Newb looking for advice on creating Compendium via code

I am new to Foundry and trying to figure out if it will be a good fit for my game. I have a fair amount of custom content that my groups uses and I want to create a content mod for it. I know I can use the in game Create Compendium and Create Item features but I have a fair amount of content and wanted to try creating it via code. I have a moderate amount of experience writing JS and JSON files and it sounds like a fun project to try out. However I haven't been able to find many resources for creating the Compendium with code. The documentation from Foundry only talks about using the in game options and looking through some of the mods that add content wasn't enlightening. I was hoping someone could point me at a guide to get me started on this, or tell me if I am completely barking up the wrong tree and this really can't be done. Thanks!
1 Reply
Farling2y ago
They have a CLI tool that can create a compendium from a JSON file - but the JSON needs to have the correct Foundry structure within it. Or just write a macro that reads each object from a file and calls Item.create for that data.

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