Bug fixing Team Initiative system

Type: System update Short Description: Fix problems with the team initiative system. The system used to work but either broke due to updates (last stable v11) or due to previously undiscovered bugs. Long Descriptions : The repo : https://github.com/LDMonay/oh-foundry/ The team initiative system works in the following manner (see https://github.com/LDMonay/oh-foundry/pull/13 , https://github.com/LDMonay/oh-foundry/pull/19) : - Default teams are set in configuration, when the combat is created, the default teams are added as 'Folders'. - Additional teams can be added to the combat once created using a menu. - Combatants can be placed into these teams. - Combatants are sorted within their own team using their 'initiative' score. - Combatants from the currently playing team can set themselves as "Done" using a button on the tracker or on their right click token hud. - Combatants from the currently playing team that aren't done are highlighted in the encounter view. - Tokens that correspond to tokens that are done get a green checkmark. WHAT NEEDS FIXING - Adding non-default teams during combat does not work, but changing team name or color works normally. - The last team in the sort order's turn ends immediately once all their combatants have been set as done. - Turns don't chain between teams well, hitting next turn will sometimes do nothing but increment a background value until some trigger allows it to go forward. - Done status isn't always properly set to false on combatants that turn have passed. I assume some of the latter issues are symptoms of the earlier ones, but I couldn't say. Tried to take a look at it myself, gave up. I am available to help with repo setup if needed. Budget: 150$ (Paypal)
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FoundryVTT system for the Outer Heaven ttrpg system - LDMonay/oh-foundry
feat: team initiative for combats by Ethaks · Pull Request #13 · LD...
This adds team initiative handling for combats, as well as a setting for default teams and configuration for that setting as well as individual combats. When a combat is created, default teams are ...
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