Trying to register a new system

Hey everyone, I am new to Foundry system development. I am working with the boilerplate system and have the folder properly updated and placed my /Data/systems/ folder. However, when I launch Foundry VTT, I do not see this system registered to the Game Systems tab to begin testing. How do I ensure I properly connect this and set it up so I can begin development and test along the way? Thank you!
24 Replies
joaquinp9815mo ago
Does it tell you any error in the console?
arbron15mo ago
Make sure your system's id defined in the system.json matches exactly with the name of the folder
Nezzeraj15mo ago
And it needs to be all lowercase
Forien15mo ago
It doesn't (or at least to, it didn't used to)
Nezzeraj15mo ago
Oh my mistake then
Forien15mo ago This article explains a lot, including how the manifest should look like
Introduction to System Development | Foundry Virtual Tabletop
The official website and community for Foundry Virtual Tabletop.
Zhell15mo ago
Very much recommended to use only a-z and 0-9 and hyphens. (And preferably not even hyphens.)
Forien15mo ago
while I agree that only using lowercase is recommended (since various OS treat case sensitivity in file names differently), is there any real reason to avoid hyphens?
Zhell15mo ago
Convenience when using your own system/module id.
The Narrative Alchemist
@Jeff "Arbron" Hitchcock So it does match, which is why I find it weird it hasn't registered to Foundry. The folder is "wands-and-wizards", which matches the ID in system.json. If this helps in your deduction, the boilerplate system's folder is also located under /Data/systems/, and it is not showing up in the Foundry application, either. Thank you for providing that, but I had already reviewed that documentation last night before finding this Discord to post here.
Leo The League Lion
@GM Shyann gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @Forien (#225 • 3)
Forien15mo ago
I would go back to this message Check if there are any errors in Setup/Console
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Forien15mo ago
errors can also be here
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The Narrative Alchemist
Okay, strange, its giving me the following error. But this does exist in the files, so what exactly is it wanting me to do? Is there a place it need to be linked?
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Forien15mo ago
can you show the part of manifest with esmodules?
The Narrative Alchemist
From system.json
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Forien15mo ago
looks good... and the screen you showed is inside your foundry data, right? or your project that is separate? 🤔
The Narrative Alchemist
The console error I shared is from inside the Foundry application itself, yes.
Forien15mo ago
I meant this screen. Is this folder structure you see in FoundryData/Data/systems/wandsandwizards/? or is it your project? If it's your project, can you make sure your mjs file is in the FoundryData as well?
No description
The Narrative Alchemist
It is both. It is my project, but I am developing it inside my /Data/systems folder in Foundry. Full path to the project folder is "C:\Users\hello\AppData\Local\FoundryVTT\Data\systems\wandsandwizards"
Forien15mo ago
ok, so weird... and C:\Users\hello\AppData\Local\FoundryVTT\Data\systems\wandsandwizards\module\wandsandwizards.mjs I guess is valid path to file as well... and error shows up through Foundry restarts as well I assume? I genuinely have no clue now 🤔
The Narrative Alchemist
Yeah, its where my D&D 5e system lives that does show up in the application so I'm unsure as well. I also did several resets hoping that was all that was needed with nothing new happening. Yeah, I know its weird. I do have quite a bit of experience in dev (my full time job), but I am totally stumped by this 😓 @Forien Success! Instead of restarting just the application, tried one last hail mary and reset my whole computer. Upon launch Foundry this time, the new system was in there! Thank you for your assistance with troubleshooting. I was going a lil crazy for a sec lol
Leo The League Lion
@GM Shyann gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @Forien (#207 • 4)
Forien15mo ago
whole system? pandaScared something must've really go wrong there lol but good it works now!

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