League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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Null Game System

A simple Game System that only uses the usual Dice. And 2 resource bars. But the game system is mainly just a glorified character sheet with functionality. Nothing too advanced (I hope) mainly needing a rolling system and the ability to visually show certain information on a player token. Bare with me as I know nothing technical about this kind of stuff! - EVERYTHING can be renamed from it’s base name...
No description

ACKS II System

I am seeking to commission a developer or developer(s) to build the ACKS II virtual tabletop. ACKS II (Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint) is the second edition of the original ACKS. It was crowdfunded in December to the tune of $333,000 and a Foundry VTT was our stretch goal. Because of the successful Kickstarter, we have a realistic budget to work with to create a full system module. However, the developer who was going to lead the project had to drop out due to work conflicts so I am seeking talent. The game itself was originally built on the chassis of BX Dungeons & Dragons and is similar to OSE, Labyrinth Lord, and other retro-clones. There is currently an existing open-source module built for the first edition of ACKS that was forked from the OSE module. The project entails updating that module to better reflect ACKS II. Familiarity with ACKS, BX/OSE, and/or the existing ACKS/OSE modules would be beneficial but is not required. The Github for the first edition ACKS module is here:...

Full System Inspired By Dark-Souls & DND 5e [All functions are provided in google docs]

Type: System Short Description: A partially automated dnd5e-inspired system. Long Description: The resources on the actors do not have to be automated, and should be altered freely by the gamemaster, but, all players should be able to roll their individual dice for specific types of attacks, moves, etc. Here are google documents containing my general idea of how the system would work:...

Custom Character Sheets - Cortex

I am looking for a better character sheet creator and NPC card creator for cortex system with graphics. I am not sure the exact technical requirements for this project.

Flesh & Fortune, per hr up to 6,000$

Type: System Short Description:The digitization of a small tabletop system. Includes: creating the character-sheet/character object, giving it a dozen or so methods. Long Description:Hello! My name's Alex. I do scripting and data analysis in my job but I'm new to OOP and Java. I've been developing a system for two and a half years and while it works well in person certain elements don't track well in most VTTs. I'll include the rules here but I think you'll be more interested in the pseudocode so I'll put that first. Class: Token...

System/rules and compendium development for AD&D 2E class

Short Description: Adding the rules from the The Complete Psionics Handbook (AD&D 2E) for the Advanced Roleplaying System (ARS) Long Description: Greetings! I am new to all of this so I apologize for incorrect use of terminology. I am interesting in adding the Psionicist class and rules from The Complete Psionics Handbook (and hopefully Will and the Way as this is for the Dark Sun AD&D 2E setting). The developer of ARS (specifically AD&D 2E) just does not have the time but said he will make himself available for any questions anyone working on this project might have. I can provide PDF copies of any material needed. Budget: It will be for a personal dungeon master and group, but would be shared for free if you gave your permission. I am willing to pay what you consider a fair amount for this project for Foundry VTT...

Theatre Inserts Bounty

Type: Module Short Description: The animations of JB2A/Automated Animations are no longer functioning while Theatre Inserts is installed. Long Description: I am unsure of how many systems that this issue is currently effecting but I am specificly using Pathfinder 1E 9.6 with with Forge V11 build 315. Utilizing a test bench game where the only installed modules where Automated Animations, FXMaster, JB2A Pateron Complete Collection, LibWrapper, Squencer, Socket Lib, and Theatre Inserts(TI), when attempting to use any antimations (ie Fireball Spell triggering a fireball animation) causes nothing to play. Upon disabling TI all animations resume normal functionality. I conducted this same test off for Forge through just Foundry as it was earlier theorized it could be a Forge specific issue, the exact same result occured. ...

Dice control, a Re-Rolling module.

Type: Module Short Description: A module that re-rolls dice in the background, ending with a result specified by the GM. Long Description: It might be a taboo but sometimes I really want certain things to happen, but of course the dice don't always work for you or players... RNG be damned. This module would allow the GM to control player and GM rolls, there's a module by the name of "Foundry Die Hard" which already does this to a certain extent, the main problem is that it doesn't work for all of the systems that I use. I currently GM for PF2e(Die Hard works for that system), Shadowrun 5e, WFRP4e and Stars Without Number, so those are the main systems that I would like it to work for. If you can make the Module work for all systems that would be preferrable, though I'm not sure if that is at all possible....

Updates to: Naruto 5e (a fan overhaul of DND 5th edition)

Type: System [update] Short Description: An update and cleaning up of the system & its character sheet Long Description: The system is already made. However, it is very barebones and lacks a lot of functionality. - The character sheet currently does not differentiate the casting options as you'd see in a similar 5e fan overall system in Foundry like Star Wars 5e. - From what I can see, there is no support for the system's rules outside of a few things like the new skills being on the sheet. ...

DND5e Module: Custom Attribute and Skill System

Type: Module Short Description: A module for the dnd5e system that allows the GM to replace the core attributes and skills. After replacing the core skills, they would have a visibility toggle that allows you to hide them on a player by player basis. Long Description: My description was too long, so I'm including it as a text file. :/ Budget: I’m looking to spend around $200, but I’m totally willing to negotiate for more based on difficulty and time (I really have no idea how much to offer but I'd really like to get this done). I’m also not in any rush, but having this module done sooner would obviously be better....

Automating the Spread and Burst Effects in Fallout 2d20 (Bounty)

Type: Module Short Description: This module would do 2 things: Allow the GM or Players open a UI that helps determine how much damage a Shotgun/Spread weapon would deal to each individual limb, accounting for Damage Resistance for every instance of damage (For every Effect Rolled). Allow the GM or Players open a UI that helps determine how much damage every target takes from a Burst weapon, accounting for Damage Resistance for each separate target. ...
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New Features To Increase Automation for Mutants And Masterminds 3e- 1000$ / per sprint (negotiable)

The goal is to get MnM3e ( https://github.com/Zakarik/foundry-mm3 ) much closer to the level of automation seen in systems like Dnd5e with Midi. But to approach this in an iterative and incremental way. I am happy to either fix price each iteration of development or negotiate an hourly rate. Looking for - good good server side JavaScript eg Nod - familiarity with the foundry API, - reasonable object oriented skills. ...

FVTT-to-Discord Chat from GM Account

Greetings, fellow Foundrians! I am brainstorming ideas on running an open-world D&D 5e campaign, one of which is having a FVTT mod + Discord Bot connect the Foundry game chat from the admin's view. The end goal would be to see if any players logging into the world outside of a session to work on their sheets or notes are making changes that I don't approve of, but for a campaign potentially with 20-100 players. I am able to track the changes in Foundry already with existing mods, so I simply need something to send the chat log into a Discord channel. A close example would be how Avrae bot can connect with D&D Beyond to post rolls from the game log on there. I only need it one-way, though - FVTT > Discord....

Magic Items Update (50$)

Type: magic-items Short Description: Magic Items Update for Dnd5e 2.4.X Long Description: The story is well known the "Magic Items" the original developer of "Magic Items" lost interest in the project and Magic Items 2 (https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2) was born with some bug fixes and better management....

Macro to Change Token/Character Art

Type: Macro Short Description: A Macro that changes Token Art and Character Art Long Description: I run Delta Green, and I want a macro to change both the token art and the character art to a secondary piece of token/character art (it will be a visual indicator that the character is insane). Executing the macro again will switch the token to the original art. I actually have the macro mostly done (it's only about 20 lines) - but I lack the knowledge to complete it. Budget: Should be the easiest $30 you'll make today...

Take Over Easy Ruler Scale Module ($50 US)

Type: Module Short Description: Update Easy Ruler Scale for Foundry v11 and v12. Add some additional functionality if possible. Long Description: Easy Ruler Scale was last updated for Foundry v9. Kandashi gave his blessing on his Discord for someone else to take it over. Kandashi's OK: https://discord.com/channels/853038770428051496/1015545228985368606/1179093130465779852...

More comprehensive and up to date rolltracker

Type: module Short Description: My players and I enjoy using the rolltracker module but it is out of date and doesn't have compatibility with the new pathfinder/foundry update Long Description: Basically, I'd like an update of the module https://github.com/drexl93/roll-tracker that allows for tracking of different kinds of rolls, download of the roll data, a clear all roll history button so I can track the rolls per session, and if you could include a summary distribution plot that'd be amazing. Budget: $300-400...

Module for Alignment System supplement

Type: Module Short Description: I am looking for someone to aid me in developing a module for an Alignment System supplement that I developed and sell on DM's Layer "Echoes of Ethos". A brief description of it would be for you to think of the karma system in said name video game you can think up, but directed towards TTRPG's (Primarily 5e) Long Description: Hello, I'm looking for someone that can aid me in developing a module for an Alignment System supplement I developed "Echoes of Ethos". I would like for this module to be relatively system agnostic, however I understand that may not be possible due to the innate intricacies of every system on the platform. That said, this module is primarily aimed at 5e as it is the system I mostly use myself. This alignment system I developed has a bit of a homage to the honor system from 3.5 but was initially inspired by the morality system from the fable games (Fable 1 & 2 mainly). Since this module relates to the honor system that was somewhat ported into 5e, I figured we could piggyback off of the system's "optional rule" and work from there in filling in the rest of the background information that would be needed to make this work. ...
No description

Dark Souls the TRPG Module (DnD5e)

Type: Module Short Description: Modifying DnD5e to add in the mechanics described in the Dark Souls the RPG rule book. Long Description: The Dark Souls TRPG is based entirely on the DnD5e system, but modifies a handful of mechanics to allow 5e to play more similarly to the video game. As stated towards the end of my follow-up post, the compendiums including classes and items should not be included with the public module. As such- I'd just like templates for each of these types of items for me to fill out myself. I have made a list of the additions and changes to be made that I'll post as comments off this thread due to text limits. Budget: I estimate this project could take many hours. I'll set a $1,000 price tag on this project for now, but am willing to be accommodating as I am passionate about this project and would like to see it through. I'd also be interested in providing some artwork in exchange- I specialize in character design, but can also illustrate settings. You can find some of my work here [www.slainchops.com]...

Macro to resize tokens based on the image resolution

Type: Macro Short Description: A macro that can resize a token (dimensions (grid spaces)) based on the image resolution of the token. Long Description: I hope this is a relatively simple macro for those with the know-how. I want the following: Example tokens: ...