League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
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League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
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Item piles grid
Rough draft of a grid-based inventory system thing - it can't swap positions of entries yet
TyphonJS Runtime Library - RC 0.0.12
The TyphonJS Runtime Library / TRL release candidate version 0.0.12 is now available. This is a massive update and completes stage #1 of full reactive animation support; it's fully ready, but even more goodness awaits in the next release as I'll be massively improving the TRL native Position animation system as well. Greensock / GSAP is now easily usable w/ TRL and has a very powerful
data driven
front end that connects the reactive Position system to GSAP.
All I got to say is that TRL + Svelte + GSAP is screaming for someone to take up a really awesome cards implementation for Foundry. I built and will continue to refine the supporting tech, but don't have the time to create such a module. I however can support anyone who wants to take a stab.
Basic overview / CHANGELOG for 0.0.12
:...TyphonJS Runtime Library v0.0.9 - Release Candidate
Alrighty! The TyphonJS Runtime Library (TRL) v0.0.9 is out... In the last 2 weeks+ I have done massive work on the Position system that is backward compatible w/ the Foundry system / data, but brings reactive position capabilities to Application development. Now this new system can be applied to any HTML element and not just applications. It's pure JS, but is truly unlocked when you use it w/ Svelte. The demo video is long, but shows some very neat things. Use the timecode links to jump around. Check around the middle to get an idea of the massive performance boost applied to bespoke HTMLElements.
My intention is that this tech can power a very versatile cards implementation compared to going a full 3D / WebGL approach.
I'm spending the next 1-2 weeks completing an advanced animation system to go along with it and eeking out even more performance. ...
Monarch API
Alright, adventurous ones: I have a Beta version of Monarch with the new components API!
Manifest: https://github.com/zeel01/monarch/releases/download/v0.3.6/module.json
API Docs: https://github.com/zeel01/monarch/blob/dynamic-components/readme.md#-monarch-api...

compacted chat cards
Modules create problems to solve problems... Today's problem: "When I roll an attack, it eats the whole vertical of my monitor with just that one attack..."
The tradeoff with my modular combat modules is that each one creates its own chatcard. So I made a module that will check if a chat card being rendered is from the same actor as the one above it, and if so, collapse it upwards with css. Also various other purely-css tweaks to 5e Roll Cards....

effect mini modules
I've gotten to the point where I'm confident in releasing a slurry of tiny no-config Active Effect related modules.
Here's the rundown:
1. Item Effects to Chat 5e -> Built on top of More Hooks 5e, displays a chat card with all temporary effects attached to an item when rolled to the GM. The GM can then drag and drop those effects into tokens, or apply directly to targeted tokens from the card.
I've made an abomination. This hacks its way past the limitations surrounding editing effects on owned items as elegantly as I know how to, it even calls the _pre and post methods for the AE document along the way.
5e AEs
I've been messing pretty heavily with some Active Effect assumptions and mechanisms in 5e. This is my take on an Active Effect Sheet which trims way back on the number of 'useless' fields visible at once, and tries to derive as much as possible from the source item.

hero creator ui feedback
I'm trying to refactor the abilities' tab on the hero creation room to accomodate Race ASIs, but I don't like what I landed on, and I could use some UX/UI advice hahah
This's the new working prototype (moved the buttons onto a grid to make space for the bigger divs below, and replaced the Modifier for the Race ASI, showing modifier instead of the total value on hover)...

After some discussion yesterday in #active-effects , I decided to try to create a system-agnostic module for using rolldata in Active Effects. Here's my first pass, if anyone wants to kick the tires:
DevMode Settings Explorer feedback
So, I'm working on the styling for a little potential addition to Calego's 'Developer Mode' module and since this Discord is probably the key user group I could use the opinion of anyone who has one:
1) Is there any information you see here that would never be useful?
2) Is there any info you don't see here that would be useful?
3) As I'm starting to work on the styling now, any ideas you have on a useful way to lay out the information in a clear, compact way would be helpful.