spell-compendium-5e alpha1

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34 Replies
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
https://github.com/ElfFriend-DnD/foundryvtt-spell-compendium-5e/releases/download/0.0.1/module.json If anyone's interested in giving this a stress test, here's alpha 1. I'm pretty sure it'll work with Compendium Folders, but I'm not 100% about that.
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
rip me... already broken
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CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
Oh... this was built for dnd5e 1.6.0... dang. i was looking forward to having this for next week's session...
corporatβ€’3y ago
rip awesome
ccjmkβ€’3y ago
YES SIR, this is what I wanted (among other things xD)
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CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
Filters are next on the list yeah
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CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
oook, 002 is out now and definitely probably works with 5e 1.5.x yeeeessss excelllent I already know some things I want this to tell me having opened this in my home game: - Does the spell have Active Effects defined?
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
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ccjmkβ€’3y ago
* insert Archer's πŸ₯– elongation joke *
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CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
@kaelad @badideasbureau @ccjmk re: spells per class, yeah it's less a problem of copyright and more a problem of the data just isn't there yet I intend to take a look at SAM and see if I can cobble something together for the interim
ccjmkβ€’3y ago
I knew already at least, I was talking about the hypothetics of adding it thanks for the callout anyway just in case!
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
Part of that problem is "Where does that data belong?" Since classes are items, and Spells are Items, what keeps track of which class list a given spell belongs to? Putting it on the class makes sense, except that you might end up with different instances of the same class that don't share a spell list (which does kind of make sense, see Dunamancy)
ccjmkβ€’3y ago
that's why i mentioned matching them by class name btw, I understand matching them to the Class items would be better, but class name is just good enough and keeps them separated (and it could be expanded to class or subclass names)
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
but then that's kind of just subclasses But the problem with not putting it on the class item is that then it's not homebrew friendly because how do you add things to the listing? πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
ccjmkβ€’3y ago
(i need 30 mins, middle of a sprint review meeting xD)
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
I don't think dnd5e 1.6.0 is going to tackle this, but I expect this will get a solution sometime... maybe not soon πŸ˜›
ccjmkβ€’3y ago
so, im back! hahah well, basically I see three options to keep a spell list: a) the class has it b) the spells themselves know which classes/subclasses know them c) you have a stand alone Spell List. could work reasonably well for Classes, might need some tweak for Subclasses. hmmm, now that I put that into words, maybe having a Spell List item time could make sense ? it sounds weird at first glance.. but I think it makes some sense. If the Spell List type had a list of items split by spell level that you could drag/select in a similar fashion than how Advancements work (so the Spell List would indeed have references to the items contained in a compendium) then it would be easy to modify if you want to add spells. And then the class would just hold a reference to the Spell List item. (same for Subclass items once Subclasses become a type), so any procedure to figure out spells could OR the class + subclass list, and use that list as spells available. that should work both for spellcasters, you add/change/remove spells from their spell list items, and voilΓ‘. It will also work for other homebrew classes or subclasses reusing the same spell lists (and with some extra steps, could provide for Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight's lists), and would work for something like Divine Soul Sorcerer (Sorcerer has one spell list, divine uses the Cleric one, tadΓ‘)
BadIdeasBureauβ€’3y ago
I think I slightly prefer having it on the spells, if just because new spells are more common than new classes/subclasses, and subclass spells are generally limited enough that you can just do them manually if needed. (Spell list is pretty much equivalent to putting it in the class, in that regard) (also makes the job of filtering a compendium for "wizard spells" easier)
ccjmkβ€’3y ago
I see some goodies in having a spell list item, but in general I also agree that having them on the spells are better the problem relies on how to make that link; I think that just putting a class/subclass name and matching it to the classes on the PC should be good enough. A "hard link" by id makes homebrewing harder
BadIdeasBureauβ€’3y ago
Yeah, agreed. Though I can still see there being issues when it comes to subclasses and people getting the name not quite right (and that's before localisation rears its head)
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
screw strings, uuids or bust
BadIdeasBureauβ€’3y ago
(eg "Oath of Ancients" Vs "Oath of the Ancients" and I bet you can't quickly tell me which of those is right without checking)
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
data.classes is an array of uuids which point at class (and eventually subclass) items. πŸ€” hmmmmmm it would be a royal pain in the ass to add a new subclass to that would want a tool which could crunch a compendium or something to make that easier Putting it on the Item also lends itself better to the eventual goal of allowing the user to tell you what class granted that spell, if any
ccjmkβ€’3y ago
ehh typos are typos πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ happens, but about localization, i imagine that either a) the system translation should also translate the SRD items or b) using something like Babele, it matches by name too IIRC, so it should just work on a more convoluted fashion, but that could be done also in a similar way to my little and beloved first MR on 5e πŸ˜› with a Possibles and Effective fields so the unowned Spell knows "A, B and C classes have my on their spell lists" and the owned one knows that + "B class added me to the PC" what exactly you mean here?
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
scenario: I have just created the Artificer Class. I now have to go through my spells compendium and add the Artificer class to each spell on the artificer spell list. Instead of that awfulness, a tool which allowed selection of a class, then input of spells, which then does that update legwork for you in bulk would be much more preferred. such a tool could attempt to use name matching What i envision is:
[ Select Compendium with Spells v]

[ Drop Class Item here ]

Spell list:
| Paste List of Spells |

[ Select Compendium with Spells v]

[ Drop Class Item here ]

Spell list:
| Paste List of Spells |

then it would parse the list and look for spells in the compendium selected I'm basically realizing the things you've already realized, now that I go back and re-read your last comment in the parent thread... πŸ˜…
ccjmkβ€’3y ago
now i don't know exactly which comment you mentioned xD but in any case, THAT could totally be a module but it needs somewhere to put the info πŸ€“ I think on the Spell
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
Yeah, I'm coming around to the idea of storing it in the spell
Ikaguiaβ€’3y ago
Wasn't there something about classes having their spell lists on them coming on the next 5e release?
CalegoOPβ€’3y ago
I don't think that's in 160, advancements doesn't at the moment contain spell lists (afaik)
ccjmkβ€’3y ago
noup, I reread the whole epic the other day haha
kaeladβ€’3y ago
Sorry if I'm late on this, trying to catch up on the conversation. What use cases are we trying to solve by associating spells with classes? I can think of two: 1. Someone browsing the spells to see what new spell they want to choose (e.g. a wizard, warlock, sorcerer, etc.). 2. Someone who wants to add all the new spells they have access to when they gain access to a new spell level (e.g. cleric, druid, etc.). In the first use case, having the data in the spell makes sense since then they can use the new compendium filters to poke around and see what new spell they might choose. If it's the second use case, filtering doesn't matter so much. They just got to level 5 and want to add all the new level 3 spells they have access to to their character sheet. However, if they can filter the compendium by class and level then they can drag each of those spells over to their character sheet. Could be automated with a macro if so desired, but even doing that manually isn't too bad. I guess a third use case would be hooking into the character leveling workflow (whether from 1.6 or a module) to automatically add spells to the character sheet either by adding them all (e.g. cleric) or prompting the user to choose one (e.g. wizard).

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