World of Darkness 5e- Demon the Fallen Actor Type Module
Type: Module Short Description: Adds Demon actor type to WOD5e System. Long Description: Firstly, I have previously contacted Ray Ji about adding Demons to the system, to which they replied they would only do so when an official 5th edition of Demon the Fallen is released. Unfortunately, this will never happen as WOD has long abandoned the system, but Demons are a very core element to my campaign and I prefer the modern system... so here we are. I have already begun attempting to do this myself, but I have very little experience with this type of code. If it is of any help, I can send over the files I have already created. Assuming we use the Ghoul Actor Type as a base, these are the core changes; - At the top of the sheet, replace "Humanity" with "Torment." Add a bar of 10 dots positioned above the 10 boxes already present to represent permanent Torment. - To the left of Torment, add a duplicate container labeled "Faith." This container will also have 10 dots and 10 boxes, representing permanent and temporary Faith respectively. - The "Disciplines" tab is renamed to "Lores." Lores will be added via drop down list similar to how disciplines/gifts/etc are added already. Their descriptions are to be manually typed out or pasted in by users/players. - Below Skills in the Stats tab, a section labeled "Virtues" is added. This section has 3 attributes named "Conscience, Conviction, and Courage" respectively and each is accompanied by 5 dots similar to the skills/attributes above. These attributes can be rolled, the number of dice being rolled = to number of dots in a given Virtue. It would be helpful if a dialogue box prompted to set a DC for this roll from 2-10.
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Dark Souls the TRPG Module (DnD5e)
Type: Module Short Description: Modifying DnD5e to add in the mechanics described in the Dark Souls the RPG rule book. Long Description: The Dark Souls TRPG is based entirely on the DnD5e system, but modifies a handful of mechanics to allow 5e to play more similarly to the video game. As stated towards the end of my follow-up post, the compendiums including classes and items should not be included with the public module. As such- I'd just like templates for each of these types of items for me to fill out myself. I have made a list of the additions and changes to be made that I'll post as comments off this thread due to text limits. Budget: I estimate this project could take many hours. I'll set a $1,000 price tag on this project for now, but am willing to be accommodating as I am passionate about this project and would like to see it through. I'd also be interested in providing some artwork in exchange- I specialize in character design, but can also illustrate settings. You can find some of my work here []
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