Request for a module for d&d5e
Short Description: Remove weapon proficiencies and armor proficiencies that are listed in d&d5e core to replace with custom weapons and armor proficiencies.
Long Description I really don’t have the time or energy to learn java to do this myself and want to hire someone to do it for me.
I am running a heavy home brew 5e game and want to be able to remove the existing weapon groups of simple and martial weapon types from the proficiency section of a character sheet. I want to replace them with up to 7 different weapon groups (light, versatile, heavy, polearms, ranged, thrown, and exotic), each with a list of 5-10 weapons under each group. Many of the weapons listed on the proficiency area of the character sheet will be replaced with specific weapons.
I also want to have the armors listed in core for character sheets removed and replaced with specific armors for light, medium, and heavy.
The best option, in my opinion, would be similar to the existing mod: Custom D&D 5e, but for the proficiencies specifically.
Budget $200-300.
5 Replies
I've done a couple custom proficiency module commissions, I could give this a try.
Do you have a final list of proficiencies? Or do you want the module to let you add/remove them on the fly?
Are you familiar with Custom D&D 5e module? It allows you in the language section to add, remove, or rename languages.
I am looking for something like that but for weapon and armor proficiencies.
That way if a new weapon or armor is introduced, it could be added there
Ah yeah I see what you're referring to. Let me dig into it a little more and I'll send you message if I think I can make it happen.
Ok, tyvm
Unknown User•2mo ago
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