World of Darkness 5e- Demon the Fallen Actor Type Module
Lastly (hit my character limit, whoops), and this is more in reference to how the Werewolf sheets are already organized in the system, but a tab could be added to the sheet called "Form" where a button allows for a roll of Faith (DC 6) to assume ones apocalyptic form. I imagine there would be a large description container at the top of this tab used for describing the physical appearance of this form. Then there'd be a section below this box labeled "Powers" where the demon's 8 apocalypse powers can be listed and enabled/disabled depending on the demon's level of torment. As for budget. I am more than willing to discuss fair compensation for this project. I am very passionate about Demon the Fallen so anything I can do to make this worth working on is fair game.
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Dark Souls the TRPG Module (DnD5e)
Lastly;; - And, of course, the module comes with a full compendium. Instead of tasking the developer with transcribing each and every item, I'd like for them to instead provide a template for each type of item (weapons, armor, consumables, spells, etc.) so I may flesh out the compendium myself. - A compendium with the modified classes will be necessary as well. I'd like templates made for martial & caster classes.
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Dark Souls the TRPG Module (DnD5e)
The core mechanics that would need to be modified are; - Position replaces HP and is spent to perform certain actions (cast spells, use class features, add number to dice roll, etc.) At level one, a player's position is their con mod + the max value of their origin's position dice + their current level. On level up, their position increases by their con mod only. During combat, a player rolls their origin's position dice and adds that value as temporary position. - In addition to this, there are no death saves in DSRPG. The module would need to remove that from the sheet. - Experience points are replaced by Souls. The sheet would need to display the current souls held by the player as well as the total spent. Souls are also the only currency present in the setting, so the currency tracker would need to be removed from the sheet. As you can expect, Souls can be spent by players to level up at bonfires. Some means of triggering a "level up" button to appear when a player has enough Souls in their possession would be ideal. - Races are replaced with Origins. Origins provide players with their position dice, bloodied ability, speed, and base statistics. - Characters also get a Backstory, Memory, and Drive. These are usually displayed at the top of the written sheet, but I'd like these to each have a text container in a "Background" category on the sheet. - Character sheets usually come with a Consumables section. I would like this to be displayed with two columns, where the second column displays a players number of Estus Flasks, Healer's Kits, Green Blossoms, Purple Moss, and Bug Pills. - Bloodied abilities are displayed as a text container on the sheet below skills. - There are no tool proficiencies in Dark Souls. Instead this section is replaced with "Special Abilities."
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