Pointer module update (70€)

Type: Module Short Description: Uodate of the module Pointer and Ping (or Pnp) Long Description: I would like to commission an update of the old Pointer module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-pointer or a complete rewrite. I'm the owner now so no problem with permission on this. Just to be clear here the list of the features: - Gives all players the option to show a customizable cursor on demand, as well as ping any location with a custom ping! - Hotkeys, pings, pointer, everything customizable! - As GM you can also move your players view to your pin on demand - Better code-level integration with the new pointer system and related API introduced with FVTT10 and its hotkeys. - The ability to choose whether or not to hide the pointer as the Cursor Hider module does (https://gitlab.com/foundry-azzurite/cursor-hider/-/tree/master/ with License GNU v3.0 ) and why the module forces the installation of an additional Setting Extender module (https://gitlab.com/foundry-azzurite/settings-extender) that I would like to avoid installing. - Press a configurable hotkey for enabled the "hide and show cursor feature" maybe with a different color on the cursor image (or different image) for let you remember this. Additional/Optional Feature (maybe as a separate bounty) - [GM ONLY] Press a configurable hotkey to forces a designated user's view to focus on a specific point, with a configurable zoom scale. - [GM ONLY] Press a configurable hotkey on the canvas and the designated user will be panned and zoomed to where your mouse is located. Budget: 50 euro (p4535992) + 20 dollars (Apostolov) = 68,93 euro
4 Replies
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Unknown User2y ago
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Apostol Apostolov
I will chime in with 20$
4535992OP2y ago
good to know ! ty for sharing

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