FVTT-to-Discord Chat from GM Account

Greetings, fellow Foundrians! I am brainstorming ideas on running an open-world D&D 5e campaign, one of which is having a FVTT mod + Discord Bot connect the Foundry game chat from the admin's view. The end goal would be to see if any players logging into the world outside of a session to work on their sheets or notes are making changes that I don't approve of, but for a campaign potentially with 20-100 players. I am able to track the changes in Foundry already with existing mods, so I simply need something to send the chat log into a Discord channel. A close example would be how Avrae bot can connect with D&D Beyond to post rolls from the game log on there. I only need it one-way, though - FVTT > Discord. I am assuming the task isn't hard, it's just a niche use-case and that's why there's no existing mod like that out there. I might be wrong :kittyshrug: My budget is $200, but will be going for the lowest offer. I can deposit 50% at the start, and pay the rest once I verify the mod and/or bot work. Any references/portfolios are appreciated!
13 Replies
Loki12315mo ago
If it's just for sending chat from foundry to your channel, you can use my module: https://foundryvtt.com/packages/foundrytodiscord
Foundry to Discord | Foundry Virtual Tabletop
Foundry to Discord, an Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
NcastOP15mo ago
Amazing! I'll test it out tomorrow! Much love 🙏🏼❤️
Loki12315mo ago
I can always add specific module support if you need it, but midi is fully supported and the module will always try to hide metagame info when needed
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala15mo ago
I am the owner of an RPG server, with many players as well. Currently, I use the tabbed chat log, but now I am planning to update the D&D 5e Character Monitor module, which is experiencing some errors. Additionally, I intend to configure it to send messages directly via webhook in the embed format. I'm not sure if the character monitor is currently able to meet all your needs. Are you using it and finding it sufficient for monitoring changes? I think it may not be able to track changes in item quantities, item descriptions, item alterations, etc. The same applies to features. How are you managing this?
NcastOP15mo ago
I already have the Character Monitor post messages into Foundry, yes. Now I need those messages to appear in a private Discord Channel so I can have a secure log of it no matter how many times the Foundry chat log is cleared.
Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala15mo ago
I did it.
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Mestre Mahakala
Mestre Mahakala15mo ago
Sorry for being in Portuguese (I'm from Brazil). However, I think you noticed that I created a customized message in a Discord monitoring channel using the Character Monitor, right? In this example, whenever someone updates the money, there is a personalized message for the currency sent to Discord. The way I did it, I see two benefits linked to improving organization: 1- Having different types of channels (an unlimited number of monitoring channels) on Discord. For example: I integrated my server with Google Sheets along with Discord and Foundry, and then I created different types of monitoring channels. The green ones are minor changes, the yellow ones are changes I should pay more attention to, and the red ones are issues and changes that are high alert because something problematic is likely happening. 2- You can create 'embeds' messages for Discord, with different colors, emojis, and for different hooks/situations, helping in monitoring control. After all, using only one "foundrytodiscord" will create a confusing list of messages for you to track, making the work much more confusing and exhausting.
NcastOP15mo ago
Got it to do exactly what I wanted :meow_thumbsup: Thank you so much for taking the time to make this, Loki! Now if only Character Monitor also posted messages when someone adds items to their or when/how much XP they get, but I think there are other mods out there to help with getting that data into the chat log
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Leo The League Lion
@Ncast gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @Loki123 (#338 • 1)
NcastOP15mo ago
I don't know how, but the bot knew my issue's been resolved 😄 Someone can change the tags to closed 🙂 Oh wait, I can 😅
Loki12315mo ago
Great to hear that it's working properly with Character Monitor! One thing I've noticed on that screenshot is that the icons aren't appearing, though. Make sure you set external emoji permissions on that channel to on for everyone, so the webhook picks up my custom emojis. Otherwise, you can disable the setting for it in the module so it just uses default Discord emojis. Cheers!
Leo The League Lion
@Loki123 gave :vote: LeaguePoints™ to @Ncast (#338 • 1)
NcastOP15mo ago
Ok, I'll fiddle around with it again to get that to work. I want these logs posted in a private channel for administrative purposes only, so idk how well will toggling emoji permissions for @ everyone without view will work, but we'll see!

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