Library: UI Extender

Hey all, I'm developing a new library module to make adding new UI elements to existing Foundry UI elements simple. This started as a way to do this in my own modules like Convenient Effects, which adds a scene control button to the token controls. Currently, I only have a few extensions: - Adding a new scene control to any of the layers - Adding a new HUD button to a token, tile, or drawing I'm looking for any suggestions on other functions you'd like to see added, whether they are specifically extending existing controls (like the above examples) or adding any helper functions that you've either created or would find useful. Thanks!
5 Replies
Farling2mo ago
What about, adding new block styles or inline styles to the text editors (maybe one common interface that works for both ProseMirror and TinyMCE).
DFredsOP2mo ago
That's a good idea!
Farling2mo ago
I know that the lib:color-picker module already exists, but having equivalent functionality in a core UI extender module would be better. The primary requirement would be to extend the core ColorPicker so that it supported alpha channel in a single dialog (and return a rgb string which includes the alpha channel).
DFredsOP2mo ago
Interesting. I actually wasn't aware of the library. Good suggestion though! So the color picker that base Foundry uses is just the base color picker for chromium based browsers. So Chrome has one style, but Firefox has a totally different implementation. Neither supports alpha out of the box it seems
Farling2mo ago
That's unfortunate, since CSS allows alpha to expressed directly in the hex string. The Chrome DevTools has a colour picker which includes an alpha channel.

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