Homebrew Class(Astral Knight)
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Module, Pathfinder 2E System:
Astral Knight Module: Looking to simply import or have a module made for a homebrewed class called "Astral Knight". It's a reskin of magus, but if possible I'd also like animations to go along with this homebrewed class as well.
Description: I am in need of a pre made homebrewed class module scripted to go into one of my pf2e campaigns. I'd like the full class to be implemented into the system with animations as well as full usability within the system. I don't want to waste anyone's time so if it there are restrictions of what can be done please just let me know. The link to the class is here. https://scribe.pf2.tools/v/W35x439y-astral-knight
Budget: 75-150$(Negotiable If more work is required)
PF2e Scribe
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