custom hud element
Maybe I'm missing something simple here. I'm making my own custom hud element (NOT based on a Foundry Class) and am wondering what's the easiest way to make it draggable/movable. Any suggestions? I saw the
class which at least changes the cursor, but no dragging can actually happen yet (assuming I need a handler somewhere but don't want to reinvent the wheel.)4 Replies
You're looking at doing this with html/css?
The easiest trick I know of is to hijack an Application class.
The draggability is built in then, and "all you gotta do" is restyle the header/background
Other places to look, smalltime is the neatest little HUD element.
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Oops, didn't see these responses till now. I just need a pop up that lists some stuff similar to the pop out combat tracker / items directory type stuff.
I didn't even think to just use Application... I'll try that out.
Yep, that worked perfectly. Many thanks!
You could use similar code to SmallTime (and SCS)