[CLOSED] UI panel for help to Transform/Polymorph token
I have officially dropped the "Automated Polymorpher" module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-automated-polymorpher/
There is interest from many people for a module that facilitates at the ui level of which animations+transformation of the token. The same people are nagging me about this so as a "courtesy" I'll open this commission request.
The module should allow to open a ui panel from the actor/token sheet.
The UI panel should let you do thiese things:
- Drag and Drop of actors:
- Selecting a specific animations
- Loading actors reference from a compendium
- Deleting individual actors
- Disabling individual actors
- Set a specific name on the actor
- Set a macro to invoke INSTEAD of the standard system transformation/polymorph mechanism using directly macros for those people who want to use external modules such as warpgate or just a macro
Since each system works with its own transformation logic it is a nightmare to manage the logic of each individual system, the simplest solution is as Beaver did with the module https://github.com/AngryBeaver/beavers-system-interface create a user interface that calls either the functions of the system itself or a "custom" user solution.
NOTE: Every system has is own type of polymorph e.g. DnD5e = Alter Self, Wildshape, Polymorph; Dnd3.5 = Polymorph, Lycantropy; ecc. ,the ui should let you decide the type for example with a simple dialog.
- [OPTIONAL] Add a API for use the module on the macro level
- [OPTIONAL] Add a warpgate option somewhere you can use the code done on this file under MIT license https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-automated-polymorpher/blob/main/src/scripts/lib/warpgate.ts
Anyone interested in the committee please contact me privately thank you.
1 Reply
So i guess is impossbile to ask this every system has is own logic so no point in keping this open