends. I hope to hop on again in a day or two to give a write-up on some of the settings I've implemented which are more noteworthy, such as the locks. Thank you
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kgar13mo ago
How are these two settings working out for people? I did some testing on latest v11 with the current version of Tidy 5e, and - Some MidiQoL buttons do not work in the item card - I do not see an Active Effects marker on any of the items with active effects
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kgar13mo ago
Also, would "Show Active Effects Marker on items." be a Midi Qol feature or just a GM Option in general? It doesn't seem particularly tied to Midi Qol...
kgar13mo ago
I had to cheese the feature code so I could even see what it looks like in action. Does anyone have this feature generally working for them?
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kgar13mo ago
I moved the Active Effects Marker setting here for now and corrected the logic to make it appear. The placement is a little different, but I can fine-tune that later.
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kgar13mo ago
I also extracted the tooltip text so that it can be localized later. The live version had English in the tooltip with no way to localize it.
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kgar13mo ago
It's getting close, Jake! Another big question for everyone:
Should the Lock 🔓 default to Unlocked for all new actors (characters, NPCs, vehicles)?
kaelad13mo ago
Were you using Advantage Reminder at the time? If so, that would probably explain it.
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kaelad13mo ago
Since AR v3.2.0 (released on May 19), AR will set the advantage flags even if RSR is fast-forwarding rolls (wow, read that back, what a sentence)
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kgar13mo ago
There are options at present for Always Unlocked for the GM, one for each type of sheet. I don’t think there’s an option for non-GMs yet It is possible to have an option where we don’t lock anything. It’d need some details worked out
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kgar13mo ago
Yes, that definitely can be done. I’ll put it on the list of features to discuss after go-live.
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gambit13mo ago
I personally don't think that has much use as a heavy midi gm user/macro writer
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kgar13mo ago
I did end up moving it to GM Options, and it applies to all items on any sheet type. I am whittling away at the "Implement All the Settings" effort, and while doing that, some ideas have been popping into my head for future Tidy 5e features. Anyone who is interested, please let me know your thoughts on this one: 🎯 Sheet Ping - Allow a permitted user to draw attention to a section of a Tidy 5e sheet using a Ping - Sheets will designate pingable content (items, spells, tabs, buttons, text, etc.) - When doing the non-shift-ping (a regular ping), we use Tidy 5e theme coloring to perform a brief outline-based animation for the benefit of anyone currently using the sheet - On a Shift-Ping (whatever that is officially called), we also tab and scroll where relevant so that other people using the sheet are taken to the thing which was pinged; then, it just plays the same ping animation as it would for the other case For how to actually ping (gestures / user actions), my thought is that it should mirror how pinging works and is configured in Foundry VTT at large. I'm not entirely sure on the specifics of making this work quite yet, but I would definitely want it for my table. There would be more details to work out, like permissions (and those pesky implementation details), so I would want to put this on that growing list of features to discuss after the initial release, and we can vote on which ones to prioritize.
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kgar13mo ago
Does that already exist? Or are you saying opening the sheet for another user on a specific tab would be enough if we were going to make some kind of feature like this?
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kgar13mo ago
Let me know how to do it, if you find it. I haven't seen it yet.
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No Name13mo ago
I like the concept, especially considering how... messily Foundry stores abilities. Tbh, I'd rather features be split into class racial and other, but that may be too much, so pinging is a great thing imo In terms of items and spells, I think the active tab does a good enough job
kgar13mo ago
Hey friends, does anyone know what the story is about this setting? Does anyone use it? Is it still needed in the rewrite? It brings with it a custom Tidy 5e version of the Hit Points Config Dialog. I don't know if having a custom version of that dialog would help with maintainability, and it's not being styled in any special way. It appears to be a copy of the original dialog. I'm hesitant to bring it along unless I know someone really needs it.
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Gambet13mo ago
With respect to this, while I can definitely see why this button is useful for testing purposes, I would actually advocate for this button to not be in the final version, or at the very least make it a setting one can turn on and off. My rationale is fairly simple: I would guess that almost nobody needs to swap between themes all that often. Not often enough to justify real-estate on the character sheet. And the more stuff that gets added, the more cluttered it gets, and the less, well, "tidy" it becomes. We already have the "Sheet" button at the top of the screen that lets us swap between types of sheets. Would it be possible to have Light Mode/Dark Mode as separate entities in there? I'm still going through the updates and I see the button is going to have a lot more functionality than I originally realized, so I may retract my previous statement, haha.
kgar13mo ago
Ah, ok, haha. I was going to rehash the rationale for a more reliable place to put things that people were putting in the header bar. One of the complaints I heard early on is that lots of modules want to put stuff in the header bar, and it gets really crowded. But you'll see the rest of that rationale in the updates.
Gambet13mo ago
I tend to agree with you about not bothering with Exhaustion Automation for Tidysheet. I think other modules do it better, and as long as you have the nice looking Exhaustion button that other modules can utilize I don't see this as being a problem. Active Effects markers on items is a MUST HAVE in my opinion. It really lets me know at a glance if a spell or feature has any automation added to it or if I can expect to have to do a lot manually. That said I don't know if the AE marker is working in Tidy at the moment.
kgar13mo ago
It is not, at the moment. The logic is barking up the wrong tree, but it works in the rewrite.
Gambet13mo ago
100% default to unlocked. I say this for one very specific reason: If I'm making a new character, I'm almost always going to want to modify it straight away. If it's possible to ping a sheet that would genuinely be useful as I tend to play with a lot of players who are new to D&D and Foundry. Although I would wonder how it would work. Would both the GM and the player have to have the same character sheet open at the same time? What if one has the Prototype Sheet open and the other has the Token Sheet open? What if I have a different sheet open entirely? On the Shift-Ping front where it like, lets players ping a sheet in a way that would cause the DM or other players to have their tabs swapped.... I would caution against this. I think it might be a bit too much power that could cause confusion and maybe some mistakes. Like maybe I'm about to click a spell but someone pings and I get swapped to the Inventory tab and now I've swung a sword instead. Personally I think this is a feature that should be as unobtrusive as possible, and used sparingly. In the rare cases where it would be used, I'm sure I could trust my player to let me know which tab to switch to.
kgar13mo ago
Adding this to my notes for later. I have a number of votes for defaulting all to unlocked upon initial creation. I have one vote so far for the Character Sheet to be locked on creation.
Gambet13mo ago
If I recall correctly, that was a weird duct tape fix on that problem I mentioned a few weeks ago where when you leveled up your character the current HP would get updated, but not the Max HP, and you'd have to go into the configuration panel and mess with it. I think it allows you to click on the Max HP directly in the HP bar and switch it that way, but then that caused all kinds of problems.
kgar13mo ago
I see. Back when we looked into the max HP thing, I discovered that it was fixable with the default config dialog, so I'm thinking that this setting might be able to get left behind.
Gambet13mo ago
Like I think back in v9 or maybe v8 or v7 or something there wasn't the Cog to open up the "Configure Hit Points" window. You could just click on the HP in the HP bar and modify both current and Max directly. When DnD5e got updated and added that box, I think it messed up Tidy5e and it's been patchwork fixes around HP ever since. Yeah I fully agree. IIRC he added that setting in case people were having issues, but you can see from the description he basically says don't use it and it'll probably break shit, haha.
kgar13mo ago
Well, I only needed a push, so turns to config dialog setting "ELDRITCH BLAST!"
kgar13mo ago
Anyone get this one to work? I turned it on. I see the style tag it added to the page. However, when I click to attack with Akra's mace, it just looks like it always does.
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kgar13mo ago
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kgar13mo ago
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Gambet13mo ago
Interesting. I actually thought the highlight was coming from Tidy. But you're right, it's not. I'd just dump it, probably. No reason why it needs to be in this module. There are other modules that do this already. And personally I've gotten along just fine with the default highlight.
kgar13mo ago
There are apparently cases where the Adv or the Disadv button will be the "default" button rather than Normal, and in those cases, it's meant to light them up like this.
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Gambet13mo ago
So I have that setting turned on, and I 100% have never seen either of those highlights before.
kgar13mo ago
I will wait a bit to see if anyone has any strong opinions on this. Otherwise, I'll plan to take it out. It's truly outside the boundaries I want for Tidy 5e in the future.
Gambet13mo ago
Yeah fair. In general I agree with your philosophy that Tidysheet should stick to just providing a slick, streamlined character sheet and let other modules add stuff to it.
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gambit13mo ago
Yeah I don't feel like this is a sheets issue to solve, oos imo
Zhell13mo ago
You are going to do everyone playing dnd5e a humongous favour if you restrict this new module to simply being a sheet. No one wants yet another kitchen sink module. ... everyone loved Tidy back when it was just a nice-looking sheet. Dunno what the hell happened over the last three years. I personally have no ball in this game, but if I were to remake this module, I would remove all those settings. Every single one. If they were truly needed, they can be added at a later point.
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Zhell13mo ago
Yeah some wrong judgement calls were definitely made over time. It's of course more nuanced than what I'm about to reduce it to, but most modules that require interacting with the sheet need a specific css class or node to use querySelector on to inject a new element (example: the Add a Resource module) where the fix is as simple as just having that same selector available. It's also valid to say, "I do not care." 🙂
kgar13mo ago
This, as a general feature of those list tables, is a high priority feature to add when the initial rewrite is done.
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kgar13mo ago
With that particular feature, it is currently using the default sheet filter logic in the original and in the rewrite thus far. I’ll jot this down for discussion. There’s also the matter of prepare-able cantrips which could be factored in. I’ve seen other feature change requests on the original Tidy’s github issues related to the filters, also.
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kgar13mo ago
Yeah, that’s been requested on the existing sheets. I haven’t looked in a while, but that was one I remember.
No Name
No Name13mo ago
Collapsible spell slot tabs would be great In terms of the settings, HP config and Adv/Dis highlight? I've never really had a problem with those, nor do they seem like something a sheet should do People with much more experience have said before so I'm not gonna go into detail, but if they do become necessary I think it'd be best if people had access to it first so they can ask for changes
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kgar13mo ago
Sooooon 👀
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No Name13mo ago
😳 I've been rawdogging it using the base Foundry sheet for a while and it pales in comparison
kgar13mo ago
I have resolved to clean up / tidy the code during alpha testing in order to release it sooner, so all the code-interested persons will see all my mess if they look for it. Otherwise, it’ll take forever to get these sheets to you. I’m fighting a lot with insecurity to release this stuff soon. The people weighing in on this thread have been indispensible to me. I really appreciate you all.
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Zhell13mo ago
could just nuke the sort property. i think it goes by name then. nope, it do not.
await actor.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [...actor.items].sort((a,b) => {
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
}).map((item, idx) => {
return {_id: item.id, sort: idx};
await actor.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [...actor.items].sort((a,b) => {
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
}).map((item, idx) => {
return {_id: item.id, sort: idx};
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kgar13mo ago
I have made some efforts thus far with this particular issue. All of my font sizes are relative to the root font size of the HTML element, so the new sheets scale in size based on that. I'll jot this down. It will eventually be a github issue that we can reference and resolve during alpha testing. If you are game, I would like to collaborate on testing / refining this particular feature of the rewritten module during alpha testing.
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kgar13mo ago
I'm still thinking through how exactly to do it, but this is a problem I'd really like to solve. As a DM, I have been tripped up by this issue mid-game, as have my players. A player could be doing their thing and looking over spells while I also am looking through the spellbook for something, and we trip over each other if one of us does a search or filters the spellbook by class. Right now, the search filter is a flat Actor flag which says "here's what was typed in search, for anyone who looks at this sheet." I have been entertaining the idea of dynamic / user-specific actor flags for things like search filtering. This would make it so your last search is remembered upon reload, but it doesn't interfere with someone else's use of the sheet. I am leaning toward user-specific actor flags because of other feature ideas, like being able to sort by any column in the list view, remember your list filters (Concentration, Prepared, etc.) between page loads, remember which spells you have expanded / collapsed between page reloads, etc. I just haven't prototyped it yet, and I'm still learning Foundry (after all these months on this project 😅).
Wasp13mo ago
I reckon it should just be in the local storage of the browser - no point storing the collapsed sections in actual foundry, right?
kgar13mo ago
That’s a good point. Any existing foundry api stuff to help with that? Seems simple enough. I guess the question I really mean is: are there any best practices or recommendations when doing local storage stuff in the context of Foundry? Or should I just do what makes sense to me?
TyphonJS (Michael)
Yes... Session storage is actually what you want to use between page loads. It stays active for as long as the tab is open. Local storage is not the best for GUI element state as that persists potentially for a very long time. If you ever got around to TRL ehem there is indeed a bunch of utilities for using the various web storage / searching / filtering and such, but I gather you are still rolling your own solutions. 😉
kgar13mo ago
Ok, with all this info in mind, I will try to make resolving that existing search filter flag issue a priority after getting this to alpha.
Zhell13mo ago
Just save it as a property on the Application itself Sheet#collapsedSections (a set), and then add or remove from that when collapsing/expanding. No setting, no flag, just a toggle. This is also how the regular sheet's filters work.
Wasp13mo ago
Oh, another useful spell list filtering option would be to inverse the filter. Ie, clicking on reaction would filter all spells to only reaction spells. Right clicking would exclude them.
kgar13mo ago
I'm wondering what would be the most logical approach toggling filters when there are 3 filter states and 2 user events to work from, beyond the initial use case of toggling from "Off" to either "Include" or "Exclude." Do we take the cycling approach like with Proficiencies? That is, left clicks push the state forward from "Off" -> "Include" -> "Exclude" -> "Off", and right clicks would send it in the reverse direction. Do we make left click only set filters to "Include" or "Off", even if it's on "Exclude", and ditto for right click with "Exclude" and "Off", even when on "Include"? We could explore this during alpha testing and see what feels most natural. (Ya know, for a certain subset of users, if I were to mirror a certain website's 👀 include/exclude filter behaviors, it would be pretty familiar, I'm sure.)
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kgar13mo ago
I have been round and round, but this really seems like the way to go. Why not make it a prop on the sheet? On a full page refresh, most/all GUI element state should just reset. I think I just developed tunnel vision because of working within the parameters of the original module while rewriting it. It has been several months now of this being my sole side project. I'm hoping to continue getting insights like this and to keep simplifying further.
Zhell13mo ago
true, false, and null cycling is what the default sheet does on proficiencies. If it's good, why not copy it
kgar13mo ago
Worth a shot. I'll make that draft 1 and see how it goes.
Donkko13mo ago
I've been idling here a few days, excitedly reading through this thread, happy as a clam about Tidy5e being upgraded. But also, being a total simp for G'kar (a chraracter from Babylon 5 - a 90s scifi series), your nick totally throws me off balance every time, kgar. Sorry for interrupting this with irrelevant offtopic chatter. Waiting eagerly for the release. :)
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kgar13mo ago
Putting it on the list. Since the rewrite has a dedicated footer on the Abilities tab for currency, it would be a natural upgrade to include encumbrance. Things we would want to nail down: - ✅ The existing data schema would need to support it (it does support it) - Making it opt-in at "World" scope, so a GM would go to NPC Settings and toggle the checkbox to include an encumbrance bar on NPC sheets
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kgar13mo ago
Pardon my curiosity, but I had to look further into it. I would need to do some more CSS work, but it was not terribly difficult to slap an encumbrance bar on here, since the underlying Actor has proper support for encumbrance.
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Wasp13mo ago
Maybe below the exhaustion selector there could be a flashing weight icon when you're above a certain amount? Should be optional tho
kgar13mo ago
This is a feature I'd want to spend some time figuring out after the rewrite. I'll jot it down.
gambit13mo ago
Weird, my tidy sheet actually has encumbrance on it already
kgar13mo ago
On NPCs?
gambit13mo ago
Whoops :fingerguns:
kgar13mo ago
I was prepared to believe it, hahaha
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kgar13mo ago
I'll definitely look into that. I will put it up for discussion and brainstorming on how to go about it when the time comes. Hey friends, I should have an update in the next day or so. It'll be kinda big because of the nature of what I was doing. 📅 I'll be unavailable all next week except to drop in for the occasional chat. Then it's back to business with these sheets. The rewrite is not quite ready for alpha this week, but it's getting close, barring any surprises.
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No Name13mo ago
Hope whatever you're doin goes smoothly, can't wait to see and help with the work you've been doing to get to this Alpha
kgar13mo ago
Hello friends, I have implemented all of the settings* * - as discussed recently, there were numerous settings in the original sheets which reach beyond the scope of these sheets. Some of them were actually handy for me specifically, such as the Spell Level Buttons option. However, that feature should either be in its own module or a more appropriate module that contains quality-of-life updates to 5e dialogs.
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kgar13mo ago
Note, I have not overhauled the English localization yet. But here are some of the options you can expect in the rewritten Tidy 5e Sheets, starting with Player Characters.
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GM Options
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kgar13mo ago
While implementing the remaining settings, I had a number of secondary goals that I started. One of those was providing better keyboard support. This will be ongoing, but I've begun to learn more about it and have started putting better keyboard support in place for things like cycling through tabs and visualizing interactable things when tabbing through the form via the tab key. As such, a lot of things which should behave like buttons have actually become buttons in the HTML, even though they look the same as before.
kgar13mo ago
For those who use the big "Lock down sensitive fields" feature, I have given a lot of attention to what the sheet should be like when sensitive fields are locked. Here is a look at a character sheet, unlocked versus locked when the sensitive field lock option is enabled.
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kgar13mo ago
As discussed, things like proficiencies are still visible when sensitive fields are locked, though they are not interactable while locked down, to prevent a clicky player from accidentally cycling proficiencies.
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kgar13mo ago
Classic controls and initial tab are now a setting that can be toggled for each sheet type. If I understand correctly, the initial tab feature was made to allow people to select the Actions tab as their default tab, instead of the Attributes tab for Player Characters. Now, it is looking at the list of registered tabs for a given sheet type and allowing the user to choose.
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kgar13mo ago
I have begun to work on the API for augmenting sheets, to demonstrate how this default / initial tab setting's list of choices change dynamically, depending on what tabs have been registered with the sheets. First, I have a macro that uses the Tidy 5e sheet API to register a tab. Once I execute the macro, the tab appears in the character sheet. For the demo, I did a basic HTML tab with a button that changes the header.
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kgar13mo ago
And now, "Test' tab is in the list for available default tabs when initially opening the character sheet.
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kgar13mo ago
My intention here is for module developers to be able to augment the sheets in ways where Tidy 5e is able to incorporate their module content seamlessly into the existing config settings, without the Tidy 5e sheets source even knowing about these other modules. What's more, if I am overhauling the sheet's components (a thing which will happen, surely), this provides a way for module devs to "set it and forget it"... hopefully, and all the churn of improving the sheets does not disturb modules which have integrated in this way. Then, when the time comes to add some new Tidy 5e layouts (I am interested in doing a Tidy 5e version of the Compact Dnd Beyond sheet, and a Roll20-style sheet with Tidy 5e spice), those who use the API can either be automatically included in the new sheet layout or opt in on a subsequent update. That is, the API will allow the caller to specify which layout they want their feature to go to, or "all." With that said, I am naming the current Tidy 5e layout "classic." It'll take time, and I'll be building up the API during and after alpha. I hope to work with module developers on determining what is needed and how to provide it in a way that makes sense to other developers, but I do have some clue based on what modules I use and some of you use for Tidy 5e sheets. So, when I get back and am able to continue this work, I will start preparations for making the repo public and cutting an alpha release. This is my first module, so I will be learning how to do all that when I sit down to do it. Thus far, I have found that my sheets can live side-by-side with the current Tidy 5e sheets, which is how I've been doing my development and making comparisons, so it should be possible to have both active and switch between them. I envision the alpha phase as a series of releases which are URL-based rather than being officially published to the Foundry module list, and if my rewrite moves forward as the real thing, then I can publish it out under a new name or as the next version of the existing one. I don't have any deadline in mind for when to leave alpha, but when it's good enough, I'm ok with moving forward. I'm not looking for it to be perfect or for the underlying code to be in the most pristine state. The fact of the matter is, I can maintain this code base quite comfortably while adding new features. Anyway, thanks for reading. It's been 3 and a half months with me working on this project, starting with zero knowledge of Foundry module dev or svelte, and I've had a blast getting to here thanks in no small part to the involvement of people in this thread. Cheers, everyone.
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Wasp13mo ago
Nice work, like always!
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Wasp13mo ago
Have you set up a ko-fi or patreon yet? 😄
kgar13mo ago
Soooon Here's a question I'm puzzling over: What do I call the rewrite? It exists on its own repo, and it doesn't necessarily have to overtake the existing module ownership in Foundry's module list. For testing purposes, it has been "Tidy 5e Sheet Kgar" so I can use it side-by-side with the original. I don't have to come up with an answer quite yet, but I am thinking about this, and if anyone has a perspective or opinion about this, I'm eager to hear it.
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Ethck13mo ago
As a dev who has my name in one of my modules, I highly recommend against it. Look at it like this: in 3 years from now, can you guarantee that you're still working on this? Or is some dev going to have to pick up the mantle and have to fork it again? Potentially you could also probably take over the tidy-sheet-5e Foundry listing if the original dev is out of the picture.
kgar13mo ago
My initial hesitation about swapping ownership of the current ID is mainly about how I know certain modules will become incompatible, which could create some unwanted drama. However, it’s a very good point that whatever I call it, I should think about the Years Later state of things. I’d thought about things Tidy 5e Sheets Reborn / Reincarnated / Second Wind / Resurrected / etc., but none of those really resonated with me.
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kgar13mo ago
Considering these things, I’m leaning toward requesting a full takeover of the existing ID and name after alpha (and beta?) testing is done
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Opius13mo ago
Late to the party, but a roll20/ogl style sheet would be INCREDIBLE for my less tech literate players. If you pursue this, I will be elated
kgar13mo ago
D&D 5e OGL Character Sheet | Foundry Virtual Tabletop
D&D 5e OGL Character Sheet, an Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
kgar13mo ago
I didn't even know that was there 😲 I will jot that down. Thank you!
Donkko13mo ago
Tidiest Sheet :thonk:
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Opius13mo ago
Yeah, like that. But even that one isn't quite like the roll20 sheet, which has always been a pain point for a lot of people. A sheet that looks like the Roll20 one and acts kind of like it would be incredible for new users. Also, neat sheet does have a solid ring to it. Similar but distinct naming should help with some of the inevitable confusion. Putting your name ahead of it would further distinguish it, especially if it's on the table for other devs to remix. Like.. Kgar's Neat Sheet, Kgars Tidy5e,
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Opius13mo ago
Personally I'm not a huge fan, but as a DM my experience with former Roll20 players tends to be that they lose their information if it's not all clustered on the first page. The text based info keeping, the ability to easily configure rolls traits and items as plain text, and the limited number of pages to weed through is easier for less tech savvy players... Andthat can take some pressure off of DM's. The pdf-sheet module almost achieves this.
Donkko13mo ago
I saw someone saying this on the Foundry Discord yesterday. But it's really hard to understand as someone who just moved from R20 to Foundry this summer. The default sheet is so much better. The R20 sheet has serious design flaws that are pretty hard to overcome without loading custom CSS. I had ~100 lines of custom CSS just for the sheet in fact. :P
Opius13mo ago
For sure it's not perfect by any means, but it is familiar. And being able to just punch in "1d4+ 3" and check off proficient right on the street instead of opening up an item is good. That and having your race, class, and feat info right on the side, and opening up the description with a drop-down click is also convenient.
Donkko13mo ago
There are some good sides to all solutions, yes. Also, obviously what outweighs what is a personal preference. But yeah, having used the Foundry sheet for just a few months, even the default one is just so much better to use.
Opius13mo ago
For real, I prefer the foundry sheet. But there are things I miss a little! Plain text being one, fewer tabs being the other.
453599213mo ago
i can just give to you the ownership of the module if you want, just for maintain the same module id
kgar13mo ago
Do you think that would be better in the long term?
453599213mo ago
i'll say yes ? I would like where possible to avoid creating new foundryvtt modules especially in this case where it is rewriting an existing one. In theory it would be enough to just change the github repo url and the json manifest reference url.
kgar13mo ago
That is a good point. I started using Tidy 5e sheets while you are the owner. I discovered them from a video that was made back when sdenec was the owner. It would have been harder for me to find this module if it had a different name. The name recognition is strong.
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Gambet13mo ago
Love this. My only question is "Resource 1" "Resource 2" "Resource 3" go invisible when locked. I know this is how the original Tidy does it, but it does make me wonder what the point of these are if you can't keep track of them while the sheet is locked. If I'm 100% honest, and I say this as someone who has been using Tidy Sheet for 3+ years now, and has used it pretty much the entire time I've been using Foundry, I seriously doubt the original Tidy5e will survive your module. My understanding of it is that the current module owner is not the original creator of the module. He very graciously took it over when the original creator stopped updating, and added in a ton of new features, but maybe got in over his head with how fat the module got and is now looking to basically dump it off of his plate. Given that, my guess is that when your module officially comes out, the original will never see another update. So if I were you, I'd just name it "Tidy Sheet 5e" or whatever the original was named. By v12 of Foundry nobody will be looking for the original anymore. And as usual I probably should have read further down the thread before posting cuz it sounds like 4535992 basically said what I assumed he'd say, haha.
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Gambet13mo ago
Ah, you are right. I didn't know that!
kgar13mo ago
Yeah, the resources section is designed to stay visible if you’re using at least one of them. This is subject to change after we go v1. I can open up a thread to discuss what approach would work best for the most people.
Gambet13mo ago
TBH I think how it is now is perfect. If it's not being used then it goes invisible, if it is then it stays visible. Makes sense to me! I just didn't realize that's how it worked.
kgar13mo ago
This reminds me: I am interested in creating a user manual of sorts, to go along with the developer/API documentation. Feel free to share insights, experience, advice,... As of now, here's my plan (multiple messages incoming): Alpha Testing - Core sheet functionality and critical module compatibility For alpha testing, I will make the repo public and cut a release for URL-based module installation, so no Tidy 5e module update in Foundry until alpha testing is done. I will use a temporary alternate module ID during this testing period so that those who are testing with me do not have to uninstall/reinstall the current sheets for game nights (or manage multiple instances of Foundry). During this time, I plan to stabilize and correct any issues that are found with core sheet functionality. I aim to grandfather the most critical modules which are found to be incompatible (this will typically be what Zhell described, i.e. applying a choice class or other selector in certain places). Also, I'd like to leverage the new settings interface, combined with the API, to provide editable/extensible shimming scripts for things that should be done using the API. Beta Testing I will request to move to Beta testing when I feel ready and the current owner gives the approval, at which time I'll request to take ownership of real module ID and release an official v < 1 module update. I hope to work with module developers to provide the kind of API that they need for injecting the features they want to inject. I have suppressed quite a lot of magic jQuery event handling on the sheet as a whole, and the structure will inevitably differ from the default sheets, so the API will be critical for most normal use cases (adding/removing/replacing a tab, adding an item table control, adding content to item card sections, etc.). In general, I think the sheets should be usable at this stage. We won't linger here forever, because then it's time for ... V1! After beta testing is done, I'd like to bring Tidy 5e Sheets to v1! 🎉🎉🎉 At this point, I want to start working on new features, from simple stuff like expand/collapse tables to more involved stuff (there's a list out there). I'd like to start tackling pain points in the existing sheets and build up / work down a healthy backlog of github issues. Starting with the alpha release, we can track issues over on github. When we go v1, I'll start my dedicated Tidy 5e discord space, whether that is a creating a dedicated discord server or becoming a part of another server (are any modules hosted in this server? How does that work?). On the topic of implementing features, I will do my best to pace myself so I don't burn out or anything. I will always leave room and structure my repo so that I can respond quickly to Foundry updates and dnd5e system updates, if needed. As a caretaker of these sheets, I will be remembering the lessons learned that we've discussed on this thread. Here are some thoughts I have about this module based on all we've discussed: - These are meant to be nice sheets that make it easy to do D&D in style - Tidy 5e Sheets are intended to remain compatible with the current version of the dnd5e system, including mirroring its Foundry compatibility settings. When there's a system update that has breaking changes, Tidy 5e Sheets will move all current efforts forward to the new dnd5e version and adjust its min system version accordingly. - This module cannot and should not try to bootstrap all sheet-augmenting modules within its own source code. Modules come and go. I have had to carve out v9 and lower module compatibility code for dead modules numerous times while doing this rewrite, which is sad, but also, we're talking hundreds of lines of code woven through core sheets code. - This module should not become a Kitchen Sink module, so requests that go out of scope cannot be fulfilled - This is a community effort. I hope to keep a dialogue with interested users / devs while continuing maintenance and adding features.
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kgar13mo ago
Currently, yes, because it’s still using the stock Foundry context menu, and this is a thing it does when opening content within a scrollable container / area of html where overflow gets hidden. It would take remaking the context menu to fix it, but there would be additional challenges around modules like popout. It would be something to tackle after it’s gone v1. I believe you can trigger this same behavior on the default 5e sheets, because they’re using the same context menu control.
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kgar13mo ago
I do have the context menu on the list, though. It may come quite a bit later.
Wasp13mo ago
Once the alpha is out, I may create a PR for the context menu
TyphonJS (Michael)
Just saying TRL has a well developed context menu system / component. ;P
kgar13mo ago
Does it play nice with the Popout module?
TyphonJS (Michael)
With just a few modsTJSMenu / TJSContextMenu can work 100% with PopOut. I have prototyped these modifications. You may not be aware that the PopOut! module is not foolproof and is hack layered on hack and even more hacks; don't assume it works flawlessly as it does not. It works for most core Foundry aspects however fails in various edge cases. IE The RTE editors have various issues that are the most obvious. You should be aware that there are diminishing returns in making PopOut work for every case; IE you are in for a lot of pain and difficult to maintain code if you are going for "perfect". I already have made accepted PRs to PopOut! for TRL integration; mainly additional useful hooks for any other package that needs to respond to the popout lifecycle.
kgar13mo ago
I’ve seen this discussion about popout either here or on your server a few months ago. Someone in this thread is paying money for these sheets to work with popout, so I am keeping that in mind, which is why I ask. I’ve already found cases where it had to be made good enough rather than perfect—such as Item Cards having to be in floating mode in order to be shown when popped out and live theme update (color picking with realtime feedback) only working when popped in. Those kinds of things are ok.
TyphonJS (Michael)
Just keep in mind any component that you design that uses <svelte:body> or <svelte:window> or any reference to window / globalThis / document will not work correctly in popped out state. You need to access the WindowProxy from PopOut and work around that; very carefully. In TRL I'll have new capabilities to reactively access that soon for ones custom components in a smooth fashion, but also have support baked in for certain standard components like the various menu components. Using TRL you get many useful things out of the box. You can of course still go hog wild and design as many custom components as you want, but there is a lot that you get for free on top of that.
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kgar12mo ago
Hey there friends 👋 I have conducted a private round of alpha testing with just my own D&D table. It was uneventful in the best way—the sheets did everything they were supposed to do. People liked the animations. Some missing features, like remembering sheet state, didn't seem to bother anyone during the one session (rest assured, I'll get that implemented soon). At least one user likes to play popped out, and there were no issues there. My power player found a few things that needed fixing (one short term thing which is now fixed and one longer term thing which exists in the original sheets also that may get addressed after v1).
Note: we are not using a lot of sheet augmenting modules for our game, so this positive report is for just Tidy 5e sheets and not its integration with other modules. As you may know, module compatibility will be the stuff of alpha and mostly beta testing.
I am preparing the github repo to go public by getting the readme and contributing files set up, as well as working out the pipeline for cutting releases. I'm thinking through the most appropriate branching strategy for this module and will provide specific guidance on it when established. During this testing phase, I'll be laying the groundwork for automated tests 🤞. Over time, I'd like to provide test coverage for all known features of the sheets. Depending on how long they take to run, I hope to use these tests to vet all pull requests and provide a level of confidence beyond just reading code. Non-Foundry life is hitting pretty hard right now, but I've still got some spaces to work and move things forward. I forgot to mention: I did pretty much all of my dev and testing in Foundry v10, and we ran our alpha test in v11 latest. Going forward, I'm going to start developing and testing in just v11 and will rely on automated testing to vet v10 (again, fingers crossed on that front 🤞 ). I'll support v10 for as long as dnd5e supports it. But now I have a level of confidence with v10 compatibility that I'll move on from it (finallyyyyyyy).
Opius12mo ago
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kgar12mo ago
Would it be better to group them verbatim like they are in their tabs?
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kgar12mo ago
CCSS, that is Custom Character Sheet Sections? Ah, yep, looks like it. If CCSS affects the actor items like I think it does, then we can work toward compatibility with it during alpha testing, because it won't involve making API functions or contacting the module author to coordinate some compatibility stuff. As for the favorites upgrade, it can be done, but I should hold a vote. VOTE: Upgrade How Favorites Are Organized Currently, the new Tidy 5e Favorites are organized in a manner that matches the original Tidy 5e character sheet Favorites feature. However, this causes some difficulty in locating certain content, because the features-based entries are usually all stuffed together in one big blob of info, and CCSS is ignored. Vote on how I should proceed: 1️⃣ - Leave it as is 2️⃣ - Upgrade favorites so that it arranges all sections the same as they would be in their own tabs: e.g., break out inventory, spells, and features into their subsequent sections (weapons, equipment, loot, consumables, active abilities, passive abilities, etc.). 3️⃣ - Other (reply and specify)
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Gambet12mo ago
My understanding is that it would just add more section dividers. So all your weapons would go together, but would not be mixed together with your food and your random loot, etc. They'd be separated by a dividing line in the same way your inventory is from your spells on the attributes tab.
kgar12mo ago
@Zand CCSS was initially not working with my new sheets. In the process of figuring out why, I actually found some things that needed adjusting on my sheets in general, so this was a pretty big net positive, beyond module compatibility. After making those few critical changes, I am seeing CCSS integration work for spells. I will follow up about the Features tab later. It definitely doesn't work with CCSS right now, confirmed 😅. Once CCSS is seen to be working in all of the tabs, it will automatically work in favorites if we do the favorites upgrade in the Feature Vote https://discord.com/channels/732325252788387980/1116078321067892796/1167475551443882104
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kgar12mo ago
Sneaky Thieves' Tools failed their stealth check
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kgar12mo ago
All right, I think enough time has passed on this vote. The overwhelming majority are in favor of option 2. Therefore, I will make it so, probably during alpha testing. I’m giving myself 1 more week to prepare for public alpha testing. It could he sooner, but I will do my best to keep you from waiting any longer than 1 week.
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kgar12mo ago
The not-so-calm before the storm 🌩 - I found a vehicle section which read "TODO: Implement Me". That has been implemented, now 🥴 - I fixed the features rendering loop so CCSS works with that tab now - I've got some github action automation in place for handling releases. It's based on this github action (updated for my svelte-y ways): https://discord.com/channels/732325252788387980/732325252788387983/1162208430191300618 - I've uploaded a number of github issues for enhancements that have been requested on this discussion thread. Of course, people are welcome to add more, especially if I've missed one. Some of these issues have questions in them for the community, but all of them are open for discussion when the repo goes live - I set up sponsorship links - I started sizable readme with lots of screenshots, gifs, and hype - I added a discord server for all things Tidy 5e Sheets. I still need to figure out how exactly I want to run that server - I went back over the existing issues on github. There is one that has been a big headache and the source of a lot of confusion, and in the rewrite, I was able to make sure it is fixed (here was where I suggested the fix for the current edition: https://github.com/sdenec/tidy5e-sheet/issues/714#issuecomment-1783948463) - I started a project board on Github for the big automated testing effort so we can track progress - I have a substantial number of TypeScript errors to fix, but that will continue to happen for the next few months, layered in with everything else. Not having Foundry / system types does not spark joy, but TS is still really useful for my own stuff in Tidy sheets, so I'll find the middle ground over time - There are numerous new features waiting to be implemented, and they're being given their own individual spaces for discussion and planning. I should be on schedule for public alpha starting this Saturday. I'll post some more updates soon.
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kgar12mo ago
🎉 One more day! 🎉 I'm in the Central Time Zone. When I get up tomorrow, I'll make the announcement here and provide links to things. I will be celebrating my son's 4th birthday, so I'll be generally absent for the rest of the day.
📝 Note I plan to make frequent alpha releases with fixes. I will be a bit slower to accept PRs during this alpha phase, because I will be making vast, sweeping, and destructive changes. For those who wish to collaborate, please be advised.
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kgar12mo ago
Oh yeah, I strongly recommend using a copy of a game world and not your actual game world
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kgar12mo ago
At least for Alpha, it will be a separate module with a separate module ID, so they can exist side-by-side in the same world. It will not be in the packages search and will be available by module manifest URL from github. For Beta, I'm thinking I'll have to start using the real module ID, but I would still wait on taking over the actual package in Foundry until this commission deems it ready to go live as the next official Tidy 5e version. This is so I can start hitting module compatibility heavily and implementing the API for other module developers to use. When module developers target the API, it'll need to be via the real module ID. That means for Beta testing, they probably cannot coexist in a given Foundry server :/ If that's no good, we can try to figure something else out.
No Name
No Name12mo ago
Early happy birthday to your son!
kgar12mo ago
🎉 Tidy 5e Sheets Rewrite Alpha 0.1.0 is Now Live
Tidy 5e Sheets v0.1.0 marks the beginning of Alpha Testing.
If you would like to test out the new Tidy 5e Sheets, you can find Installation instructions here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets#installation Quick Start: use this URL in your "Install Modules" window: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/latest/download/module.json These sheets are designed so they can work alongside the current live version of Tidy 5e Sheets. The Alpha module is called: Tidy 5e Sheets Kgar Alpha Note: Alpha testing is focused on core Tidy 5e Sheet functionality and not on module compatibility. This will come later. The goal of Alpha Testing is to be able to declare the sheets working as expected as a standalone module. During this time, I will be working out any Alpha-specific issues that are found while also continuing my own checklist of tasks. You can submit issues here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues - There are no templates yet, so no worries on the formatting. If you'd like to discuss alpha testing in more freeform format, we can talk here in the commission thread. I've also started setting up a Tidy 5e Foundry VTT discord server to allow for more longterm community involvement: https://discord.gg/5WkKTD7n I will be looking here, over on Github, and on the new server for any feedback. Github repo: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets
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Donkko12mo ago
Congrats on hitting alpha with this. Will install and test in a bit.
gambit12mo ago
Loving the sheets so far! Ran into a bug when trying to delete a pact magic spell that prevented the sheet from refreshing to display that the spell was deleted. Re-opening the sheet showed it was removed successfully:
SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:35 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toggleTitle')
at Object.p (SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:35:22)
at Object.p (SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:34:24)
at Object.p (SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:33:26)
at Object.p (SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:30:59)
at update (scheduler.js:119:30)
at flush (scheduler.js:79:5)
SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:35 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toggleTitle')
at Object.p (SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:35:22)
at Object.p (SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:34:24)
at Object.p (SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:33:26)
at Object.p (SpellbookItemCardContent.svelte:30:59)
at update (scheduler.js:119:30)
at flush (scheduler.js:79:5)
Also when selecting the Features tab, I get a 404, no immediate issues I could see:
GET https://mywebsite.com/null 404 (Not Found) style.css:1
GET https://mywebsite.com/null 404 (Not Found) style.css:1
kgar12mo ago
Got ‘em jotted here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/26 https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/25 I am hoping to get some dev time this evening and will work exclusively on the bugfixes.
Wasp12mo ago
Reminder for peeps to check github issues before posting about em, alternatively actually creating the issues yourselves 🙂 It gets increasingly harder to keep track of bugs if they aren't noted down somewhere - let's not burden kgar more than we should 😄
kgar12mo ago
This one is a puzzler, because I don't have https://mywebsite.com in my codebase anywhere. I don't see that 404 when I go to the features tab on a fresh install with an SRD character.
kgar12mo ago
Can you export the affected character / NPC and post the JSON to the github issue? https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/26 If you don't have an account there, feel free to send it here on discord.
gambit12mo ago
Ah, that's just my website, didn't want to leave it out there lol. I'll play with it a little more and update the git
TyphonJS (Michael)
Perhaps improper form submission causing it like a button in a form that triggers a default submit action.
gambit12mo ago
Commented on git, but this one can be closed. Missing image asset from ddb-importer that causes that error to be displayed in the kgar tidy sheet, but wasn't displaying an error in the standard tidy sheet (I assume something with the new svelte setup)
kgar12mo ago
Thanks for looking into that. I am curious about it and will take a look also before closing the issue.
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @gambit (#335 • 1)
Gambet12mo ago
@kgar Dunno if you've thought about this yet, but I just had a feature suggestion for you. Is there any way for NPC sheets you could add (maybe optionally) different sections for the types of actions a monster has? You look at a character sheet in the book or on DnDBeyond and they'll have a separation between Features, Actions, Legendary Actions, Mythic Actions, etc, but in the current layout it's just Attacks, Actions, and Features. And Attacks really isn't even Attacks, it's Weapon-style inventory items, which not all attacks fall into, and so you wind up having weird situations where some of your attacks are in actions, other attacks are in attacks, and all of your actions/legendary actions/mythic actions/bonus action abilities are all mixed up together. I feel like it would really help the readability if you could separate NPC sheets based on the type of action it uses. Also there'll be things that fall into the Features section in the book but because they have some configuration they wind up getting put in the Actions section, further muddying them up.
kgar12mo ago
This would be really nice, especially because it would make monster stat blocks look more like what you'd find in the books, but I don't think we'd be able to accomplish this from the sheets module with how the dnd5e item data schema is currently laid out. Things like Mythic Actions, for example, don't have a data classification in the Item Sheet which denotes them as specifically mythic actions. I think the long term move involves updates to the core dnd5e system itself. Currently, Tidy 5e's NPC sheet is laid out using the same groups of data as the stock sheets. This adherence to the available item data schema opens the door for more modules to be compatible, as they will often make changes to the contextual data we are rendering to the sheet.
Gambet12mo ago
No worries. Just something I thought of while making one of the more advanced monsters and seeing how ugly it was getting.
kgar12mo ago
I would have said that this design scheme could be accomplished with the CCSS module https://foundryvtt.com/packages/custom-character-sheet-sections, but I think it would need an update so that it could be expanded to NPCs. That's something I'd be interested in helping the author with sometime soon.
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kgar12mo ago
Definitely understandable, and I agree. It gets really muddled and busy.
Gambet12mo ago
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Gambet12mo ago
And that's not even the worst I've seen, haha.
kgar12mo ago
hold up 👀 I now see the action types right there. So sorry! I'm learning new things about this every day
Gambet12mo ago
No worries!
kgar12mo ago
Question: Would the Actions Tab be able to help with this? If not, how close is it to being able to accomplish that?
Gambet12mo ago
What is the Actions tab?
kgar12mo ago
There is a module called Character Actions List dnd5e: https://foundryvtt.com/packages/character-actions-list-5e Currently, it has 4 sections: - Actions - Bonus Actions - Reactions - Other There could be more, but those are the ones I recall.
Character Actions List dnd5e | Foundry Virtual Tabletop
Character Actions List dnd5e, an Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
kgar12mo ago
Currently, things like Mythic Actions are funneled into "Other". Showing the stock sheet for this example:
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kgar12mo ago
If it could actually break out these other sections instead of funneling into "Other", that could come closer to the goal.
Gambet12mo ago
I haven't used the module, but TBH what I like about the NPC sheets is that 100% of what I need to know about them is on the "Abilities" tab. It's what I like about the PC sheets too, once you favorite enough stuff you rarely need to cycle through to the other tabs.
kgar12mo ago
That makes sense. Tidy is essentially combining Attributes and Features into the Abilities tab.
Gambet12mo ago
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Gambet12mo ago
Like if I could have it my way it'd look like this:
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Gambet12mo ago
With with other sections for Reactions, Bonus Actions, etc. Just separate each "Activation Cost" into its own section.
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Gambet12mo ago
Photoshop, lol
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Gambet12mo ago
And just have the sections be invisible unless it has at least 1 item in it, the same way the Legendary Resistances counter doesn't show unless it's being used.
kgar12mo ago
Currently, I am planning to create a native, opt-in Actions List / Actions tab feature here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/1. I'll be developing specifications in a few weeks and requesting some feedback from the community. During that time, I'd like to revisit this, because the Actions list feature might be able to come close to what we're discussing here. If not, the Actions List/tab feautre is still a big win for a bunch of folks, and we can brainstorm some ways to do this.
Issues · kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets
D&D 5e sheet layouts for Foundry VTT, focused on a clean UI, user ergonomics, and extensibility. - Issues · kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets
Gambet12mo ago
Sounds good!
kgar12mo ago
I'll capture this discussion in a separate github issue so it stays top of mind.
Gambet12mo ago
Appreciate you!
kgar12mo ago
NPC Statblock Organization - Mythic Actions, Legendary Actions, etc...
Currently, more advanced NPC sheets with things like legendary/mythic actions become harder and harder to read, especially when running battles and trying to decide what actions to take: Ideas for ...
kgar12mo ago
Hey there 👋 Is anyone interested in having a search filter for the Effects tab?
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)12mo ago
Im not sure is really necessary cause I can't think of cases where there would be such a long list of effects that a search filter is needed.. But I might be wrong 😅
kgar12mo ago
That's a good point. Hopefully the list never gets that long 😬 I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd ask.
Gambet12mo ago
Personally no. In 3 years of playing on Foundry 2-3 times a week I have never had a character possess more than half a dozen effects on their token. And I use a lot of modules that really add a lot of effects, and it's just never been an issue finding them.
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kgar12mo ago
😅 eh, yes I am
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kgar12mo ago
Not at the moment, but when I get further along, I could look into it more. The module itself seems to play fairly nicely with T5e. I would be willing to submit PRs over to that module to support NPC / Vehicle custom sections. Not sure of the feasibility, but it'd be nice. That being said, I have plans to make the Favorites section actually work with CCSS.
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kgar12mo ago
Here's the Github issue for the Favorites upgrade, which will cause CCSS to come to the Attributes tab: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/13
Favorites Upgrade - Make Favorites Sections Match Their Target Tabs...
Upgrade Tidy 5e Sheet Favorites rendering so that it divides up all items in the same way that it does for their target tabs. For example, when a user adds a "Mace" and "Mess Kit&quo...
kgar12mo ago
I see, I see. Reorganizing sections would be very handy, indeed.
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kgar12mo ago
Ah, gotcha
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kgar12mo ago
There are a number of people on this commission who have expressed a very keen interest on having it native. For my own plans surrounding additional sheet layout options, having the Actions tab native would simplify matters a great deal. Plus, there are some additional refinements I'd like to see. It does. It's a problem currently in Favorites, also.
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kgar12mo ago
Having them able to be ordered independently of their resident tabs would be ideal, and I'll add that note to the Actions issue here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/1
Native Support for Actor Actions List · Issue #1 · kgar/foundry-vtt...
Re-create the Character Actions List natively for Tidy 5e Sheets. Why The "Character Favorites" module was so popular in combination with Tidy 5e Sheets that it eventually was grafted in ...
kaelad12mo ago
👻 beware the ghost of feature creep 👻
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kgar12mo ago
🙏 Thank you
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kgar12mo ago
Would you be willing to do this kind of testing for me when I roll out the native Actions tab?
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kgar12mo ago
It's more or less what you described a moment ago. Basically, just using the feature and noticing if something seems off. It does require installing this module via URL instead of from the search box in Foundry.
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kgar12mo ago
That's correct. It is using a different Module ID, so any Tidy-specific data (favorites, prepared cantrips, etc.) would not carry over. That being said, it can be used side-by-side with the current Tidy 5e. It appears as a separate sheet option
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kgar12mo ago
Yes Lemme grab a screenshot
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kgar12mo ago
On the left is the current edition, and on the right is the rewritten Tidy sheet.
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kgar12mo ago
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kgar12mo ago
Random aside: with Foundry 12 and dnd5e 2.4.x coming along, I will likely commit some time to assisting with updating the current Tidy 5e to keep it afloat, in the event that there are breakages or deprecation warnings. Alpha testing / finishing stuff is coming along, but I don't want to race the system and application updates.
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kgar12mo ago
v12 is maybe in 6-8 months, so a ways off. 2.4.x... I honestly don't know. They have a lot of changes in 2.4.x already, but I haven't looked hard enough for an intended release date.
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kgar12mo ago
Quick Start: use this URL in your "Install Modules" window: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/latest/download/module.json
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kgar12mo ago
I should thank you. I'm excited to keep moving this rewrite toward v1. Community participation helps a lot!
kgar12mo ago
I went ahead and updated the readme on github to reflect what to expect when swapping between the original and rewritten sheets as it pertains to Tidy-specific data (that is, data based on flags):
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kgar12mo ago
Release v0.1.2 · kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets
What's Changed [#17] Sheet State - Current Tab, Scroll Top, Expanded Items, Search Filter Texts by @kgar in #33 Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2 Sheet State Upgrade Implements sheet state cach...
Gambet12mo ago
Minor feature request @kgar that might already be implemented. In the original Tidy5e, NPC inventories don't show the number of items unless you hover over the specific item or open it up into its own window. It'd be really nice if the Inventory always showed how many items an NPC had, the same as it does with PC sheets. It really helps for keeping track of things like Arrows and what not, for those of us who do that.
kgar12mo ago
In the rewrite, this setting works across all sheet types, so long as there is a quantity to show.
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kgar12mo ago
Hello, friends 👋 With v0.1.2 out, I'm now working on a few cleanup efforts as well as some bugfixes. I should have another release coming in a day or so. Some noteworthy things being fixed: - Effects tab drag-and-drop is not yet implemented in the new sheets 😱 - Unlocking a class's Advancement tab is throwing an error After that, I have a series of to-do's with localization, followed by another small release. I'll review and prioritize the next batch of release efforts after that. This is all to say, things are moving right along.
Opius12mo ago
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kgar12mo ago
Thanks for the feedback! I'll add it to the module compatibility list to investigate. It will likely be during beta testing that I'll be able to take time and really dig into it.
GmMatt12mo ago
May I suggest Tposney’s Item Collection mod. Same type of function, but currently supported.
Gambet12mo ago
@kgar Finally had a chance to check out your module. I LOVE how fast it seems to run. It is noticeably smoother than the original, which feels really good! Great job! Couple minor things I've noticed: 1. When the sheet is locked, you're still able to click on the circle or check marks next to the skill list and change the proficiency on them, which IIRC we had talked about a month or two ago and I thought you said you fixed. Maybe I'm misremembering but I just thought I'd mention it. 2. The formatting gets a bit wonky when an item has Attunement. The icon for Attunement seems to shift all the icons for equipping, favoriting, editing, deleting, etc., crushing them together a bit. Not really a big deal, but kind of messy. 3. Having the Sheet Settings directly on the character sheet feels like a mistake to me. I feel like players are gonna mess with the settings because they're so easily accessible, mess it up, and not know how to fix it. I recognize that this might just be my own paranoia, but it also seems weird that you can't access the settings through the actual main Settings Page. 4. Pact Magic is showing a button for preparing the spell, but there's no reason for that, in the same way you wouldn't have this for Innate Spellcasting or At Will Spellcasting. There's probably more things, but so far they all seem minor. There are big things like module compatibility but I know that's further down the road. Great job!
kgar12mo ago
Thanks for checking it out! It's good to hear that it feels smoother to use. 1. Try Sheet Settings > Locks > "Lock Down Sensitive Fields" — The standard lock feature is to trim down things like Duplicate / Delete buttons on the item table rows (I preserved it from the original). "Lock Down Sensitive Fields" is the setting that causes most things to lock in place, with settings buttons disappearing, proficiencies locking, Max HPs locking, etc. It is a little different than the previous, so if you try it out, let me know how it goes. 2. I had started making dedicated lanes for buttons and essentially leaving a placeholder for them when they aren't there. I did this for spellbook entries so that they look more orderly. I can look into doing this for items as well. 3. Last night, I discovered the missing settings buttons and fixed it. With the next release, the buttons will be back. I'll think about the menu. If you'd like it gone to reduce distraction, maybe we could have it show/hide based on "Lock Sensitive Fields"? Let me know your thoughts on that. I have other plans for the menu, to include custom options from module developers and some additional native sheet-related things. For example, the DDB importer could put its icon button in the menu rather than out in the open on the sheet. 4. I will make sure and get this fixed straight away. It should be out in the next release.
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @Gambet (#336 • 1)
kgar12mo ago
Here's generally how it would look if there were dedicated lanes to inventory controls that may or may not be present. In the first screenshot, we have items where attunement might appear, so there's potentially only one gap. 🅰 In the second screenshot, the Loot section has things that cannot be attuned or equipped. The Loot section does appear a bit jammed up to the right compared to the others. 🅱 In the third screenshot, I provided special formatting allowances for loot, but this probably wouldn't work well with CCSS. What do you all think? I lean toward 🅰️ as a temporary solution. I don't think those right-side controls are going to stay like this in the long run (i.e., a long line of icons), because module developers need to be able to add controls without the layout hemorrhaging. I'll be looking into that more in beta testing, and I'll be sure to bring those thoughts to this group (and the dedicated Tidy 5e discord server). There are some really good ideas for this problem in other sheets, like those for Level Up Advanced 5e.
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453599212mo ago
if yoy really want to revive that module there is a open commision aboout it https://discord.com/channels/732325252788387980/1148205224712994856
kgar12mo ago
When the rewrite goes to beta, I'm very interested in figuring out what kind of API surface area is needed to support that level of customization in Tidy, so I would love to help out where able, with additions of API methods and hooks on this side, and PRs on that side. I cannot make any promises, but for @SaltyJ, I'll make a concerted effort. We have plenty of time, because I will not go v1 until this commission is satisfied with the sheets, and I'm willing to make PRs on occasion to the original Tidy 5e sheets to help with any major issues.
Donkko12mo ago
I was the contrarian and voted for B - but it should really be read as a vote for more space around the buttons to accommodate for touch screen user experience. Some people use Foundry on tablets or other touch screen devices, and if controls are very bunched up, it's super annoying to try and hit the right thing.
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Wasp12mo ago
I think it would be poor a design choice for this sheet to consider a touch-based experience when a large portion of users are mouse and keyboard users Not saying it is not valuable to have, but it is better to design for the majority A setting or a secondary sheet design could enable touch friendly design, but I don't think it's fair to assume kgar should focus on that 🙂
Donkko12mo ago
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Donkko12mo ago
It's not a lot of focus to just make the name space a tiny bit smaller, adding more space to the right hand side, letting you have nicer UX there
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Donkko12mo ago
I'm just using the image kgar produced, dunnot about his resolution
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Opius12mo ago
What if those horizontal sections could be dragged around and things like icon spacing could fill the space dynamically.
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Opius12mo ago
Oh for sure
Donkko12mo ago
Overlaying your row onto this, it does look a lot shorter than the one in the screenshot, when I match the icon sizes.
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Donkko12mo ago
Anyway, didn't mean to hijack the thread and bury your vote post. Sorry. It's just hard to talk about this stuff without visual aids. :(
kgar12mo ago
If we could make threads in this commission post, that would have been a great spot to do it. I tried but couldn't find the option. Also, I do have my sheets at a larger default width, but you can set the width to your liking. On the topic of making the lists more functional and flexible, there's a short story and a github issue for that. The Current List Implementation: The current design scheme identifies a primary column, usually the name column. The primary column expands, contracts, and truncates its content with ellipses as the sheet increases and decreases in width. The remaining columns are currently set at fixed widths which can vary based on whether the sheet is locked/unlocked. This comes (adapted for svelte) from the original sheets. Because of the CSS involved, there aren't a lot of purely-CSS-based options for dynamically adjusting other columns based on their inner content, e.g. additional icon controls. As @Opius pointed out, a feature to allow the user to adjust the fixed-width columns is in the realm of possibility (even in the near future), but as @ArlosMolten indicated, it would be a pretty significant undertaking in the midst of alpha/beta testing. There's a github issue to overhaul the list tech so that it can do more things while keeping everything properly aligned: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/14 . Details are still a little sparse, but the core ask is there.
Item Tables Overhaul · Issue #14 · kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets
Item tables are currently implemented with flexbox, and when the header row becomes too crowded, it becomes off-centered from its table contents. Consider this spellbook section: Rebuild list views...
kgar12mo ago
I mentioned this earlier, but I'm interested in pursuing more scalable solutions to the right-side icons problem beyond increasing column width. They would be keyboard/mouse/touch friendly but would require undoing a little bit of muscle memory. These are all things I'd like to explore after going v1, because for now, the focus is to have a rewritten, maintainable code base from which to build all the new stuff, with a large amount of module compatibility available at launch. I am throwing in little improvements and personal touches, but outside of those and a few sizable additions during alpha, I'll be mostly focused on getting it to feature parity with the original.
Opius12mo ago
Oh rad. Agreed, extra features like customizing width should be reserved for after alpha.
Donkko12mo ago
Awesome kgar, you're the gift that keeps on giving. :)
kgar12mo ago
I just appreciate you all being involved and sharing your thoughts
Opius12mo ago
I feel like I'm throwing spaghetti at the wall with the feedback. I hope some of it sticks, though! Excited as hell for this module in general, and talk of different kinds of sheets has me hype.
kgar12mo ago
All the more reason to pursue a solid API for augmenting the sheets, so that module developers don't have the rug pulled out from under them while I'm overhauling all this post-v1 😈
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)12mo ago
I also thought the icons on the right are too close to each other and small, my mouse is very unprecise and I find it difficult to aim at them
kgar12mo ago
🎉 Tidy 5e Sheets Kgar Alpha version 0.1.3 released 🎉 https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.1.3 What's Changed * [#36] Cleanup, Bugfixes, Maintenance, Resolving TS / svelte-check errors by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/38 * Configured active effect deletion to require confirmation on all acto… by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/39 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.2...v0.1.3 Updates - Replaced the creature size dropdown on PC, NPC, and Vehicle sheets - Added drag and drop functionality to the Effects tab - Adjusted UI for inventory classic controls so that the icons stay aligned even when controls like Attuned and Equip are not present. - Updated active effects for actors and items to provide a confirmation dialog when deleting (part of dnd5e 2.4.x readiness project #31) Bug Fixes - Fixed settings menu bug where "Sheet Settings," "Theme Settings," and "Settings Reset" options were gone. They have returned! - Fixed Pact magic handling so that "Prepare Spell" is not shown on the classic controls or context menu for Pact Magic. - Fixed bug where unlocking Advancement in classes was not working for embedded class items. - Added back the ↳ character to subclasses. Accessibility - Added focus-visible / keyboard support for traversing spell slot levels - Replaced more a11y noncompliant elements with compliant elements (I turned more things into buttons) ... and more! See the release page for more information.
Opius12mo ago
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Leo The League Lion
@SaltyJ gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @kgar (#72 • 32) and @GmMatt (#336 • 1)
kgar12mo ago
I've begun poring through the incredible work done on dnd5e 2.4.x and seeing what changes I'll need to make to be ready for the new version. Soon, I will be putting more priority on preparing the Tidy rewrite for 2.4.x. With that said, next up in alpha testing / updates, I'll be working on localization. Then, I'd like to get a few more new features into the mix. Rest assured, I will be sharing screenshots/gifs and polling for feedback. In the meantime, here's the old progress report I used to post up here. Looks like things are coming right along:
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kgar12mo ago
Thank you for trying it out! I will be looking into module compatibility during the next big phase (beta testing). However, I recommend you add a github issue for this module compatibility issue, and I’ll make sure to look into it when the time comes. The repo is here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets
GitHub - kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets: D&D 5e sheet layouts for ...
D&amp;D 5e sheet layouts for Foundry VTT, focused on a clean UI, user ergonomics, and extensibility. - GitHub - kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets: D&amp;D 5e sheet layouts for Foundry VTT, fo...
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @Fabio (#336 • 1)
kgar12mo ago
This might be related to https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/43 If so, a fix is on the way.
Icons from web adresses invisible · Issue #43 · kgar/foundry-vtt-ti...
If you have an item/feature with an icon that is not locally on the server and instead points to a web adress, the icon is not shown on the sheet and instead just shows an empty box. It works on th...
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kgar12mo ago
Very interesting! I bet Zhell has some insight about that. The 2.4.x release is going to have a bunch of improvements around Advancement, so those may move us closer to that goal of knowing your base stats before applying race/species ASIs, class and feat ASIs, etc.
Opius12mo ago
Oh that would be very useful.
kaelad12mo ago
What would that actually help with? I'm not seeing the use case here
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kaelad12mo ago
Shouldn't that be saved somewhere (and shown by) by the character mancer module instead of a character sheet module?
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Gambet12mo ago
Honestly it should probably be done by core, but I basically agree it has no business being stored in this module. At best the Journal entry area gives you the ability to sloppily write them down for future use, but that's about as far as it should go IMO.
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Gambet12mo ago
IMO one of the most important things for this rework is to not commit the same mistakes of the original, and adding in a bunch of feature creep that makes it less and less maintainable.
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Gambet12mo ago
It's only just been released to Alpha. My understanding is he intends to do a beta too before considering it fully released, so we've probably got a bit more of a wait.
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kgar12mo ago
Has anyone on here done much with Foundry package localization? With the rewrite, a number of localization fields have been updated, some variables are new to the rewrite, and some variables are fundamentally different enough that they invalidate some old translated values. With my current understanding of localization, I intend to import the existing Tidy 5e translations, and I plan to make changes with this logic in mind: - For all language files, add missing variables with the value null - If the localization variable in the other language file exists in the new English translation with no changes in meaning, make no changes to that - If the localization variable has a name change in the new English translation but no change in meaning, change the other language's variable name to match - If the localization variable's translation has fundamentally changed in meaning, set the other language's variable to null so that it needs to be re-translated - If the localization variable is completely new in the English translation, do nothing to the other language file for this variable, so that it needs to be translated If anyone has advice on how to handle this differently, I would gratefully take it.
TyphonJS (Michael)
Yep.. FQL is available in 15 languages / 100% translated; probably one of the most thorough modules in regard to translations. I spent about ~60-70 hours in the v10 release of FQL to get all 15 up to date and consistent and using the Weblate Foundry portal was really helpful. Here is an article on it where you can find instructions / signup. https://www.foundryvtt-hub.com/news/lets-translate-all-the-packages-were-proud-to-announce-our-new-project-foundry-hub-weblate/ You can check in with the #translations crew on the mothership to see who can help. Given the enthusiasm for this module you should be able to get a lot of folks / translators involved and it's way easier to coordinate through the Weblate portal. It can help reaching out to the various foreign language Foundry Discord servers as well. The nuts and bolts though... You pick one translation file as the source in Weblate. Don't fill in missing values with null per se. I think it's great that you are considering language translations and have an eye for some accessibility angles. I put a lot of effort into my work and such in that regard too.
kgar12mo ago
Whoa, that's incredible! 🎉 Tidy 5e Sheets Kgar Alpha version 0.1.4 released 🎉 What's Changed * [#40] Localization Revisions, Preparation, and Maintenance by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/41 * [#43] Corrected URL issue for items that point to web addresses rather than files on the server. by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/44 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.3...v0.1.4 Major Localization / Settings Overhaul
⚠️ Warning Breaking changes: Numerous config settings have changed meaning and name. Any setting whose name has changed will reset to its default value. If your sheet setup has changed when upgrading, visit Sheet Settings and/or Theme Settings to re-apply your desired settings.
- All localization files have been synchronized to the en.json lang file. - Numerous settings have been revised to be more positive-oriented (e.g., changing "Disable health bar." to "Use HP Bar") - All settings have been given "Title Case" to keep with Foundry / dnd5e setting name conventions - Numerous setting descriptions have been shortened, revised for clarity, and revised to remove advice about other modules or how to use the settings. They have instead been fashioned as simply a cafeteria plan of features. - The Settings Info tab has been filled out information and links. Coming Soon: Weblate for Tidy 5e Sheets As part of this upgrade, @kgar is setting up the Tidy 5e Sheets rewrite in Foundry Hub Weblate so that localization is easier and doesn't require translators to fuss with Github or pull requests. Weblate also provides a number of compelling quality-of-life features. FYI: I will be stepping to the side for a bit to work on changes for dnd5e 2.4.x readiness for this rewrite. 2.4.x looks to be nearing completion. When I get my 2.4.x changes done, it will be ready to apply to the sheets rewrite when the new dnd5e version releases. As a reminder, Tidy 5e Sheets rewrite development follows along with the dnd5e system version, so when dnd5e 2.4.x releases, all future development will be done from the perspective of supporting 2.4.x dnd5e. I'll post screenshots and dev log stuff for those who are interested as things come along.
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kgar12mo ago
What's the URL looking like for your Foundry server? If you need to change the domain to something anonymous, that's a-ok. Mainly, I'm looking for what it is structured like. Also, do you get any errors in the chrome Network tab or console?
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kgar12mo ago
🎺 Tidy 5e Sheets Kgar Alpha version 0.1.5 released 🎺 What's Changed * [#43] Fixed missing icon issue for dev server and prod build. by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/45 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.4...v0.1.5 But ... why? This is a minor bugfix release to take a second shot at the missing icons issue. In the first attempt, I was bamboozled by my own dev proxy server.
kgar12mo ago
dnd5e 2.4.x readiness update - Race Item The race item sheet is basically complete. The race item allows for including race-based advancements. But also, check out all these options for advancement types added in 2.4.x! Exciting times ahead.
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kgar12mo ago
Each property on the sidebar of the description tab is configurable via a hover-to-discover (and keyboard tab-able) config button.
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kgar12mo ago
dnd5e 2.4.x readiness update - Source Upgrade Next, "Source" has gotten an upgrade in 2.4.0. Now, you can specify a number of different aspects of a source. The main rule is (mild adjustments made for Tidy): when there's no source data or when there's a custom label, then the Source control will show the custom label input which you can type in. To configure differently, hover or tab into the config button, remove the custom label, and add your specific source data. With that said, all items have been updated to use the full source control.
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kgar12mo ago
As of now, the default sheets offer the following Source functionality for the actor sheets: - Vehicle: Custom Label only, in an input box - NPC: the full Source control As of now, I am working on ways to adequately represent the new Source in these sheets. For the short term, I think vehicles can match the default sheets exactly without layout issues. If we wantd to offer the full Source control to vehicles, it may require some creativity and will be less convenient than how it appears for items. NPCs, on the other hand, will require some more attention if I'm going to offer the full source on the sheet, because currently, Source is stuffed in the header section beneath the name with a substantial amount of overflow/truncation control, and it is currently configured via an Origin Summary dialog.
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kgar12mo ago
I'll have more updates later. These changes will go into the alpha rewrite as soon as these two conditions are met: dnd5e 2.4.0 releases AND the sheets are ready enough to function. I'll continue after that to apply updates to better formalize things.
Opius12mo ago
Oh it's so verbose! Yes, good!
gambit12mo ago
That looks great! One condition met!
kgar12mo ago
Just so you all know, I am now getting character and NPC headers fixed up with the new stuff. Right now, I need to help Akra unbecome a house plant.
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kgar12mo ago
Akra has been integral to this rewrite. It's no wonder they've become a vegetable.
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No Name12mo ago
Honestly I've abused Akra too much for testing 😔 I've started to use Perrin, hopefully he won't turn out like the houseplant Akra did
kgar12mo ago
This is probably just a temporary solution until I can circle back with a standalone github issue, but ... There are cases where Background and Race are not editable because the Player Character has a Race and a Background applied in Features. In those cases, we cannot allow the character's Race and Background to be edited in Origin Summary Configuration. For now, I am thinking of simply putting text there when Race or Background is readonly, rather than leaving a disabled textarea.
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kgar12mo ago
This section needs some TLC, but I think it can wait until after I've gone through alpha testing. For now, I want to get the repo compatible with 2.4.x rules and move forward. Any in favor 👍? Opposed 👎?
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kgar12mo ago
Agreed. Some of these oddball updates will prevent Tidy from accidentally messing up 2.4 character data. I’ll make another pass later tonight and then put out an initial 2.4 compat alpha release. One missing feature will be the three item descriptions. Will need to implement something for that later. I’ll keep releasing 2.4-related upgrades until everything is generally accounted for. Everyone feel free to submit issues if you test the 2.4 tidy alpha version and find something.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)12mo ago
So 2.3x is over?
kgar12mo ago
Yes. The Tidy 5e rewrite will follow along with the current live dnd5e system version. There are breaking changes in 2.4, and this rewrite is still coming together and hasn’t hit beta with API support. I could not, in good conscience, try to support multiple system versions. Especially not at present.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)12mo ago
I understand, after all updates to 5e systems are kinda necessary.
kgar12mo ago
I appreciate your understanding on it. One thing I want to avoid is burning out. Here goes nothin', 🪃 Tidy 5e Sheets Kgar Alpha version 0.1.6 released 🪃 What's Changed * Dnd5e 2.4.x Compatibility Release 1 by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/32 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.5...v0.1.6 dnd5e 2.4.0 Compatibility Release 1 - Added Race item sheet - Updated items, NPCs, and Vehicles to use the upgraded Source data fields (Book, Page, Custom Label, License,...) - Added Creature Type (Humanoid, Fey, Plant,...) to the character sheet - Various UI fixes and minor adjustments What's Missing? There are still a few things left to add to Tidy sheets for 2.4.0. Most notably, Unidentified and Chat descriptions need to be added to the relevant items sheets in a subsequent release. If Something is Missing, Let Me Know! If you find something is missing from the new sheets that is needed in 2.4.0, let me know here on discord or submit a github issue. 2.3.x, No More Tidy Sheets cannot be backwards compatible with 2.3.x while fully supporting 2.4.0, so we are moving onward to 2.4.0 only for the rewritten sheets.
Donkko12mo ago
Oh. Well. I'll be back once all the other important stuff makes the leap :)
kgar12mo ago
It's been a busy night... I should have another release to close out known 2.4.0 compatibility updates in a day or so.
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Donkko12mo ago
Good on you for a quick update tho!
kgar12mo ago
They're coming along 🤔
Donkko12mo ago
Yeah, after a while. Can't update before DAE and Midi do
kgar12mo ago
I'm done for the night, gang. The last thing on the list before next Tidy release is to code up these three description editors (and potentially the accordion itself). At least for today, my thought is to make something fairly similar to what is in the default sheet and not try to be a hero. I can improve upon designs later. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel different. With beta testing, module compatibility, and API development looming up ahead, I need to save some spell slots. At any rate, though I had to scramble for the 2.4.0 release (was working on big localization overhaul when the last 2.4.0 PRs completed), growing and evolving the new code base in response to changes with the system felt pretty natural. I'm hoping that's a good sign for the rewrite and future system updates, whether minor or major. Cheers, g'night 👋
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kgar12mo ago
I'm looking forward to our reunion, Donkko! 🥹
Donkko12mo ago
Me too <3
kgar12mo ago
Hi there, I got a chance today to look into the multiple item descriptions for select item details tabs. Here's a prototype of my accordion and new style of interaction with the text editor. The default sheets show the editor over the entirety of the tab content area. As of now, the Tidy version covers only the right panel of the tab content area when in Edit Mode. Are there any strong opinions about having the active editor cover the entire tab content area, same as the default sheets? I just paused before taking that extra time to do that, just to get a feel for what people prefer. As I made this demo video, I noticed that the text editor styles need some attention. I will put in a github issue to revisit the dark/light mode editor styles. I have another few hours of cleanup and finalizing to do (hopefully tomorrow night), then 0.1.7 is ready with the remainder of the 2.4.0 updates.
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kgar12mo ago
Issue added about the editor styles: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/51 Anyone who wishes to provide additional info, advice, ideas, thoughts, prayers, please feel free.
Style Maintenance - Prose Mirror Editors · Issue #51 · kgar/foundry...
Review the styles for prose mirror editors. Ideally, prose mirror editor styles should be consolidated into a single SCSS file that affects actors, items, and any other Tidy 5e content which levera...
kgar12mo ago
This is a two-for-one deal. Now that I've seen this singleton active editor approach with item descriptions, I'm interested in doing some experiments later in other tabs, such as the character biography / journal tabs. Therefore, I've captured in another issue: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/52
Use a singleton active editor in other sheet tabs that contain mult...
With dnd5e 2.4.0, item descriptions got an upgrade where 3 different editable item descriptions are collected onto one screen. To manage this in a way that keeps the editor area legible and unclutt...
kgar12mo ago
Both of these github issues may wait until mid-to-late beta testing, but they are captured for now, at least.
TyphonJS (Michael)
TRL provides pre-made editor components for ProseMirror with CSS variables to control styles of the menu and more w/ connection to a document / update mechanism. A general note is that the core ProseMirror editor implementation is borked on v11 w/ multiple editors open at the same time. https://github.com/foundryvtt/foundryvtt/issues/10139. With the next TRL release out shortly the PM editor component will close when another opens to at least not fall afoul of that core bug.
kgar12mo ago
Thanks! I will add this intel to the prose mirror style issue
kgar12mo ago
To follow up on last night's report, I went ahead and updated Tidy's active editor to cover the entire tab content area. I like it better this way (the way the default sheets do it) because there's more room to see everything in the editor. The only reason I didn't do it originally was .. ah ... laziness? Being in a hurry? As you can see in the third and fourth screenshots, the accordion and edit button are tab/keyboard-accessible.
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kgar12mo ago
And if you'd like to test it out,... 🪃 Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.1.7 released 🪃 What's Changed * [#31] dnd5e 2.4.0 Compatibility - Loot Details Tab by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/46 * [#31] dnd5e 2.4.0 Compatibility - Item Activation prompt checkboxes by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/47 * [#31] dnd5e 2.4.0 Compatibility - More Item Activation refinements by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/48 * [#31] dnd5e 2.4.0 Compatibility - Misc by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/49 * [#31] dnd5e 2.4.0 Compatibility - Item Descriptions with Accordion by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/50 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.6...v0.1.7 dnd5e 2.4.0 Compatibility Release 2 Notes - Added item descriptions accordion for all items with property sidebars. - Added the Loot Details tab with type and subtype options. - Added item activation checkboxes related to prompting. - Misc updates based on changes to dnd5e 2.4.0. When I said rapid releases, I guess I meant it. 🏎 Tidy 5e Sheet kgar Alpha version 0.1.8 released 🏎 What's Changed * [#31] One more thing by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/53 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.7...v0.1.8 One last thing - Promoted the active item description editor to cover the entire tab content area. Hey there 👋 Alpha testing has been going great. There were a handful of bugs to resolve, but the rewritten sheets themselves seem to be in a pretty good place. I want to give alpha testing at least a few more weeks, if not more, before heading toward beta. In the meantime, I have a mission: continue life support for the original sheets. I get the feeling that v1 for my rewrite is a few months away, but as I've learned from working on this project, it is wise to double that estimate at least. With this in mind, I'm asking @4535992 to allow me to collaborate on the original sheets repository so I can provide some 2.4.0 compatibility updates and resolve any major headaches currently plaguing the sheets (the Ini mod patching comes to mind). That way, the original sheets can pass the torch rather than die out early and leave a gap for several months. If it helps, I can also go ahead and request ownership of the module on the Foundry side so I can make and push updates for the original sheets. My goal is just to get them to a good enough place so that they can swim along with the latest Foundry and dnd5e versions while I finish the rewrite. That, and I'll probably slap a Maximum version number on them so they don't go hopping to the next major version with boomerang accordions.
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kgar12mo ago
Yes. I’m ok with doing that now that all the most disruptive changes are done. I’ll make one with the usual “Use at Your Own Risk” disclaimer. Whenever the sheets take on the original’s module ID (during beta or as we go v1), we’ll need one for going from alpha sheets back to regular.
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kgar12mo ago
kgar12mo ago
Hello there 👋 I've got a branch and I'm making 2.4.0 fixes for the original sheets. First order of business: I got the item accordion working like the default sheets. All it took was adding some missing styles, because the item sheets in the original Tidy use the default sheet templates but provide their own styles. Note: I removed the "Mechanics/Flavor Text" headline because it's just going to add to the chaos of styling these item descriptions. Next I'll be resolving deprecation warnings. Then, I'll make adjustments for race, source, and creature type.
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kgar12mo ago
Ok, round 2: the Source section now has the appropriate styles to make it look and feel like the default sheets
kgar12mo ago
Round 3: PCs - Race and Background are now only editable when a Race and Background item are not present, respectively. NPCs - Source no longer appears in Origin Summary Configuration
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kgar12mo ago
Round 4: Creature type on PC. The creature type is adjustable if you have ownership / GM access of the sheet AND a Race has been applied to the sheet. Otherwise, it defaults to Humanoid and is not adjustable. As best I understand it, those are the rules of the default sheet. And, the creature type changes itself when you drag on a Race that differs from your current creature type.
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kgar12mo ago
Round 5: PC, NPC: Resolved all deprecation warnings as discovered Ok, pull request submitted to the original Tidy 5e repo. I do not control the Foundry package, so it'll be up to @4535992 to ship a release whenever they are ready. To reiterate, I am doing bare minimum "Life Support" 🩺💉™️ for the original sheets as needed. I also shipped the Swashbuckler Ini Mod / NaN Patch fix to the original sheets. With that, I am now pivoting back to alpha test fixes. Cheers 🍻
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @4535992 (#63 • 41)
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kgar12mo ago
Working on the macro/macros now and will put them up on the github readme
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kgar12mo ago
For the short term, is an “All Actors (characters, NPCs, Vehicles” script ok? It would copy tidy data to tidy-alpha for all actors and their items (e.g. items marked as favorite). Or do you need something more targeted?
kgar12mo ago
"Transfer Sheet Data for All Actors" macros are ready to use. They can transfer all tidy-specific sheet data from original to alpha and from alpha to original. They overwrite the target field, so if you have useful journal info in Original Tidy and in Alpha Tidy, then you could lose some journal info, so be advised. The macro will notify you of which actors are being updated via notifications, and they will print to the console what data is being updated. You can find links to these macros now in the github readme: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets Here's the macro for copying original tidy data to the alpha sheets: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/blob/main/macros/transfer-original-tidy-data-to-alpha.js Again, for everyone here, disclaimer: use these data transfer macros at your own risk. Backup your game world and/or characters. I was thorough and tested numerous times, but ya just never know. As soon as I'm able, I will make something more built-in, perhaps in the main Config Settings menu for the alpha sheets to ease the transition when it's time to cross back over to the original Module ID. We'll keep the data-transfer feature for a good long while, until my alpha/beta sheets are a distant memory. Should be fine 😁
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kgar12mo ago
Made possible by your involvement, DM Keisei. Thank you!
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kgar12mo ago
Hey there gang, I was working on fixing some Firefox scrollbars, and it occurred to me to ask: What are people's thoughts about providing a few Theme Settings for the Tidy 5e sheet scrollbar colors? The default would be what you see currently. Let me know your thoughts.
Opius12mo ago
If integration is on the table, would it be easier to tie that into Libthemer?
kgar12mo ago
That's a good question. For me, it's a matter of learning libthemer and how to use it for Tidy 5e purposes. Full disclosure, I am biased to want to avoid Foundry module dependencies. However, we had some discussion early on about involving libthemer, but I see that as a maybe-later kind of thing at the moment. For the initial rewrite, I took the path of least resistance (Theme Settings dialog; reuse the existing colors/variables), but once it's version 1, I can look into libthemer again. I just don't know how long it'd take to leverage correctly and completely across the sheets, and I'm gearing up for beta testing / module compatibility.
Pardon the interruption, but
🦊 Tidy 5e Sheet kgar Alpha version 0.1.9 released 🐸 What's Changed * Made macros for tidy data transfer by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/56 * [#63] Fixed missing Creature Type for new NPCs by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/64 * [#62] Fixed Resources Header Background Issue for Firefox and FLC by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/65 * [#61] Fixed Formidable Firefox Scrollbars by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/66 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.8...v0.1.9 🦊: “We’re closing in on them, Falco.” This is a bugfix/style-fix release mainly for Firefox and FLC. Also, I fixed an issue with new NPCs being unable to pick a creature type.
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kgar12mo ago
That is correct. The maximum version follows in step with the latest dnd5e version. The minimum version gets reset whenever there is a breaking change in a system update which is not feasible to reconcile. dnd5e 2.4.0 had enough changes that I felt most comfortable resetting the minimum version for the alpha sheets to 2.4.0. I apologize for the inconvenience :/ The last version of the alpha sheets for 2.3.x is alpha 0.1.5: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.1.5 Here's the module JSON for that release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.1.5/module.json I've had a number of fixes since then, aside from the updates for system compatibility.
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kgar12mo ago
I've got some (hopefully) exciting things coming soon. Weblate status: still waiting ⌛ As a quick update on the localization front, I've contacted Foundry Hub Weblate to check on the status of my original request, but I haven't heard back yet. I'll continue to keep an eye on that front. It would be very nice if the rewrite could manage localization in Weblate, based on what TyphonJS has explained and the website's explainer videos.
TyphonJS (Michael)
You might try and post something in #translations on the mothership.
kgar12mo ago
Ooo, ok, will do Done. Thank you @TyphonJS (Michael) !
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @TyphonJS (Michael) (#16 • 225)
TyphonJS (Michael)
Also just sent you an invite to the Foundry Hub Discord server and there is a #weblate channel. JDW is the one managing it.
kgar12mo ago
📜👈 Tidy 5e Sheet kgar Alpha version 0.1.10 released 👉📜 What's Changed * [#67] Fixed "Move Traits" bug by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/68 * [#57] Actor Tab Selection by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/58 * [#69] Fixes spell component tag issue when using languages with different abbreviations by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/70 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.9...v0.1.10 Tab Selection Tab selection and tab ordering is now available on all character, NPC, and vehicle sheets for GMs and sheet owners. Use the sheet menu at the top right and choose "Tab Selection." This opens a selection listbox where you can adjust tabs as needed for your sheets' individual needs. Selected tabs apply to the actor, not the user. That is, it is configured via an actor flag. This is because the selected tab loadout is intended to reflect the most appropriate set of tabs for the type of actor. For example, - A fighter PC may not need to see the spellbook tab - Players who keep their character notes off-Foundry may want to reduce noise by removing Biography and Journal tabs When an actor has no selected tabs, their sheet has all of the registered tabs (these are the default tabs as they currently exist) in the default order. You can check out the full release notes here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.1.10
kgar12mo ago
Tab selection is here. This is part of my plan to prepare for module compatibility. As more modules register tabs, the list of available tabs will grow, and I think it will be vital to provide the user a means of choosing what tabs to include on what sheet. I hope it serves you well.
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kgar12mo ago
Here, Akra has rearranged some tabs and excluded others.
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kgar11mo ago
Just wait 'til the next release, my friend
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kgar11mo ago
Yes, it is actor-specific. Currently, all registered tabs show up by default, but it wouldn’t be crazy to have a config for world-level (GM directed) setting of defaults for each actor type in general. I think it’d make sense as the other half of the tab selection feature.
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kgar11mo ago
I guess the question would be whether it is behaving differently between these and the default sheets. They are supposed to be delegating to the original logic.
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kgar11mo ago
I'll give it a test run also
kgar11mo ago
Ahhhh, yep @Zand . The difference: new tidy on the left, and default sheet on the right --I'll get right on that 🥴
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kgar11mo ago
I'll add a github issue for tracking purposes and include the fix in my next release (sooooon) Soon, but not like, tonight, 😅 Thank you for testing and finding this!
kgar11mo ago
Item Deletion "Remove Advancement Changes" Dialog Doesn't Show · Is...
Zand — Today at 6:14 PM Think i ran into a bug 🤔 advancements arent being removed when the class/race/background are deleted from the sheet, not is any option to remove or delete them present when ...
kgar11mo ago
We have liftoff 🚀
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kgar11mo ago
Erm,... yes. Maybe the release won't be tonight? Maybe?
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kgar11mo ago
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kgar11mo ago
Awesome! We will be shifting gears to beta testing after just a bit more time. So, like, not tonight. No, no, I really mean it this time, hahaha. Looking forward to beta testing and getting these modules integrating with the new sheets!
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kgar11mo ago
During beta testing, I'll be building an API for the most common ways to augment the sheets. In the process, I'll be making numerous changes in the sheets to make them more data-driven. So, I definitely will have some work to do during beta. Now, there will always be the option for a module dev to hook into the render process and do whatever they want, but I will put the "Mod at your own risk" disclaimer to that approach. I want to provide official paths to make things easier and on-the-rails wherever feasible. A big reason for this is my using svelte instead of handlebars/jquery. It just makes things a little different and require a different approach for those who want to augment the sheets. And I'm of course still trying to figure all that out, so beta will be a time to work through the details, using the modules that people here deem the most vital as the starting point. One of my Master Plans ™️ When a module dev wants to add a tab, they can register it through the API. Doing so, their tab appears in - Default Initial Tab dropdown - Tab Selection UI - Default Tabs UI Basically, the user will see the module dev's tab listed in all the places in the sheet where a user could configure their sheet, and that tab will be treated like a first-class tab in the native sheets.
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kgar11mo ago
Now, take this basic pattern, responsibly and carefully of course, and extend it over time to various other aspects of the sheets. For a lot of things, modules that augment the sheets should get first-class treatment and be included in settings / options as though they were built in. Another reason the API will be important for my purposes: when I add other sheet layouts, if the module dev is using the API, they don't have to re-target HTML or change anything unless they specifically don't want the feature to be included in a particular layout, and then it's just a matter of setting an option to "classic sheets only," for example.
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kgar11mo ago
Yes, down the line, I'll be experimenting with some alternate layouts
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kgar11mo ago
I'm having a blast, but I'm also being careful about the direction I take things. I've learned a lot on this one massive thread in the commission forum 😅 I appreciate all the interest in this project. I don't take everyone's investment of time and attention lightly.
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kgar11mo ago
That’s right. It’ll be part of beta, because adding tabs in these sheets will be different.
kgar11mo ago
🎉 Tidy 5e Sheet kgar Alpha version 0.1.11 released 🎉 What's Changed * [#73] Fixed Advancement Removal Dialog on Item Delete by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/74 * [#75] Added Default Sheet Tabs configs for PCs, NPCs, and Vehicles by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/77 * [#78] Added style support for custom 5e enrichers by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/79 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.10...v0.1.11 Default Tab Selection is Here For each actor type—PC, NPC, and Vehicle—you can now visit Sheet Settings and configure their default tabs. When a sheet does not have its own custom tab selection, it will use the defaults. Previously, the defaults were simply all available tabs, in a specific order. Now, you can control that. Do you prefer to have all NPCs with just two tabs by default, your time has come! Thanks to Zand on the Foundry League discord for testing Tab Selection and giving me the push to implement this other half of the Tab Selection feature. More misc fixes Thanks again to Zand for testing item advancements and reporting the missing Advancement Deletion dialog bug. That is now fixed. Now, upon deletion of an item with advancements (race, class, background, etc.), the correct prompt will appear. Thanks to @imivoltz for reporting the issue with custom enrichers being illegible in dark mode. They have now adopted the same styles as the other enriched roll links.
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kgar11mo ago
I am fulfilling a promise to @gambit today. Allow me to present, 🤜 Tidy 5e Sheet kgar Alpha version 0.1.12 released 🤛 What's Changed * [#1] Native Actions List in Tidy 5e Sheets by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/71 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.11...v0.1.12 Native Actions Tab Tidy 5e Sheets now has a natively supported Actions tab in the style of Character Actions List dnd5e. The actions tab is now found in the Tab Selection and Default Tab Selection windows. Action Tab Settings You can find Action tab settings in the "Sheet Settings" screen, "Features" tab.
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gambit11mo ago
So glad to see this! I'll probably move to using this in live games now :ABheart:
kgar11mo ago
Awesome! If you find something is not quite right, let me know. I have one two (?) more feature addition(s) to make before I slow down for a few weeks to do some code cleanup and reorganization for beta testing... and to catch my breath, hahaha. Please, anyone who has problems come up with the sheets, keep the github issues rolling in. I prioritize bugs and can release on a dime.
gambit11mo ago
Looks phenomenal! Loving the clean layout for spell dc's. One request I have for down the line is the potential to add an option that displays the correct damage dice amount for the level the character is at with cantrips. Right now, cantrips always show as their base damage ie 1d8, 1d10 etc, but most cantrips scale the number of damage dice at specific levels. Not sure if there's a clean way to accomplish that but would be a nice qol upgrade if possible
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kgar11mo ago
During the porting of the Actions list, I did a trial run of scaling cantrip damage to match the level, because I saw it in an issue submitted by kaelad on the currently supported actions list repo: https://github.com/eastcw/foundryvtt-dnd5eCharacterActions/issues/6 I do have the code for it set aside, and I can include it, but there are a few caveats: 1. The actual scaling is done via a private method on the item document, usually during preparation to roll. This code is technically not for public use by modules. In leveraging it, I would basically be agreeing to possible breakage down the line if the core document needs to change its private code. If I were to do the scaling, I should use this code, because it accounts for everything to do with scaling cantrip damage, including parsing any custom formulae entered into the spell item sheet. 2. The scaling may or may not require some extra processing power, depending on how it is implemented. Each time we scale a cantrip die, roll data has to be retrieved. 3. For sanity, my actions list should only scale cantrip damage if there is only one damage type. If there are multiple damage types, like 1d8 Acid and 1d8 Poison, then scaling to a lvl 5 character becomes "1d8+1d8+1d8+1d8". With this said, I think it would be best to include an Actions List config setting to enable cantrip dice scaling, so that people can turn it off if there are issues. As a fallback, when the scaling logic doesn't work, I would log a console error and send back the base cantrip damage die.
kgar11mo ago
I think the context menu is tapping into the foundry theme colors that are selected. What kind of theming do you have set up?
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kgar11mo ago
What about foundry-level theming?
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kgar11mo ago
Does it do it when there are no other modules present?
gambit11mo ago
Yeah this sounds great if it's not too much trouble.. having it as an option that can be turned on/off should work well since it's working off that private method. Only one damage type works well also, I'm trying to think of cantrips that have multiple damage types and I can't off the top of my head
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kgar11mo ago
Just homebrew stuff
gambit11mo ago
I'm not seeing an issue with the context menu either fwiw
kgar11mo ago
Wonky ... Well, we'll figure it out before long. Good luck on the session! I've got one tonight, also.
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kgar11mo ago
Ok, I'll make it so, especially because you and kaelad asked, and because DNDBeyond does it by default, and because it just makes sense. If I can find an easier, cheesier way in the future, I'll do it. For now, I'll hook into the Matrix.
gambit11mo ago
One other small formatting request, right now if an item has uses and those are empty, the actions tab displays null/2, for example. Would it be possible to default null to 0 or empty so 0/2 or /2 respectively
kgar11mo ago
Yes, will do
kgar11mo ago
Actions List - Add option for cantrip damage scaling, default on · ...
Add an option to the Actions List to scale cantrip damage dice. It should default to On. This rule should come with caveats: Cantrip damage scaling only occurs when there's one damage type. Can...
kgar11mo ago
@gambit can you help me find the data that is showing as null? I have tried a few things but haven't encountered it yet.
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kgar11mo ago
We have liftoff 🚀
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kgar11mo ago
Huh, maybe I can scale cantrips with multiple damage types... It's all being fed through the item's cantrip scaling function and can fall back to the unscaled value if something goes off the rails.
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kgar11mo ago
Ok, found the rogue null. Question is, would it be better to put a blank there, or a 0? 1️⃣ : Blank 2️⃣ : 0 My impression is that a 0 is going to be easier on the eyes, but I'd like to see what others think.
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gambit11mo ago
I say 0, the only reason I brought up blank is I believe that's how the spells features tab handles it (would be nice if it could be updated there as well, I think 0 just makes more sense to players)
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BlackBadger77711mo ago
That is part of core by now, isn't it? 🤔 Just can't pick between different damage rolls beyond normal, Versatile and Other. But you can pick multiple damage type in the same standard roll
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kgar11mo ago
For anyone that is interested, I am currently posting up notes on the next feature (custom levels of exhaustion) on the Tidy 5e discord server in this feature forum thread: https://discord.com/channels/1167985253072257115/1178749056202309737 I'm planning to add an option to Sheet Settings - Features tab that allows the GM to specify the total levels of exhaustion, and the exhaustion tracker will show that many exhaustion levels to choose from. The exhaustion config settings will allow the GM to specify the tooltip text for each level, so if you want the players to see specific information when hovering over the exhaustion levels, you can opt to include that information. Stretch goals: - Allow toggling from the animated icon-based tracker to a simple numeric input (to match the default sheets), still positioned where the stock tracker is and having the Tidy-ified styles applied to it. This would be a GM option also. Reasoning: for tables that want, say, 20+ levels of exhaustion, the tracker will no longer work for their purposes, as it will not show content outside of the sheet edges. - Presets: have the ability to reset the customized tracker to default (6 levels) or to OneD&D (10 levels) and their localized tooltips. The reason I'm prioritizing this feature now, during alpha: Tidy 5e sheets (at least my rewrite, but maybe also the original) have locked the number of exhaustion levels to 6 and do not provide a convenient way to use the One D&D 10 levels of exhaustion or some other option. The default sheets allow an open integer to be specified, providing a high level of flexibility. While Tidy is adding some value with the fancy tracker with single-click-to-set and tooltips to explain what levels mean at a glance, it also took something away that is being offered by default. So, I felt it necessary to prioritize this feature now instead of waiting for v1.
gambit11mo ago
Could you send an invite to that server again? 🙏
kaelad11mo ago
Their inventory is on the Features tab. Weapons get included in the Attacks section and everything else is in the Inventory section. Monsters or NPCs typically don't have a lot of inventory which is why it doesn't have a separate tab like PCs do.
kgar11mo ago
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kgar11mo ago
💤 Tidy 5e Sheet kgar Alpha version 0.1.14 releaesed 💤 What's Changed * Found and fixed a field that is sometimes undefined. by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/85 * [#8] Custom Exhaustion Levels and Tooltips by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/86 * [#81] Hide item cards while dragging by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/87 * chore: Dependencies update by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/88 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.13...v0.1.14 Custom Exhaustion Levels The rewritten Tidy 5e now supports custom exhaustion levels. The GM can adjust how exhaustion works for PCs/NPCs and separately for vehicles. These settings are found in the "Sheet Settings" - "Features" tab, below the Actions options. You can also reset exhaustion either to the standard 6 levels or the One D&D 11 levels of exhaustion. Specific levels of exhaustion can be given custom tooltips, and for those using localization keys, a handy tooltip preview exists on the label for each level of exhaustion in settings. For those who prefer it, there is the option to discard the tracker entirely and to use a numeric input instead. All of this info applies to vehicles as well. However, I have not included a One D&D button for vehicles. Thanks to numerous people for suggesting this upgrade to Tidy 5e sheets. Different tables have different needs, and seeing as the default dnd5e sheets provide an open number input, it is important that Tidy sheets do not take that flexibility away from users to run exhaustion how they see fit. Misc fixes Item cards now hide themselves when you start dragging an item. Thanks to discord user gambit for reporting the issue. What about 0.1.13? Added Cantrip Damage Scaling for the Actions tab. More here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.1.13
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kgar11mo ago
👆 Fulfilling the original request of @Zeras Ok, aside from bug/style fixes here and there, I'm going to start preparing for beta testing and bringing on module compatibility.
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Wasp11mo ago
Neat! Will the exhaustion levels be adjustable with an API down the line?
kgar11mo ago
Yes, I don't see why not. It can be currently adjusted via console, but it's by way of setting a world game setting. The API approach would be good for shielding the caller from any internal changes.
kgar11mo ago
Trying something different with the repo for building API functions. I made a github idea discussion post: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/discussions/90
API: Adjust Exhaustion Config · kgar foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets · D...
#86 added custom exhaustion, which can be controlled from the config settings interface or Foundry API in the console, but it would also be nice to have a robust API function for setting exhaustion...
kgar11mo ago
Between tasks with module compatibility, I will continue making improvements to the sheets. There will likely be periods of waiting on certain efforts, because of a submtited PR or a message reaching out to a module dev. So, with that said, you will still see new releases every so often. Updated this discussion with drafts of how the API call could look.
kgar11mo ago
Calling all module devs who register tabs, I've started a github discussion for registering tabs with Tidy 5e: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/discussions/93 The short-term goal is to make it as simple and easy as possible for modules devs to toss what they already have into an optional API call to register their tab with Tidy 5e. And for those adding new tabs, they can use handlebars templates or raw HTML that is compatible with the default sheets, so there's no need for rework.
API: Register a Tab · kgar foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets · Discussion ...
This post is to discuss a structure for the API function(s) for registering tabs. Why? Tidy 5e Sheets have numerous features surrounding registered tabs, such as Tab Selection, Tab Ordering, and De...
kgar11mo ago
Calling Tidy sheet users who, like me, are not thrilled by how crowded things are getting with classic controls icons! I'm starting a github discussion about how to handle what I'm calling the impending "Tidy Classic Controls Event Horizon 🌌": https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/discussions/96 In a nutshell: I'm proposing we take a page from Level Up: Advanced 5e sheets 📃 This is one of many discussions I'll be posting in the near future on ways to declutter and improve the tidiness of these sheets. These discussions will have a direct impact on the future look and feel of the sheets. ⭐ I'm not in a hurry to make the changes, only in a hurry to get the discussion posted and available for your input.
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kaelad11mo ago
If you come up with something, you should consider pushing it into the core dnd5e sheet. Or at least think of how this would work API-wise with the core sheet as well. Just thinking ahead, IMHO should be something the system should do rather than relying on a sheet module
Opius11mo ago
Oooh.. a control panel button... Will this replace the ability to right click for editing/duplicating?
kgar11mo ago
I've considered it, and I'll think it over again as I learn more, but in all honesty, I really don't think it'd work out. Trying to articulate this properly is difficult. Either I am not philosophically aligned with the devs' vision for how the system is built, or I'm just not smart enough to propose something that would work for everyone. One point of clarification: sheet tab registration is specifically for Tidy 5e sheets, not for all sheets. I am staying in my lane. I'll try to make sure all the language in the discussions and API docs is clear about this. If this tab registration approach works out in a good way, maybe I could enlist the help of other brilliant minds on this server to figure out if we could devise something for the system that would work universally and match the style of how they do extensibility. In the end, all I really have control over is my rewrite of these sheets. I am always eager for advice or insights. I still don't know much and am wanting to do this well for the long haul. Context menu would still be there as its own thing. This is to replace the right-side controls only. More details, screenshots, and ideas in the discussion entry.
TyphonJS (Michael)
An icon fly-out menu is a possible solution. I'll be adding such a component to TRL in the future. It's tricky to design one that works for keyboard navigation; there are a lot of fundamental a11y resources available in TRL to accomplish design on accessible custom components like an icon fly-out menu. IE for a fly-out menu to be accessible it's important to use focus-trapping in the menu. Any solution like this though would be using the power of Svelte and would have limited use cases for core / game systems like dnd5e that are based on App v1. It does look like there are web components now being used / made available in core. You could package something up as a web component in the future that would work for any game system / module using Handlebars, etc.
kgar11mo ago
Quick poll regarding the native Actions Tab. Consider this crossbow bolt from the SRD. The damage formula is blank Piercing. Should I just show the damage icon for piercing 📌, or default that blank to a 0 like the standalone Actions tab does, making it 0📌? 1️⃣ 0📌 2️⃣ 📌 I encountered this while working on a request to further simplify terms. I do not have a preference, but I would like to hear from you, especially if you are a regular Actions tab user.
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kgar11mo ago
Someone submitted a github issue for it: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/94 It's Monk's Little Details "Change Core CSS" option. This option was designed for the default sheets, so the fix was to slightly strengthen the specificity of my CSS so the Tidy context menu goes back to looking like it was intended. This will ship in the next release.
FYI: CSS conflict with Monk's Little Details · Issue #94 · kgar/fou...
Not really a problem for you, but just an FYI: When the CSS settings are checked in Monk's Little Details, you can't see the text in for the drop-down menu in the light setting for the shee...
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kgar11mo ago
I am getting closer to done on an update to have damage formulae like the dragonborn's breath weapon simplify down when it is deterministic/intermediate in the Actions list. Here's the before and after. When this is done, and if it works out well, is there interest in doing this elsewhere in Tidy sheets (e.g., item cards)? Ditto for cantrip scaling?
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kgar11mo ago
As I move into the module compatibility space, I have started a github project board to visualize how things are going. I'll continue to build it up as I get more issues in the repo for module compatibility. https://github.com/users/kgar/projects/3/views/1
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Opius11mo ago
Very cool!
GmMatt11mo ago
Are you ready for more module compatibility suggestions yet, or should we wait? Where is the best place to put them?
kgar11mo ago
Add a github issue to https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues Here's the basic pattern I've been using: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/105 However, if you have additional information about what is not working right, then that will help save me some time. For things that add tabs, there's not much to say except that it doesn't add the tab. There are some others where we've been seeing some surprising stuff, so screenshots of that kind of stuff help.
GmMatt11mo ago
Ive been following this thread from the start, and watching your work has been super cool. Much thanks for your efforts here!
Leo The League Lion
@GmMatt gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @kgar (#71 • 33)
kgar11mo ago
I appreciate that! We're almost to the 6 month anniversary of this commission thread posting. About a week away.
kgar11mo ago
Random: While working on this, I'm still weeding out the last of the alpha issues, like this Eldritch Horror Bug when you use an advancement image other than SVG 🐙
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kgar11mo ago
🐙 Tidy 5e Sheet kgar Alpha version 0.1.15 released 🐙 What's Changed * [#94] Monk's Little Details Compatibility by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/97 * [#84] Calculate Calculate-able Roll Terms in Actions Tab by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/95 * [#84] A few more refactors by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/100 * [#106] Fixed Eldritch Horror SVG Error by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/107 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.14...v0.1.15 Action List Upgrade - Calculating Calculated Fields Now, the Action List calculated intermediate/deterministic formula parts. If that doesn't mean much, then have a look at the comparison between the original and the upgrade in the screenshots. See the release notes for more information. Thanks to @Ikabodo for submitting the issue and getting the conversation started. Thanks to the discord community for providing feedback and input on the details. Module Compatibility Efforts Are Underway I am now working on module compatibility. Has the rewrite gone beta? Maybe not yet. I'd like to get as many compatibility issues resolved before taking over the Tidy 5e module ID as possible. Once the rewrite takes the ID, then swapping between sheets will be much more inconvenient. I am tracking progress in this Github Project: https://github.com/users/kgar/projects/3/views/1 Thanks to @ctbritt on github and Zand on discord for finding the Monk's Little Details compatibility issue with the context menu. This is now fixed so MLD users can enjoy the other CSS refinements while our context menus go back to looking Tidy-ified. Fixes Thanks to @imivoltz on github for finding the Advancements image bug. It has been fixed, and we can now use non-SVG images in peace.
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kgar11mo ago
First module compatibility PR is in flight for 5esheet-resourcesPlus 🤞 I added a hook "tidy5e-sheet.prepareResources" and made my resources rendering extensible. I will need to establish documentation for my hooks and models that go with the hooks so that any module devs who are intentionally adding compatibility with these sheets can just go check it out (or install type definitions).
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kgar11mo ago
For this first little foray into module compatibility, I added a new hook to Tidy 5e so that a module could add custom resources in such a way that they don't have to mess and muss with HTML just to add more resources. But, in order for people to leverage the hook, or any of the extensibility that I'm setting up over here, it really should be documented somewhere... At this time, I'm exploring my options for how to document things in a way that is good enough and doesn't sideline me from actually working on the module. On the other hand, I also want it to be useful enough to work with. One thing I highly value are "cookbook recipes" for how to do things. Copy the sample code, tailor it, open game world, profit! Of course, such things need to be kept up-to-date... I started with hand-typing in a github wiki. I do not wish to continue in this path, at least not for API documentation 😅. Maybe for the aforementioned cookbook recipes. I am now looking at TypeDoc, which can generate documentation from my code (I'm making this with TypeScript). I've used it before for other small projects. It could work. I'm hoping to get some early (still alpha) API stuff out there and get feedback from people who make modules and want to support Tidy 5e integration. When I feel like there's a scalable game plan in place and I can document it well enough, then things will ramp back up.
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kgar11mo ago
I am warming up to the idea of taking more control of inventory sections. It will put more burden on modules to integrate intentionally with these sheets, the more I customize. At this time, a lot of things are still delegated to the default sheet classes, as my sheet is inheriting from the default sheet. For now, I'll capture this info and think on it.
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kgar11mo ago
Thank you. On the module compatibility front: I had a good talk with Forien last night about Item Macro compatibility. We have come up with two options for making it compatible, and Forien is pursuing the universal option first. They will hold a beta test for it when it is ready. I'll be submitting an optional PR to Item Macros with the backup option. Both involve hooks, and at least one will work out 💪
453599211mo ago
Variant Encumbrance module has the same setting if you need that only for the weight calculation
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453599211mo ago
"non-ammunition items do not increase weight by quantity"
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453599211mo ago
yea... because some people used only the inventory + module, but not the variant encumbrance so a lot of code is a copy and paste from variant encumbrance
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453599211mo ago
didn't test yet
kgar11mo ago
🧪 Tidy 5e Sheet kgar Alpha version 0.1.16 released 🧪 What's Changed * [#30] 5e Sheet Resources Plus compatibility updates by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/111 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.15...v0.1.16 5e Sheet Resources Plus compatibility Compatibility has been added for augmenting the Resources part of Tidy 5e Sheets. Additionally, I've submitted a pull request to the module author with the compatibility changes that are needed: https://github.com/ardittristan/5eSheet-resourcesPlus/pull/36 While we wait for the result of this pull request, a world script is available here which performs the patch: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/blob/main/compatibility/world-scripts/5esheet-resourcesPlus.js If there are additional features of the module which are not working as intended, submit a github issue, explaining the problem and what the module should be doing. If it is a compatibility issue, I will work to make the necessary changes. New Hook: tidy5e-sheet.prepareResources A new hook has been added to support compatibility with 5e Sheet Resources Plus. At time of this writing, it is located in the wiki.
kgar11mo ago
Nat 20! 🦁 Tidy 5e Sheet kgar Alpha version 0.1.17 released 🐉 What's Changed * [#20] Max Prepared Spells upgrade by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/113 * [#106] Removed image borders on advancement images by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/114 * [#91] Added "Toggle Empty Character Skills" setting, default false by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/115 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.16...v0.1.17 Max Prepared Spells Upgrade The "Max Prepared Spells" field now accepts formulas. It is not longer a free text field on the sheet. For more info, see the release notes: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/edit/v0.1.17 Big shoutout to gambit on discord for connecting me to TPosney's server and to the folks there who took the time to talk with me about some challenges and pain points of the OG sheets. Also big thanks to 4535992 for the initial advice on how to approach this problem. New Setting Added "Toggle Empty Character Skills," default Off. Thanks to @roguedevjake for the suggestion. Breaking Change The flag "npcSkillsExpanded" is now just "skillsExpanded". This is owing to the generic nature of this flag to be used across various sheet actor types, rather than having a separate flag per actor type. This means any existing toggles will be reset to default for NPCs. Apologies for any inconvenience. Either a member of the community skilled at macros or I can come up with a one-time-use migration macro if there is a great enough need for it. Misc - For Tidy dialogs: removed rogue image borders from the default Foundry image styles. Thanks to @imivoltz for catching the rogue borders.
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kgar11mo ago
To commemorate release v0.1.17 and the storied history of "Max Prepared Spells," here is a short presentation
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kgar11mo ago
RE: having issues with newer 5e, that may well still be the case. The module author hasn't released a version of the module since February. I did note that the module is overriding the actor schema, which Zhell has told me is a no-no, so that could be related.
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kgar11mo ago
Yes At least for tidy sheets, a module dev should be able to add custom resources a lot more easily now, and I still have some more to do in that area to add support for the use cases in Zhell's "Add a Resource" module.
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kgar11mo ago
That is on brand. Wow. 👏 I've got two irons in the fire. One of them is for midi-qol. I will circle back to ADDAR when I've got all the work done for midi-qol compatibility.
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
From what I'm testing here, the locks are not preventing the form from being submitted.
kgar11mo ago
Can you send me some more details on the test? Like, what steps did you take? What permissions and config settings were in place for the target user? Does the original tidy sheet prevent form submission on locks? I'll be able to discuss this further when I know what your test steps were and what your expectations are.
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
Actually, I think I messed up. I conducted the test on V11. Maybe that's the issue. I can try testing on V12 later.
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Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
I thought I had opened the beta, because none of the locks simply worked on my Foundry VTT, so I thought the most likely thing was something like that xDDDD. When I get home from work, I'll check why the locks aren't working there. One thing that would be interesting in Tidy, if I may express, would be the possibility of separating/classifying spells for each class when multiclassing. Currently, there isn't a good way (at least that I know of) to solve this.
kgar11mo ago
There is a multiclass spellbook feature that I brought over from the original sheets, found in player sheet settings at the bottom. I have not played a multiclass caster and had to deal with this problem, so I do not know how effective this solution is. On that topic, are there others (roll20, DnDB, etc.) that have a nice solution for multiclass spellbooks?
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kgar11mo ago
Now that's interesting We were just discussing the prospect of upgrading some more Tidy tables to have a subtitle row... Actions tab UI has incepted me
kgar11mo ago
Also, easter egg for you. I slipped class name into the spell Action list item when it's configured.
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kgar11mo ago
I have a github issue for making multiclass spellbook faster and easier to configure, so there's also that. I think I actually stole that Class Name in the subtitle from DnDB while remaking the Action list.
Opius11mo ago
Oh! I like this...
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kgar11mo ago
I have only looked at / studied DnDB UI a few times in recent history, so I've only gleaned some things. In time, I'll dig back in there to try to get more inspiration for stuff like this and run it by this group (and the dedicated server). Yep. It is painfully manual.
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Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
I believe it's better than none! It will already help a lot in managing combo players. xD
kgar11mo ago
I have plans for a bulk update tool. Probably going to be ugly, but will be productive.
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
Independent Warlock slots as well. Is there a way to handle that? For instance, in multiclasses like Warlock + Bard/Sorcerer/Paladin.
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Opius11mo ago
Theres a module called mass edit that can be used to make changes to all sorts of foundry entities at once. Do you think checking out that code might help you build that tool?
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Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
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Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
A difficulty also lies in the fact that they would be independent slots... Because the 'pact slot' would recharge after every short rest.
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Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
I was referring more to doing this in Foundry VTT xD. Because it wouldn't just be adding slots and changing the display appearance. They would be independent slots.
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kgar11mo ago
For me as a sheet developer, I can work with the data model the system provides, so if it's in the actor schema in a distinguished way, I can represent it.
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Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
I'll be away now. When I get home, I'll test the Lock system. I'm interested in it because I'll use it on my RPG server. There are dozens of players, and preventing them from editing sheets is very helpful! They all automatically earn gold, items, etc., through Google Sheets and Discord, which I've integrated into Foundry VTT. So, after their sheets are approved, they shouldn't basically change anything anymore.
Opius11mo ago
I have a sorcerer/wizard multiclass in my game and it's somewhat of a bear to wrangle. We only ever handled it manually with low automation (he's my DM in another game so it's kind of the honor system when it comes to sanity checks and sheet auditing). I can say that dnd5e doesn't handle it super well. That said I'm not holding my breath for multiclass magic functionality. Still waiting on dnd5e to bring in all of the core rules in a sane way. It'll be a hot minute before the optional rules get brought in, I imagine.
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kgar11mo ago
Fair warning, the sheet lock feature is not a security feature. It's a decluttering/distraction-reduction feature. By default, it is to remove things like Copy/Delete buttons. When you check the "Lock Down Sensitive Fields" checkbox, then it disables inputs and toggles. However, as the disclaimer states, it is not meant to secure the sheets from someone with a devtools console. They can still update the actor if they wish. Tidy 5e can't stop that without me reaching way beyond the scope of a sheets module. Also, I'm still in the process of figuring out how to promote sheet lock to integrating modules. I won't be categorically adjusting their inputs via jquery; it will be up to them if they want to pay attention to the sheet lock state.
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Opius11mo ago
One of the actual uses I have for resources plus + link item and resource. That plus a little maths in the resource value. As a stopgap you could point paranoid DMs to the Change Log module. A DM can then monitor changes on every sheet with as much/little verbosity as they like.
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
Yes! That's exactly what I need. If someone maliciously changes the sheet, I have a massive database on Google Sheets. I know the exact XP, items, and Gold for everyone. So, it's just a way to prevent issues, console logs, scripts for check currency, etc. If someone makes malicious changes outside the sheet, they won't have excuses for not being penalized. It's also important for me to be able to distinguish malicious modifications from unintentional ones.
kgar11mo ago
There are more locks in there for you to check out, also.
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
I've updated this module a bit and linked it with Discord webhooks. I just don't share it because there are still things to improve.
Opius11mo ago
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
On your sheet? Got it, I reported that it wasn't working for me. But I might have been doing something wrong. I'll test it when I get home. It would be interesting to have a way to prevent deleting or changing the quantity of items, as well as deleting features. Because that's something not available in Illiandril.
kgar11mo ago
The Lock Down Sensitive Fields feature just disables certain inputs, leaving things editable which are typically needing to be changed, like current HP value. It doesn't completely lock everything... It sounds like Foundry needs an additional user permission where the user can only view sheets, use items, cast spells, and roll dice. Something like that?
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
Certainly... It could be something like a permission like that. It's just that, for example, currently, it's difficult for me to control the eldritch invocations chosen by the players. And simply ignoring that dozens of players can keep changing things like that, I don't know if it's the best way. So it could be something like a permission in the sense of: During the character creation phase, the player can change everything. However, from the moment their character sheet is approved, their permission would change to the point where they could no longer delete features or items. They only change items when they make a purchase and sale on Discord/Google Sheets, which is validated via the world ESmodule that runs whenever the character opens the sheet. It checks the Google Sheets database to see if the character has made any unapplied transactions. If it returns true, the world script will delete the item (in the case of a sale) and give the money to the player, for example. However, it could be just a visual lock on the delete and edit functions on the character sheet... because the player needs permission to execute the ESmodule.
kgar11mo ago
I would need to give it a lot of consideration for sheet-specific upgrades of this nature. Because this rewrite is soon to step into beta and I'm prioritizing module compatibility changes, consideration for a feature upgrade like this would definitely need to wait for after this rewrite goes v1. I cannot make a guaranteee on that, though. I'd need more time to look at the nitty-gritty details. I'm pretty determined to stay in my lane with the sheets module, but maybe something can be done. I won't know until I can take a good bit of time to think it over.
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
Ok, Kgar! 🙂 ❤️
kgar11mo ago
Let's capture it with a github issue
kgar11mo ago
feat: Lock Sensitive Fields? What about total lockdown 🔒? · Issue #...
For some GMs, providing a Sheet Lock feature to lock all inputs is a valid use case. As part of a Sheet Lock overhaul, consider providing layers of lockdown: None (Sheet lock is disabled) Edit Lock...
kgar11mo ago
@Opius and @Zand, do we want to capture anything from today's discussion surrounding the spellbook into a github issue for consideration? Or perhaps a github discussion item?
Opius11mo ago
The stuff I brought up is really back-burner stuff. Nonessential nice-to-haves. On the off chance that the dnd5e module picks up multiclassing, i'm content to hold off.
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kgar11mo ago
Oo, I would love for the system to get an upgrade so I can just follow suit. That's the dream
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kgar11mo ago
One thing I should mention... If we end up wanting to experiment with different spellbook configurations (post-v1-release), given the rewritten sheets now have tab selection, I can add experimental tabs to the list and users can try them out if they want. Low risk, easygoing. The only rule I have is I have to stay in my lane. I can represent the data that exists (plus any flag-based features built into tidy).
kgar11mo ago
☀️ Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.1.18 released 🌙 What's Changed * [#118] Corrected max prepared spell formula typo by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/119 * [#76] Sunsetted Journal Tab settings in favor of tab selection by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/122 * [#120] Revamped Dark Mode, part 1 by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/121 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.17...v0.1.18 Dark Mode Refresh With the expertise and advice (👏 thank you!) of discord users tartarts, Monkeyy, and kiligir, I present to you a Dark Mode refresh, aimed at addressing issues of visual clutter and color choices. This represents an initial pass at a larger goal of keeping Tidy sheets ... well ... tidy. There is more to come with this initiative. Some of the changes to dark mode also affect Light Mode, such as the newly minted Attuned color, which matches your primary accent color. I hope that the updated sheets serve you well. Also, I encourage you to over-attune a character to see what happens in the inventory tab. (see attached screenshots for before/after images) Farewell, Journal Tab Settings The "Use Journal Tab" setting for PCs and NPCs is now gone. The tab selection feature has generally eliminated their primary use case. Misc Thanks to @ctbritt for pointing out a typo in the ranger max prepared spells formula. That is now fixed.
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kgar11mo ago
All right, it's been two days, 🌎 Tidy 5e Sheets kgar 🌏 Alpha 0.1.19 released 🌍 What's Changed * [#136] Changed Item Quantity number input to text with delta support by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/138 * [#137] Widened inventory weight column, added overflow control, adjusted localization by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/139 * Update README.md by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/147 * [#145] Misc style, wording, and formatting updates by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/149 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.18.1...v0.1.19 It's the Little Things - Item quantity now can receive delta changes ("-1", "+50", etc.) - Inventory weight column is now wider and will use ellipses (...) for overflow control - Changed "Clear Action Override" wording to "Reset Action Default" - Made "Remove Favorite" icon in the context menu the same red color as the other removal buttons like Delete. - Misc formatting Localization Efforts: Can We Make It Easier? - Started a trial of Weblate at https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/ Translators welcome!
kgar11mo ago
Hello 👋 I do not have a release today, but I've been hard at work on an API for adding tabs to item sheets. After some experimentation, I was able to support "Items with Spells" via a small world script, as a demonstration. The main challenges are providing enough options/hooks to do some of the most common tasks and authoring an API that won't need a lot of breaking changes over time. Then, it's up to the module authors if they wish to provide intentional compatibility with these sheets. I will be putting together public documentation for the API, along with examples of how to do common things. This will be my ongoing effort to support extensibility with the rewritten Tidy 5e Sheets. My goal is to make it easy for module devs to hook in, even though these aren't the default sheets and are structured/run differently. Any resulting world scripts that provide compatibility for a module will be on the github repo ($/compatibility/world-scripts). I do not know for sure when this first major round of API-related changes will be ready, but I am filled with ✨ determination ✨. Cheers everyone 🍻
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kgar11mo ago
🎺 Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha 0.1.20 released 🎺 What's Changed * [#154] Fixed undefined banners by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/155 * [#128] Updated item table descriptions to refresh when item descriptions change by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/156 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.19...v0.1.20 Item Descriptions Now Refresh on Item Changes Item (inventory/spell/feature) descriptions that have been expanded on an actor sheet now will refresh properly (without needing to close/reopen the sheet) if changes are made to the item, such as changing a description. Misc fixes Big thank you to .jakekeisei (SaltyJ), mgdm (BlackBadger777), and gambit07 (gambit) for assisting with tracking down an odd issue where attaching multiple items to a resource was causing a banner with undefined to appear on the alpha sheets. On the API front, ✅ I've got my initial offering ready for custom item tabs API 🟧 I'm working up the custom actor tabs API now (It's almost done 🎵) ⬜ I'm preparing the API documentation When this next release is ready, I'll be in touch with tposney for Midi QoL item sheet integration. Posney has expressed wanting to put the Midi QoL item sheet fields into a tab of their own via handlebars template, so I've put my energy into this area of the API first. 🔌 Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha 0.1.21 Released 🧩 What's Changed * [#157] Expanded max-width of XP tracker for player characters by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/159 * [#123] Midi-qol compatibility changes by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/125 * [#112] Updated JsDoc and prepared for documentation generation via Github actions by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/160 * [#112] Adjusted github action for auto-generating documentation on releases by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/161 * [#143] Updated editors' editable area to span the full height of their containers by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/162 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.20...v0.1.21 Tab Registration API is Here! Anyone who wishes to add a tab to PC, NPC, Vehicle, and Item sheets, the initial offering of the tab registration API has arrived. The module integration wiki exists, but at the time of this writing, it is just stubbed out. "Items with Spells 5e" World Script for Compatibility The first tab-adding module on the list for the compatibility effort is "Items with Spells 5e." I have provided a world script which can bridge the gap between these sheets and the module. I will be in touch with the module author to request an official patch. Style Updates - Expanded XP tracker to fit high-level play. Thanks to github user @ZhornLegacy for reporting it. - Expanded editor editable area to fill the available vertical space. Thanks to discord user m0nkeyy for reporting it. ⛱️ Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha 0.1.22 Released 🌊 What's Changed * [#140] API: Implemented Action List Activation Type remapping by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/164 * [#54] Expanded extensibility for Item Macro integration by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/165 * compatibility: Adjusted "Items with Spells" world script for spell drop issue by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/170 * Additional items with spells world script fix based on module update by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/172 * [#103] and [#168] Prepared for Downtime dnd5e compatibility rollout by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/173 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.21...v0.1.22 Full Notes: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.1.22 Enjoy Some Downtime ☕ - Tidy 5e Sheets is now ready for integration with Downtime Dnd5e. Thanks to 4535992 for allowing me to submit some integration code to the module. Bonus: I was able to prepare downtime dnd5e for Foundry V12. - PR to the repo: https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-downtime-dnd5e/pull/6 Module Compatibility Updates - The Action List is ready for custom activation types. Thanks to discord user gambit07 for coming up with the idea - The sheets have been enhanced to support more of Item Macro's features, such as right-click to use Macro. - PR to the repo: https://github.com/Foundry-Workshop/Item-Macro/pull/5 - Found and fixed an issue with Tidy's integration with "Items with Spells." For best results, use latest Tidy, latest Items with Spells, and the updated world script. - Tabs API has been expanded and refined. Fixes - Locked compendium sheets are now able to be tabbed through. Thanks to discord user gambit07 and garhi for reporting and troubleshooting with me. Hello 👋 With release 0.1.22, and thanks to P4535992, I was able to lay a lot of groundwork and feel out what is needed for adding custom tabs to the rewritten Tidy 5e Sheets. When there is time, I am going to put together my insights on this into the Tidy 5e wiki, in the Module Integration section. I'll continue to improve the API to make it as easy as I can, and I hope to get any feedback from module devs who decide to try it out. I also was able to really get the compatibility styles started which will take default sheet HTML / classes and will tidy-ify it when that content is put on Tidy sheets. The reason I do this is to allow module authors to use their content for default sheets in tidy sheets with less effort around trying to apply styles, unless they really want to. It is a work-in-progress, but "Items with Spells" is styled entirely by these compatibility styles, and "Downtime Dnd5e" inherits some of them.
kgar11mo ago
With that said, if any module authors are reading this and want to add tabs, the documentation for the API is up, and there are examples therein: https://kgar.github.io/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/
Documentation for tidy5e-sheet-kgar
kgar11mo ago
There's a lot to do, but it's going just fine on my side of things. That said, I do most of my discussing of Tidy things over on the dedicated discord server https://discord.gg/AuXgVyFY I have a few more things to put in place for Midi-QoL purposes (API for roll buttons!), and then it will all be in TPosney's hands after that. I'm looking forward to when Downtime Dnd5e is ready, as it will be the first tab-adding module to have compatibility ❤️ I'm probably going to take a break from tabs work for a brief time to knock out some API todos for @Wasp; I cannot wait to see what you're going to do with the sheets 💪 Module authors who wanna add tabs, my DMs are open if you need any assistance, have any questions, or want to give any suggestions / feedback on things. 🐞 Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha 0.1.23 Released 🐞 What's Changed * [#176] Hotfix for items not rolling by @kgar in https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/pull/177 Full Changelog: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/compare/v0.1.22...v0.1.23 Hotfix Release - There was an issue with items not being able to be rolled after the latest update. This is now fixed.
kgar11mo ago
And now, we are on our way. https://github.com/users/kgar/projects/3 Let's keep the momentum going.
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kgar11mo ago
My apologies, we are almost ready for Downtime Dnd5e integration. The PR is still under review on the downtime repository. Things have been moving quickly, and I mistakenly reported that it was ready now. But I am hopeful that we will be able to roll our downtime activities ✨ in style ✨ soon
kgar11mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Item Macro is now compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Big thank you to Forien, who has been collaborating with me to make this possible.
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kgar11mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Downtime Dnd5e v1.2.1 is compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Thank you to 4535992 for working with me to make it happen. If you have trouble installing 1.2.1, try uninstalling/reinstalling the module.
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kgar11mo ago
⚙️ Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.0 Released 🐞 Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.0/module.json Bugfix and Style Fix Item sheets have been fixed to resolve an issue with editing advancements for owned items. Misc visual issues on the advancement tab have also been corrected. Thanks to tartarts for reporting this issue. New Default Keyboard Tab Settings - “Use default sheet attribute keyboard tabbing”: when turned on, keyboard tabbing jumps from one ability score to the next, instead of cycling through the ability roll/save roll/proficiency/config buttons. - “Use default sheet HP keyboard tabbing”: when turned on, keyboard tabbing jumps from HP fields to temp HP fields instead of exhaustion / hit dice Big thank you to voodoofrog for having the idea and coding it up. For the Devs: Easy symlinking is here Easy symlinking has been added to the repo. Thanks to voodoofrog for suggesting it and coding it up. See the updated CONTRIBUTING.md for more details. For the Devs: Now Accepting Svelte Tabs Native svelte tab registration is now live. For those who want to create sheet tabs with the power of svelte, Tidy 5e sheets now accepts first-class svelte tab registration. For the Devs: Actor Tab Override is Here Want to replace the spellbook tab? Inventory? Abilities? Cargo and Crew? Any of the actor tabs? All actor tab registration now accepts an options object with the overrideExisting field. This boolean is required to be true to override a tab. Otherwise, Tidy will think you’ve specified an existing Tab ID by mistake.
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
I just tested the lock system, and it's working great! I just think it would be nice to have it like the Illiandril module, where you can choose whether the player (Gm, Trusted, etc) can remove the lock or not. It would also be really good to have an option to hide the buttons for 'edit' on items.
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kgar11mo ago
I've been using Quick Insert along with my sheets, but only in recent weeks. I'm not sure what all functionality is present or missing, yet.
453599211mo ago
a little overkill maybe ? they can edit the item, but still not able to modify it if is locked no?
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
No, this image is with the lock active. The reason why the lock is interesting for me in the character sheets is that I run a "West Marches" RPG server with numerous players and character sheets. So, I implemented a closed item purchasing system, and everything is quite restricted. Currently, I use Illandril because with the entire character sheet locked, after approval, the player can only make changes that my system allows, and any strange alteration is clearly identified as unauthorized (and not a mistake that can happen without a lock, etc.). In summary, the player doesn't make changes directly to the character sheet.
453599211mo ago
Sorry maybe i expressed myself wrong, i meant that on the "actor sheet" i would leave the edit button enabled to allow reading thenitem details as description of the object , damages, ecc. , but the "item sheet" is locked and prevents editing of item attributes as quantity, price , ecc. is still not enough ?
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala11mo ago
I believe it would be perfect indeed!
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kgar11mo ago
If I can do it on the original sheets, I can probably figure out what's missing on the new ones On the OG tidy or the default sheets Oooo, is it a magnifying glass kind of thing?
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kgar11mo ago
I see it here on OG tidy:
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kgar11mo ago
Ok, let me make a github issue for module compatibility Created: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/186 Thanks for reporting @Pakki Sukibe ♛ !
Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @Pakki Sukibe ♛ (#92 • 18)
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kgar11mo ago
You know me by now 😁 This is very promising... There's a direct compatibility reference to OG tidy in Quick Insert: https://gitlab.com/fvtt-modules-lab/quick-insert/-/blob/master/src/systems/dnd5e.ts?ref_type=heads#L76 This bodes very well for our prospects of having the rewrite receive intentional compatibility.
kgar11mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.1 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.1 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.1/module.json Feature: More Drag and Drop - Item Active Effects and Item Advancements now support drag and drop. This is a standard feature on the default sheets, and these sheets just needed to catch up. Fixes - Fixed: When filling out the versatile damage formula in item sheets, it would cause the main damage parts to be cleared out. - Rooted out more undefined user-facing labels. For the Devs: Item Summary Command API The Item Summary Command API is now available. This API allows for adding roll buttons to the expanded item summary and item info card. This was designed to provide the necessary API for Midi-QoL to inject roll buttons. I hope that any other module developers and world scripters who are interested also take advantage of this functionality. For the Devs: Item Hover Hooks The following hooks have been added to Tidy 5e Sheets: - "tidy5e-sheet.itemHoverOn" - "tidy5e-sheet.itemHoverOff" See the release notes for more details. For the Devs: Exhaustion API The Exhaustion API is ready for use. This allows a module or world script to toggle exhaustion mode between Open Number and Specific Level Exhaustion. For Specific Level Exhaustion, it allows for specifying the total number of levels and the tooltips/hints that go with each level. This API helps modules that deal with custom exhaustion to avoid having to interface directly with Tidy 5e Sheets config settings. This will be especially useful when the sheets eventually change to the tidy5e-sheet module ID. This feature works with PC/NPC exhaustion and separately for Vehicle exhaustion.
ItemSummaryApi | tidy5e-sheet-kgar
Documentation for tidy5e-sheet-kgar
ExhaustionApi | tidy5e-sheet-kgar
Documentation for tidy5e-sheet-kgar
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Gambet11mo ago
Finally got a chance to check out the updates, wow things have come a long way! Great work @kgar! I especially like the options for how the sheet deals with tabbing. This was pretty aggravating in the old sheets, so this is a very welcome feature. Couple of minor quibbles, which you might consider looking at, but aren't a huge deal: 1. The contrast on the check marks showing if an Ability Score has Proficiency is pretty weak. In both light and dark mode, it's just kind of hard to read, especially compared to the skill proficiencies, which have much more of a pleasant contrast to them.
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Gambet11mo ago
2. This is very minor, but I kind of like the original "Damage Vulnerability" Heart Icon better than the new hollowed out one. For whatever reason it just seems a bit more obvious what it was in the old version.
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Gambet11mo ago
3. Some of the contrast lines from the old module are missing, which is a very minor quibble, but it did help the overall readability/layout of things. The lines separating the Class from the Size/Race/Background and the Speed is an example, it seems to be missing from your version. And the search bar in the inventory and other tabs doesn't really have any contrast, nor do the tabs. I think it kind of makes it all blend together a bit, whereas the box/tab lines draw your eye to them a bit more.
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Gambet11mo ago
That's really it, honestly. It's a testament to all your hard work that the only things I can point out at this point are very minor things that might just come down to personal preference!
Gambet11mo ago
@kgar Might be a stupid question, but is there a reason why modules that add a tab to the default Foundry Sheet, and the old Tidy5e sheet, doesn't work with your version? I use an older module that hasn't been updated in months, but still works fine on the most up to date version of Foundry/DnD5e system, called Crash's Tracking & Training, but either it's not compatible with your module or I haven't figured out how to enable it yet. Here's the link to the module if that helps at all: https://github.com/crash1115/5e-training
GitHub - crash1115/5e-training: A module for Foundry VTT that allow...
A module for Foundry VTT that allows users to keep track of downtime activities, quest progress and... Well, pretty much anything you can track with a loading bar and a %. - GitHub - crash1115/5e-t...
kgar11mo ago
Hey @Gambet 👋 Good to see you! - Regarding contrast lines, there were a number of changes intentionally made to dark mode to make it more like a typical dark mode. With that said, I can look into the possibility of a higher-contrast dark mode as a separate theme option. I am hesitant to undo the work done so far on the stock dark mode. I had a lot of help from a few members of the community in brainstorming and revamping it. - With that said, I will look into how to improve contrast with buttons like the Proficiency controls, since they double as both an actionable element and as an indication of the current state of proficiency. - I can look into changing the damage vulnerability icon back - RE: tabs - These sheets are a different beast than the default sheets and OG tidy. The rules for rendering are different. The structure is different. The manner of registering tabs is very different. Otherwise, I could not offer things like tab selection and would not be able to offer performance boosts related to fine-grained reactivity. However, as a result of using different web tech than handlebars and given my rendering lifecycle is different, people who inject stateful content would have a hard time unless I provide APIs/hooks to help bridge the gap. Accidental compatibility is probably a bad thing about 80% of the time, so I do what I can to curb accidental compatibility and instead encourage intentional compatibility. This is the subject of the current module compatibility efforts, providing the tools for module authors to be able to hook into these sheets intentionally. I am actively in the process of restoring compatibility for tab-adding modules (and others) on a module-by-module basis. We recently got compatibility restored with Downtime Dnd5e, the unofficial successor to 5e-training. However, a great deal depends on the module author's willingness and availability to have first-class integration in the module itself.
Gambet11mo ago
That all makes perfect sense! Thank you!
kgar11mo ago
I'm now tracking High Contrast Dark Mode here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/202 Contrast adjustments for existing themes: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/203
453599211mo ago
you can use instead downtime dnd5e, is already supported on tidy, is literally the same module with some bug fix
453599211mo ago
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kgar11mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.2 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.2 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.2/module.json Now Creating Spell Scrolls and Cargo Drops - The character sheet now supports creating spell scrolls when dropping spells onto the inventory tab - The vehicle sheet now supports creating spell scrolls when dropping spells on the sheet in general - The vehicle sheet now supports item drops to the cargo tab and will add the items as cargo Context Menu Now Accepting New Options The context menu is now using the standard hooks dnd5e.getActiveEffectContextOptions and dnd5e.getItemContextOptions. This means tabs which add context menu options in the standard way should now have their options showing up in the context menu. ⚠ Warning: If you are using these sheets and the original Tidy 5e Sheets simultaneously, you may notice the alpha sheets having unexpected combinations of options. This is because the original Tidy 5e Sheet module is listening to the hook and actively making changes to the available options. This is something the alpha sheets cannot fix while simultaneously offering context menu compatibility to other modules. It will go away if you disable the original sheets or when the alpha sheets officially take over.
kgar11mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Item Piles context menu trading feature is now working in Tidy 5e Sheets!
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kgar11mo ago
Module Compatibility Report DFreds Convenient Effects is, to the best of my knowledge, now fully compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! If any incompatibilities are found, please submit a github issue.
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Gambet10mo ago
@kgar Another small suggestion. I noticed you changed the icon color for attuned items. In the original module an attuned item would be white if Attuned, and Orange if Not Attuned. In your version, Orange is now Attuned, and grayed out is Not Attuned. I think this is confusing for two reasons. For one, it's essentially the exact opposite of the original module, although you're certainly welcome to be different from it, but I imagine lots of people switching over to your module will have a moment like I just did, where they think all of their players' attuned items were suddenly unattuned in the module switch. The other reason this is confusing though is that orange/red is usually intuited as a stop/bad/deactivated color. It also is the only icon to behave differently than the rest of the inventory icons. Favoriting and Equipping items for instance go from grayed out to white, and all of the active buttons are white. This attunement icon is the only one that follows different rules, which I think just makes it kind of stand out in a bad way. My suggestion would be to go back to either how the other module did it, with orange being Unattuned, and White being Attuned, or make it uniform with the other buttons, and have it Grayed Out for Unattuned, and White for Attuned. That said, if you just like it this way, it's not that hard to get used to, but I do think it's unintuitive, which is generally not ideal in UX design IMHO! But just my two cents!
Gambet10mo ago
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kgar10mo ago
I will very seriously consider it. The current version is actually taking on the primary accent color, so when a user adjusts their theme settings, it will follow whatever they put for their accent color. This was something requested during the dark mode revamping, but admittedly, the default orange accent color definitely makes it confusing in the way you describe. A reasonable compromise may be to expose the theme setting for attunement, default it to your suggested color, and allow those who want to use the primary accent color to do so via theme settings.
Gambet10mo ago
That's a great idea.
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Gambet10mo ago
Yeah I like his suggestion of defaulting it to white/grayed out by default, but allowing it to be configurable.
kgar10mo ago
Hey friends 👋 Things are going to slow down for me for the holiday season, but I'll be back in full force afterward. At present, I'm working with Angry Beaver to see what can be done for Beaver's Crafting module and the Tidy 5e Sheets rewrite. Thus far, I was able to concoct a serviceable world script for the Actor sheet Crafting tab. Hoping we can figure something out together 🤞 Looking at the recent activity in Quick Insert, I think it might be a while before we get an answer. In the meantime, I will get the API ready and (hopefully) provide a world script (compatible with World Scripter).
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kgar10mo ago
I wish Quick Insert were core Foundry. It and drag ruler (with pathfinding) are so essential to my use of Foundry, they make the top 3 modules I cannot do without. Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.3 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.3 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.3/module.json Preparing the Way I've made numerous under-the-hood changes to the sheets to prepare for module compatibility. More on that, soon. Fixes - Observe. When viewing an Item sheet as an observer, numerous things were not interactable (e.g., switching tabs). This has been fixed. - Keep Your Secrets... Or Reveal Them. Item sheet secrets now feature the Reveal/Hide button and function as intended. World Scripter compatibility All world scripts in this repo now have World Scripter compatibility baked in. For the Devs - Register a tab for all actor types. registerActorTab is now available. This allows for registering a tab with all actor types. This is useful for modules like Beaver's Crafting, which can have a crafting tab on any actor sheet. - Item Table Row and Field Selectors. Numerous Tidy-specific selectors now exist for targeting item table rows, item names, and almost any editable field. For fields, you will now see data-tidy-field="property.path.here". These sheets are intentionally not submitting all fields when saving individual changes, so an alternate selector was required for targeting Tidy fields from other modules, as opposed to name="property.path.here". - Tab Selection Hooks. When selecting an actor or item tab, there are now these hooks: - tidy5e-sheet.preSelectTab app: Sheet, sheetElement: HTMLElement, { currentTab: string, newTab: string } - is called before a tab change is allowed. Return false to prevent the tab from changing. - tidy5e-sheet.selectTab app: Sheet, sheetElement: HTMLElement, tab: string - notifies when a new tab has been selected
kgar10mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Beaver's Crafting is now compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Big thank you to Angry Beaver ! If you are a fan of Beaver's Crafting Module and are able to do it, please take a moment to send your thanks to the module author for making this happen.
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Zhell10mo ago
"These sheets are intentionally not submitting all fields" Why? 🤨
kgar10mo ago
It was an early design decision as a reaction to the perils of doing a full form submission on every individual change, and I just kept going with it until we are here, months later. Tidy sometimes had/has the same field in multiple places on the form. Some things can appear in favorites and across other tabs, for example. When that happens, a traditional HTML form submission usually delimits multiple fields of the same name with commas, producing unwanted results. While I was beginning to create a new version of Tidy, I started to run against this problem and decided to make my updates granular. It was also a reaction to behaviors like how original Tidy could have one field on one side of the form change and would set the sheet's max HP override elsewhere, and no one would know until they leveled up. So, I opted to make individual changes targeted to only the field which changed or the group that it belongs to, when a group update is required. I understand that it's not in line with the intended approach of the FormApplication / DocumentSheet / ActorSheet. In fact, my entire UI layer breaks off at activateListeners and uses svelte instead of handlebars. It started as an experiment, and it seems to be working pretty great.
kgar10mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Rarity Colors is now compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Thanks to 4535992 for making this possible, in more ways than one. Thank you!
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Unknown User
Unknown User10mo ago
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kgar10mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.4 Released For the Devs - Starting at the beginning. The tidy5e-sheet.preSelectTab and tidy5e-sheet.selectTab hooks are now called when the tab strip initializes. This is useful for those who wish to do something when the sheet first opens on a tab of interest. - A Stylish Default. More default sheet compatibility styles have been added. - Item Sheet Form Group styles have been added to support default sheet HTML and classes. If something is missing, please do not hesitate to submit an issue, and I'll provider coverage of anything that is found to be missing. - When tabs are inserted with default-sheet-style .tab containers, default sheet container scroll is automatically added to the .tab container.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
hi... i dont know if is possible already or if its not possible at all.. but when i resize the sheet, the column with the name of the item is the first one to be reduced in size. i think it would be cool if the columns would start reducing in width prioritizing the other columns and leaving the first one as last?
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kgar10mo ago
Hey there, this is a big goal of the eventual item table overhaul. I have an issue on github to track it, but it’ll be a while before I can really dig into that project. Happy New Year, Tidy 5e Folks! I'm looking forward to continued development and moving closer to v1 as we cross into 2024.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
Happy new year!
kgar10mo ago
My last invite link expired. This one should last longer... For those interested in the more involved discussions on Tidy sheets development, bug tracking, features, module compatibility, and general shenanigans, the latest invite link is here: https://discord.gg/6q3GVBhDF3
kgar10mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.6 Released 💉 Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.6 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.6/module.json Editor Line Height Adjusted for Enrichers - The line height for editor paragraphs has been increased just enough to accommodate the height of roll buttons, data links, enrichers, etc. without them overlapping. For the Devs: "Inject Anywhere" API The "Inject Anywhere" API is here for adding HTML and Handlebars content to the sheet in any location and still receive render changes. To get started, check out the API functions starting with actor content registration. For the Devs: Sheet Parts API To allow for consistently targeting parts of a sheet on any of Tidy's upcoming layouts, the "Sheet Parts" API is here to help. At present, there are only a handful of sheet parts, and in subsequent releases, more sheet parts are intended to be added. To get started with the constants and the getSheetPart function. Note: Like with hooks, if you need a sheet part that is not present, submit a github issue. For the Devs: Item Section Footer Command API For modules like Quick Insert, there's a need to inject a button in the item section footer. The API for adding your own buttons to the item footer is now here. What about 0.2.5? Tidy v0.2.5 added some more compatibility CSS styles.
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kgar10mo ago
@Pakki Sukibe ♛ with this release, I have the API in place for Quick Insert, and I am working on the merge request for Quick Insert now. Though there has not been much movement this last year in Quick Insert, I have heard that Sunspots has been on the main Foundry discord as of last month, so I will DM them when I've got it ready. I've messaged Sunspots and am hoping to hear back on my merge request. 🙏 🎉 My MR to Quick Insert was accepted by Sunspots 🎉 Friends, the author of Quick Insert would like to hear from users of the module.
As a quick insert user, how much do you use filters/custom filters?
Unknown User
Unknown User10mo ago
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kgar10mo ago
Same. I am almost exclusively a ctrl+space user.
Opius10mo ago
I haven't played with quick insert much. I did find some trouble filtering through different folders and compendiums to find a monster vs a journal about a monster...
kgar10mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Lock & Key is now compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! All credit goes to the module author, Saibot, for making this happen. Thank you!
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kgar10mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Quick Insert, which was mostly compatible, is now fully compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Big thank you to Sunspots for making this happen.
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
hi! i saw that is possible to inject icons etc on the character sheet. how do i add an icon on the left of the item img thumbnail in the inventory?
kgar10mo ago
Hey there! 👋 World script or World Scripter or other approach?
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
the one you prefer. im trying to show a little square on the left side of the thumbnail, that i will color based on the flags of the item
kgar10mo ago
So, as of now, I do not have a "Sheet Part" for the inventory image at present. I will make it a point to start adding item list and item grid sheet part attributes soon. However, you can still target it by regular means, like CSS classes and such. I'm going to make a quick example, brb Since we're talking about it, I'll just say: for anyone reading this, I have a long term plan to tag various parts of the sheet with a data-sheet-part attribute. This, in combination with other stable identifiers, will allow for things like targeting the same part of a sheet in different sheet layouts. It is also the mechanism I will use in automated tests when interacting with the sheets. Of course, everyone is welcome to target things in any way that sparks joy or makes the most sense, but I offer this feature ... gradually 😅 ... for the sake of predictability.
kgar10mo ago
Ok, here's a test I did just now:
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kgar10mo ago
This is the "World Scripter" version:
const api =
game.modules.get("tidy5e-sheet")?.api ??

new api.models.HtmlContent({
html: "😎",
enabled: (context) => true, // 👈 You can put some custom logic here to determine whether or not this content should be present
injectParams: {
position: "beforebegin",
selector: `[data-tab-contents-for="inventory"] .item-table-cell.primary`,
const api =
game.modules.get("tidy5e-sheet")?.api ??

new api.models.HtmlContent({
html: "😎",
enabled: (context) => true, // 👈 You can put some custom logic here to determine whether or not this content should be present
injectParams: {
position: "beforebegin",
selector: `[data-tab-contents-for="inventory"] .item-table-cell.primary`,
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
kgar10mo ago
Hmm... one problem is... you need item-specific logic Let me think about that
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
exactly.. i was going to ask that XD the "html" has to change based on certain flags on the item
kgar10mo ago
This might be more in the realm of hooks territory The initial offering of Inject Anywhere is more at the sheet level and not at the individual item table row level, but I think there is a way to do it even here, but without API support, it'll be a bit messy
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
like for example, if item has system.weight > 3 show an unhappy emoji..
kgar10mo ago
I gotcha, yeah Ok, going in for round 2
kgar10mo ago
ok ok, not too terrible. Here's a visual
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No description
kgar10mo ago
"World Scripter" version:
const api =
game.modules.get("tidy5e-sheet")?.api ??

Hooks.on("tidy5e-sheet.renderActorSheet", (sheet, element, data) => {
const itemRows = element.querySelectorAll(
`[data-tab-contents-for="inventory"] [data-tidy-item-table-row]`
for (let row of itemRows) {
const itemId = row.getAttribute("data-item-id");
const item = data.actor.items.get(itemId);
let html = "";
if (item.system.weight > 3) {
html = `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars">😱</span>`;
} // else etc.

if (html !== "") {
.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", html);
const api =
game.modules.get("tidy5e-sheet")?.api ??

Hooks.on("tidy5e-sheet.renderActorSheet", (sheet, element, data) => {
const itemRows = element.querySelectorAll(
`[data-tab-contents-for="inventory"] [data-tidy-item-table-row]`
for (let row of itemRows) {
const itemId = row.getAttribute("data-item-id");
const item = data.actor.items.get(itemId);
let html = "";
if (item.system.weight > 3) {
html = `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars">😱</span>`;
} // else etc.

if (html !== "") {
.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", html);
The secret sauce, which is what the API is using under the hood, is data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" Combining this with Tidy's version of the actor sheet render hook gives you traditional form application behavior in a svelte world. We should use the API forum on the dedicated server to do scripting stuff like this, since we'd be able to spread out the different scripting challenges into forum posts.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
i totally, u are the best, im gonna test it now 🙂 and maybe someone is gonna find it useful!
kgar10mo ago
🤞 I'll be around to see what happens and assist further I added a little if statement so it doesn't try to inject an empty string of HTML. Couldn't resist.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
almost done
kgar10mo ago
For those interested, the "Inject Anywhere" feature set is basically doing this under the hood. Whenever the sheet has a reason to re-render, any handlebars-schemed content is removed, and any registered custom content is placed onto the page via insertAdjacentHTML(), wrapped in a <div style="display: contents;" data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars">...</div>. This cycle simulates handlebars re-rendering for any custom content, since svelte has its own reactivity stuff going on. You can see an example of this in the API documentation around SHEET_PARTS in the constants section: https://kgar.github.io/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/classes/Tidy5eSheetsApi.html#constants. If it works out for DMkal, I'll see about adding this sample script (or the one DMkal creates) to the companion Wiki, where I intend to keep scripts / recipes / more examples for extending Tidy.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
almost there XD ok is working but... id doubling up the icons at every update XD
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
No description
kgar10mo ago
Wuh oh Can you show me what you did to set it up?
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
yes, but dont be judgy ahahah
Opius10mo ago
Oh that's neat!
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
const api =
game.modules.get("tidy5e-sheet")?.api ??
Hooks.on("tidy5e-sheet.renderActorSheet", (sheet, element, data) => {
const itemRows = element.querySelectorAll(
`[data-tab-contents-for="inventory"] [data-tidy-item-table-row]`

for (let row of itemRows) {
const itemId = row.getAttribute("data-item-id");
const item = data.actor.items.get(itemId);
let html = "";

const itemTags = item.flags?.["item-tags"]?.tags;
if (itemTags && itemTags.length > 0) {
if (ItemTags.Check(item, itemTags, 'includeOR')) {
const tagToHTML = {
'adamant': `<span style="color: purple; font-size: 15px;">&#9733;</span>`,
'steel': `<span style="color: steelblue; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'gold': `<span style="color: gold; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'silver': `<span style="color: silver; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'darksteel': `<span style="color: black; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'firesteel': `<span style="color: orange; font-size: 15px;">&#128293;</span>`,
'icesteel': `<span style="color: lightblue; font-size: 15px;">&#10052;</span>`
for (const tag of itemTags) {
if (tagToHTML[tag]) {
html += tagToHTML[tag];
if (html !== "") {
.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", html);
const api =
game.modules.get("tidy5e-sheet")?.api ??
Hooks.on("tidy5e-sheet.renderActorSheet", (sheet, element, data) => {
const itemRows = element.querySelectorAll(
`[data-tab-contents-for="inventory"] [data-tidy-item-table-row]`

for (let row of itemRows) {
const itemId = row.getAttribute("data-item-id");
const item = data.actor.items.get(itemId);
let html = "";

const itemTags = item.flags?.["item-tags"]?.tags;
if (itemTags && itemTags.length > 0) {
if (ItemTags.Check(item, itemTags, 'includeOR')) {
const tagToHTML = {
'adamant': `<span style="color: purple; font-size: 15px;">&#9733;</span>`,
'steel': `<span style="color: steelblue; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'gold': `<span style="color: gold; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'silver': `<span style="color: silver; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'darksteel': `<span style="color: black; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'firesteel': `<span style="color: orange; font-size: 15px;">&#128293;</span>`,
'icesteel': `<span style="color: lightblue; font-size: 15px;">&#10052;</span>`
for (const tag of itemTags) {
if (tagToHTML[tag]) {
html += tagToHTML[tag];
if (html !== "") {
.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", html);
i need to rememer that i forgot mithril. and that i need to skip the items if they are ingots XD
kgar10mo ago
I need to go get item tags
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
item tags is cool
kgar10mo ago
How do I tag something real quick?
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
from the header
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
No description
kgar10mo ago
No description
kgar10mo ago
It could be another module doing it... I'm turning a bunch of modules on to see if I get lucky
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
it adds an extra icon when for example i increase a quantity of an item
kgar10mo ago
Ah, I see I see what's missing. One sec
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
if i close the sheet, it goes back to one icon
kgar10mo ago
Always remember to include data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" on this kind of custom content:
const api =
game.modules.get("tidy5e-sheet")?.api ??
Hooks.on("tidy5e-sheet.renderActorSheet", (sheet, element, data) => {
const itemRows = element.querySelectorAll(
`[data-tab-contents-for="inventory"] [data-tidy-item-table-row]`

for (let row of itemRows) {
const itemId = row.getAttribute("data-item-id");
const item = data.actor.items.get(itemId);
let html = "";

const itemTags = item.flags?.["item-tags"]?.tags;
if (itemTags && itemTags.length > 0) {
if (ItemTags.Check(item, itemTags, 'includeOR')) {
const tagToHTML = {
'adamant': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: purple; font-size: 15px;">&#9733;</span>`,
'steel': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: steelblue; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'gold': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: gold; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'silver': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: silver; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'darksteel': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: black; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'firesteel': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: orange; font-size: 15px;">&#128293;</span>`,
'icesteel': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: lightblue; font-size: 15px;">&#10052;</span>`
for (const tag of itemTags) {
if (tagToHTML[tag]) {
html += tagToHTML[tag];
if (html !== "") {
.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", html);
const api =
game.modules.get("tidy5e-sheet")?.api ??
Hooks.on("tidy5e-sheet.renderActorSheet", (sheet, element, data) => {
const itemRows = element.querySelectorAll(
`[data-tab-contents-for="inventory"] [data-tidy-item-table-row]`

for (let row of itemRows) {
const itemId = row.getAttribute("data-item-id");
const item = data.actor.items.get(itemId);
let html = "";

const itemTags = item.flags?.["item-tags"]?.tags;
if (itemTags && itemTags.length > 0) {
if (ItemTags.Check(item, itemTags, 'includeOR')) {
const tagToHTML = {
'adamant': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: purple; font-size: 15px;">&#9733;</span>`,
'steel': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: steelblue; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'gold': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: gold; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'silver': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: silver; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'darksteel': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: black; font-size: 15px;">&#9679;</span>`,
'firesteel': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: orange; font-size: 15px;">&#128293;</span>`,
'icesteel': `<span data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="color: lightblue; font-size: 15px;">&#10052;</span>`
for (const tag of itemTags) {
if (tagToHTML[tag]) {
html += tagToHTML[tag];
if (html !== "") {
.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", html);
That tells Tidy to remove the old icons and add the new ones.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
kgar10mo ago
Otherwise, it will just keep adding new stuff
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
it was kinda cool tho ahahh
kgar10mo ago
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
let me try and refresh
kgar10mo ago
Like a trail of tags
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
i can basically add anything i want before? a select? text.. buttons..
kgar10mo ago
It depends on a few things Let me check
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
works perfectly
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
u are a genious.
kgar10mo ago
So, if you add content through registerActorContent or registerActorTab, that will automatically save your inputs' changes to the target actor. However, in our case here, if you need to add specific inputs on each item row, since the API for that doesn't exist yet, you would need to wire up an event handler to handle updating the actor in that code block where the HTML is being added. The reason is, the Tidy render hook is being called after all Tidy content and registered custom content has been rendered, meaning if you rely on the hook for adding content, you have to handle things like event handling for inputs.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
well.. i ll wait for the api whenever you are ready. im not in a rush XD
kgar10mo ago
Cool If you give me some ideas of what you want to do, that'll help direct my efforts while making the supporting API for it.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
wouldnt mind adding a separate tooltip for example for that little icon
kgar10mo ago
Like this?
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kgar10mo ago
Oh wait, are you the one who makes beautiful tooltips? Somebody around here actually makes wild and crazy tooltips, I just can't remember who
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
No description
kgar10mo ago
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
its me XD ahah
kgar10mo ago
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
i have a tooltip fetish
kgar10mo ago
I mean, once you insert the HTML, you can wire up whatever you want to it.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
it's gonna be a challenge but i will definetely try XD
kgar10mo ago
As long as your events only target the stuff that you added, you won't have issues of tooltips stacking up on each change
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
man, thanks for everything 🙂
kgar10mo ago
Gladly. I appreciate you giving the new sheets a chance I know the svelte effect makes it a bit more difficult to get stuff on the sheet, but I'm hoping the performance gains make up for it. The maintenance benefits certainly compel me to stay the course.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
svelte is not easy indeed. but performances are divine
kgar10mo ago
Ok, last thing on this topic. The reason I need to get you some "sheet parts" sometime later is because ".item-table-cell.primary" may not always be guaranteed. Everything else on there might stick around for quite a long time, but I know there are item table overhauls coming, and I'm not sure I'll be keeping the same classes by the end of it. For example, .primary is an implementation detail about how I'm dealing with the columns of the item list. When it goes the way of CSS grid, that might no longer be needed as a concept. But that'll be a little while. I have some bugs to fix first, and I'll definitely have you some sheet parts and even API coverage to deal with it. In fact, I need to start a thread on the dedicated server about item table rows API support
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
now i need to find where to insert css in that worldscript XD
kgar10mo ago
For any inventory-related modules, this API support will really cut down on the boilerplate code. Oh lordy If you do "World Scripts" instead of "World Scripter," you can simply include CSS files. Let me make sure I'm not telling a lie
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
gosh i hate world scripts 😭
kgar10mo ago
There's a custom CSS module, iirc
kgar10mo ago
Custom CSS | Foundry Virtual Tabletop
Custom CSS, an Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
kgar10mo ago
There may be others If you wanna do it from World Scripter ... there are ways
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
i have an idea. yep it worked
kgar10mo ago
Give us them details
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
No description
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
this inside the hook
if (!document.getElementById("material-badge-style")) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.id = "material-badge-style";
style.innerHTML = `
.material-badge {
display: inline-block;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
line-height: 15px;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 50%;
color: white;
font-size: 10px;
font-weight: bold;
margin-right: 5px;
if (!document.getElementById("material-badge-style")) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.id = "material-badge-style";
style.innerHTML = `
.material-badge {
display: inline-block;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
line-height: 15px;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 50%;
color: white;
font-size: 10px;
font-weight: bold;
margin-right: 5px;
kgar10mo ago
right on
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
'adamant': `<span class="material-badge" data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="background-color: purple;">AD</span>`,
'adamant': `<span class="material-badge" data-tidy-render-scheme="handlebars" style="background-color: purple;">AD</span>`,
kgar10mo ago
That's pretty much the World Scripter way 💪 If I understand correctly, this will also work with popout!, since you are appending to the head element.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
yes it does
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
No description
kgar10mo ago
wolf whistle here
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
time to start with animations now XD
kgar10mo ago
People are gonna start asking for modules if you keep it up
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
uh... let me go hide XD
kgar10mo ago
But seriously, that's pretty awesome. I'm really glad to see the sheets starting to get tricked out and customized. My goal is to provide tools to make it easier, since I made it more difficult to begin with 😬 But also, there are some things that I think I can make easier than the traditional ways with APIs.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
i think the macro you made would make it very easy at least to recreate a conditional icon/text before the item img .insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", html); beforebegin... afterbegin exists? XD
kgar10mo ago
I got you check this out
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
i mean.. the icon after the image
kgar10mo ago
MDN Web Docs
Element: insertAdjacentHTML() method - Web APIs | MDN
The insertAdjacentHTML() method of the Element interface parses the specified text as HTML or XML and inserts the resulting nodes into the DOM tree at a specified position.
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kgar10mo ago
afterend This one function is so versatile, which is why I chose it to underpin custom content injection for Tidy.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
but in this case what is the element?
kgar10mo ago
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
so afterend will put the icon after the item quantity?
kgar10mo ago
Lemme check the selector
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
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kgar10mo ago
Ok, since we're using .item-table-cell.primary, beforeend would put it after everything else inside of that div Basically, make it the last child
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
after the purple?
kgar10mo ago
After the "TS" icon, I think
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
let me try, curiosity killing me
kgar10mo ago
Sorry, beforeend afterend will put where I believe the Favorite bookmark, the AE symbol, and the attunement Sun are located
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
ouch, i refreshed XD
kgar10mo ago
Uh oh So, it just depends on where you want it, and wherever that is, we just update that selector from .item-table-cell.primary to whatever is appropriate
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
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kgar10mo ago
Yeah, that looks like afterend, the realm of Favorites and Attuned
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
kgar10mo ago
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
and it also accepts multiple tags/elements
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
gold mithril chain shirt XD
kgar10mo ago
Major bling
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
going to sleep XD thanks for everything and see you for round 3 XD
kgar10mo ago
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala10mo ago
Would this be an alternative way to replace the module that changes the text color of items based on rarity? I forgot the module's name, but it seems like it's not working on the Tidy Sheet.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)10mo ago
i think it has been updated, rarity colors i think is called this is great to add stuff, but i don't know how to change the text inside <p> or the div background etc.. for this we need kgar
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala10mo ago
Perhaps it's better to discuss this in the Tiddy Sheet community?
zeel10mo ago
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zeel10mo ago
We always get the funniest false-positives...
Opius10mo ago
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala10mo ago
Is it currently working? I don't know why, but here, I'm adding the classes and the filter is not finding, and it doesn't have the spell details below it.
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kgar10mo ago
Given the Multiclass spellbook feature is activated, here is the setup and function of Spell Class on the spell items: - First, you set the spell on the item. - Then, if your spell appears on the Action tab, it will feature the spell class in the spell name subtitle. - And if you toggle to the target class using the dropdown in the spellbook tab, it filters down to only that class's spells, per the Spell Class dropdown on the spell item. Troubleshooting note: If you have both versions of Tidy installed, make sure the spell item sheet is open in Tidy Alpha, because this feature depends on a module-specific flag. If the spell is using OG Tidy for a sheet, it will be using OG Tidy flags and will not seem to work.
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Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala10mo ago
Arriving home, I will test it. The other module of Tidy is installed but not enabled.
kgar10mo ago
🤞 OG Tidy has a habit of setting itself as the default sheet. Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.9 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.9 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.9/module.json Spell Attack Mod Refinements On the Character and NPC sheet Spellbook tab footer, - Removed d4 icon for bonus spell attack modifiers - Added all bonuses to the attack mod total on the spellbook footer, excluding dice/randomness - When ranged and melee spell attack mods differ, each will feature an icon to differentiate them - Updated tooltips for spell attack mods to explain how much comes from ability mod, proficiency, and bonuses For the Devs - API: Actor Portrait Commands: there's a new API function for adding buttons to the actor portrait right-click menu, found here https://kgar.github.io/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/classes/ActorPortraitApi.html#registerMenuCommands. Misc Added error catching to where Tidy prepares custom tabs. On error, a custom tab will be excluded and will provide an error log and optional debug information. v0.2.7 change: refined line height for item summaries and reduced height of roll buttons in summary text. v0.2.8 change: applied some under-the-hood updates to support modules like Quick Insert. Hey friends, if anyone uses D&D Beyond Importer, the module author MrPrimate has put out a new release with New Tidy integration. Feel free to have a look at your convenience. I'm giving a day or two before declaring it compatible, so anyone who wishes to test-drive it may do so. If any issues come up, let me know.
Magus10mo ago
2 THOUSAND messages 🎆
kgar10mo ago
Module Compatibility Report DDB-Importer is now compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Thank you to MrPrimate for making it happen.
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kgar10mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.10 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.10 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.10/module.json Detailed Spell DC Tooltip The DC total has been updated to present a detailed tooltip which specifies how the total is calculated. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4632129/297826260-4708ddde-373a-460d-b402-32c6974b3057.png https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4632129/297826427-88739b24-0f95-4178-a174-e0350bc928c5.png Fixes - Consumables can now be dragged onto vehicles. - When making changes and tabbing over custom content from other modules, the input now retains focus between renders. Style - Added missing styles for textareas so that they are now Tidy-ified. For the Devs - Currency rendering change: for TheRipper's System Customizer module, currency abbreviations now render from CONFIG.DND5E.currencies. Any modules depending on the previous approach (which is also OG Tidy's approach) will need to target CONFIG.DND5E.currencies for customizations to the currency bar. - Added needed sheet parts, hooks, and API features to support the Ready Set Roll module's integration into Tidy. Next, kgar will be working with the module author to get integrative code in place in RSR. See SHEET_PARTS in the documentation to explore the new sheet parts that are available for targeting by modules and world scripts.
kgar10mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.14 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.14 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.14/module.json What's New - Inventory and Spell grid now support drag and drop - Inventory and Spell grid now support custom commands; for Quick Insert users, the Quick Insert magnifying glass button now appears on the grid near the Add button Fixes - Accounted for "None" spellcasting ability when creating spell DC / spell Atk tooltips Misc - 0.2.11: Expanded API for portrait menu commands for module compatibility - 0.2.12: Minor bugfix for spell DC and spell ATK tooltips - 0.2.13: Minor bugfix for portrait menu options
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kgar10mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Tokenizer is now compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Thank you to MrPrimate for working with me and making it happen. For the new Tidy 5e Sheets, Tokenizer is now in the right-click portrait menu.
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kaelad10mo ago
It's not, but it's a quick answer, documented here: https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/wiki/Enrichers
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kgar9mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.15 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.15 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.15/module.json Tabbing between Tidy Buttons is Now Opt-In Now, by default, tabbing only takes the user focus from one input to the next and not over Tidy buttons. The user can opt into keyboard accessibility / button tabbing and focus via the config setting "Use Accessible Keyboard Support." This is a GM setting which defaults to Off. When Off, it causes Tidy to ignore the two settings below it. Explanation: The new Tidy 5e Sheets feature HTML buttons for most sheet interactions, such as rolling skill checks and using items. Because they are buttons, they can be tabbed to and can retain user focus. Foundry, by design, will ignore keybindings that relate to "Configure Controls" options when an element has focus, to prevent things like toggling Pause when pressing the space bar in a text box. This focus-detection includes buttons, meaning for certain modules like Midi-QoL, keybinds for Advantage/Disadvantage/Versatile/etc. can be lost if a menu tab or an item roll button is currently focused upon. This prevents some features from working as expected in these sheets. For these reasons, the default setting is to behave more like other applications in Foundry. (Apologies: I noticed the typo in the "default tabbing" config options' text which refers to "Use Enhanced Keyboard Support" instead of "Use Accessible Keyboard Support." It will be corrected in the next release.)
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kgar9mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.17 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.17 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.17/module.json What's New? - When adding effects for items or any other non-actor documents, Tidy now adds the effect with the image and the name of the item, to match the behavior of the default sheets. - When hosting Foundry with a routePrefix or via docker with the option FOUNDRY_ROUTE_PREFIX set, some resources were unable to be found, such as the background for the item cards and the checkmark for the item sheet checkbox. This has been fixed. - v0.2.16: Made correction to wording on the keyboard tabbing config settings. - v0.2.16: Added more supporting APIs and sheet parts to prepare for Magic Items 2 compatibility.
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kgar9mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Magic Items 2 is now compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Thank you to p4535992 and PwQT for working with me on this effort.
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kgar9mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.19 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.19 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.19/module.json Localization - Spanish localization is now at 100%. Big thank you to IVoltZ. - Portuguese localization updates from antoniohbmonteiro. - Polish localization has now begun thanks to PwQT. Fixes - 0.2.18 - Fixed a bug where compendium NPCs were not opening when Magic Items 2 v1.5.0 is active. Going V1? Hello, friends 👋. With Foundry V12 and dnd5e V2.5 on the horizon, what is the general feeling in this commission about the rewrite? Do you feel it is compatible enough / implemented enough to move forward as the official Tidy 5e Sheet Foundry package? (Tidy compatibility work will essentially continue for as long as needed, regardless of version number) Are there things that need to be addressed before OG Tidy becomes unavailable? Let me know your thoughts, please.
Unknown User
Unknown User9mo ago
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kgar9mo ago
We are preparing for a pretty sizable move when it comes to client settings. By my own reckoning, I would like to get this sheet settings overhaul done before moving to V1. As part of planning, I will need to figure out how to address migrating settings from client to sheet(s), but it will need to be manual (user initiated) to avoid disaster. As many as I can, the player/client sheet settings will become settings for the sheet itself and not the client (read: Browser) settings, so a sheet will look the same to anyone who looks at it, and it will actually remember its settings between browsers and cache clearing. The main reasons for this is to allow the GM configure a sheet for a player and for sheets to stay configured regardless of browser issues. There are trade-offs, of course, but in the end, "Sheet Settings" applying to a sheet and not to a client browser will ultimately be the least confusing approach. Along with this update, I plan to provide import/export of Sheet Settings and very likely some QoL such as transferring settings from one sheet to another. There's more to be planned regarding this upgrade, but I wanted to be transparent about it. Issue (still in planning): https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/233 For research purposes, I would be interested in screenshots, sample export JSON, etc. for their configurations. In the community Tidy server, we've been brainstorming how to start moving in this direction.
Unknown User
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kgar9mo ago
Here is a dedicated forum post so I can refer back to it easily: https://discord.com/channels/1167985253072257115/1202310765500186695
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kgar9mo ago
Credit to @Aura for making the request and providing an excellent case for it. On another topic, dnd5e 3.x is out, and it looks awesome! The new default sheets look incredible
Unknown User
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kgar9mo ago
I guess we’ll see how many people still want to use Tidy after spending some quality time with the new sheets. My stuff is headed for 3.0.0 in a few weeks, but also, this update seems like all the more reason to go ahead and overtake the Tidy Foundry package, unless someone else comes along and injects another round of life support on the OG sheets. Also, I’m really excited for the system updates. I am looking forward to drawing so much inspiration from the new character sheet 🤌 No lie, I’ve had this weird, lightheaded feeling ever since the release announcement earlier today
Unknown User
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kgar9mo ago
I am still on the project, for sure In light of the news about dnd5e 3.0.0, I would like to continue to pull any feedback about the prospect of my Tidy rewrite overtaking the official Foundry package. What is everyone’s feeling about it?
Unknown User
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Opius9mo ago
Already seeing a lot of advantages of tidy vs the new DND 3.0 sheets. Considering legacy sheets still work, I'm likely to keep using tidy- that is until the official sheet gets some changes.
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kgar9mo ago
I'm just happy for the Foundry team and hope that they make Big Bank from this deal now and going forward. I love to see the restraints removed from their hands when it comes to pouring more of their talent into the 5e features / sheets / etc. For my part, this update inspires me to break Tidy away even more from the legacy sheets and further promote the Intentional Compatibility Initiative with Tidy. Breaking away and making Tidy sheets even more standalone will make it easier to cross over various system updates, since I won't be worried about how the legacy sheets are changing or whether are going away at some point. I think that was the longterm goal anyway. Eventually, my sheets are just their own thing, and people can integrate through my APIs / hooks / their own moxie. That said, my sheets are always beholden to the Actor data models. I do not add custom data schema to actors. I only react to them and sometimes make flag-based features. Preparing for V1 I have sent my email request to Foundry to obtain the module ID and package rights for Tidy5e Sheet. I am still figuring out and planning how this is going to go. Most likely, when my version of Tidy takes over as the next package update, it will be capped at dnd5e 2.4.1 until I am 3.0.0 ready. My initial offering for 3.0.0 will be modest, and I will be incrementally stepping into the greatness of the new system and the fantastic upgrades the system developers have established. Rest assured, if Tidy is your preferred sheet, we will still be here, and we will be learning and drawing inspiration from the awesome stuff happening in the dnd5e system and with the default sheets.
kgar9mo ago
One step closer. I now own the Foundry package. More to come later.
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kgar9mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets kgar Alpha version 0.2.20 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.2.20 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.2.20/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x Spellbook Tab: Spell Schools Spell schools appear in the spells list as a dedicated column. To save space and add some flavor, they are now represented by icons with tooltips. Item Summary Background When expanding an item, it no longer paints the item row's background over the entire summary. Item Row Colors Refined Inspired by the stellar work of the A5E developers Phil and Nekro Darkmoon, Tidy now uses a gradient on item row colors. Localization - Tidy has received another round of translations for its Polish localization. Thank you, @PwQt! For the Devs - Custom actor traits API: you can now register actor traits to any of the supported Tidy actor sheets. This was initially done to prepare for compatibility with Arbron’s Summoning (5e). - Spell school icon API: you can specify icons for any spell school, including custom schools added via the instructions on the dnd5e wiki. Currently, FontAwesome and RPG Awesome are supported.
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Leo The League Lion
@kgar gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @PwQt (#340 • 1)
kgar9mo ago
Module Compatibility Report To the best of my knowledge, with a few adjustments on the Tidy side, Tidy 5e Sheets is now compatible with TheRipper's System Customizer. I do not own the module, but I worked with a user and TheRipper to fill in what was missing.
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kgar9mo ago
😅 that's where the money is, I guess Making it compatible did improve my handling of currency localization, though Commission Gang hello 👋, Before going V1, Tidy 5e will undergo a brief Beta Testing period with the express goal of creating onboarding tools for OG Tidy and Alpha Tidy users. ⚠️ Warning: When you see the first Beta release, we will no longer be able to run OG Tidy and Beta Tidy side-by-side; it will finally be time to draw the line and say goodbye 😭. The first beta release will have Beta Tidy take over the module ID without publishing a package update 🙅‍♂️. For those who still use OG Tidy alongside the Alpha sheets, please be advised of this change. You'll need to uninstall one or the other. When the Tidy community is satisfied with the onboarding tools available, it will then be time to go V1. 📝 Commission Payment: When we go V1, I will consider the commission fulfilled, and I will finally conclude my dealings on the commission forum thread, now that we're thousands of messages strong here 💪. At that time (or sooner if you'd like), anyone who was still intending to pay toward the commission can do so on my Ko-Fi. I have already received commission payments from multiple users during Alpha, and I do not expect people who committed 7-8 months ago to be held to their original commitment, as they may not even be playing 5e anymore or may have moved on to the awesome new default sheets (etc.). But any support is more than welcome as there is much to do yet on this project, and we've got big plans. If you miss me, you're always welcome to join my Tidy community server: https://discord.gg/865zzNscRA
Unknown User
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Leo The League Lion
@webmaster94 gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @kgar (#68 • 34)
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Leo The League Lion
@kid2407 | Sullivan Orbspire gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @kgar (#68 • 35)
kgar9mo ago
Thank you both so much! That is awesome! I greatly appreciate your support! I've begun work today on the Tidy 5e Beta. Tracking beta update here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/307 The goal is to give just enough tools to get Alpha and OG Tidy users to V1. As of now, my plan is to allow the GM to trigger migrations on - World/GM Settings - Sheet Flags Specifically, the migrations will be separate buttons that the GM can click to perform the necessary migrations.
kgar9mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets Beta Version 0.11 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.11.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.11.0/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x
Remember: Back up your data.
Important: To use Tidy 5e Beta, uninstall "Tidy5e Sheet" and "Tidy 5e Sheets Kgar Alpha" before installing. They now use the same module ID, the same folder, etc. They can no longer coexist.
Tidy 5e Sheets Beta is Here Tidy 5e Sheets beta has begun. This brief beta period is meant for ensuring that we are ready to release V1 to the official Foundry package. It gives Alpha sheet users some time to migrate their sheet data out of the Alpha namespace, and it allows Original Tidy5e Sheet users to beta test the new sheets if they wish. Data / Setting Migrations Available Tidy 5e Sheets beta has optional migrations for users of Original Tidy and users of the Tidy kgar Alpha sheets. Original Tidy Users: Migration Recommendations 1. Go to the Migrations config setting menu 2. In the "Original Tidy5e Sheet" section, use the "Migrate Document Flags" button to bring over your sheet data (one minor flag changed). 3. In the "Alpha Tidy 5e Sheets" section, use the "Migrate GM Settings" button to bring over your GM settings. Alpha Users: Migration Recommendations 1. Go to the Migrations config setting menu 2. In the "Alpha Tidy 5e Sheets" section, use the "Migrate Document Flags" button to bring over your sheet data (biographies, favorites, etc.). - This step is critical for preserving your sheet data. The data will not go away, but it will be in flags that are no longer used until you migrate them over. 3. In the "Alpha Tidy 5e Sheets" section, use the "Migrate GM Settings" button to bring over your GM settings; this step is not as critical. Other updates - The scrollbar (track and thumb) is now included in Theme Settings - Minor visual fixes
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kgar9mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets Beta Version 0.11.1 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.11.1 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.11.1/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x
Remember: Back up your data.
Important: To use Tidy 5e Beta, uninstall "Tidy5e Sheet" and "Tidy 5e Sheets Kgar Alpha" before installing. They now use the same module ID, the same folder, etc. They can no longer coexist.
Actor Item List Expand/Collapse All actor sheets now support item table expand and collapse. Tabs with a utility toolbar also feature Expand All / Collapse All controls. (Screenshots theme: Kiligir's Color Theory) Not All Tables Note: This feature leverages the web tech tools available to Tidy 5e Sheets. Any tables that are injected in as HTML will not innately support this feature. There will be API tools in the future to assist modules with injecting tables that inherit all of the features of Tidy's core tables. Utility Toolbar Upgrade, Work in Progress The toolbars which appear on various tabs have received some layout updates, both to make room for toolbar commands and to prepare for more changes related to dnd5e 3.x. Additional Updates - Spanish localization has been updated to include the new content regarding migrations. Thank you, IVoltZ! - Attributes now use their correctly localized abbreviations on the actor sheets. Thank you IVoltZ for working with me on this effort. - World scripts for dnd5e 2.4.x have been updated to resolve an issue with World Scripter compatibility.
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kgar9mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets Beta Version 0.11.2 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.11.2 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.11.2/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x
Remember: Back up your data.
Important: To use Tidy 5e Beta, uninstall "Tidy5e Sheet" and "Tidy 5e Sheets Kgar Alpha" before installing. They now use the same module ID, the same folder, etc. They can no longer coexist.
UI/Contrast Adjustments - Increased contrast of proficiency icons for ability scores in dark mode - Replaced the regular damage vulnerabilities icon with the more solid variant to provide quicker recognition of the symbol - Added a faint background for dark mode empty spell slot pips to help provide some more contrast and make it easier to see empty spell pips - Adjusted the magic weapon outline to be more golden by default - Added the "Magic Item Accent Outline" option to the color picker - Adjusted the default dark primary accent color to be a slightly less saturated variant of the original orange color, to help with eye strain Bug Fixes - Fixed a bug where the context menu was being hidden when called within an expandable/collapsible item list. For now, the fix means that tables will not have their expand animation and will just instantly open. I am planning a longer term fix that will restore the animation. Themes Migration and Theme File Backward Compatibility - The CSS Variables for Tidy 5e Sheets were namespaced with --t5ek. This has been changed to the original Tidy's --t5e-. For users with .tidy5e-theme files from the Alpha sheets, I have established backward compatibility, so those themes should still be importable into Tidy beta. I do not have any plans to remove backward compatibility anytime soon.
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kgar9mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Crash's Tracking and Training v1.0.4 is compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Thanks to Crash for doing the magic 🪄
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kgar9mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Ethck's 5e Downtime Tracking v0.7.4 is compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets! Thanks to Ethck for making it happen 💪
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kgar9mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets Beta Version 0.11.3 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v0.11.3 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v0.11.3/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x Introducing: World Settings You can now access World Settings from the Config Settings screen. These settings already existed, but they were previously together with user settings in the same form. Unlike user settings, world settings apply to the Tidy 5e Sheets module in general, and not just to a specific user. Introducing: User Settings You can now access User Settings from the Config Settings screen and from the actor sheet menu. These settings already existed, but they were previously together with world settings in the same form. Unlike world settings, user settings apply to the current user, customizing their experience with Tidy module content. User Settings are often synonymous with Client Settings. About Tidy 5e, the Dialog The info tab from the original Sheet Settings screen has been moved to its own config button. Active Effect Locks are Finally Here Tidy 5e Sheets are their own thing. As such, certain features like locking inputs when an active effect is applied requires implementation. This standard feature is now part of Tidy 5e Sheets as well. Localization - Thanks to IVoltZ for providing Spanish localization for the new Expand All/Collapse All toolbar commands. Fixes - Fixed the bug where setting Spellcasting Ability to "None" was causing it to default to "Intelligence." - Fixed the appearance of the blank option in the Item Activation dropdown reading "None" when it should just be blank.
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kgar9mo ago
All remaining milestones for Tidy V1 have been completed. I am waiting a few more days to allow users to try the latest (and possibly last) beta version 0.11.3 and report if they have any issues. If no issues are found, or if all found issues are resolved and Tidy is in a good state, expect to finally see my first official Tidy 5e Sheets release in the Foundry package repo.
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BlackBadger7779mo ago
This huge! Congratulations, mate, and thank you so much for your incredible work. Not only for that, but also for your transparency and willingness to cooperate, and not least also for standing by your decisions if you felt them to be the right ones.
kgar9mo ago
Thank you for the kind words. I'm really grateful for you and all of the others for collaborating with me and helping this module continue to grow. I am excited for the next phases of Tidy sheets.
kgar9mo ago
🎉 Tidy 5e Sheets version 1 is Here! 🎉 Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v1.0.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v1.0.0/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x At last, the Tidy 5e Sheets rewrite is now generally available on the official Foundry package repo as version 1.0.0. This is just the beginning of the module's journey. More features and improvements are to come. What's New - Details tab auto-height has been restored to item sheets. The sheet will auto-adjust its height whenever the user navigates to the Details tab. - Auto-Height API parameter is now available for scripts/modules that register tabs. This is an opt-in feature, default off. - Spell Attacks can now be rolled directly from the sheet, without a spell. - German localization updates, thanks DevConFox/Fuchsen! - Spanish localization updates, thanks gallegonovato! Migrating Original Tidy5e Sheet Settings To migrate GM/World Settings and sheet flags from the original Tidy5e Sheet module, you can use the Migrations config settings menu to perform migrations. Note: A migration is not required to begin using these sheets. It exists to help migrate existing GM/World settings from the original module to the new rewrite. This can also be done by reviewing the new settings UI. A number of settings have been added or removed, so a review of your sheet settings is recommended. For Alpha/Beta Users First and foremost, thank you 🙏 Tidy users who have journeyed with me all this way. Beta Testing will always be a thing, and if you are using the manifest URL install, then you are on the Beta Channel. To exit beta and use official releases: Uninstall/reinstall Tidy 5e Sheets from Foundry's package manager, Forge's bazaar, or wherever you get your modules. It's now official! 🎊 🥳
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kgar9mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets Version 1.1.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v1.1.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v1.1.0/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x The Road to dnd5e 3.x To get to dnd5e 3.x, Tidy 5e Sheets has to account for some breaking changes. Fortunately, this means Tidy can finally achieve some of the longer-term goals that we've had since the early days of the rewrite. Introducing: Actor Filters Overhaul, Phase 1 Actor Item Filters have received an overhaul. Filters have been consolidated to a dedicated menu icon on the tab utility toolbar, and they now support Include, Exclude, and Off as options. Exclude uses the Tidy warning color for now, but the style and color choices for these filters is not set in stone, in case the community has recommendations. This is the first phase of Actor Item Filters. There will be more to come later. For those among the Tidy community, I am looking for suggestions/requests for default filters that you find to be essential and universal. Likewise, for my color theorists and design experts, the doors are open for suggestions on how to improve the filters UI. If you have ideas, come see us on the Tidy discord server or file a Github issue with your ideas 💡.
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kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets Version 2.0.0-beta.1 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.0.0-beta.1 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.0.0-beta.1/module.json 🚨 For dnd5e 3.0.x 🚨 The Tidy Open Beta for dnd5e 3.x is Here 🐉 The URL-only open beta for Tidy 5e Sheets support in dnd5e 3x has begun. There are a number of things to polish, and there are whole features to implement from scratch (such as containers and hiding unidentified item content). There are migrations to make (dnd5e 3.x now has Age, Eyes, Skin, etc.; so Tidy will be retiring its own version of those fields). I will be aggregating a full list of features and planned updates in this milestone as the days go by: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/milestone/3 The goal of this beta is for dnd5e 3.x users, or those who have been ready to go to 3.x, to be able to try out the sheets in the latest dnd5e system version. I will be addressing any issues that arise and can/will release additional beta pre-releases. In the background, while I wait, I will be working down those milestone feature rollouts. As always if you are jumping to a new version of dnd5e, don't forget to backup your world. Feel free to file issues if something isn't quite right when compared to the legacy sheets. I request you mention dnd5e 3.0.x in the title, such as bug: (dnd5e 3.0.x) Vehicles Fail to Polymorph into Liches. Cheers, everyone. Forge Users: This Release Might Show Up in Your Options If you are using Forge, you might see the v2.0.0-beta.1 version appear in your options. I have not published an official package for v2 Tidy to Foundry, so this may come from some other factor. Be advised that Tidy v2.0.0-beta.1 is for dnd5e 3. If you accidentally update Tidy, you can safely downgrade back to v1.x Tidy. Tidy 5e Sheets Version 2.0.0-beta.2 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.0.0-beta.2 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.0.0-beta.2/module.json Planned features progress: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/milestone/3 🚨 For dnd5e 3.0.x, URL-Installation-Only beta 🚨 What's New? This is a bugfix release to the dnd5e 3.x beta release of Tidy 5e Sheets. - NPC death saves were giving an error. Thanks to voodoofrog for finding and fixing this! - Bad item data was preventing some NPC sheets from opening. This has been fixed so that the sheet will open with partial data if it has to, with error information in the console. What's Next? Tidy 5e Sheets will likely move officially to dnd5e 3.0.x after another several days of beta. This time is set aside for any users who wish to beta test the new version while I am adding features and fixing any bugs. Not all new features will be ready when Tidy officially moves to 3.0.x. Those will continue to be built as time goes on. Tidy 5e Sheets Version 1.2.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v1.2.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v1.2.0/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x The Road to dnd5e 3.x Development continues on beta Tidy 2.x, and a new release is coming very soon which will include all changes from the main Tidy 1.x track. Beta seems to be going well, so I am giving it until after this upcoming weekend before saying goodbye to Tidy 1.x development and moving into Tidy 2.x development with official package releases in the dnd5e 3.0.x version. What's New - Fixed issue with filter buttons word-wrapping unintentionally in Firefox. - Fixed issue with NPC death saves. Thanks voodoofrog! - Fixed issue with item property tags where they were not properly word-wrapping in item summaries, causing longer material component descriptions to trigger horizontal scrolling. - Added new activation cost filter called "Other". It is "Not an Action, Not a Bonus Action, and Not a Reaction." It is Other. Thanks cs96and for the suggestion. - Added formulae for Bard and Sorcerer spell. Note: while the language currently mentions "prepared spells," these formulae work for spells known for these two classes. Thanks cs96and for masterminding the formulae. - Removed character limits on demographic fields in the biography tab. - Fixed an error where Tidy was failing to open on initial load when using the Sheet Only module. Tidy 5e Sheets Version 2.0.0-beta.3 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.0.0-beta.3 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.0.0-beta.3/module.json Planned features progress: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/milestone/3 🚨 For dnd5e 3.0.x, URL-Installation-Only beta 🚨 What's New? Tidy Beta release for dnd5e 3.0.x has released with the latest fixes and updates from the mainline Tidy 1.x track. - Fixed issue with filter buttons word-wrapping unintentionally in Firefox. - Fixed issue with item property tags where they were not properly word-wrapping in item summaries, causing longer material component descriptions to trigger horizontal scrolling. - Added new activation cost filter called "Other". It is "Not an Action, Not a Bonus Action, and Not a Reaction." It is Other. Thanks cs96and for the suggestion. - Added formulae for Bard and Sorcerer spell. Note: while the language currently mentions "prepared spells," these formulae work for spells known for these two classes. Thanks cs96and for masterminding the formulae. - Removed character limits on demographic fields in the biography tab. - Fixed an error where Tidy was failing to open on initial load when using the Sheet Only module.
kgar8mo ago
Module Compatibility Report Arbron's Summoning is now compatible with Tidy 5e Sheets. Big thanks to Arbron!
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kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 1.3.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v1.3.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v1.3.0/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x Sorting Items in Tidy Sheets Tidy 5e Sheets now offer a sort button on all tabs where a utility toolbar appears. The current options are "Sort Alphabetically" and "Sort Manually." When "Sort Alphabetically" is activated, it does not permanently reorder your items. It simply performs a sort just before showing the items to you. If you switch back to "Sort Manually," your original item sort order will be there. Skill Ability Quick Change When the sheet is unlocked, skill abilities can now be quickly changed by clicking on the ability abbreviation on the skills list and selecting the desired ability. Original Class Marker There's now an original class marker to designate which class is configured as your original class. NPC Prepared Spell Count Is Here NPCs have not had a functioning prepared spells count in Tidy Sheets. Now they do. User Sheet Preferences Update Tidy now remembers sheet width, sheet height (actors only), and chosen sort mode (per sheet type + per tab). These are saved to the user's Tidy flags. As a result, certain width-related user settings are no longer present in Tidy. Misc - Race, Background, Class, Subclass: Duplicate option is no longer available. This is to match legacy sheet behaviors. - Classes are now able to be toggle in favorites. - Fixed a bug where actor names were adding "&nbsp;" text whenever multiple consecutive spaces were saved. - The vehicle dimensions dialog textarea has been updated to use Tidy's theming and styles. It was previously unreadable in dark mode. - Fixed advancement tab SVG dimensions that were overflowing out of the image area of the table.
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kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets Version 2.0.0-beta.4 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.0.0-beta.4 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.0.0-beta.4/module.json Planned features progress: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/milestone/3 🚨 For dnd5e 3.0.x, URL-Installation-Only beta 🚨 What's New? See v1.3.0 release notes Saying Goodbye to 2.4.x Soon... In just a few days, Tidy 5e Sheets development will shift entirely to dnd5e 3.0.x development, and the first official Tidy v2 package will be released. On the Foundry package page for Tidy 5e Sheets, I keep a table of the last Tidy version for each dnd5e system version where there are breaking changes. https://foundryvtt.com/packages/tidy5e-sheet See "Legacy dnd5e System Compatibility"
kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 1.4.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v1.4.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v1.4.0/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x NPC Abilities Tab Toolbar The NPC sheet's Abilities tab now has a toolbar for searching, filtering, toggling legendary toolbar visibility, sorting, and expanding/collapsing sections. NPC sheets no longer automatically show the Legendary toolbar if the sheet is unlocked. Instead, there is a dedicated toggle for showing/hiding the legendary toolbar. Before you click show or hide for the first time on the associated sheet, Tidy will automatically show the legendary toolbar if - Legendary action max is greater than 0 - Legendary resistance max is greater than 0 - The lair checkbox is checked - The lair initiative input has a value That is to say, if there is legendary NPC data, the sheets will show the toolbar on first open. After this, you can opt to show or hide the toolbar with the new Show/Hide button, and Tidy will remember the preference. Action List Tab Toolbar The Action List tab for all supported actor types now has a toolbar. Localization - Spanish updates, thank you gallegonovato and GregoryWarn! - Italian updates, thank you GregoryWarn! - French updates, thank you tigue54 and GregoryWarn! - Portuguese (Brazil) updates, thank you GregoryWarn! Misc - The sections in the action list tab now always assume the same order: Action, Bonus Action, Reaction, Legendary Action, Mythic Action, Lair Action, Crew Action, Special Action, and then Other. - Fixed a bug where pressing enter on an item name was accidentally opening the item art preview.
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kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.0.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.0.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.0.0/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Tidy V2 Is Here 🎉 Tidy 5e Sheets is now compatible with dnd5e 3.0.x. It brings with it all of the features from Tidy V1 and the updates from the Tidy V2 beta releases. Room to Grow Tidy 5e Sheets will be growing into the new features available in dnd5e 3.0.x. For example, Tidy does not have a Group Sheet or a Container Sheet. Unidentified items do not obscure yet. Look forward to these and more features as active development on Tidy 5e Sheets continues.
kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.1.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.1.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.1.0/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 UI Changes - Light mode sheets now use the more modern parchment assets and background color of the default sheets. As a result, they are noticeably brighter. Fixes - Tidy was having trouble fitting the new SVG icons properly into the middle of the item image area in places like the inventory, spellbook, and action list tabs. This has been fixed. - The green checkbox, when used outside of an item form, had some vertical alignment issues with the checkbox itself. This has been resolved. - Search was causing injected content to disappear when the related item reappeared in the item table. This has been fixed, and search render speed has subsequently increased. - The Ammo Selector disappeared in the transition to 3.0.x dnd5e. It has been restored.
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kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.2.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.2.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.2.0/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 What's New - Tidy 5e vehicle sheets now allow for selecting the vehicle type. Fixes - For content that is injected through the Tidy API in dnd5e 3.0.x, a double-rendering issue occurred whenever a physical item was adjusted, causing injected content (like a magic wand icon or a special magic item spell table) to appear twice on the sheet. This has been resolved while still allowing the multiple renders to execute in sequence. - The World Setting "Default Theme" was not working as intended. This has been fixed.
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kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.3.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.3.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.3.0/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Tidy Now Supports Unidentified Item Concealment For non-GMs, unidentified items will now conceal information. Likewise, the effects of unidentified items can be seen in the item table, item table row summary, and item card summary. Localization - French updates, thank you Archibald! - Spanish updates, thank you gallegonovato! Misc - Default dark theme: item sheets now use a darker background color for inputs and when hovering over inputs.
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kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 1.5.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v1.5.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v1.5.0/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x - URL-install-only and 🔒 Module recommended What's New - The "Prepared" filter will now work for NPCs the way it works for player characters. If you decide to unprepare an NPC spell, the "Prepared" filter will exclude it as one would expect.
Note: This is a Tidy v1 release, to offer a small bit of polish. Aside from critical bugfixes and an infrequent, small change like this, development efforts will continue in Tidy v2.
Tidy 5e Sheets 1.6.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v1.6.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v1.6.0/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x - URL-install-only and 🔒 Module recommended Localization Updates - French localizations from Tidy v2, thank you Archibald! - Spanish localizations from Tidy v2, thank you gallegonovato! Tidy 5e Sheets 1.7.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v1.7.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v1.7.0/module.json For dnd5e 2.4.x - URL-install-only and 🔒 Module recommended Localization Updates - Polish localization updates, thanks to Jan Nowak! - Italian localization updates, thanks to GregoryWarn! - French localization updates, thanks to tigue54!
kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.4.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.4.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.4.0/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Conditions on the Character Sheet Tidy 5e Sheets now features the condition toggles from the default sheets on the effects tab. Unidentified Item Refinements - GMs can now see the unidentified decorations, but information like the real description and item details are not concealed from the GM. - GMs are now able to hover over an item name on an unidentified item's sheet and peek at the real item name. - The "Identify" context menu option is now available for unidentified items. Localization - French localizations, thank you Archibald (tigue54)! - Polish localization updates, thanks to Jan Nowak! - Italian localization updates, thanks to GregoryWarn! API: Custom Equipment Type Groups - The Tidy API now includes the function api.config.item.registerCustomEquipmentTypeGroup. This can be used to register custom groups on the Equipment Type dropdown in the item sheet (screenshot features content from "Dark Matter" implementation by Deyzeria). Misc - Item table rows now feature the attribute data-tidy-item-type with the item's associated type property as the value. - The layout for green checkboxes in item sheets has been adjusted to make more room for larger amounts of text, like "Stealth Disadvantage." In the default dark theme, the green color is now a bit darker and easier on the eyes. - The "Prepared" filter will now work for NPCs the way it works for player characters. If you decide to unprepare an NPC spell, the "Prepared" filter will exclude it as one would expect. - The equipment type on the header now reflects the chosen equipment type on the details tab.
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kgar8mo ago
I've got a dedicated discord server these days: https://discord.gg/865zzNscRA But I'm ok with discussing here if you prefer
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kgar8mo ago
I do have a github issue out for RSR compatibility. I am currently awaiting the module author to review/adjust/apply the compatibility code I handed off to them. Tidy: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/148 RSR: https://github.com/MangoFVTT/fvtt-ready-set-roll-5e/issues/288 Aside from the additional column, there are also RSR inputs missing on the Details tab.
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Unknown User8mo ago
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kgar8mo ago
Yes. Tidy is not default-like anymore, so it is up to the module author to intentionally integrate with it. I've been putting a lot of energy into the API and tools for integrating other modules. A number of authors have taken advantage of it. The dnd5e 3.0.x update has also further cemented that idea that even the default sheets are not guaranteed to be default-like, and intentional integration is the longterm way to go 😅
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Unknown User8mo ago
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kgar8mo ago
The integration code only applies to RSR's module. Tidy is ready to receive the integration on 2.4.1 or 3.0.x. It would be a question of whether they are willing to ship a release for dnd5e 2.4.1 in addition to 3.0.x.
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kgar8mo ago
Most of it has to do with my chosen web tech. I'm supporting reactivity that doesn't require the whole sheet to re-render on every change, so it tends to feel smoother to use and renders content a lot faster. It also has resulted in some major performance increases for users with more sheet-affecting modules. On the development side, it's easier for me to do more complex things and properly maintain them. Because of using the tech I'm using, injecting content works a bit differently, which is where the compatibility effort comes from. The main thing you'll be missing is the Class dropdown for spells, for the multi-class spellbook feature.
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kgar8mo ago
They'll likely stay very snappy even as they become more feature-rich, too. That was one of the big picture goals.
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kgar8mo ago
That's right. You can remove the Actions module. Did you open the tab selection menu? You can sort your tabs however you like
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kgar8mo ago
Three Dots menu to the right of Name. Check that out 😄
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kgar8mo ago
You can set the default for everyone, and they can override Head over to Config Settings > Tidy 5e Sheets > World Settings Character, NPC, and Vehicle can be separately configured for default tabs
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kgar8mo ago
As you've seen on this poor commission thread: months and months of work, hahahaha
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kgar8mo ago
You can use the Sort button on the toolbar to sort alphabetically
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kgar8mo ago
(I'm following along on 3.0.x, but I think the actions toolbar is there in 2.4.1)
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kgar8mo ago
Yes, it does. It would be a hefty upgrade to get it to support fully manual sorting on the action tab alone.
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kgar8mo ago
Not out of the realm of possibility, but I would need to look into it more after the current milestone of updates.
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kgar8mo ago
I do still have plans to support native CCSS for Tidy. The module itself should currently work with Tidy on dnd5e 2.4.1
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kgar8mo ago
Yes Whenever Tidy takes over that functionality, where will be an optional migration / bulk migration UI to transfer CCSS sections to whatever format Tidy will use.
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kgar8mo ago
We could check in whenever I'm finally ready to go down that road and see how feasible it is.
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kgar8mo ago
I think it might be 3.0.x only, but unidentified item concealment is a thing It was a sizable enough upgrade that it would have been a lot of rework to do it on the V1 track, now that Tidy V1 and V2 have diverged
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kgar8mo ago
The split descriptions was a thing added in 2.4.x, I think? The actual concealing of item details from players came in 3.0.x dnd5e
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kgar8mo ago
It is mostly just there, for any sheet, in 2.4.1.
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kgar8mo ago
Yes, I think that's the main thing that works in 2.4.1
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kgar8mo ago
It is definitely working in 3.0.x.
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kgar8mo ago
kgar8mo ago
Coming soon to Tidy V2: Data Migrations. dnd5e 3.x supports stuff that previously only Tidy supported. I'm laboring to make it simple and safe. The first migration will be biographical data (Age, Height, Weight, etc.).
kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.5.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.5.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.5.0/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Migration Available: Character Biography Fields dnd5e 3.0.x supports the biography fields Age, Eyes, Gender, Hair, Height, Skin, and Weight. Tidy has been storing these as Flag data, but now it is time to use the system's own data fields. For GMs only, Data Migration tools for Character Biography data are now available to bring biographical information from Tidy flags into the system data fields. Whenever a new migration is available, Tidy will notify the GM.
Important As always, it is recommended you back up your world before doing a data migration.
UI Changes - The Actions tab now uses the built-in damage and healing type icons from CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes and CONFIG.DND5E.healingTypes. This also means that anyone who wishes to change those icons can do so by updating these config fields. Localization - French localization updates, thanks to GregoryWarn and Archibald (tigue54)! - Italian localization updates, thanks to GregoryWarn! - Spanish localization updates, thanks to gallegonovato! API - Spell School icons can now accept icon src paths like the dnd5e config objects. It it still also able to use FontAwesome and RPG Awesome icons by class name.
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kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.5.1 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.5.1 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.5.1/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Localization - Italian translations for the new bulk migrations feature, thanks to GregoryWarn! Tidy 5e Sheets 2.5.2 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.5.2 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.5.2/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Localization - German localization updates and fixes, thanks to malea-gh! - Spanish localization updates, thanks to gallegonovato! - French localization updates, thanks to tigue54! Tidy 5e Sheets 2.5.3 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.5.3 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.5.3/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Localization - German translation: Corrected remaining translated variable names to resolve #463
kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.6.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.6.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.6.0/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Tidy Containers Are Here "Tidy 5e Container Sheet" is now available amongst the container sheet options. Inventory: Container Panel The character inventory tab can now show and hide a Container Panel above the item list / grid, which has tooltips for the container name and capacity bar totals. Clicking a container panel item will open the container sheet. Context menu is also available. Item Identification Permission GMs can now go to World Settings and limit Item Identification to GM Only. Unidentified Item Concealment Improvements - Attunement decorations, controls, and context menu options are now hidden from non-GMs for unidentified items - Filters for attunement and rarity now fail for unidentified items when non-GMs are filtering Localization - German translations and fixes, thanks to malea-gh! - Spanish translations, thanks to gallegonotavo!
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kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.6.1 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.6.1 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.6.1/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Fixed: Container Panels not showing up in Firefox. Tidy 5e Sheets 2.6.2 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.6.2 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.6.2/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Fixes - Fixed a bug where pressing enter on the character sheet was causing a container sheet to be opened. Localization - French localization updates, thanks to tigue54! - Italian localization updates, thanks to GregoryWarn! - Spanish localization updates, thanks to gallegonovato!
kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.7.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.7.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.7.0/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Toolbar Filters Return - The most critical filters have been restored to the utility toolbar of all tabs where filtering is used. - The spell filter "Prepared" is still available, but "Can Cast" has taken its place on the toolbar. "Can Cast" presents all of the spells that are currently able to be cast, ignoring material requirements. This also accounts for when the Cantrip Formulas option is turned on. - Containers now have the same pinned toolbar filters as the inventory tab. Spell Slot Tracker Toggle - Spell Pips and Spell Slot Value/Max Tracking are now exclusive from each other. One or the other can be toggled using the new spell slot tracker toggle on the spellbook toolbar (or the NPC Abilities toolbar when NPC spellbook tabs are hidden via settings). - Character Favorites now visualize the Spell Pips or Value/Max Preference. Spell Slot Management - The Spell Slot edit button now opens the dnd5e 3.0.x spell slots dialog. Localization - English localization has been updated to capitalize text that should have been capital case. - Spanish updates, thanks to gallegonovato! UI - Items now have more space to properly display more expensive item values. Fixes - Fixed: Ammo Switcher was not reassigning the ammo consumption for ranged weapons when changing ammo. - Fixed: Some items, whether imported or migrated from previous system versions, have an undefined unidentified name. Now, as a last-ditch effort, Tidy will backfill the word "Unidentified" for such items.
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Unknown User8mo ago
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kgar8mo ago
Got to be a bug. I’ll look into it. I found the issue and am working on that fix. Tracking here: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/issues/502
kgar8mo ago
Tidy 5e Sheets 2.8.0 Released Github release: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/tag/v2.8.0 module.json: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets/releases/download/v2.8.0/module.json For dnd5e 3.0.x 🐉 Quantity Column - Tidy now features a dedicated Quantity (Qty) column and has removed the hoverable quantity in parentheses on the item name. As a result, all quantity show/hide options are no longer available. Localization - Japanese localization updates, thanks to BrotherSharper! Fixes - Effects Context Menu broke when the new floating context menu was released; it has been restored. - Spell Pip animations have been corrected so they do not animate when revisiting a tab where pips animated previously. Misc - Empty Spell Pips now have a transparent background and a border with the chosen primary accent color. - The Duplicate classic control has been removed from all classic controls. It is now available only in the context menu. - Classic Controls now dictate the width of the classic controls column more directly, so their spacing from one another is more consistent.
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kgar8mo ago
Fix is in 2.8.0
gambit8mo ago
@4535992 @Melody Rose @Monkeyy @Dreaming (He/Him) @webmaster94 @kid2407 | Sullivan Orbspire hey all! Checking in to see if everybody has been able to send their contributions to kgar. @4535992 you can check my name off there
kgar8mo ago
gambit's post reminds me that I was meaning to say goodbye to this commission thread after going V1, and now I'm V2! Force of habit 😅.
kgar8mo ago
Thank you all for joining me on the journey. I greatly, sincerely appreciate all the different forms of contribution to the project. I will continue to work on this module as my primary contribution to the Foundry module ecosystem. If you need me, you can find me here on the league server, over on the mothership Foundry server in general, over on TPosney's server under Symbiotic Modules, or on the dedicated Tidy 5e Sheets Community server https://discord.gg/865zzNscRA Most of those who committed to financial contribution have already followed through (thank you! 🙏). If anyone else wishes to contribute, here are the various means: https://github.com/kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-support Farewell to this thread, but do catch me around these parts if you need me. 🫶
GitHub - kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets: D&D 5e sheet layouts for ...
D&D 5e sheet layouts for Foundry VTT, focused on a clean UI, user ergonomics, and extensibility. - kgar/foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets
Unknown User
Unknown User7mo ago
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