PTR (Pokemon table top Reunited) Slot machine

Type- Module SD- A lottery module for players to use via a click or region activation LD- I'm looking to create a module that will allow my players to get items via a slot machine thing (Much) like in the games as for why a module I am hoping to use it for different locations and my coding experience is nil (Besides using some chat GPT where I found mild success with a macro) and perhaps it could be beneficial to others as well What I am looking for - I would like the module to open (kind of like ) and actually show a spinning machine or at least the results Item input/removall. with no in game way to do it I believe creating the item (Which I have) and me being able to drag and drop it from the compendium and for it to take that item from the players inventory and subtract it as a payment would be the easiest solution (Not sure about it might be easier to just make it a money ammount* Item numbers-I would like it to do about 20 items in the selection for a wide variety of wins and losses of course I would also like it to display the item they win so they can simply drag it into their inventory after wining kind of like a roll table. Budget- Ill be honest I'm not really sure what is an appropriate amount I can reasonably afford 150- 200 dollars CAD for it. Thank you for your interest and I hope to hear from you soon and I look forward to working together.
2 Replies
mxzf2mo ago
Unless you're really dead set on having a slot machine animation, this sounds like the sort of thing that you could just handle with a rolltable (possibly a rolltable plus a tiny macro to subtract the "cost" and roll with one button)
joaquinp982mo ago
mp sent

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