7 Replies
enso•3y ago
could you use these hooks to change things like advantage/bonuses?
CalegoOP•3y ago
that's the theory As with all hooks, it's only synchronous operations, but itssomething
enso•3y ago
interesting... I've always been semi-interested in midi/dae methods to automate those kind of bonuses, but it seemed like too much overhead for my relatively few use cases. this might seem like an approach that's more my speed
CalegoOP•3y ago
tossed together example:
No description
CalegoOP•3y ago
But more in depth example might involve a module which stores additional flags on the Actor like 5e's existing special traits, and checks the actor for such a flag, then adjusts rollData accordingly. more-hooks-5e library is definitely my battle-testing-grounds for what I'm hoping to pitch to core, so always happy to hear your use cases 🙂 (all my recent tiny combat modules have been powered by the existing post-hooks, only now getting to the pre-'s)
kaelad•3y ago
insert plug: might I recommend the Advantage Reminder module, it adds support for all the advantage/disadvantage flags that Midi defines but without having to use Midi.
Wasp•3y ago
Very nice!

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