League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

Join the community to ask questions about League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers and get answers from other members.




































Please be aware that we have had a number of reports of users contacting people by DMs claiming to be a developer willing to fulfill a commission, only to use another real devs work as part of their portfolio or in at least one case ghosting after having been paid. Please see the section in #⚠ READ FIRST! Commission Rules, Guidelines, & Expectations for more information on avoiding scams and fraud. Our best advice is: - Begin your initial contact with someone here in a thread. Discuss the project and requirements in public, you can even discuss prices in public, don't let someone you don't know hide their activity behind private messages. - Create a Github account if you haven't already, and create an empty repo. Ask devs to open an issue on your repo with their Github account so that you can verify who the user is and that their claimed work is their own. - Check the history of discussions by a user both here and on the Foundry VTT Discord server. Most any legit dev or someone with a legitimate commission to order will have spent some amount of time in this community and will have activity history. - If you are paying for or being paid for a job, that doesn't need to be anonymous. Find out who you are working with....

Token Action HUD for BFRG/ToV

Type: Token Action HUD for the Black Flag Roleplaying Game (also known as Tales of the Valiant) Short Description: Looking for someone to make a version of Token Action HUD for BFRG/ToV Long Description: I'm not really sure what more to put... I'm just looking for someone who could make a version of the Token Action HUD for Tales of the Valiant that has all of the functionality that the Token Action HUD usually has. Budget: I'd like to offer anywhere between $20-30/hr for work on this, but I'm also on very limited income due to being disabled. I'm hoping this isn't super complex to make... cause at those prices I can't exactly afford a lot of hours... I'm willing to try for a payment plan, though? Like, if it ends up being 10 hours of work ($250-ish), I might be able to do that over a course of 2-3 months? :'D Sorry... I only have so much income q.q...

Module: Dynamic Audio Zones

Type: [module] Short Description: A module for triggering Audio playlists. Long Description: This module would allow a user to draw zones in a scene and trigger different audio. The data would be sent to my backend to work directly in Discord, or trigger a local Foundry playlist. The trigger would be applied to the entire scene or individually drawn zones. Each zone/trigger would have an options panel to select the playlist....

Complete module for a homebrew class (PF2E.

Type: Module - PF2E Short Description: I am looking for a developer to create a module for a homebrew class from start to finish. This includes compiling the compendium, and adding any necessary logic, items, and automation. Long Description: I have written a homebrew class for Pathfinder Second Edition, including all basic class features, 5 subclasses, and feats from levels 1-20 (approximately 50 Class feats in total). I would provide the complete documentation of this class, and ask the developer to use it to create a fully implemented module for Foundry vtt, including the compendium and any required coding/automation. Budget: Around 200$. Willing to negotiate....

⚠ READ FIRST! Commission Rules, Guidelines, & Expectations

Rules - Be mindful of this server's #rules-and-guidelines as well as the League's Code of Conduct - Only one (1) thread per commission. - All threads in this channel should be a commission or bounty. - Select all of the tags that apply to your thread....

Proficiency Training Module

Type: Module/Macro Short Description: A downtime Module that works with Skill Tree to provide Half-Proficiency, Proficiency, and Expertise to Skills, Weapons, and Armor. As well as the ability for players to make checks for their proficiency training that grants skill points in the Skill Tree module....
No description

New D20 system developer(s) required

Type: System is highly transformative from DND 5e but with a ton of nuance Short Description: There will be a Kickstarter for the system itself, most of the system is written on a website and needs hard coding into the foundry environment. Long Description: This system is expected to be put into foundry, probably from scratch to avoid any commercial possible issues. It is heavily inspired by DND but brings way more mechanics to the table. There will be need to incorporate custom character sheets and maybe even some automation compatibility, but all is up to discussion. Required specialist has to already have some completed commissions, and some people to recommend their capability in the environment. Project is not started yet and there will be about a half a year deadline to complete required work when it does. Budget: 6000$ (baseline and depending on Kickstarter response may be more)...

Tile interface for system agnostic mass combat mini-game

Hi everyone, I'm new to the server. I've looked through the code of conduct and the commission guidelines but if I step out of line, I apologize. Just lmk and I will adjust. Thank you for your time! Type- Module Short Description- A UI for placing tiles with connection points to one another and buffs to tokens on top of them, as well as buffs/nerfs to characters based on their attacks....
No description

PTR (Pokemon table top Reunited) Slot machine

Type- Module SD- A lottery module for players to use via a click or region activation LD- I'm looking to create a module that will allow my players to get items via a slot machine thing (Much) like in the games as for why a module I am hoping to use it for different locations and my coding experience is nil (Besides using some chat GPT where I found mild success with a macro) and perhaps it could be beneficial to others as well ...

Seeking Developer for Champions Now Character Sheet

Type: System? Short Description: A lightly-automated character sheet for Champions Now. Long Description: Although I'm asking for a character sheet, I wonder if this is more of a module than a system, due to the fact that I'm not asking for any system data and very minimal automation. I typed a very long description on this project in Discord only to realize that I'd WAY exceeded the character limit. For that reason, I transferred my entire description to a PDF document that I've attached to this post. I've also added a bunch of visual guides in the form of images. You should read the attached PDF Project Description before trying to make sense of the attached images....
No description

Difficulty of making a Deckbuilding Module?

While I'm not commissioning this quite yet, I'd like to scope out how difficult this would be to implement into Foundry (and what kind of prices to expect by extension), so I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask this. I have a system I've been working on for a while, and I've been able to make it quite smooth to play over Foundry using other modules, with the exception of a major issue: Combat is played using cards with deckbuilding mechanics (think like Slay the Spire). The built-in implementation of Foundry's card system didn't work very at all for me; the Ready to Use Cards Module makes it possible to play to a functional degree, but it's very awkward because: A) Players can't edit their own decks, requiring the GM to exclude their decks from ready-to-play, edit their decks for them, title and upload images for each card individually, add it to back to ready-to-play, and re-set up the available actions again, every single time. B) Players cant see the cards other players use in the chat unless they have permissions to access that card's deck, meaning players constantly accidentally draw from each other's decks (it doesn't help that when a deck is emptied the button disappears and you misclick the Draw button beneath it as it bumps up)....
No description

Seeking Foundry dev for 5e Campaign Book and Bestiary

Short Description: A Time Traveler's Guide to Dinosaur Hunting is a pair of 5e Books coming to Kickstarter. Splattered Ink Games is looking for someone to lead the preparation and development of this product for Foundry. Long Description: A Time Traveler's Guide to Dinosaur Hunting features a huge bestiary of colossal dinosaurs, mutated monsters, and alien horrors. It includes 12 adventures that can be dropped into any 5e game or linked together for an epic, multiversal campaign! - Over 300 Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Monsters - 12 Adventures, each in a unique setting - drop into any campaign! - 6 Playable dinosaur lineages...

Ryuutama System Creation

Type: System / Update Short Description: Looking for either an update to an existing system for a previous version of Foundry or a new creation. Long Description: ...

Looking for a dev to update/finish the Torchbearer 2e System

Currently there is an official implementation on Roll20 (as a character sheet only). Someone had created a Foundry System module for TB2e, however, it's several years old and out-of-date (I believe it's tied to Foundry v8.9 from it's system.json file as I recall) https://github.com/lupinelegend/torchbearer...

Kids on Brooms to Never Stop Blowing Up

Hi, I'm looking for someone to modify an existing system, kids on brooms, into a more customizable system called Never Stop Blowing up. The kids on brooms system is already fully built and playable, it needs slight modifications and tweaks to fit a totally customizable space. I'm just a big fan of the system and trying to find someone to tweak the existing system. I would like a total of 9 rollable tables with the ability to change from 1d4 to 1d20 with a dropdown menu like it has currently. I would prefer to have each table to be named individually for full customization for each game. It's currently fully built on github - https://gitlab.com/wintermyst/kidsonbrooms. ...

Transform a macro into a module ($100)

Type: Module Short Description: Transform a macro i made into a module Long Description: I made a macro to help me generate cut scenes using the sequencer module. I would like to transform it into a module and add a button to the sequencer tools submenu to open the dialog. Some changes to the macro must be made cause some data is saved on the macro document itself as flags. Also some tidy up of the css and in general make it look a bit more professional. Budget: $100 ...

Create a "Legendary Games" Module for PF1e Classes ($500 USD)

I need a module for the PF1e system that includes all of the classes from Legendary Games. Specifically, all of the following classes, as well as all currently published archetypes and class features for them (located here: https://metzo.miraheze.org/wiki/Legendary_Classes): Legendary Alchemist Legendary Barbarian Legendary Bard...

Update of the “External Actor Viewer” module (350$ or more, we can arrange that)

I need a module to expose the “json” of the actors of a world externally, as FVTT is closed at API level (for now), I found the solution implemented by this old module “External Actor Viewer” (https://foundryvtt.com/packages/externalactor) acceptable, with the addition of displaying not only the sheet, but also just the json of the actors. Module Settings On the module settings make a button for exporting the json data of the actors of a specific world to a folder on the disk: - Actor Folder: setting that specifies the uuid of the folder from which to retrieve the actors for export to disk (the standard simple actor export), the retrieval of actors must also be recursive in subfolders....

Son of Oak Systems (City of Mist, :Otherscape, Legend in the Mist, and QUEERZ!)

Hello! I'm working with Son of Oak on updating and establishing their published systems (City of Mist, :Otherscape, Legend in the Mist) for Foundry VTT. I'm looking for developers who are interested in our systems or have played our systems before to help create Modules on Foundry including character sheets, roll functionality, and compendiums. Our vision is to make Foundry one of the main platforms for players to engage in Son of Oak systems, with a goal to publish premium modules like rules and cases/jobs/adventures as compendiums in the Foundry Marketplace. If you have any experience in creating character sheets and module functions, developing UI and graphics, or creating automated features for Foundry, and enjoy our systems too, please contact me. I would like to discuss the full scope and features of this massive project with a team, as well as your standard rates and pricing for development. Looking forward to hearing from you!...

Commission/Bounty offer for Foundry VTT Module Fix (DSA5 Aventuria Interactive Map)

I'm looking to commission a quick fix for the DSA5 Aventuria Map module to work on Foundry VTT V12. My budget is limited, but I’m offering a bounty of 20€ for anyone who can help get it initialized properly in this version. I’m hopeful it's a straightforward fix since it was developed for V11. If you’re experienced with Foundry’s API updates and can spare the time, I’d love to discuss details and compensation. Thank you! If you think my offer is ridicolous because it is a lot of work, please let me know. The module: https://github.com/himmelweiss/dsa5-aventuria-map...