Foundry module creation

Good morning/afternoon/evening I am looking for someone who can develop a module for Foundry that will enable a new "Heading" to be added for vehicle and Player/NPC character sheets.
Thank you for your attention Krys (aka Linda)
4 Replies
kaelad2y ago
Sounds like this is an addition for a specific game system. If so, which one?
Krystaline-LindaOP2y ago
Its 5e with some extras
kaelad2y ago
And what do you mean by a new "heading"? Does that mean new actor types or something else?
Krystaline-LindaOP2y ago
So they have developed "triggers" for actors. I thought we could just make them under Features, but they were insistent that it needed it's own heading. I haven't reviewed the vehicle changes, but I believe it is very similar. If you are interested, I can give you to the creators and see if you can do what they need. They are new to Foundry and I was facilitating since I originally was going to do their conversion.

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