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All posts for Combat Warriors
i doesn't do anything why are mod ban me for this reason
I want to battle the Cat Boss with my Sea Beast, but the ID MAP Isnt working: (/map cattemple) why?
How do I spawn airdrop types?
hbe with bow
i got ban for weird reason
bro pls someone. admin, ban this bitchass from combat warrior. he is freakin hacking, here the user
Is this okay
Ps airdrops
weird glitch thing
How do I create a server of my region?
Does anyone know fist FINISHERS
Thank you Combat Warriors
I was wronged
False Ban
Oi eu queria intender pq eu tomei ban
how to spawn a mythical airdrop?
How long does it take to process an application to unlock the game?
whats the new update
false bans
Hacker name bububububjhu
I've seen people pick up people while running and not needing to stop and let the animation complete
Can we make the glory kills actually move the weapon
Combat Warriors
Movement bugs
What is the reason for blocking?
Can I get my Robux from adding Game Pass back because I didn't read that it required premium?
How do you break out of parry stance?
key binds
Mods help
Hello I hope you are well. I want to solve this problem and what is its cause.
UGC dragon slayer not working
Why l get banned
Moderator requirements
Fix the anti cheat bruh
Can you get mythical weapon by reporting exploiter?
how do killstreaks work
Dev leaking
game moderator
I think mythics should be realistically obtainable for F2P players
What happened to hall monitor?
Chat tag bug
Kittie sticker
need this kill sound
Fix your game moderation and moderators
March 20th. The prophecy is true 𓂀
Avatar glitch pls help
Good way to grind damage?
what wrong with sg/03 region
Cw being unfair
Bot cant post my suggestion in Top Suggestions
Hello my beautiful cw supports
Opened up 550 robux mythical crates and have gotten nothing
how to gift?
Possible case bug?
Fix your moderation
Pls unban
When someone get's banned on an ALT, does it transfer to the main or just an ALT?
Any administrator, to unban my account, I entered the game today and I was banned, permanently, plea
Parry Rework
What's the chance for a mythical from afk rewards?
When 3 out of 8 Mythical Weapon released?
How do i change my server nickname
bro pls add new gamemode that ppl with mythicals cant join
fix this problem
Killsounds issue
Why does it not work
Why does it not work
I buy multiple spins gamepass and no work
please unban
I got banned for using a script that increases the player's head area
fix this airdrop thing in ps plz
Deleted game passes
account banned for the ban cat eye red 42
I found this hacker but his name is confusing to type in
got kicked in a private server, message said something like "black cat red eye/42"
Daily mythical rigged?
Nsfw display name
Ban all cheater pls fuck
What happened to these gamepasses and I want a refund because they didn’t work and removed them
How rare is it to get dragon slayer or chain say in daily spins
I was banned unfairly.
Help me please
Do you actually get daliy spins from kills on Friday to Sunday
i got ban for reason i just joined then i left then i joined back anf i got ban
How to summon?
How do i use dummies
how does the new private server command work?
how does ppl can jump high just by sliding and turning the camera???
Do I need to say anything at all?
i didnt even play the game and i got banned?
anchor is not working
How to gift an Overhead tag?
Bonjour sa existe un serveur français sur combat warriors
Server user..
how do i get doubloons for gatito
Help my clothes wont show up
For ppl who got a mythical from the credits case
What happened?
administration banning for no reason
vanguard 2x xp
What is prompt activation fail?
Fist glory kills
Can I get the vanguard role on the server if it was sent to me as a gift?
PS cmds
Can I refund my gamepasses?
Permanent ban
animation on weapons
Why do some people stomp before movement?
I want to claim this temporary bam
flag should have an idle animation where you bury it into the ground and lean on it cus thats cool
How do I have a ".65" on my score?
bro what
whats the chance of a mythical from a robux energy case
the tick for daily spins and currency isnt working ive been afk for 1 hour
Hey I need some info about something
Help me.
I dont know how this work
how to spawn mythical airdrop in private server
Is there a way to unban an account that is 5 months old?
how do i use matatabi red i looked everywhere i could and still can't find it
Is there a way to get unbanned even if your time has passed?
Is their any discord sever orclan that can help me grind coins and does giveaways ?
so can anyone give me a id for a N image so i can use it for my icon on my head tag?
Starter pack scam
Fists glory kills
Wth is this?
Airdrop types?
i suddenly got energy blade
Unban me,If anything, I was banned by mistake and I already submitted a request to unban
How do I get unbanned
What does /spawn command do?
can i report chainsaw dash users
I won a myth and they didn't give me the emblem and after 5 minutes they took it away from me, what
im got perm ban for nothing and my appeal denied
ban this hitboxer!
how to fix ?
glory kills
Does anyone know how to prove that I wasn't hacking?
How do you spawn mythical supply drops in private servers?
"Unban appeal"
Can i get unbanned?
Can I be unbanned if I was banned perm
I got banned for "using" cheats, even though I was away from home for 2 days...
Got a permanent ban for "cheating"
Permanently banned due to my fault
script 😭
Banned by mistake
Glory kills and finishers
Emulator User.....
How do i stop teleporting to intermeddiete servers when i join combat warriors?
I cant join my friend in this game
How can i use my’s own kills sounds?
How to activate premium afk reward?
does respawn character affect kdr?
Guys wgat is black cat red eye
i cant find combat warriors
How do people do higher super jumps?
Airdrop types
How do you expect us PC players to record in combat warriors if we so get banned by anti cheat?
why am i getting banned when im not doing anything other than playing the game?
I can't spawn airdrops
When will I be unbanned?
I got false banned yet i cant get unbanef
data wont load after like 1 or 2 years
I joined combat warriors game after over a year and my game just cant load
anyone know why we can't use mythic gk's as overrides
how do i break through parries
does anyone know a brutal glory kill?
Its rigged
ps questions
"Please be reasonable."
I'm legitimately scared to play the game
stuck at loading data
What the hell does "attempted to join a restricted place" mean
Please unban me:( I did nothing wrong I tried hard for everything I have:(((
help me
why do my clothes disappear when i join the game
Another account banned without using any script/hack
why i can't find/join cw?
why i cant join cw , did dev do something?
Did they do something?
Energy Crate Chances
how long do you have to wait for a response from moderation in ban appeals
how do i get the 8 killstreak reward?
For game support and moderators
Yoru and Dragon hunter swords...
Baneos injustos
How does one make a kill sound?
This game dude 🤦
BCRE is a mistake.
Winter 2024 Event cases
I got banned by getting killstreak with a gun weapons
Banned, for no reason
game banning you after getting a mythical
How to access art channel
I want to know why I was banned, they even denied me the unban when I didn't do it
help with avatar
It like when you get Roblox been you get banned playing combat warrios banned you for 1 week
gimme audio perms
Kicked from the game after picking up a mythic box
Cant sumbit a ban-appeal
Self made kill audio not working :C
How many more false ban? Do dev not know about how braindead the anti cheat is
Why did I get a temporary sea beast?
what is the chances of a mythic
Help needed!
can anyone send me a vid or tips on how to superjump on low sense?
Help me
New mythic suggestion
I can't claim my reward
Please Fix this bug
what are the odds to get mythical weapon from afk reward?
Baneo bug
Ban Appeal
Can you convert aether to credits?
Help I want you to appeal to me😔
can somone help me when im trying to buy daily spin it says
what the
How do you get the cwencer slayer?
Can i reply to a suggestion i've already made in the suggestions chat so it reaches more people?
Banned on xbox
Help me
Hi! I see a lot of people getting false banned like me, will the devs do anything about it?
Failed ban
Unfair ban
Banned for playing
Why couldn’t I gift a chat tag to a player?
Why am I banned For a silly reason?
Unable to Submit an Appeal — Immediate Rejection
The ban I had
Is there anything specific I need to do so I can prestige to get scissors and anchor?
how to spawn airdrops with guns and with mythical weapons on private?
Energy Case Credits
I was banned FOR NO REASON
Get ban😭
how get mythical airdrops or specgun in ps
Console mouse problem
help me with computer controls
i cannot veriy
My Roblox account just got unbanned and when I come back I’m banned for 7 days
i can’t verify
Why didn’t I get kills for the secondary weapon skill mission? (Even after I killed the amount)
is using water beam to get more dmg bannable?
Spawn mythic airdrops and other spec/guns airdrops on private servers
Got false banned without exact clip of ban
I randomly got banned when I joined and was looking at the parry menu what do I do
so ı got banned 1 day ago but ı didnt cheat. they are asking a clip but ı dont have it help pls :)
Prestige update.
Is AFKing for mythicals (non premium user) really worth it?
Regarding rules
Guy in GC 4 is being racist can we get a mod
ban this cheater
lower youtube cc requirements
ban hackers
how to use emote icons
Command help please
lower youtube cc requirements
Ban remove on main
I'm a somball better than a combo 👍
does anyone know why the quests for the event arent working
I was unfairly banned
Necesito ayuda
Exploiter inf stamina
Energy cases
Help me I just want to be unbanned and I won't use exploits anymore
what is the roblox audio for SG ambience?
Tengo que reportar esto porque si pasan 30 días me da un perma y no sé por qué lo hacen
I was recently banned, I don't use hacks or anything and I don't understand the reason, can someone
Will 14,000 robux be enough to get a mythical
I'm a professional 😎
How can I get Intermediate?
How to spawn type of airdrop
Emulator user
I'm trying to report a exploiter
Is it possible to write bad words using scripts?
Why do we need to know the DPS stats on each weapon?
what's up with the new cwencer slayer bagde
is it possible to do the quests on the private server?
what is the command for airdrops with mythical weapons in it?
Falsely banned
Missing Skin
Gianting weapon
New dragon slayer achievement bug
crédits case
bad CW anti-cheat (2 times I make a post)
Have there been changes regarding the parry system?
chat whats the % of getting a mythical weapon from the afk rewards place with premium
It doesn't let me open daily?
can you tell me what to do in this situation?
I got banned for communication, but I play on a PS5
i cannot see the icons for the last quest in every map except last one in crossroads v2 winter
I wanna get refund, Everything I spend
ban this player!
CW im not scripting..
did ds got rebalanced
Cant Use r6 body parts
I got ban for no reason why
Got Dragon Slayer Badge When I Joined, But I Dont Have It Unlocked
me ban why !!?😭
My dragon slayer disappeared
afk rewards yield
why i cant use private server commands?
You can find servers with a small amount of ping using "Delta" ?
please fix the bug bro
Quick small question
Public ROBLOX audio not working with Kill SFX gamepass.
bcge ecge problems
how many energy cases do you get for getting 500 score
How much luck do I need in the mythical box?
how do I spawn mythic airdrops in my private server
afk mythics
Found a hacker
i also got perm banned like wtf
Kill sound issue
My radio won't play
is it possible to get mythical weapons from winter energy crates? (Energy W 2024 Event)
bro .
Which scissor is better
Is this some of joke?
who can recommend Russian servers for cw
есть ли русский сервак по combat warriors или чат где можно поговорить на русском?
what did i do wrong? =(
Airdrop commands
I don't understand this new parry system
Found something
Anti cheat
BANNED (EXPLOIT, PERMANENT) but im not the one who's play.
make content creator for youtube requirement lower
Banned (exploit, permanent) but I'm not the one who's play
Credits cases chance
airdrop bug
please man
Can I get sea beast or refund?
Ngl this game fire frl but i have a problem
Winter event not tracking properly
I need help
This quest do not make sense can someone explain?
your anti-cheat (or moderation) bans me for no reason
Where is my daily mythic. I literally lost my energy blade in under an hour!
They deleted the pass
Why did you reject my application unfairly? I clearly did not use any loopholes or cheat
It didnt give me the case?
There is no symbol for CRV2 WINTER.
What does the airdroptype means in the spawn airdrop command?
How to fix owned items not found error?
Help needed
help please
something weird
Buying a mythical
someones name isnt working, cant report them
Banned and need to apeal
scissors are able to damage mythical weapon user in finish + glory kill animation
Need clarification please
How many crates on average does it take to get a mythical (robux crates)
gift credits
what are the odds to get a mythical weapon in robux energy chest and normal energy chest?
Stage 4 order of symbols
False banned for this “black-cat-red-eye/42”
Console lag
Fist barrage dosent work
got banned for this reason "Black-Cat-Red-Eye/42"
Event quest
Event quests
Winter quests
the symbol of sfoth dont appear
Event quests.
how can i advertise my clan in clan ads
W24 Quest
Winter event quests
Stank ahh quest
Best way to get money?
i got ben,but i did nothing ??
My quests are not counting
If an account is muted, is their appeal disregarded?
how to spawn "AirdropType"
winter event
Issue with avatar while playing cw
Place ID
is camping here illegal
Yo, i got ban for nothing. Why?
energy crte
i cant move even with reset
How can I send an icon to my clan?
christmas challenge
the counter for the "get 10 kills with secondary weapon skills" seems to be broken.
1093 rolls no mythic…
Can you get section two today or are there not enough quests?
I have a question
i got daily mythical and i could not use it
Someone to help me‽
I have a question
Is it worth buying 10 energy case (3199 robux)? Or its a waste of money and I wont get anything.
Need some help with a command
why arent my quests getting completed?
I have a question
Data was wiped, is there anything i can do??
Private servers
Please fix getting banned for simply using mythicals
Does spec and mythical airdrops spawn in priv server/I can spawn spec or mythical airdrop in it
what does extra lifesteal do?
server lag has gotten even worse since the start of the event.
glory kill with the most money given?
what are the REAL chances of getting a mythical from the 5 minute timer?
Private server Spec/Mythical airdrops
Melee Debug Mode
Hii, I can't use the "scissors" on the mobile server
Why doesn’t the mythical airdrop command work on ps severs.?
Question about in game id sounds
why r crimson scissors offsale
what happens if (the question is too lonng)
question for banned
Why does the event date keep changing?
do you still get banned when u get a spec?
it isn’t letting me use radio audios, what do I do?
how to spawn different airdrop types
Spec airdrops in ps?
guy has dragon slayer in beginner servers
Anti-Cheat message.
Any tips
do you need the dragon slayer + chainsaw to get mythicals from robux crate
How can I avoid a fake ban?
Next Mythical weapon
Why did I got permanent banned for no reason
Does anyone know how the secret badge code works?
Fastest glory kill?
Do i need premium to get rewards from afk server or no aswell as what does more premium rewards do?
Uh i got afk for sec and i had an information from game
new badge
How does spawn command work??
Chat tag/Overhead tag
how to change controls
Anyone know how to solve this?
Daily Mythic
Player report
i cant slide on pc
Game froze
Misunderstood banned and solved not clear
Ban N?
New bosses
If someone has just created an account and the account for less than 10 days, player cannot join.
Meele debug mode not working for me
The new winter event
Unban me pls
getting reported rn for hbe
this enough proof that this fella is exploiting??
Anticheat in mythical grab
Add dummy's in private servers
Why does it say items not found every single time I launch the game
This is my third time trying to contact combat warriors staff
mythic weapons
ban for no reason
42 reason ban
I got permanent Ban pls help me remove it, I swear I won't use cheats again
My kill sound effect doesnt work
How much does it cost to buy a legendary emote in the item shop ?
Ive got banned pernematly
cat red eye 5 day
Mythic weapons
Is that normal?
mythical weapon gone from inventory
energy blade enchant
Killstreak count doesnt work
kill sound not working
How do I kick on mobile?
idk why icant get in-game benefits
false anticheat ban
kill sound
what is this
Someone beam my account and I lost of my grind for 2 years
This is the third time I've been unfairly banned, the combat warriors anti cheat is trash
is there any new codes?
Hacker on his alt account @brunoproroblox655
fix this hitbox problem
Dude, what the fuck is this?
Weird false ban?
Mythical Weapons Odds
can i reset my account?
Energy sword is gone
the idle animations on weapons dont seem to happen to me when im on laptop
Why are the gamemode "MythicalGrab" aren't supported in Private server?
What is happened🤔
No Bow Servers
Can anyone confirm this for me?
Mythic Weapons
How do I get a ticket for #unknown?
what the fawkk
I was wrongfully banned through the anti-cheat system.
Hacks or what is this
Why when I hit with the sword does it not do any different animation?
Can i report people for avatars
The chances and the requirements of getting mythical weapon from afk rewards
Mythic mode
It still exists...
This is the second time I've been banned without reason/unfairly.
Falsely ban
Scissors as a prestige 💀
I got banned for alleged script usage
what are all the private server commands?
What the scallop am I supposed to do
my console cursor won’t let me equip certain weapons.
Banned even though I played normally from anticheat
if i buy more prem rewards do i still get the afk rewards if i dont have premium
Kill Sound Not Working
WHY HAVE I NEVER GOTTEN A RESERVE AIRDROP??? I get like 20+ killstreaks and never got 1
Anyone know what's up with the new anti-cheat?
Virtual Crusor
Do The case luck increase gamepasses still function even after being deleted?
New upd?
Mobile clan join error
When I use the chainsaw my fps drops
WTF with that hitbox, i think he have hitbox expander
help i be ban for no reason
When will Combat Warriors 2 be released?
can i go to voice chat channel
Will this item ever rerelease?
Regarding The gambling
Can I changer the video used in my Exploit Report?
Suggestions keep deleting
Are there any codes?
i got banned again
I want to know if I received a permanent ban or not?
New upd goes hard
i got banned
Hey dudes its me!! Fix this now
I was banned for playing on console??
create ids
I don't know why
Mythic Odds (afk)
Is anyone else getting caught by the anti cheat without the use of exploits?
Skins dont look the same while on my weapon
bad reason: black-cat-red-eye
What a great reason to ban me, what good moderation, this is very unfair
Issues with custom kill sound ID
I cant use my radio
why 7day ban - >Pem ban?
My banned account
Me banearon ns pq literalmente
How to make teams in PS
Will this appeal denied role go away soon? And did I get reported someone help
Ban (help)
I have a question
i need a refund
If i have Roblox Premium and buy the robux energy case what's my chances of a Mythical?
How can I get the game developers to allow me to use music that I uploaded myself?
Ban log for Qyuu17
What is overhead label?
what wrong with my accouth i was play in yesterday in internet room and to day i got banned????
I need help with wepons i dont have all of them but i do have some whats the best ones under 24k
How to use Kunai
Can we separate pc and mobile players 🤔🤷♂
What crate will the chainsword be available on?
can someone help me learn to slide super jump or atleast find a video for it cause i cant find any
What happened to my eggs
Account banned
Got kicked for unknown reason
How much is the percentage of luck increase to guarantee you a mythical?
i don't know how to fix it
whats the new ghost update
whats new update
score leaderboard
help me
Can't use swing or use item on controller
Are the luck gamepasses really working?
Kill Sound Gamepass Not Working
bug reward
Dragon slayer or yoru
Head and Chat tags
False Banned
Daily mythic and afk chances
Energy blade question
mythical weapon
my friend threw off 2 gamepasses gold and vanguard came only vanguard what should I do?
How to make God hand symbol in my text on overhead tags and Cursed berserker mark?
Has anyone actually got this and how rare is it
Super Jump
Killsound ID
New Weapons
Mythical Crate Odds
Still need help on some Kill sounds not working
Player kept took opponent and put it at highest in every round
How dose the pity system work?
can u make it so u can convert aethers into money? its a great idea in my opinion what do yall think
Dome girl said that on Halloween crossroads you can get yoru is that true?
Energy crate
server wide high ping is worse than it was before
Why does my kill sound sometimes just give up and not work in certain servers?
How do you verify?
Do we just not moderate chat tags?
PLEASE someone tell me the odds of getting a mythic from normal energy crate
Combat Warrior Permanent Suspension System(I've already given up ban-appeals, just read the article
y'all my friend got banned for the black cat red eye thing...
I got banned for no reason
buying ugc dragon slayer
wut is the percentage of gettin a mythical weapon in afk
Verification problems
I need help with this pleaseeeeeeee
music ids and image ids
Luck gamepasses
Afk rewards
what are the REAL chances of getting a mythic from 5 min chance
Please check for me.
Mythical weapons
Does donating aether to a clan even do anything?
game freezed when respawn
Can progress from my old account get moved to a new account?
be fr Does anyone even got mythical weapon from the every 5 min have a chance to get mythical weapon
does the super jump glitch is still on game?
what happened to origin vc severs
where is my gift?
(Please read this carefully, please)Guys, I got banned again for not having a hacking program!
How does the rate work
idk why my bodytypes its not seems in game
Unfair ban
Chances of mythical weapons from robux crates
I got banned
This is a suggestion.
500 really????
My radio aint playing my sound ids
Private server question
vanguard daily reward
Controls not working.
How to Unband😭
The social awards thingy on discord doesn't work
what happened to airdrops
I want to ask about private server
i got ban reason is black cat red eye
unfair system in parry and bows and Melee
Energy Cases
math is not mathing
how do i get permission to add my kill sound :(
The server lag is even worse
luck gamepasses
bat glory kill?
Guys, before I leave this server, I want to say something.
How do I talk to a staff member?
case limit for prestige
Appeal denied without being my fault of "exploiting"
Do I need to send a ban appeal ticket to someone?If so, please tell me how.
I received a permanent suspension (I've already appealed).
Why were the neon skins changed? they used to look so good. especially cubic sky
How much does it cost to every weapon for each section
why is this guy in here
Question from a person who plays on mobile.
what is up with the thumbnail and banner of the discord
Help me unban
can you roll mythic weapon from the non robux case
Switched accounts and wondering if you can transfer items
why am I so unlucky when I open cases
why banned😭😭😭😭
Are private Servers down?
luck increase + score at credit case
Apology and a request of a second chance
Game please
remove anchor case opening limit
VANGUARD gamepass
can i grind on another account after perma ban?
a doubt
Is auto clicker legal in game? any
Where did the spin luck gamepasses go?
got banned falsely
where's the mythical weapon?
Best configs xbox
I got a 35 kill streak and a spec or mythical weapon airdrop never appeared
how can i get the preserved airdrop
cant slide on pc
Gamepass problem
why can other people jump over my swings but whenever I do it I still get hit
mythic weapons
Halloween event
помогите с моим баном!!!
what does the number in parenthesis represent
what does the number in parenthesis represent
Anyone know why?
A friend gift me Vanguard long time ago and i bought it again but it didnt gave me any aether/money
can someone help me? I played and got banned because black-cat-red-eye/42,
Can someone help me? I made an appeal yesterday and waited until today and the account is still bloc
how do i advert my clan
does anybody know when afk rewards get higher
The guy is using speed hacker and Hitbox script
Is robloz down?
anyone know a mobile superjump?
private server question
kill sounds
whas new upd
Can i get mythich weapon from energy case (no robux)?
Cannot join back
I lost all my swords in a game update, how can I get them back?...
I was banned unfairly
New roblox audio id's problem
This is not something that needs support its just a finding.
i got band in combat warriors for exploting but I dint exploit and I dont know how to appeal
Is it a glitch?
Rotten game
why the luck game are broken JUST FOR ME???
I would like to ask.
why i got Bann but Not the Hackers?
What does LE score mean?
better anti-cheat pls
Server lag!
whens anchor releasing
idk how to name it
What to do if your ban appeal never gets answered???
how long are you allowed mythical weapons for from daily mythicals
Question about mythical weapon
question about dragon slayer
What is that
Cannot verify my main account
why does the game randomly fucking shutdown
this big can ban you by antocheat?
If i get ban, then im judt create new acc
Hello can somebody check my account GRyuxj
my radio is broken
Who can cure this man?
Kill Farming
Cant access Bug reports
why are my swing effects freaky
Why i can t open the new create?
will we need DS and CHAINSAW to open prestige case
i bought a mythic case and it took my money and did not give the case
Error opening (credits) mythic case??
how do i change my display and user in the server?
What is more likely to give as mythic weapon?
what's the chances of getting a Mythical from a CREDITS energy case
Gold Pass bug
mystical weapons box
weird ah bug
Body parts
auto teleporting
what is slash reset delay?
I don't Know what is it
What are the chances of getting a mythic?
Is 12 hours actually how much time it takes for a mod to see my report?
killsound not appearing?
How do I level up in this server?
How will I get the Twitter social reward now?
I can't claim the discord rewards ingame
Where can I report sprays?
I've been waiting for more than 30 days already((
Banned without no reason...
I can't arrive
whas new upd
How to report bugs?
ban without reason
that is it..?
Im banned for exploiting but im not exploiting
guys is hacker
why did I get banned for black-cat-red-eyes
what is this??? Black-cat-red-eyes ??
boxes are weird
AC wrongfully banning people LOL
Why i got perm ban?
I am confused
does sb make you lose more stam or
what does "dps" mean in a weapons description
AFK Reward gamepass thingy
Tabbing out
Why do people unequip their weapon and only equip when they attack?
Explain to me what this ban reason means?
How can we Help?
Do new and old DS have different hitboxes?
Region thingy
GK and Finisher combo
I need help
wrong playtime listed in stats
do i need to have chainsaw + dragon slayer + premium?
How do I play mythical grab?
Afk rewards not claiming
I have something to ask.
Why was the battlepass lowered in price?
can some one tell me?
I need help, please. My account was banned today
how to get free mythical weapons
when i go to report someone how do i post the video
Why was I banned?
Does the crate luck gamepasses work with energy cases?
anyways of preventing getting the anticheat in mythical grab?
what are the chances for the free mythical
Dragon Slayer bugged?
why j get band._.
Is there any way to make own killsound
Why i get kicked from disco cw sv
its not letting me buy crates
why is it that sometimes people can randomly glory kill me
i cant gamble
What does the daily mythic ecludes you do?
is getting a temporary mythical from the daily mythical thing very rare?
weapon invis when ur not holding it
a idea for light part 2
Is there a small chance atleast the bezerker bundle will appear in the itemshop?
does anyone know what was added
is there a way to copy someones custom head tags just off their username?
bro what did i do:(
My CW is banned!!!
Frequently Asked Questions
Metal Bo-Staff Recent Change
changing accounts xp
How do you upload a video to report a hacker?
umm.. I just enter into combat warrior and then I got ban for a reason black-cat-red-eye/40
got banned, I thought it was a system error even though I didn't do anything other than play C4,BOW
be like zo
how to fix this
reporting others
I need help
Is there is any way to unban my account?
case odds 20x
Guys I need serious help
How do killstreaks work?
I found a hack.
how do i get my afk rewards
what happened to this item?
can old clips be used in reports?
please forgive me
how doesn't dual tomahwks not three shot???
report help
What does "impact frames" do?
what is the chance of getting a mythical from the base energy crate?
am i allowed to make mythic weapon suggestions?
starter pack bug
why new roblox audio ids not supported by the game?
I spawned 69420 airdrops in my friend's server, Now none of us can load crossroads :(
I can't see my cloak well. Did I disable something in the settings?
please unban my account
i got banned for nothing im playing on controller 😭
How can i make my head tag picture bigger
case luck a scam or not?
can i get a unban
does anyone got a mythical from afk rewards?
Afk Reward
is there a cap to credit case luck boost
does gold and vanguard actually give a money boost, and what does it boost in money?
how to use your decal wit huh spray paint
vanguard 2x exp just doesnt work anymore
it's the Vanguard gamepass worth?
kill sounds upload
So am i close?? is it 50/50??
how do I find spray paint ids for this
Bought 2 Case Luck, but its never been worse
afk worlds
is this a lot or not?
new mythic weapons
Should i ?🫃🏿
How long we have to wait for my gift for my friend to arrive?
so will this new luck scaling work on crates opened before this patch
Mythical Weapon drop chance
Controller Skills bug
Can I fix my mistake please give me a chance I promise never to Exploit Again
mythic wepaon chances
I'm make new acc and cw I need an update and I don't know how to buy a skill
reserved airdrops
mythic weapons
How to super jump without fps unlocker
kill sounds
Can anyone gift me mythical crate keys?
Can u make custom overhead tags
bro whered GB servers go
Killstreak Queries
kill streak
how 2 get hit in my ps
how do you buy keys for icon emotes on mobile?
I need help with this mode
Trying to find a single working 24 Hour Cinderella code for the radio
man just gime my mythical wepon already
Mythic weapon crates
what is the percentage of a mythical in robux cases?
i cant hear my killsound
instead of the crate can I just buy a mythic?
why am i banned😭
Mythical weapons
How do i redeem social rewards on cw discord verify?
Gold and Vanguard gamepass
Afk rewards
does anyone know the fleshbang kill sound id from the mimic
when i get 16 killstreak what happens?
One thing I didn't understand, when I click to go afk I get teleported and that's it?
Chances of Mythic from AFK servers?
mythical chance on how many you’ve opened?
do you permanently keep a mythical weapon after unboxing it?
do I have to have chainsaw for a chance to get energy blade?
how often are mythics made?
afk rewards
the last patch note.
what if i get chainsaw, even tho i own it?
afk mythic reward ds and cs needed?
What are the chances of a mythical from everything?
afk mythic rewards
the game need's more game mods
afk rewards does not work, please help
help me plss
how to get unbanned:((
AFK premium timing out
how does the afk place work?
Sea Beast pulling people
How can i get riot shild skills??
does anyone know the chance of mythics fromafking?
Where can I help you?:<
I want to play it.:<
i dont think im getting the daily 650 for having vangaurd bc i log on and i only have 350
Mythical Odds
The new electric weapon, and how is it obtained?
ranged mythic possibility or not?
Do you need EVERY weapon in the category to get mythicals
Increased Luck Gamepasses Taken Off Sale?
Overhead tag
the mythical weapons will be removed? it says limited time
the lags are so bad on console pls fix that
swing/reload not working
roblox girl chest
What does the dev mean by flat price
starter pack
mythic rarity?
Battle Pass Claiming Error
starter pack
Will The Legendary Cases Be Slightly Cheaper?
Licking on a banner
i wasn't given the mythic from the crates
hack pls ban him
Dear combat warrior developers
When Does the bezerker bundle come to the itemshop and how much
How do you verify Roblox user
This guy is currently using VERY intence hacks in my server. But I dont have video software on my pc
mythical weapons
bring back my skins and ehchant
What are the chances of getting a mythic every 5 minutes?
how do i change my roblox user on discord to my new account bc ArwyenAlwaysReturns2 got hacked
what this mean
clan bug
Every time i click to open the store, it disappears and makes my screen blank and blurry
force close
I've bought a game pass that is no longer in the game, what do I do?
Does it become ×5 or ×6
Would it be possible to keep my things? (my main account was false banned)
guys how long dose the killsound last ?
game support
deepwoken builder id
Can't slide
How to do scythe fling glitch
How do killstreaks work?
The answer to all of our problems, unique servers
clan ad not posting
more perm afk rewards
when will energy blade get removed
Fire and french
combat warrior moderators suck, I'm sure a lot of them don't ban their friends hahahahahaha
Question about energy blade❗❗
I cant join the intermediate servers even though I have 52000 score
How do i crouch on ps5
anyone know when energy blade will be out as a flat price?
make the game more like beserk
does anyone know that actual mythical weapon chance?
help find id
mythics limited to user count like 300 ppl only
My radio stopped working and no music comes out
clan donation
Can i ask what happend to the CW egg ugcs?
Energy sword
i need help with super jumping
Changing my name on here
make the mythical weapon even POSSIBLE in the afk chamber.
codes for the head tag images
says this when i try to buy any crate
fui banido
What happened to the passes that made you more lucky?
gamepasses being gifted to someone who already owns them
why is level 888 the max
we should have a pity chance on the mythical weapons case just like all the other cases and spins
Lowering the level
is the mythical weapon obtainable
Bonjour come ça 8 fois affilé ça veux dire on dois faire ?
They should make a discord role for global players!
Help me play this game again
how do I fix this?
Unusable energy crate keys go to next mythic crate keys!!!
Energy Blade RNG
chat tags
back heal potion and all potion🔥
My combat warrior is banned. What if they don't lift it for me?
Why is there no guarantee in the Myth Box?
I want to take my rights
I created a clan but it doesnt have an owner
fps problem
skins dont apply to my weapon
custom kill sound not working
cannot find extra case/daily spins luck.
alright this ain't community support but funny bug i found that doesn't involve you being hella op
We only need open 7 boxes ro get the new weapon?
afk reward mythics?
missing button (mobile)
How to update in server username.
i have 1 video to repoory player but i dont have the link
do energy blade ablitys count for kill streak
I forgot how to use map IDS.
What the hell is this
the enegry blade
can u gift energy swords?
how to superjump on controller
are fastflags bannable?
i bought the starter pack for 79 robux, but...
clan option broken?
I gotta say one thing I didn't exploit in it was my stupid little brother so pls unban🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
When will the energy crate disappear?
Sensitivity for Consoles
Is there a way to upload your own kill sounds?
can u still superjump on controller
fix ur shitty hitboxes, and stop making me fucking gamble
try 2 bug
Do the case luck Gamepasses do anything for the mythical weapon case? if yes, how much?
which slash reset makes it only the first 2 swings?
Which skin (or enchant) looks surprisingly good on the chainsaw?
ultra luck case more like SCAMMER GET SCA-
i got banned for no reason
cw suddenly started lagging out of nowhere
What is the possibility of getting the mythical sword in the Robux boxes?
energy blade pity
cant hear half of my killsound
can someone use .promoteclan?
wont give me skeleton shock emote icon
Audio distorted
Possible Mythic Weapon every five minutes even possible???
i hate c4
is it possible to give people your own credits
How to lift a ban in the game
I don’t leave my clan
is the Mythical sword still obtainable
my crosshair up and i cant slide
issues w arrows / kunais
what happened to the hunt eggs
need help bought something from ugc but dont have it
guy help me pls idk why i got banned
guys i bought triple katana but idk how to equiped it how do I PLEASE HELP
How do I advertise a Clan i made and does that clan have to have a discord server?
ugc slayer of dragons (bloody)
how long until the new mythic weapon comes out?
Anyone know why 11 number long audio id's dont work?
How do you revive ppl on playstation?
What is the chance of daily spins from kills on weekends?
How to make clan ad
I can't get the verification rewards
does anyone know the odds of the energy blade every 5 minuts?
Im a bit confused
Is NO light weapons mode ever gone exist ? 😭😭
Sliding on xbox
The AFK rewards doesent work, Also I cant slide on xbox i am trying to do movement on xbox and cant.
mythical weapon
two issues: my kill sounds aren't playing, and my light weapons aren't doing damage
what does the more perm afk rewards do
why cant i see other ppls skins?
why doesn't it give me my afk rewards
my private sever didnt work
i cant slide on Xbox (keyboard on Xbox)
Super Jumping
ban appeal
does anyone know why the Anime Fire White effect is mostly yellow?
afk rewards
How do i view my avatar bundles in game?
do you need to own the chainsaw to get the energy blade from the afk place
do you need premium to get mythic weapon from afk?
dragon slayer
How to fix kill audio? It hasn't been working
what happened to the ugcs from the hunt event?
How much luckier do the case luck gamepasses make you?
Whats the afk chance of getting mythical weapons?
Can you get energy blade without chainsaw from the afk rewards?
whats better old or new ds
If i bought prenium, can i get my missed afk reward?
can u super jump on KBM ps5?
my button to edit my buttons is gone ahh help pls idk what to do :(
game "sens" for mobile
afk rewards question
I come to back to Combat Warriors to see gambling and p2w items, what happened.
How much do all the crate chance gamepasses increase luck for mythic weapons?
is it possible to transfer data to one account to another
what are the chances of me getting a dragon slayer or chainsaw from the daily spin if I have luck
What are all the energy blade odds?
why can’t I open the new case?
might be dumb
6 votes?
Afking the mythical weapon
There are no energy blades in the Craft.
I have a question. Where did you find the icon for the tag on your head? I just got it from spin
energy blade not unlocked after getting it
Hello, i need help with this
Hello, i need help with this
Kill Sound dont work
why unlink my roblox account
what happened to the eggs from the hunt event?
why does my parry not work sometimes
can i somehow change my old nickname here to my new one
Kill sound effect is not working
my kill audio id gamepass doesnt work
How much is the probability to get the newmythical free?
Kill audio gamepass not working
kill efects
I can't hear my own kill sound
how do I reset my character while knocked before a enemy kills me
Supporters exclusive sneak peeks
is it possible to buy the weapon right out?
custom overhead tag not working
How i take out the vanguard aura?
do you have to have dc or chainsaw to get mythical weapons in the afk area?
Afk Mythic chances
old updates?
broken killsound
afk rewards
What i i get if i buy the golden pass?
Gamepass confusion discord role
afk energy blade
get the energy sword
energy blade robux box confusion
The case
afk rewards not working
kill sound not working, uploaded since 2013
AFK Mythical Weapon drop confusion
Glory while revive
mythical box
i buy the gold pass and i don't get the gold kill effect solution?
Does anyone know the chances to get the mythic weapon from afking
lost skins
Energy Case
could bfg be 99 robux? (yall updated it to 199)
hey I need help
will the game still have some content updates after Update 4?
combat warrior does not offer purchases for bandage removal or anything like that
bunker wall bug + new pyramid map wall bug
Sound Problems
kunai glitch
can someone from console help me?
sometimes i cant report accounts in the reporting thing
help with understanding the 50cal
idk how to use heavy bow
I need help
My appeal was denied?
this is a new secret map or my head just hit the rock?
help me please
now 30 days ago can you unban me pls
YouTube verification
how to verify your YouTube on mobile???
why I don’t keep the new cosmetic when I change server?
One of my kill sounds randomly stopped working
I'm Sorry Combat Warriors
I dont use hack but i get ban
how do I ban this girl for using exp
can back all me robox? I get ban I don't know why I get ban for 1months I can't whit 1 months
Wheres my gold skin
clans in asia?
I lag a lot
UGC in game
how can I add evidence on the exploiting report channel?
Super jump
fixation for the nation
help me dragon slyer
Does anyone know why I am not given a reward when I log into the game
can u not gift overhead tag tokens from the wheel?
Is there a unban appeal for the discord server? cus my friend got banned
Overhead tokens
Remboursement Robux pour tous les achats
why did the egg got deleted?
i want the report nerobzi1000
why i got ban??
How am I to get better?
how do i get my verify rewards ?? it wont let me claim them
I have been banned for no reason and I hit reconnect and that appears again
discord server reward
kill sound help
i want to be unbanned so bad .
Can i be Unbanned?
Error Code A1
Kill Sound
Gold Gamepass
Can't claim my social rewards
Help Guys.
pls help
Bug Or Not?
UGC not working
How long can a kill id be?
I got banned for no reason
I have a problem creating a clan
Dragon slayer glory rework concept
is this man supposed to be doing this?
dear combat warriors
russian emote is ukrainian?!
Cw Clan Verification
Please help me with this problem."
how are people able to put their own song ids into the radio
So, what's the deal with parry registration? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dear Combat Warriors,
How do I super jump like really high and how do i control the height of it?
is it allowed to get a verified clan banned
Can i report a clan for innaprppriate clan tag/name?
Daily spin rewards
Beginners server
head tags icon
What's the best site for Short kill sounds? Like the ones the game can accept
battle pass
My avatar is broken, help me.
Edit screen disappears bug
bro wheres my egg
Kill Sound
How can i do social reward?
what do I buy with aether?
It's been more than 30 days and I can't suggest any way for the business admin to reopen the account
Can i get 3x xp if i buy gold?
errr gifting..
my clothes woont load and i cnt wear them
social rewards
How to become an authority?
weapons taken
please help me on a role
I have Roblox Premium, but I can't claim any afk rewards.
fastflag bugs bannable?
Daily spins probabilities
My clothes gone
Combat Warriors The Hunt Egg UGC
Is there any wayyy to change in clan's tag not only caps
how to get fps my lag is gona kill me😭😭
How can i enable Cross Play on Xbox?
Why does everyone always pick crossroads?
pro servers
Glitched enchant
Something is going on in some servers.
who made the original swing animations?
Can you not make your own kill sounds now?
I need to be unbanned😞
Is alt farming bannable?
where is the russian chat
are having bypassed audios as kill sounds bannable
Add a new type of bow!
add anime reference weapons
A new weapon they will added?
Sneak peeks question
Question on Kill sounds
can you make a training servers?
why is the AFK reward timer didnt work?
can someone help me get coached?
How to change swing animation?
My radio doesn’t work?
can i get unban pls
Fake mod and content chat tag
Searching for the "Pathetic" kill sound.
can a clan get deleted/punished for association with exploiter?
do gamepasses work in gamemodes?
Accidentally bought a chat tag
why wont my kill sounds work?
where do I get my clan verified?
unban wave ?
where comic sans
Ping spikes
dawg help
How do i equip a UGC like dragon slayer?(on mobile)
CW destroying my wifi extender
how do i change controls?
How can I recover the three UGC I lost?
new ds swing bypassing parries
trying to find certain kill sound :3
keep getting kicked from afk rewards
How do i make a bug report?
Chat tags from daily spin
ban of my DuGaMaxim account for cheats
does the extra luck work?
How do I gift in-game head tags to someone else. the gifting thing doesn’t work.
how do I gift head tags?
afk reward not working
how do I advertise my clan
PlayStation 4 sensitivity is horrible
why give me false hope and excitement?
Luck Crate Percentages
swing trail
hey guys does pity works every spin +1% (system like that) or it just gives you the thing on max
account setting fix
kill crash
i lost all my weapons with an update
where my ugc's Fr
So I may be screwed
i buying ugc and din't get it
No way u banned 2Vers for no reason.
Hello friends, is there any solution so that my fps does not drop? I play at 160 but out of nowhere
No weapons...
I lost all my eggs? why
Still haven't gotten a clear answer for who created the mortem insula and outpost island maps
Behelit egg disappeared
I need Help I don't have permission to Play Cw???
i think i glitched the “edit buttons” thing- i dont see it on my screen i think it glitched out.
how do i get rid of boombox and spray paint in inventory in game
false ban
demon egg (distraught)
my 3 demon eggs got deleted from my inventory even tho i farmed them all
private server map id
i am done with this, you guys dismissed a serious thing.
does 6913550990 work on radio
did they remove super jump for mobile
Gift !
Gold sign in bonus
I'm wondering if I can use my own song ids in the boombox or if It's limited to ones uploaded by CW
i lost my other 2 eggs
gb region deleted 2nd time
how do i see clan names?
longbow heavy bow or crossbow
about the deleted ugc
outfit glitching?
oce sever
audio ids (kill sound)
Can't use some weapons on console
will i get any reward for reporting a glitch, and what kind of reward
why im i not getting any battle pass exp at all from kills i only get them from dailys
chat tags
where'd my eggs go
Berserk Helment ugc not working
How can I appeal my account?
Adding rewards to private servers
i need help
demon egg
how i can Appeal my account ?
Shiftlock stopping?
gifted inbox
how do I appeal my account?
where is the normal demon egg?
Do private servers have commands you can use?
chat tag+head tags question
What are they going to do with the bloody dragon slayer?
gold rewards
Sound ID
clan help
dragon Slayer stained
ban question
is this the real elemental, this is a real question.
Overhead Token
are verified clans allowed to cuss
can you still apply?
I want everyone to know this, this dude is a hacker.
CW Mobile
does super jump still work?
Couldnt find server in memory store Error
Should we fix c4 sound
HEavy bow or crossbow?
no egg?
dragon slayer accessory issue
I lost my cw egg?..
gold donate still gives 3X exp boost
mobile controls edit button
mobile controls problem
Dragon slayer without texture
2x XP + chance for Daily Spins from kills every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Crate luck is not increasing at all
Does anyone know what the maximum duration of a Kill sound is?
day 1 of trying to get vanguard gift
are here generous people ?
can you play captre the flag in ps servers?
Log-In rewards
ban me?
how do I gift
When is the “demon egg”(distraught) getting its texture back?
I want to use a audio i made but i cant use the sound id
I can't play
Havent received my discord Gold badge role
I need some dragon slayer
my chat in game literally will NOT work
Help to report a guy
need help getting yoru
i need help getting ds
i have putted the wrong account for the combat warriors verify
Is there way, to upload audio into cw?
can you ban a underage boy? (with enough proof)
bro i have vanguard i need my vanguard role please
How can I apply to be a mod in the game
social reward problem
kill sounds no work!!!
What's happened with goblin slayer helmet UGC?
Fractured egg, is gone, Distraught egg is just gray and wont change color
Geralt of Rivia cosplay
Not being able to claim egg
Probably a stupid question but idk the answer to it honestly
my fractured egg is gone
Is there a way for me to edit my clan on the clanning website, it didn't let me post the requirement
i have a question guys. right now,i have fast mode enabled bc of performance(for fps)
Attempting to make a Custom Killaudio, will not play when ID put in and kill is achieved.
my demon egg is gone 😞😔
My UGC is gone from my inventory
How do I advertise clan via clan man
my blood dragon slayer is gone
Block my account
My egg disappeared
i'm got banned
Daily Spin Luck Pass
Cant buy private server
please give us back damage from high jump
Can the quarterbacks look here
updates ?
Score System
how do I claim leviathan axe I bought?
Is there a reason why I can't get unbanned after over a month?
I want to remove the ban .
Dragon Slayer
RIP UGC Slayer of Dragons (Bloody)
why I have not 2000 credits
BRING BACK OLD COMBAT WARRIORS (2021 legacy version of CW)
cant get Demon egg (happy)
The Hunt 3rd Egg Badge
how do i reduce ping
I bought gold but i have not been getting the rewards for like a year and a half now
If I wanted to add my OWN radio id/song what would I do and how would I do it?
Hey, I can't verify myself to claim the social rewards thing in combat warriors
how to become fish
the hunt last badge
I need help with the starter pack
I need money
i can't BEAT the fiery obby
i bought 2 daily spin luck gamepass and i still get bad stuff
i need money :P
I did event and I picked 0 stock egg, now can't get one with stock, please help.
My Vanguard Gamepass is not giving me the double xp and credits
I was banned 6,7 months ago for no reason on earth
who can say me what is the best gamepass for more money ?
Will Combat Warriors ever give us access to upload our own audios?
He uses hacking.
can anyone grind my alt account to dragon slayer no account borrwing or trading.
who can let me borrow a dragon slayer acc pls
Restock for any egg soon?
Bro 💀 #fixyourgame
will there be a restock on the limiteds? or some of the egg limiteds?
will they make anymore of the 3rd egg?
How much of each eggs left?
how old does your account have to be to claim a egg
Kill sound doesn't work
Missing Combat Warrior Weapons
got banned when I don't play trying to do the egg hunt
Discord Social Rewards
how do I earn the role can post feedback
finished the quest for the hunt. tried claiming the badge. didnt give me it. and now i cant get it.
how can i get my gold role j have gold in cw
can't make a ban appeal ( it's abt the hunt )
The Hunt Badge Issue.
can i get unban for only badge the hunt
I can't claim the badge!! HELP
is starter pack giftable ?
Can't seem to get my social reward.
More Daily Spins Gamepass Not Working
discord social reward
egg hunt
There's a mission that appears to me called "manage to kill 98" I didn't understand because even kil
i have an old account that had a couple of gamepasses on CW
I bought the starter pack and it said it came with a legendary item but I don't have that
how old does my account have to be to claim the UGCs from the hunt event
Question comp
how to get mobile buttons back?
black npc with red eyes
perm ban
I can't claim the eggs
Ban Perm 2 years ago.
Killsounds aren't working.
How i can verify with discord
Hunt Badge on banned account
how do i change my username
I need help with this
Cant claim my other eggs I did the obby everything I was supposed to do.
hitbox issues
why i cant get my behelit egg?
hay I don’t know how to create a ticket let alone the ticket logo is not in any of the channels
Different Egg Requirements?
Not getting Fractured Egg Badges
gold kill effect disappeared
When I click on the egg it doesn't come to me
Unable to claim second egg.
its not letting me claim second egg and first
Can't get the last egg.
Can't get the first egg.
Egg hunt
can't collect last egg
why is there an account age requirement for the ugc
please help me I don't know
AFK Rewards
I don't get the sign on bonus it says I get when buying vanguard
i need help with the demon egg item
please I need the unban
did superjumping get patched?
Ban appeal
buy swords with robux.
why cw deleted the jp server
no DE/HE servers
Exp issue?
How to get a clan photo pl
idk whats wrong
CA servers are crazy
why when i put on the man body it makes me blocky
social rewards
How do I claim my robux spent rewards. 😅
cant appeal my ban
cant find my cosmetic
i think its a bug
whats this
New update?
its march already wheres the update
abilities and potions
are the lightsabers ever gonna come out or no?
are they still making the update
update idea
how do you get unbanned if the ban appeals channel is blocked???
In game problem
can someone plz dm me or message me if you can help me get better or help me get credits
kill sound not working
Kill ID
Score lock still is not working
i'm confused about the score lock
vc server delay
CW servers is now f#cked
Help with Appeal Ban
Refund in abilities
gold skin
leveling question
Kill ID
Content creator
how do i put an icon on my overhead tag?
does radio limit sound id duration?
CTF gamemode
I had a quest, i had 2 wins already. I took 1st place but its didnt scored it.
phasing through my parry
I don't even want to say anything
Kill Sounds
How do I disable blue tinted screen after getting hit
Question, what needs to be done to add audios in the combat warriors game? it tells me universe code
How to Donate credits(or aether) to someone
AFK rewards?
emergency ‼
I bought a 200 robux UGC from the CW ugc store and it dosent show in Combat warriors when I wear it.
can u pls update combat warriors again but this time it would be a easy update
How can I create a Killsound?
Error on purchase (I lost 21K Money)
help with account
In-game player report
lost weapons
map codes
trying to trying to figure out How to put the fps unlocker
game servers with diffirent ping
if i buy vangaurd and gold do the perks stack like x5 xp or just 3x
Can't appeal over a month?
can I report a clan
I have the same pass bug as suprius07.
This game is getting boring
killsounds are not working
any fluffing update we are tired of this old ah game that is good LIKE BRO CMON UPDATE DA GAME
camera sensitivity
Social Rewards
Skins gone
i buy strarter pack but i don't get the pack and my robux were charged
how do I leave my own clan
where is the update
how to make a clan
I bought a package with triple katanas and a few other things for 149 robux, but the katana didn't c
battle pass bug
Parry bug or Problem
Trying to find a kill sound!
Does vc work in private servers?
I wanted to know if there is a way for me to be unbanned, I want to play again but when I came back
Role problem
How do I claim discord verify social rewards, I done everything what am I missing
pls help, men
help pls…
Is the "mod" chat tag against the rules?
How the Gold sign on bonus works
Help pls
Help , The kill Sounds not working
This is what and what is this
Why did you remove skills
we need a update
i bought the slayer of dragons and didnt get the rewards
i got hit w a bomb and my screen is all messed up. is this part of the game?
i cant join vc
i cant use berserker helmet
Who knows?
help with avatar in game
i did nothing
i have a person putting alot of very "sus" images around the map and idk what to do
have had vanguard for about a week and have logged in every day since but no extra rewards 😕
not getting vanguard or gold bonuses
report player
Trying to find a group of heavy bows to make a video! need 49 more
More Codes Please
How much money do i need in total to buy all heavy weapons
i have vangaurd and my 2x exp is gone?
when should I change weapons?
Put the old Super Jump it’s funny pls for Phone and PC devices
I can't see my skin
Old weapon skin
Slash reset delay
dawg this one kill effect makes me crash
How do I lvl up my battlepass
Anticheat problems
help again 🤷🏽♀
Starter pack gamepass bug.
why are the hitboxes not working well
Is It possible to change the controls in CW? What exactly are clans and what are they used for?
i cant get the rewards from the game for verifying and joining this server
My shiftlock is weird
No ability to Spin Multiple Times
why cant I hear my kill sounds but the others can
crate color bug glitch thing
Roulette error
Continuous Crashing
I need help
combat warrior console sensitivity
my vanguard dont give me 2 daily spins
Cw crashing
Slide superjump
I sent my friend a gift
Kill sound wont play
the game fucking sucks now
help on my avatar
This game keeps crashing
i got voice chat but it dosent let me join voice chat only its the only game who dosent let me in
I’m no longer getting the extra and exp from vanguard and gold pass. anybody else have this problem.
when I changed the server my rewards and gifts were taken away:[ help
i wanna apeal
ugc info
are macros allowed?
my vanguard dont give me 2 daily spins
erm what the flip the game wont load
Were these ever refunded?
help iim trying to update to my new user of roblox this account
i spent 500 robux on global chat and it didnt work, they said id get a refund and its been a month
why i cant got social rewards?
How do I get my own Killsound?
mobile issue
how rewrite nick?(in dicord wrond nick name)
Gold Gamepass?
Hi guys, I bought the battle pass in Combat Wars, but the XP simply stopped increasing, I've killed
the berserker pauldrons ugc i bought wont load in at all, in every server it just doesnt load in
ugc reward
how to win?
is there a way to change sens on mobile
The game on Ps4
eh estado baneado permanentemente
Won’t let me join vc servers
need help
how do i gift someone a chat tag?
Why my inventory is lost?
it wont let me update my name in bot commands
Add a Voice Chat Console Channel on Discord
They should add trading weapons to the game so other players dont gotta suffer for there weapons
Game is unfair for new players
problem with beginner servers
is getting banned from exploiting and you are still able to appeal from an unban
crate luck increase don't work
can’t join my friends server
Voice Chat Servers
linking my NEW Roblox account.
someone know how to get emote "default"????
Where is gold skin
not getting sign on bonus from vanguard+gold game passes
orası banned 6 7 month ago
why cant i verify my youtube channel ID?
Weapon Suggestions
whens the update bro
I bought a vanguard, at first it gave me x2 exp, but now for some reason it has stopped
Red neon
I was Falsely Accused of hacking when I joined a serv and I randomly got permanently banned
vc server ping?
Robux Spent Gift not working
what is wrong
Does anyone know the "So Kawai! ^.^" kill id
my kill id is broken
Does anyone know when the registration to apply for moderator is open?
Chat glitching (?)
Clan icon
how do i make my own/custom spray paint?
Spin luck
Chat tag
Slide jump
Is there a rank in the General Chat which you unlock swear words?
Remove kunai and ranged weapons
can legendary skins be in the item shop?
How does the gift system work and what can you gift
What do i need to toggle in settings to show my avatar accesories?
lost Tommy gun
sneak peek?
Update 4
leader of verified clan called 2hp but somehow i dont have the leader rank in game
Big Daily Spin Luck
Vc not working
dragon slayer sword / and one more
how to attack forward….
Dragon Slayer
would using theses bugged glasses count as hacking
bro why wont my korblox work but other peoples korblox does..? someone help me dawg
Camera Lock Bug
Is it normal that all of the weapons i own are on one cycle?
I bought a battle pass but I can’t get experience and level it up
Weapon reset
how to get "god hand"
We all turned black
is an fps unlocker bannable
ban appeals bot doesn't work
which is better for a gamer tag
guys ı buy ugc and ı dont the sword pls help me
how to get vanguard role on discord server?
Is it possible?
social revards
verify my clan @mich
How the hell do I claim day 2 advert
I want to create my own audio
2000’s archive
chainsaw dash
controls button on mobile
it won’t let me get the reward for the discord server
Help, i cant claim the youtube rewards even though i'm subscribed to the channel.
VC Server not working
Combat Warrior UGC
suggestion problem
Overhead tags
bug controller ps4/ps5
Gamepass Issue
Help, i can't check the Youtube social reward, help me
uh how do I get money fast I have one day left and uh I'm stuck with brute mace
what is better?Heavy bow or crossbow?
Lag spikes
How much luck does buying all the crate luck gamepasses give
Kill Sounds
Can Xbox users use Ps commands?
Is there ever gonna be an unban wave?
(No Title)
something to do with a role
Clan aethers
I am trying to allow my audio to be used by combat warriors, but I need permission
Any chance abilities are coming back, just on different game modes?
I should get unbanned
Why is there a Big gap
Where is it?
Kill sounds
Can you gift chat tokens you got from spins in combat warriors?
url verifying
Error Code Kick
Cannot disable Gore
What counts as a "Troll" feedback suggestion?
dragon sword users are noobs
Some secondary concepts (Still updating tho)
Are you able to stick yourself with a c4?
why can other platforms join the Console Servers?
money farm
Bought Premium and can't get the afk rewards
I have a problem with the interaction of Roblox with Discord
Missing Skins
i am new to combat warrior and i dont understand what are the levels for and what they do. pls tell
how do I verify for the discord server social rewards?
combat warriors keeps crashing
Social Rewards
little gameplay movement things
nah cuz I seriously need help with this
Memory Store isnt found
Combat Warriors Script Banned False ''Legacy Ban System''
How to advertise clan?
im only get afk rewards if have premium?
Cant hit/slash on ps4, why?
🗣 Bug Report Feedback
berserker armor ugc
missing gamepass stuff
bro is there a way to make the sense for ps5 go up since im actually annoyed by it
ugc bug!?
Can you edit Overhead tags image after you created one and edit the text?
"Teleport to console standard"
Whats the universe id for music in this game
kill sound
Kill sound not working
VC difficulty
custom kill sounds
Server sizes
clan advertising
no eurpoe servers?
How do we do a boss fight
I cant change my account
Help me ion know how to gain titles
I’m new and I have no idea what everyone is talking about
social rewards
how do I get vanguard role(I own vanguard gamepass)
Add the Jungle map back and the Castle map back cuh we NEED that
how do I claim sign in bonus (for vanguard)
Can someone tell me if this is a glitch
Does buying a weapon in the UGC give you the weapon?
need help with my clan
trying to make a clan and im completely lost
animated skins
How do I verify the clan?
I am verified but i can't claim the social rewards
i bought vanguard then i bought the gold but i dont get the sign in bonus anymore? like what?
funni particle thingy (it's relaxing tbh)
game broken
Do i need to wait or ping mods in my ban appeal?
when i join the game it freezez while loading
Switching the connected account?
huh ?
still missing gamepass kill effect
how i can put icon on a clan?
how to get Robux spent rewards
for the people who lost there stuff
not seeing a change in luck with daily spins
Help needed
chat button problem
server support
blox link not working
why can’t I play vc only
why wont my ugc show up in game
is there a way to change keybinds on pc?
error code keeps kicking me
Why did one of my Enchant's dissapear from my inventory?
what powers do devs get ingame
what chat tag do?
this person is breaking rules
Game won't let me into VC Servers
the game shows i've got skills to buy what
How to unlock these "skills"?
verified my clan but i didnt receive the verified clan leader/owner role
math on weapon pricing
just checking up
Pc coach wanted (info in description )
how can i make an killsound id?
can someone please respond to CombatIsKey ticket ive been waiting for 30 mins
AFK rewards
can someone appeal Sky_GamerHQ i have been waiting for 2 hours please
i want to get unban
unban nekraavol its been a year
how do i get new acc on this acc
did the bows mechanic get updated?
I can't gift my friends (or anyone) a overhead tag
daily spin question
Anyone know how to get the art role to post art
how to get a coach
how long to wait after a ban appeal
Discord reward issue
who is he?
I got glitched from a stamina splash
I want to get AU/NSW Servers but I never can it's all American servers or SG
To small
New chainsaw model
starter pack gamepass ofert doesn't give me what i bought
I need help with ban appeal
In-game mod permissions
No vanguard kill effect
need help plz me no have vanguard skin
has this been happening to other people or just me..
Toxic Teamers
Is it possible to display your clan info an overhead tag?
I changed my nickname in roblox but I can't change it in discord!
report player
for some reason the gift tokens system don't seem to work
ive been banned on combat warriors where the reason is "exploits-banned-by-asta-ap-hitbox-expander''
guys why am i still blocky even with not blocky parts
Daily Spins Glitch
my weapon skin has been removed
private server
something to do with kill sound being quiet af
I can't jump
I cant slide
i want to play with a friend but everytime i join the game it automaticly teleports me to beginner
error while checking your subscriptions(b)
do I need an auto clicker in the premium afk so I don’t get kicked after 20 mins
do you guys know why roblox keep crashing?
Im stupid😨
radio ids
Problems with gold game pass
Hat Accessories
mobile super jump
fall dmg on someone dont work
Slash Reset
combat warriors de/he servers
why perma ban pls un ban no hack open realy please
I tried everything and I still lag on xbox servers.
Why does the command /givePsPerms [player] not work on VIP servers?
Xbox Bug
i lost all my weapons
How do you gift overhead tags??
I need help about data loss
help please
Updates on development
the cw boss
whats the utility of aether
Gold role
please make light weapons be cheaper
missing items
Please make spray paint id storage
please help.
How do I claim robux spent rewards?
lagging even though my connection is good
my dark heart skin is gone. Was it token out the game or is this a bug?
Sign on bonus.
Becoming a fish?
game shuts down my phone
does anyone know what the id for this audio is?
please for the love of god fix this game
can you gift chat tag tokens you already have?
discord confirm acont
where are the us servers??
how to turn off weapon sound
do they gonna do more updates?
Buff the Leviathon. It's literally an insult to Kratos imo.
chat tag
Gamepasses question
I just bought slayers of god original Ugc item, but it doesn’t give me the daily spins
skin+enchant not working for other people
How do I make my own kill sound?
critical/ragdolling hits
help about UGC
I always get the same bundles
unplayable lag on any console server
missing skin
i won dragon slayer yesterday and i still cant use it
Overhead tags question
Premium Dailys
how do i see my score
Can i still get a UGC rewards if i buy it not in game
What does gold and vanguard give in the discord of Combat Warriors ?
fist weapon idea
is the slide glitch bannable?
VC SERVERS (bru help)
How does the multiple spins/opens gamepass work?
does anyone know how to enable downwards slash’s
add npcs that gives u quests
How to give people gifts on Combat Warriors?
what is the new code
yeeeeee 😐
help me
game freezes on loading data after being teleported to a "better server"
Just bought both Vanguard and Gold passes - how do I get the roles?
issue with the #art channel
robux spend reward
gifts bug?? uh
Banned Players
i lost my 2 legendary skin after 1.0.0 update
is spam glory bannable
premium afk rewards
social rewards
why am I naked when other players look at me but on my screen I’m not;(
Lost darkheart (skin)
this pops up every time i join a game and it wont give me the "starter pack" thing that i purchased
What does this means?
daily quest bug
my starter pack rewards didn't came
Servers mass missing
Please help me
How to gift someone chattags/overhead tags
overhead tags
I have been waiting for my weapons for 3 months
spawned outside of void during dive
how do i change parry color
how do I get the discord reward for veryifying
Old ban that i have no clue how to appeal
kill sound id
where to get unbanned
What the fuck happend to gb/eng servers
UGC item glitch?!?!
tóxic emotes
can you play with beginners in a priv server
well he have antiband and dev game cant banned him ;/ make death game
can i join someones clan
how do i change my private server region
How do i claim donated aether
I loss all of my progress
Blackhole tier question
having trouble verifying
Clan Bug
How do i claim the vanguard and gold extra sign in bonus?
how do i gift
I bought a ugc (200 robux) and the dragon slayer didn't come
my lvl 30 role is gone??????
I need help
What is the best utilities loadout?
is gifting fixed yet
How do I get the ranged option in loadout
Anyone know if the armors serve a purpose other than cosmetic?
spent 4 hours making a small discord server
Is there a way I see the next daily shop early?
mods "cant" ban for hate speech or harassment?
Armor stuff
what happened
What does this mean
Kill sound creation
is getting on top of op spots that u can bow people from and they cant hit you considered a bug?
my legendary emote js evaporated
help idk what gamepass to buy
things we need in Private servers
I bought multiple ugc off the GAME and I only get 1.5 spins day does anyone know why
what’s the point of having such a high crosshair on console of it
Remove Paint
i bought vanguard and i dont get the sign in bonus
heya boys, need help there
how to get back lost items from updates
ban appeal
how to use ps commands
Where to see legendary cosmetics?
i need help
Demo Post
Community Support - Rules
Inapropriate spray images
just wondering what multi clanning
Is anyone available that plays on mobile and also knows how to superjump?
global chat
Can players create their own kill sounds?
Sera possível a devolução ?
Lost gold kill effect and skin
Is it normal to have people like this in cw?
I have a cool idea for the emote wheel and dunno where to put it
A question
when unban wave !1!11!! (i got banned for ''cheating'' but i didnt cheat lamo)
How to get cat
combat warriors appeal
Where Is My Gold Kill Effect???
this is for my unban req :D
Australia/NSW Servers Gone
superjump no damage??
Social Reward Not Working
severe lag on xbox servers
why my stats money and skins didnt saved?
What are the vaulted weapons
spender tag official???
Add the laying emote
How do i make a clan in cw
still missing some kill effects and things like that
Feedback Role...
Exploiter that I'm just about to report
I can't find the skills
gamepasses - Caseluck/daily spin
i cant join vc server
my friend cant pull out his weapon while his running with w but he can pull it out
i found more water glitches
Battlepass Thing
anyone know the amount of credits you need in total to buy everything in the game?
When will i be getting my weapons bck
Bug 2exp Vanguard
Help with gifts (in-game)
demon slayer sound ids
Does anyone know what this sound is from/Know the ID?
Kaigaku kill sound
hey can someone help me with smth? Idk how to gift people stuff like chat tags
ugc rewards question
non-comp clans
I wanted to know if there is a refund for robux
funny glitch i found
How do I recover gamepass items that are not in my inventory anymore?
how to create my kill sound?
My Weapons are still not back🤔
Reporting a player
Where do I go with this?
how to change map
Cant get reward
Messages not showing above players
I got banned...
does anyone know how to make a killsound in cw?
How do I earn dabloons
Reflect skin
vc issue
Where are the bow?
why is it that the parry system seems to get worse each update?
why do i have everything unlocked after the update
Lost skins
where’s skills
Data detected in multiple servers
Dearkheart and gold skin is missing
How get "game tester"?
How do I get in a conversation with somone to get compensation of robux for missing weapons?
Why can't I get my sign reward for GOLD and VANGUARD?
can yoru crit?
Does PS link count as self promotion?
Skills get deleted, but why?
Where the heck did abilitys such as skull crush, fist barrage, jump, etc. go???
How do you get Image Perms?
how do i fucking delete combat warriors
Missing Items
Sound ids not working for more, despite buying it (only after upd 3)
can you add a dummy on private server?
where are skills
private server cmfs
person being mean
Starter pack didn't give an item
anybody know why my clan tag isn’t showing?
kill sound not working
I have both passes but no rolls
Gifting not working?
I can't hear my kill sound.
how do i get mythicals?
I did the missing thing i was just messing around in the commands
bro I was falsely banned
my reflect skin is missing
How does gifting work?
Chat tag disapeared??
Mah gold wrap
Broken Rollback Code
Mah money
Gifting update
Are the killsounds in cw broken?
gifting questions!! :D
I lost my 4 overhead tags.
Lost my items and weapons
Failed to connect whilst joining a clan
YouTube handle won't be accepted
vanguard role
how to the luck gamepasses work be cause they don’t seem to work right now is it a bug
my character keeps going blocky!!!!
suggestions access
Question Is Gold pass worth?
Are custom crosshairs allowed for ranged weapons?
Clan verification
Mobile Console Play
loading crash.
Luck Boost {Cases}
this bug is gonna be a big problem to me or other people
cant write
how do i make a clan ad?
i want to verify a new account from roblox but how?
what i need to do
When game is loading game crashes
Lost connection due to error?
how will the lightsabers work in the way of getting them sense it said special weapons
C4 lag spiked
Got muted foir saying something, is it fair?
Social reward issue (youtube)
just tried to buy a crate to enchant my weapons and isn’t working
Girl Torso won't show up ingame
Sg server gone?
for some reason i cant join vc only server even tho my vc is activated??
Silent Death
Vulnerability reports or however its called
kill sounds
why is the cross hair on Xbox different and if there’s a way to fix it tell me
players freezing every 5 seconds?
suggestions are closed???
Clan Info
Crate Clan I Need Help
Cant see my own wepon skins
Animation Glitch
i cant get social reward (discord)
Is dialy spin luck (ULTRA LUCK) worth it?
Banned From CW for no reason :(
Song Id!
Private server weather command
anybody know if other clans can raid clan trainings ingame?
Audio Assets For Kill Sounds
my main account nekraavol was banned today out of nowhere?
any updates on the animation bug
Illegal appeal for unban
data issue?
how do I get gamemodes in my private server
No Money? for kills
Please review ur thing bout discontinuing cw
the 3 area capture game
when i go to hit people they cant be hit
whoever made the fact that ppl can sj on u can kill u on impact.
someone help lol
Youtube verification
help me admin please
Do something
Not getting 1200 xp after buying gold and vanguard
lost daily spin items
I have been banned for more than 200 days. :(
Social rewards
Is there going to be an option to turn off seeing global messages
water simulator
I can't see anyone's chat bubble nor mine.
..... kunais broken?
how’s the glitches becoming more common as time goes on
the usual non animation bug thing that happens to most ppl
no one wants a new game mode we want y’all to fix yall game like bro don’t even make it into a updat
guys i need clan owner
Does the double hit glitch still work
yo how unban
text color help
I didn't get my Battlepass Rewards D:
why did y’all ruin the purple neon
i bought the goblin slayer helmet off the roblox catalogue but it's not letting me use it ingame
ugc rewards
server list
i bought 50+10+20 daily spins which adds up to 80 but i didnt get any extars
pop up message?
fix ur game stop trying to get the skins back y’all ain’t even gonna do it fix a bigger problem like
Can i please get unbanned?
¿Are bans for exploting permanent?
solution to server list glitch
Does the case luck gamepass work
So when am I gonna get my gold kill effect back
How do I stop sucking?
how i use the overhead tag?
A weird audio bug.
my combat warriors chat disappears and I can't type
What happened to the mod apps?
Why should I report a player? It says that this player has been banned.
Does the daily spin luck work?
Can i edit the tag text?
is superjump glitch ever being patched?
Falsely banned
New UGC???
Kunai don't do damage
How does slash reset delay actually work?
why my cw is lagging? i mean the fps dropping in this game(1 month ago every thing was been alright)
why do private servers effect ur stats if u don’t get rewards from playing on a ps
Stats in game
youtube verification not working….
u should me able to buy the luck pass more than once so it will activate more often than getting bad
do we get told if we are granted game moderator
i cant claim my discord award
How will they Inform you if you got Hired as a Discord or Game Moderator?
Are You Missing items? Please read this!
server list problem
ugc problems
Riot Shield’s ability
i spent 1292 robux on ugc items in cw and did get my stuff and it says i only spent 750robux
Dear devs...
How do i get berserker role?
Clan bug
I can't see the faces of others and myself
I wanna use a exploiter (not for actual exploit) But for FOV
I just bought the Yoru UGC and for some reason I don't have the Yoru
Why does my skill need so much dmg to charge up
what are the rates for daily spins if i were to buy the luck increase
kill sound
Ben, let me go. Please.
standard server refresh
how do i post art in art channel
anyway to get unbanned after a month?
What is this parry shield and how do i get it
Daily spin #gamesupprt
In Game Anti-Cheat
I have an problem
I buy your ugc and it didnt give me credit aether and daily spin
servers are still broke
What was the normal slash reset delay that u swing right left and down
Big problem with kunai hitreg.
how do I get a vip server
how to summon a dummy in ps
need a question answered
Afk Place
I can't get the rewards after buying them all.
Darkheart Problem
Server list
How to Get unbanned? (Ingame)
uh can i get a refund? You scammed me.
Why I can't put women torso only on cw ?
the luck gp is not working right if it when will it get fixed
about the spin
Unban deman
Social rewards not working
where did the other old maps go a long utime ago
Where is my gold wrap skin?
what if someone told me to die in real life but I only have a screenshot of it?
parry shields not showing up in low graphics settings
is using grenades and respawning before anyone can hit you contiuously something punishable?
i cant play on small server
darkheart skin
Kicked From My Own Clan?
Add the ability to get a blackhole when you get a 100 kill streak without dying
Are we getting our lost items back?
Ranged Weapons bug
why cant you wear the UGC in game 🗿🗿
Update 1.1.0 Questions
How to be unbanned after more than a month
possibly fix water bug
how do i make it not teleport me to a beginner server 🤨
bought all the ugcs apart from the shoulder plates. didnt get 1k spent robux
Fuck the battle pass
Where is the Unlimted Quests?
question for mobile users about ping
Lost items during the update
glaive or colossal?
What’s a good weapon to use?
Can't search for small servers
help how to buy a pet
pre-order Q
vanugard and gold
pre order pls help
Question regarding new gamepass
can y’all make a skill specific server so new players enjoy the game whilst not getting spammed kill
when y’all gonna fix the issue it’s been like three weeks it should be resolved by now
better chances to Earn
Falsely banned
when y’all gonna take out the Christmas decorations it’s getting annoying
why can I post images for suggestions
how to trade up
i used suggestion but it dont pop up on the suggestion channel stuff
lost skins
i can't play normal
Weird skill bug
Ability guis not showing
map id for cat boss
social rewards
disaster alert playing when there is no disaster
New mobile feature
Came back from a vacation where's all my skin
about lags
When will I get my lost skins back?
I was banned
Tommy Gun Problem
Banned For Using Script
i got banned for using script
missing skills
My r keybind don work
disaster sounds
one more thing, i cant get my yt social code to work
i am verified but the social codes don't work...?
mobile bug?
i cant get my reward when i put in my youtube channel thingy, and ive been subscribed for 30 mins
I was unfairly banned
Vanguard Perks
How the hell do i transport myself in my private server to the boss fight?
Anyone else lose the DarkHeart skin?
Rollback didn't return my items.
how to use slash skills on mobile?
help pls 🙏
suggestion bug?? I think
Were the enchants rolled back or was that an upcoming thing?
Cant find Suggestions Submission Channel
yooo w game fr
wgat does the original poster thing mean
if ur under level 1 like me use this space for exp
are the skills actually this overpowered?
I got a problem joining Cw
is the battle pass gonna be free for the golds pass ?
what time does the update come out in EST
What does slash reset delay do?
how do I make suggestions?
I have two accounts
roblox combat warriors group
how to equip kill effect?
I got damaged for no reason
Please fix hitboxes.
Can i pay for an unban?
linking a new roblox account
would a playstyle with or without parry be better?
Vc problem
I'm sorry everyone🙇♂
Stop Telling Devs To Fix Hitboxes
how to superjump on mobile?
Will the ability to play player owned music ever be added back?
Welcome to Community Support