Please be aware that we have had a number of reports of users contacting people by DMs claiming to be a developer willing to fulfill a commission, only to use another real devs work as part of their portfolio or in at least one case ghosting after having been paid. Please see the section in #⚠ READ FIRST! Commission Rules, Guidelines, & Expectations for more information on avoiding scams and fraud. Our best advice is:
- Begin your initial contact with someone here in a thread. Discuss the project and requirements in public, you can even discuss prices in public, don't let someone you don't know hide their activity behind private messages.
- Create a Github account if you haven't already, and create an empty repo. Ask devs to open an issue on your repo with their Github account so that you can verify who the user is and that their claimed work is their own.
- Check the history of discussions by a user both here and on the Foundry VTT Discord server. Most any legit dev or someone with a legitimate commission to order will have spent some amount of time in this community and will have activity history.
- If you are paying for or being paid for a job, that doesn't need to be anonymous. Find out who you are working with.
- If you suspect any fraudulent activity, report it to Discord (especially if it's in a DM). We have and will ban users that violate the trust of other members, but our power doesn't extend past this server and our Github repos.
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