Apostol Apostolov
Apostol Apostolov
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 6/18/2024 in #commissions
Border Width Mod
Budget: 50$ --- I am looking for a mod to take over my use of the Border Control mod by Kandashi since he no longer maintains Border Control, and that mod breaks with every version update. I only use one feature of this heavily feature-rich mod, making the Border thicker to improve its visibility at many zoom levels, especially on small screens (laptops, etc.) and I think it makes sense to just make this into a separate mod that caters to a focused accessibility use rather than keep Border Control alive with a commissioned fix. --- The mod’s feature set should be - [ ] Change the width of the token border by value in pixels. - [ ] Automatically update the width of the token border as the zoom level significantly decreases (the camera moves higher, causing the visibility of the border to drop below a certain percentage), making token borders relatively as visible as they would have been at a low zoom distance. I am open to proposals related to this approach.
4 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 6/18/2024 in #commissions
Token Health for v12
Budget: 50$ Full documentation: https://apoapostolov.notion.site/Token-Health-Commission-914ab651b5804340b214a0de9e03e350?pvs=4 --- Token Health is a long-lost abandoned mod (maintained by the original dev up to V9, then commissioned fixes here and there by me) that provides very fast and comfortable access to updating hit points and similar attributes (mainly used with the commissioned by me mod https://github.com/elizeuangelo/pf2-shields-token-bar to edit PF2-equipped shields as easy as if they are player HP). Its best and unmatched by other mods feature is integration with ENTER keybinding to open/close its dialog window very fast, faster than editing a Token from its HUD or similar approaches like Always HP. Token Health used to work up to V11, and no longer opens its dialog window in V12 probably because of changes to API to open dialog or Application v2 API. Also the mod is pretty archaic, not integrated with the V10+ keybinding UX. I am looking for someone to rejuvenate and maintain Token Health in the future via a repo. --- This commission should cover the following: - [ ] Update Token Health to Application V2 - [ ] Rework the keybinding trigger to use Keybindings UX with ENTER as default method - [ ] Compatibility fixes to manifest format - [ ] Maintenance via Github repo for future commissioned improvements --- What should work: Test with: PF2 Latest, Bar Brawl Latest, https://github.com/elizeuangelo/pf2-shields-token-bar - [ ] Press Enter on a token, the Token Health dialog shows up - [ ] Editing HP up and down works properly - [ ] Set secondary attribute to use the middleman attribute provided by https://github.com/elizeuangelo/pf2-shields-token-bar and put a shield on the PF2 character (linked PC) and do damage or heal the shield HP and it should work. If there is an V12 or PF2 6.x issue with https://github.com/elizeuangelo/pf2-shields-token-bar it will be a separate commissioned fix. !Untitled
13 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 3/4/2023 in #commissions
Chat Scrubber - Keep Chat Log to a Minimum (improves peformance)
Problem: I am experiencing a severe load/freezing issue in V10 with a heavily modded, heavy CSS PF2 system where the Chat log will take 2-8 seconds to redraw upon returning to it from any other sidebar tab (ex: Combat, or Actors), as well as 2-8 seconds of freezing when players generate a new message. Players do not experience this since their posts are limited in info and complexity, but as a DM this destroys my pacing. The freezing will result in the browser or Electron server displaying the “want to kill this application due to unresponsiveness” dialog if clicked multiple times during the freeze, but it will unfreeze on its own. The issue was identified as the chat log, which appears when the chatlog fills in with 40-50+ very complex system messages (attacks, damage rolls) in the PF2 system. Not a mod conflict: tested with zero mods with and without Dorako UI. With Dorako UI the problem is considerably worsened, but I want to keep using this mod. The only solution I could find for the problem is regularly cleaning the chat log, but I want to automate this, so I don’t have to do it manually when I start experiencing slowdowns. This mod would help me with it. Settings - Maximum Chat to Retain [default: 50] - Exclude Message Chats [default: on] - Maximum Chat to Reload [default: 10] Functionality - The mod scans the chat every X seconds on every chat message generated and deletes any messages in the Chat Log older than the most recent X [default: 50]. - If Exclude Message Chats is on, exclude chats that are messages or whispers from players or DM. - When the user switches to another tab in the sidebar and returns to chat, behavior separate from loading the chat after world load or F5 refresh only renders a few messages (default: 10). The rest will only load in the chat if the user scrolls up and browses to the top of the list, in batches of 10. The code for this may be found in DF Chat Enhancements, but I could not hack the mod to limit the minimum batch of 100 messages to a limit of 10. Any tricks that could help speed up rendering chat would be welcome and can expand the budget of the mod. Budget : 50$
30 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 2/11/2023 in #commissions
Combat Music Master
Summary: I want to commission a more advanced and customizable combat music management mod, a spiritual successor to the Maestro mod with a different take on UX decisions and only focused on combat music tracks. The Maestro mods have a lot more functionality that is not used that much (Item and Character Hype Tracks), and that is taken over by other mods (Dramatic Rolls for critical roll sounds). Still, its signature feature I want to improve on is its ability to set one playlist as “combat music playlists” and play that playlist when the encounter starts and stop it when the encounter ends. Full documentation here: https://apoapostolov.notion.site/Combat-Music-Master-1bd705807a8d46d0a1cfb66af6d39610 Budget: 70$
6 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 1/31/2023 in #commissions
PF2 Compatibility for Token Auras
Summary: Token Auras by Kim Mantas (https://bitbucket.org/Fyorl/token-auras/src/master/) is a great agnostic mod for creating public or GM-visible aura circles around tokens in various colors, and transparency. It has more subtle visual appeal than PF2 newly-implemented auras and I prefer to use it for GM-visible auras such as Detect Magic aura, etc. The Bug Token Auras has a side effect in PF2 system where it makes all tokens have two sets of effect icons on them, looking like duplicated number of effects. How it looks: https://i.imgur.com/CUvA6gS.png This gets unwieldy in games where DM uses a lot of icon effects on players (immunities, conditions, condition-likes, diseases and poisons, etc.). I need this fixed so there’s only one original set of icons and Token Auras can be used as normal. Budget: 25$
15 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 1/25/2023 in #commissions
PF2 Rogue's Initiative
Summary: This mod gives certain players who use Avoid Notice, or Hide and Sneak actively before combat, to roll initiative using Stealth instead of Perception, or to quickly migrate the result from their last few Hide, Sneak or generic Stealth checks to the Initiative. The mod uses Hidden condition but also Avoid Notice effect (support for PF2 Exploration Actions mod which contains an effect named Avoid Notice, though any DM can make a generic one with the same name) to identify who uses Avoid Notice during exploration. - Applies only to characters who have the Hidden condition or have effect on them named “Avoid Notice” - When such character rolls initiative, instead direct roll show a dialog with he following options:
Roll Initiative as Normal Roll Initiative using Stealth Scan the chat for up to 3 chat messages of rolling Stealth skill, or Hide or Sneak basic actions by the same actor. Get the results and generate buttons to use that results as an Initiative. Each of these buttons have a relative timestamp (i.e. 1m 57 minutes ago), and are ordered from most to least recent.
Budget: 50$
4 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 1/23/2023 in #commissions
Player Pin Defaults
Hello, I am looking to commission a mod that improves players' experience who create pins on a map for dungeon-heavy games since I am running PF2 Abomination Vaults right now. This mod overwrites player-made pins properties with defaults set by the DM and adds some interesting ideas (using player tokens as a note icon, or adding the character's name to the pin text). I am using Pin Cushion to improve some parts of the pin experience though I struggle to get the default player pin image to work, and many of the defaults I want to be applied have to manually done by DM and cannot be applied automatically. This mod could be a PR for Pin Cushion to add improvements to player features, or a separate mod though it has to be compatible (and perhaps work with) Pin Cushion. Full Documentation: https://apoapostolov.notion.site/Player-Pin-Defaults-433cd5e178c5418a9c3bdf3670947127 Budget: 50$
7 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 1/18/2023 in #commissions
PF2 Procedural Checks Macro
I want to commission a PF2 system macro that allows to automate "procedural checks" for dungeon crawl and similar games where players stop at regular intervals (doors, rooms) and do the same checks, with predefined characters rolling predefined basic actions (i.e. Seek, Pick a Lock, Force Open). An example default for a "Door" macro - Kyra Seeks - Fimbus Seeks - Merisiel Picks a Lock - Valeros Forces Open (the result is taken in account if Merisiel would fail, but this doesn't need to be automated, the DM decides what results to take) An example default for "Rummage a Room" macro - Kyra Seeks - Valeros Seeks - Fimbus Seeks - Merisiel Scouts (someone has to notice any monsters who would jump on the party due to the noise their search is making) The macro will be run by the DM, forcing each character to make the defined rolls. The results could be triggers of the standard posts in chat, though in a perfect would they would fit in their own pretty UI (this may require it to be a mod, but we can discuss expanding on both scope and payment) FULL DOCUMENTATION: https://apoapostolov.notion.site/PF2-Procedural-Checks-Macro-996bd20ace45411eb4b1f566686ecdb1 BUDGET 50$ for a full-featured customizable macro with pleasant UI (code examples will be provided to pilfer)
28 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 10/25/2022 in #commissions
V10 Journal Workflow Polish Mod
Short Summary: A mod that makes multiple small modifications of the V10 Journal 2.0 CSS and UI code, aimed to speed up the process of creation of pages with less clicks. None of the changes touch ProseMirror. Long Summary: https://apoapostolov.notion.site/V10-Journal-Polish-8b8feed2bd8640a9810f37564cc58a63 Budget: 50$
56 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 10/23/2022 in #commissions
UI QoL Improvements for Token Health
Short Description: Token Health is a mod that allows to call a HP change dialog with a press of ENTER to selected tokens. It is a very fast and easy way to apply changes to HP, as well as secondary or tertiary statistic if such are configured. https://github.com/schlosrat/token-health Long Description: https://apoapostolov.notion.site/Improvements-to-Token-Health-a62ee63dfc644a34a77639130ac6a1ae Alternatively, if the changes are numerous and there're issues with the codebase, I am open to a new module that uses the modern functionalities of V10 forward. Budget: 50$
38 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 10/17/2022 in #commissions
V10 Fix for Border Control
Description: Border Control is a mod by Kandashi that provides UI improvements to the token borders (thickness, color based on attribute such as hp) available at https://github.com/kandashi/Border-Control The mod no longer works in V10 and causes border to not render at all. Commission: 20$
14 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 10/4/2022 in #commissions
Scrolling Text Overhaul to make it look like Combat Numbers Mod
Short Description: Mod that overhauls the CSS and animations of the scrolling text. Long Description: Combat Numbers is a great V7-V9 era mod that provided very pleasing 16-bit Console RPG visuals for damage taken or healed. It is long abandoned and may not be updated to V10. Also the mod is limited to damage values only rather than all effects that could be shown with scrolling text. I would like to commission a mod that overhauls the animation and the visuals of the V10 scrolling text to look like Combat Numbers. How Combat Numbers looks: * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1000nettles/combat-numbers/main/img/preview1.gif * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1000nettles/combat-numbers/main/img/preview2.gif Commission: 50$, but amount can be negotiated based on complexity and the number of additional improvements added to the mod.
9 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 9/27/2022 in #commissions
V10 Fix for Dramatic Rolls
Description: Dramatic Rolls is a simple mod that plays a selection of exciting sounds when a d20 roll results in a 1 or 20. https://github.com/gsimon2/dramatic-rolls It no longer works with V10. I expect the fix to be very simple one, and the commission may involve maintaining a fork until the original dev can accept a PR. Commission: 20$
6 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 9/24/2022 in #commissions
V10 Fix for Memento Mori
Type: V10 fix for Module Short Description: V10 fix of overlay on death state for Memento Mori Long Description: For PF2 system that Combat Utility Belt now ignores due to custom conditions, there's no longer a way to put a overlay skull when an NPC is dead at hp.value = 0. This used to be possible with Combat Utility Belt with Condition Lab and Triggler in V9, now no longer in V10. Memento Mori is another mod that is supposed to allow placing overlay over tokens when they are Dead or Dying (for NPCs or PCs). It no longer works in V10. I would like to commission a fix for it for V10. Memento Mori github - https://github.com/BadIdeasBureau/memento-mori Budget: I am giving 20$ for the fix, but it can be negotiated due to fix complexity.
11 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 9/23/2022 in #commissions
V10 Fix for Backgroundless Pins
Kandashi's Backgroundless Pins at https://github.com/kandashi/FVTT-Backgroundless-Pins no longer works in V10 and causes pins to become completely invisible rather than remove the border around them (usually needed when used with Automatic Journal Numbers mod which makes custom markers for pins). Kandashi is very busy lately and is open to PR to fix his mods for V10, so I would love to help him with the few important but less complex mods.
12 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 9/22/2022 in #commissions
PF2 Automated NPC Stealth Mod
I would like to commission a PF2 mod that automates the system for hiding and detecting monsters. The mod's behavior should include. - (Option, Default On) When an NPC is dragged to the Canvas, it automatically gets the Undetected condition which makes it invisible to every PC on the canvas (this is a V10/PF2 4.0 feature integrating Vision Modes). This option is both the basis of having each monster hiding by default, and protect the GM by mistakenly dragging a creature that everyone sees before the GM decide whether to reveal it or not. As another option, such Token also immediately rolls its first Hide check (see below, it is needed to bootstrap the value that players will seek against) - When an NPC rolls a Hide or Sneak basic actions (using the integrated basic actions) or a Stealth skill check the value they roll is saved in the token data. The saving can be automatic or using a button in the value box (automatic preferred, but can be an option). When a new roll is made, if the token has the old value recorded, the new value overrides the old value. Chat Message after these rolls to GM only that the value has been recorded, and the value being overriden, with a (revert) context menu or button to revert to the previous value if it was made by mistake. - When an NPC rolls a Hide or Sneak basic actions (using the integrated basic actions) or a Stealth skill check the value, except the time it was put on the canvas and rolled its first Hide check, the value is compared to all PCs within X feet of the monster (default setting in options will be 30 feet, but the best approach is adding a Token Settings field for value per PC token since some feats upgrade that range). If the value is below a PC's Perception DC, the Player gets a vague mention he detects something, and the DM gets precise mention that list of player(s) detected that particular token's actor. If possible to have Hidden state per player (see below), a dialog pops up to make the creature from Undetected to Hidden for that player, or some other visual notification is shown to these players of the location where they detected something. Up to the DM to remove the Undetected condition or reveal the token if it is turned invisible via Token HUD, etc. - This may be hard or impossible to do, and may require discussion. When an NPC rolls a Hide or Sneak basic actions (using the integrated basic actions) or a Stealth skill check the value they roll value is compared with every PC's Perception DC on the canvas. If the roll is higher than their Perception DC, per PC actor, the PC considers the NPC as Hidden and sees it in a new state (if possible, the V10 Hidden state). This is not the same as having a Hidden condition as this is pseudo-Hidden condition without setting the Hidden Condition that still cannot be separate per each PC actor. - When a PC rolls a Seek or Search basic actions (using the integrated basic actions) or a Perception skill check, the roll value is compared to the recorded Hide/Seek/Stealth-check value of all theoretically visible tokens (that are not behind a total cover) with a Undetected or Hidden condition. If the value of the Seek/Search/Perception check is equal or higher, a dialog pops up listing all visible tokens that had their Stealth value met or exceeded, and button to individually or group remove the Undetected and/or Hidden conditions.
2 replies
LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Apostol Apostolov on 9/14/2022 in #commissions
V10 fix for Combat Numbers
Combat Numbers, a damage loss overlay for tokens that replicates beautifully the 16-bit console era RPGs and I dare say it is better than the V9+ floating effect labels, is no longer maintained by its developer 1000nettles although dev is open to PRs, and has a UI breaking bugs in V10 that prevents access to the Templates tool section. I would like to commission that fix that would bring its functionality to V10. The mod github is located at https://github.com/1000nettles/combat-numbers/
4 replies