Adding a New Dice System to BernhardPosselt’s foundryvtt-special-dice-roller module

Type: modification of an existing module Short Description: Adding a New Dice System to BernhardPosselt’s foundryvtt-special-dice-roller module Long Description: I am looking for someone who would add +1 custom 6 sided die to this module. So Adding a New Dice System to BernhardPosselt’s foundryvtt-special-dice-roller module. With one 6 sided die. the existing /l5r die is almost what I need, I just need the following changes: - Change the roll formula, from /l5r to anything shorter for example /* (number of dice) - Change faces (I will send you the images) - Change the name of the faces - Change how the value of the faces are added in the text. - Make the selection more visible. - Maybe make the faces appear in an order by color. (Optional) This is the module: GitHub - BernhardPosselt/foundryvtt-special-dice-roller: A FoundryVTT module that supports rolling L5R, VtM 5e, Genesys and SWTTRP dice in chat This is the guide for how to do it: foundryvtt-special-dice-roller/docs/ at master · BernhardPosselt/foundryvtt-special-dice-roller · GitHub Budget: 30$ I
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1 Reply
JonnyOP11mo ago
The image in the end shows how the /l5r die with replaced faces almost does what I need. As you can see the face names and formulas are incorrect.

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