ERROR: actors is not a valid embedded Document within the Token Document

Hi guys! New here, just purchased the software. Could we get any help on this elusive error? It's within the chronicles unofficial system that we are intending to build out. Whenever an actor sheet based off of an active token on the scene is edited in any way, the error is produced and shows up as a toast at the top of the screen (the first one). We've stepped through with a debugger through many areas and it's clear that it' appears internal to foundry. Attached is a stack trace. We are using version 11. Version 10 also produces errors, but they're yellow rather than red. Regardless of WHAt we change on the character sheet, IF it's a token rather than in the 'templates' on the right, it produces this error. We aren't sure what to do - we're at the point where we're wondering if we should scrap the whole system nad build from the ground up. (Wherein the best tutorial we found online was for v10 of foundry)
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12 Replies
Zhell•17mo ago
If I had to guess - and that's hard to do without seeing the code itself - are you somewhere doing tokenDocment.updateEmbeddedDocuments("actors" ...)?
mfiOP•17mo ago
@Zhell It's within the public repository. Here's an instance of that function call on the csCharacterActorSheet.js:
An implementation for Green Ronin's Chronicle System, used by SIFRP and Sword Chronicles to the Foundry VTT. - 3darkman/foundryvtt-chroniclesystem
mfiOP•17mo ago
Is that bad?
Zhell•17mo ago
is this v11 or v10 or 9? if not v11, could you verify that is actually an actor? Especially for unlinked actors (synthetic actors)
mfiOP•17mo ago
It's v11 The error ONLY occurs on actors created That particular error does not occur in V10 it's a CSCharacterActor, which inherist from CSActor, which inherits from ACtor
mfiOP•17mo ago
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Zhell•17mo ago
Someone here had a similar issue, which was in SWN. I'm thinking it's not related to actors, tokens, or sheets at all
mfiOP•17mo ago
I dont have that link permissions, but based on our debugger explorations, I concur. We cant hit a breaking point. Its internal to common.js and foundry.js. Ive recloned etc and had same issues.
Zhell•17mo ago
It is on the foundry vtt server. 🙂
Kirlian•10mo ago
Hi everyone, I know I'm resurrecting an old thread, but I'm responsible for this system, and one of the players who use it came to complain to me about this error. I've already tried debugging here, but I really have no idea what to do, apparently it's an error in the internal update function, and checking the variables before that, both the token and the actor are properly set, Has anyone found out what this could be? What does that mean? corrupted installation? because I'm running the server on my machine.
Zhell•10mo ago
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Kirlian•10mo ago
So, why is there no problem on other systems using the same server? They don't use the update function? what would be the alternative? I had read these answers, but I still don't know how to solve it. 😦

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