FVTT-to-Discord Chat from GM Account
Greetings, fellow Foundrians! I am brainstorming ideas on running an open-world D&D 5e campaign, one of which is having a FVTT mod + Discord Bot connect the Foundry game chat from the admin's view. The end goal would be to see if any players logging into the world outside of a session to work on their sheets or notes are making changes that I don't approve of, but for a campaign potentially with 20-100 players. I am able to track the changes in Foundry already with existing mods, so I simply need something to send the chat log into a Discord channel. A close example would be how Avrae bot can connect with D&D Beyond to post rolls from the game log on there. I only need it one-way, though - FVTT > Discord. I am assuming the task isn't hard, it's just a niche use-case and that's why there's no existing mod like that out there. I might be wrong :kittyshrug: My budget is $200, but will be going for the lowest offer. I can deposit 50% at the start, and pay the rest once I verify the mod and/or bot work. Any references/portfolios are appreciated!
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