Jr dev

I'm cleaning out my bookmarks and accidentally came back to this article. Potentially useful starting point for anyone who's been hacking away for a while and seeking direction for more foundational concepts to learn https://oprea.rocks/blog/six-things-that-tell-youre-still-a-junior
Six Things About JavaScript Which If You Don't Know, Signal to Othe...
When do you stop considering yourself a beginner? It's hard for junior web devs to know when they've outgrown the "junior shell". Here's my attempt to at least partly clarify what are the concepts that if you don't know indicate you're still a beginner.
8 Replies
Calego•4y ago
This author was salty about front end frameworks when they wrote this. Suffice to say this list changes dramatically when you bring FE frameworks into play. Modem React has fully embraced functional patterns because this is just confusing. I haven't needed to DIY an event listener in the last decade and a half professionally. Fuck if I know what hoisting and shit actually means
corporatOP•4y ago
lol that's a take. I think it's a totally reasonable rundown for Jr/Sr FE dev questions that are framework agnostic
Calego•4y ago
Also when was this written? No date on the page I can see
corporatOP•4y ago
(I say "that's a take" respectfully, as in "that's one interpretation, even if you're reading between the lines a bit") 2015 I think Still within modern expectations I think, this is post-ES2015 for sure
Calego•4y ago
Array methods and pseudocode are super important. It's an interesting question we've been struggling with at work lately. I don't think I have a good answer, but I know I wouldn't use this list :p We live entirely in React and Typescript land. When looking for a senior dev we evaluate how comfortable they are with the finer details of how data models are handled from an efficiency standpoint. Hypothesis: the most important thing a developer can consider is how their data is stored, managed, and changed. Handling data poorly can quickly bog down your application, especially in the context of reactive frameworks. I suppose their prompt was what makes a junior not a junior anymore, but not necessarily what makes a senior a senior. There's a middle ground between Jr and Sr
corporatOP•4y ago
Sophomore wait 🤔
Daniel Thorp
Daniel Thorp•4y ago
I know about event delegation, but I rarely use it...
Unknown User
Unknown User•3y ago
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