Player Status Widget ($150 USD Flat)

Type: Module Short Description: A live-updated player status widget for use on stream overlays Long Description: I play at a table with an embedded TV screen, with players sitting around the table. In order to facilitate all kinds of play and effects, I use OBS to project to that screen. I'd like players to have a readout of their current status in front of them at the table. However, because players sit all around the table, there is no direction that is oriented "up" for every single one of them. A browser source makes it easy for me to freely position and rotate the widget without worrying about foundry's window management. - I'd like a browser source that will display data about the player characters similarly to the mockup image included here on a separate page, similarly to /stream. It could be something like /player_widgets or something, doesn't matter. If there's more than one widget, space them out a bit on that one page so I can replicate the same browser source multiple times and crop it differently. to get each widget separately. - Either the module settings or the actor configuration should contain an option to include or exclude players. - It should show name, avatar, level, race, class, AC, and stats - It should show at least one status condition, and have some indicator (like that red dot) if there are more than one. - It should show the player's equipped items and most powerful spells - It should show spell slots on the bottom right - I'm not a designer and I'm certainly not an expert in DnD, so if you think you can do something better or more useful than my lame mockup, go for it. Budget: Flat rate of USD $150. For any reputable dev who has delivered a few verifiable previous commissions, I'll be happy to discuss paying half upfront.
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25 Replies
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
just me trying to have fun, im not expert enough to participate to the commission
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
SpewbertOP•2y ago
Hey wow, that's definitely looking partway there though That ain't bad for just having fun
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
im adding spells now
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
and equipped weapons
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
let me know if you might want it @Spewbert
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
the cards are also persistant, so if you change map you dont need to reopen them, they will attach to your token no matter where he is.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
(i added a little background animation to make it more fun)
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
@Spewbert added a flip card effect
SpewbertOP•2y ago
If you can get that to add a feature where it can be accessed with a browser source dedicated URL like is described in the first post, I'd pay you that bounty in a heartbeat! Being accessible as a browser Source rather than inside the Foundry canvas is the defining important feature to me in this case. Not to say that I don't like what you've got there. It looks really sharp! I'd definitely use that too, it's just missing the one key thing I was after with this post.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
What was it? I don't think is possible with foundry But maybe I can sort something else out
SpewbertOP•2y ago
Even if you just plotted it on /stream like the pieces done by the obs-utils module ( or something
GitHub - FaeyUmbrea/obs-utils: For all your streaming needs!
For all your streaming needs! Contribute to FaeyUmbrea/obs-utils development by creating an account on GitHub.
SpewbertOP•2y ago
just getting it onto a separate page is really it, lol I mentioned in my post upfront that I'd be happy to pay half upfront to someone reputable. Afaic, you've already ticked that box, so I'd be happy to pay you half now anyway if you're okay sharing the access to the repo with the code you've already created. If you manage to get the widgets for the active player characters to display on /stream then I'll gladly pay out the other half, too @DMkal (TS) 😊
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
would you like maybe the possibility to rotate the cards?
SpewbertOP•2y ago
Nah, rotating the cards themselves won't quite do all the things I need. Ultimately I need to be able to pull them out separately from foundry into OBS. Keeping them within the canvas isn't gonna do it. I know it's possible since modules like obs-tools are able to do it.
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
@Spewbert I don't mind getting half the commission and passing you the code, then whoever knows how to use obs or this other module has at least most of the job done already
SpewbertOP•2y ago
Sure! Is it on github? My github username is wwboynton. Please send me the invite to the repo and your paypal, venmo, etc and I'll pay out $75 USD, close this commission post, and open a new "updates" post 😎 Thanks for your great work. You started off by saying you were just goofing around and not really trying to complete the commission, but you made some really great work!
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
can i pass u the .js? i made a mess with github double identification today XD
SpewbertOP•2y ago
Lmao sure added you on discord, feel free to just drop me the file in DMs Don't forget to give me your payment details as well
DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
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DMkal (TS)
DMkal (TS)•2y ago
in the meantime... i added a rotate button just in case no one can sort out the obs stuff
SpewbertOP•2y ago
Closed! Thank you!

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