Player Pin Defaults

Hello, I am looking to commission a mod that improves players' experience who create pins on a map for dungeon-heavy games since I am running PF2 Abomination Vaults right now. This mod overwrites player-made pins properties with defaults set by the DM and adds some interesting ideas (using player tokens as a note icon, or adding the character's name to the pin text). I am using Pin Cushion to improve some parts of the pin experience though I struggle to get the default player pin image to work, and many of the defaults I want to be applied have to manually done by DM and cannot be applied automatically. This mod could be a PR for Pin Cushion to add improvements to player features, or a separate mod though it has to be compatible (and perhaps work with) Pin Cushion. Full Documentation: Budget: 50$
Apostol's Notion on Notion
Player Pin Defaults
Summary: This mod improves the defaults of player-made pins in Foundry, making it easier for players to document maps such as dungeons.
5 Replies
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Apostol Apostolov
Taken by @ClipplerBlood that was fast! This has been completed by @ClipplerBlood thank you very much for the great work! Players putting pins without worrying about default is finally reality.
Leo The League Lion
@Apostol Apostolov gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @ClipplerBlood (#118 • 11)
45359923y ago
any link to the project ?

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