League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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Big Eyes Small Mouth 4th Edition

Looking for a full implementation of the base BESM 4th Ed. Rules and the extras ruleset. Long Description: full implementation of the BESM 4th edition rules and character sheets as well as the Extras rules. I am willing to pay up to $15k for this. I am willing to discuss a staggered release for options and parts of the system....

Fight 2e system commission

Looking for a commission of the Fight 2E system Long Description: I would like to have a full implementation of the Fight 2e system. I will provide system books and am willing to pay up to 10k for the total system. I am willing to discuss staggered release of the system....

Create module implementing spells per class (DND5E) in foundry.

Create sortable lists either in DND SRD compendium or separate where spells are shown by class. For example, Cleric, Bard, or Wizard. Limit character sheet from only being able to take spells from the proper "class." This will allow a player to go to a single folder and find their spells and simply drag them, they will not need to jump around multiple places. They also will not have the ability to use spells they should not.
Ideally the draggable spells will be special token or icon packs being used....

SWSE Character Sheet

Type: Module Short Description: Create an editable character sheet for Star Wars Saga Edition. Long Description: A foundry system exists here (https://github.com/kypvalanx/Foundry-VTT-StarWars-SagaEdition) (CC BY-SA license) which, while I enjoy the content, I am not a huge fan of the sheet. I've also made a custom sheet that we are using offline, here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XA4Dbdi-2epCFWCGPXPH62tmOdajxK8CnRC5B9_vBTM/edit?usp=sharing. It has some custom house rules in it so its not base- but it has a lot of what we are looking for automations wise. You can make a copy of it if you'd like! We are in Foundry V11, so it would need to work for that, and hopefully be able to be used in V12 as well when Forge decides its ready. Budget: Open to discussion. ...

Real-time Token Movement

Type: Module Short Description: See real-time movement of tokens. Long Description: A way to see in real-time how players/and GM are dragging their tokens, but only while holding shift, otherwise the uses the vanilla foundry token movement. I've attached a video to show the expected outcome. Budget: Not sure yet, this might be incredibly more complex than I think it is, but preferably below $50, but willing to go higher as long as it's fair and within reason. ...

Downtime Dnd5e add compatibility for Dnd5e Sheet 3.X.X (30$ or more) (CLOSED)

Type: downtime-dnd5e Short Description: Downtime Dnd5e add compatibility with Dnd5e Sheet 3.X.X Long Description: Due to personal problems I no longer have much time to devote to my passion in particular has this small module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-downtime-dnd5e/tree/main that I have been running for quite some time. ...

Variant Encumbrance Dnd5e compatibility for Tidy Sheet and Dnd5e Default Sheet 3.X.X (50$ or more)

Type: variant-encumbrance-dnd5e Short Description: Variant Encumbrance Dnd5e compatibility for Tidy Sheet and new Dnd5e Default Sheet 3.X.X Long Description: Due to personal problems I no longer have much time to devote to my passion in particular has this small module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-variant-encumbrance-dnd5e that I have been running for quite some time, while the encumbrance calculation goes exactly as I would like at the code level I cannot fix the html of the html display bar . The goal is to find a way to customize the display of the encumbrance bar at the pure html level as I had done for the “Legacy Sheet”....

SimpleMobile template placement (completed)

Type: Module Short Description: Looking for help getting template placement to work on my custom version of simplemobile. Long Description: I've been working on a modified version of simplemobile by Handyfon that uses Argon Combat HUD by theripper93 and a few other modules. After many hours of work I believe I have it almost completed and ready for use and testing. This would make foundry on mobile devices actually work!...

Co-operation focussed system

Type: System Short Description: An RPG when, during a dice check, one player gathers rolls their dice, plus others lent to them by the other players. I checked system & module because it might be this doesn't require a full system and can be done as a module. Long Description: Someone's already done me a javascript dice roller for this project (https://github.com/illicitonion/mike-roller/blob/main/index.js) I just have no idea how to get it into Foundry VTT. I'd need that dice roller added, plus the character sheets. Players don't need to roll the dice from the character sheets. The sheets are currently just form-fillable PDFs. They don't need to be anything more than this - the only really important thing is they currently have checkboxes which players use for the levelling up system. So the character sheets would need to have checkboxes or something similar. The dice roller simulates players sitting around a table lending each other dice. Dice belonging to the player performing the skill check have X effect, whilst dice belonging to other players have Y effect, which is why we can't just roll a bunch of the same type of dice....

Adding a New Dice System to BernhardPosselt’s foundryvtt-special-dice-roller module

Type: modification of an existing module Short Description: Adding a New Dice System to BernhardPosselt’s foundryvtt-special-dice-roller module Long Description: ...
No description

Blood Bowl Macros (Completed)

Type: [Module/System] (Depending on Price/Time to deliver) Short Description: I am looking for a small module for playability (Blocking Dice and UI-based rolls for passing and such) or a full implementation of automatic systems for the basic functions. Long Description: The majority of the information is present here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14vf7vpZxZhKJw26w2tE301iAcj_Z3yHiY1VY-CY_q9c/edit Essentially, I would like either a set of 2 macros or a full system to use for the Blood Bowl 2020 game system. ...

Price Negotiable: Develop Sequencer Animations for descriptor based effects

Looking for someone conversant in sequencer and warpgate to assist with developing a set of range attack, melee attack, movement, template atrack , and personal animations for a set of descriptors. Descriptors include obvious ones like ice, fire, sonics as well as less obvious ones like super strenghth, super speed and gadgets. These animations will feed into a modified version of the automated animations module that triggers based on matching range-descriptor-type of the effect, with goal of supporting effect based systems like mutants and masterminds, champions, or basic action super hero....

Looking to have someone make some code for my TTRPG.

I've been working for years on my TTRPG Into the Shardscape, and want to put it into Foundry as a system. I realize that this is a big ask, and am willing to pay for quality work. This is something I have been trying to bring to the public for a long time and I want it to be a part of foundry. I know coding a little, but i need to see some first. I will enclose what i have made in google sheets at this time. Look it over and let me know if you think you can help. I would want to probably find a way to make payments, at first, because i know its going to be a lot more 3+ 0's. Hopefully we can talk more. (I don't know what to add here, i am bad at starting these kinds of things, but once i get going i am amazing.) Sharable copy of the Google Sheets Version of the Sheet:...

Null Game System

A simple Game System that only uses the usual Dice. And 2 resource bars. But the game system is mainly just a glorified character sheet with functionality. Nothing too advanced (I hope) mainly needing a rolling system and the ability to visually show certain information on a player token. Bare with me as I know nothing technical about this kind of stuff! - EVERYTHING can be renamed from it’s base name...
No description

ACKS II System

I am seeking to commission a developer or developer(s) to build the ACKS II virtual tabletop. ACKS II (Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint) is the second edition of the original ACKS. It was crowdfunded in December to the tune of $333,000 and a Foundry VTT was our stretch goal. Because of the successful Kickstarter, we have a realistic budget to work with to create a full system module. However, the developer who was going to lead the project had to drop out due to work conflicts so I am seeking talent. The game itself was originally built on the chassis of BX Dungeons & Dragons and is similar to OSE, Labyrinth Lord, and other retro-clones. There is currently an existing open-source module built for the first edition of ACKS that was forked from the OSE module. The project entails updating that module to better reflect ACKS II. Familiarity with ACKS, BX/OSE, and/or the existing ACKS/OSE modules would be beneficial but is not required. The Github for the first edition ACKS module is here:...

Full System Inspired By Dark-Souls & DND 5e [All functions are provided in google docs]

Type: System Short Description: A partially automated dnd5e-inspired system. Long Description: The resources on the actors do not have to be automated, and should be altered freely by the gamemaster, but, all players should be able to roll their individual dice for specific types of attacks, moves, etc. Here are google documents containing my general idea of how the system would work:...

Custom Character Sheets - Cortex

I am looking for a better character sheet creator and NPC card creator for cortex system with graphics. I am not sure the exact technical requirements for this project.

Flesh & Fortune, per hr up to 6,000$

Type: System Short Description:The digitization of a small tabletop system. Includes: creating the character-sheet/character object, giving it a dozen or so methods. Long Description:Hello! My name's Alex. I do scripting and data analysis in my job but I'm new to OOP and Java. I've been developing a system for two and a half years and while it works well in person certain elements don't track well in most VTTs. I'll include the rules here but I think you'll be more interested in the pseudocode so I'll put that first. Class: Token...

System/rules and compendium development for AD&D 2E class

Short Description: Adding the rules from the The Complete Psionics Handbook (AD&D 2E) for the Advanced Roleplaying System (ARS) Long Description: Greetings! I am new to all of this so I apologize for incorrect use of terminology. I am interesting in adding the Psionicist class and rules from The Complete Psionics Handbook (and hopefully Will and the Way as this is for the Dark Sun AD&D 2E setting). The developer of ARS (specifically AD&D 2E) just does not have the time but said he will make himself available for any questions anyone working on this project might have. I can provide PDF copies of any material needed. Budget: It will be for a personal dungeon master and group, but would be shared for free if you gave your permission. I am willing to pay what you consider a fair amount for this project for Foundry VTT...

Theatre Inserts Bounty

Type: Module Short Description: The animations of JB2A/Automated Animations are no longer functioning while Theatre Inserts is installed. Long Description: I am unsure of how many systems that this issue is currently effecting but I am specificly using Pathfinder 1E 9.6 with with Forge V11 build 315. Utilizing a test bench game where the only installed modules where Automated Animations, FXMaster, JB2A Pateron Complete Collection, LibWrapper, Squencer, Socket Lib, and Theatre Inserts(TI), when attempting to use any antimations (ie Fireball Spell triggering a fireball animation) causes nothing to play. Upon disabling TI all animations resume normal functionality. I conducted this same test off for Forge through just Foundry as it was earlier theorized it could be a Forge specific issue, the exact same result occured. ...