Sheet for custom system builder

I am developing a system and i need a foundry module or a custom system builder sheet made for it. I am good discussing price and i am willing to pay for additional features and graphics as well.
7 Replies
joaquinp989mo ago
"custom system builder sheet"? you you will have to be more specific about what you are looking for.
AntaganizerOP9mo ago
Custom system builder character sheet. It's a 2d12 system with bonus es and bonus dice.
joaquinp989mo ago
okey.... are you designing a TTPRG and looking for someone to develop the system for foundryvtt? you have to explain which features you want the system to have, for which version of foundry how do you want the actor sheets, items, etc if what you want is a module you have to explain what you want the module to do
AntaganizerOP9mo ago
I will post a more explanitory system update soon. sorry that i have been vague so far.
AntaganizerOP9mo ago
This system is base 2d12 system with skills being able to add an additional d12. the damage system using exploding dice. all skills and specialties should be able to be linked to an attribute or to hit/dodge. players should be able to make there own skills, specialties, gear and so on. We are using a slot based inventory system. Items (gear and other) should be creatable by players. I would like the system designed in a way that it is easy to adjust as we play test the system
AntaganizerOP9mo ago
I will note that skill dice step up from a d4 - d12 before specialties are allowed

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