I was recently banned, I don't use hacks or anything and I don't understand the reason, can someone

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Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors2mo ago
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Aestral2mo ago
its a newer acount? like an alt or new acount
YesiOP2mo ago
No, the account isn't new and it's my main account-
Aestral2mo ago
are u low level? or something I thought it could be related to that since bcre bans low level people that tryhard if not try appealing in player reports
YesiOP2mo ago
I haven't played for a while and I don't remember what level it was, but it's not a low level either, I think, I asked for an appeal but it wouldn't let me approve it, it told me that I don't have the level of role to accept it
Aestral2mo ago
wdym the level of the role
YesiOP2mo ago
0 How do I increase the role level? They accepted my appeal request but because of the level of role it doesn't leave
Aestral2mo ago
server level u mean? they dont accept the apeal request bc your level 1? in this discord server?
YesiOP2mo ago
Yes, that's what he tells me
Aestral2mo ago
you have to level up then in order to apeal js try talking in some channels until u reach up the requiered level what level it requires?
YesiOP2mo ago
It doesn't tell me what level I need, it says I don't have the right role And according to this I have already risen to level 2 Hi! Hey, he wouldn't let me ask for an appeal again, he says that since I already asked for one and it was denied, so he doesn't let me do more-
Aestral2mo ago
wait what he said that you couldn't get another appeal after he told u that you needed to level up in order to apeal ?
YesiOP2mo ago
If so - and I don't know then how to get rid of it - Well I guess I can't do it anymore, I'll have to create another account and put up with that hahaha
Aestral2mo ago
I really dont know how to help here :cry: what level were u in that acc
YesiOP2mo ago
It's very quiet Ps the lvl wasn't very high I don't usually play a lot but I still liked the game, it was lvl more than 100
Aestral2mo ago
were u ranged heavy or light main
YesiOP2mo ago
Maybe I no longer have a problem creating another account Ehm Principals? The normal ones- don't buy passes or anything like that
Aestral2mo ago
I meant weapons dragon slayer path, chainsaw or u used bow :cry: ???
YesiOP2mo ago
Aah used the bow a lot- Excuse me, I think I mentioned before that I don't speak English- it's sometimes difficult to understand with the incredibly bad translation given by the translator 😓
Aestral2mo ago
do you speak spanish? I saw on your image that the code error was Codigo de error
YesiOP2mo ago
Yeah 🦆 Uh?- idk
Aestral2mo ago
dw about it, tho the thing is El problema aqui es que, te baneo un staff, o alguien en cargo de el juego, lo que significa que lastimosamente es dificil conectar con el problema, dando a que o estabas usando algun tipo de script o hack, o eres inocente y fue talvez un mal entendido y por otro lado el caso de que tienes que subir de nivel para hacer una apelacion es raro que hayan cancelado tu apelacion da como resultado q no creo que sea possible el unban
YesiOP2mo ago
Ooh! Disimulo que entendi- 😥, Y no estaba haciendo uso de ningún "scrip" o "hack" no tengo idea
Aestral2mo ago
talvez intenta llegar a algun moderador o has un ticket crea un ticket e intenta hablar con un moderador al respecto talvez te sirva como ayuda, tambien pregunta cual fue tu razon
YesiOP2mo ago
Pues eso fue lo que me dieron a entender a no ser que haya mal entendido lo que me pusieron, pero en todo caso lo intente varias veces y decia siempre lo mismo sobre mi nivel de rol
Aestral2mo ago
es raro eso, igual que te dijieron cuando te cancelaron tu apelacion por segunda vez eso de que ya no iba a ser posible la apelacion aun si subieras de nivel
YesiOP2mo ago
Mhmm pues esta bien ya ni modo, no me gusta complicarme con las cosas y no tengo problema en usar ya otra cuenta jajsk
Aestral2mo ago
bue esta bien, igual lamento no haber sido de mucha ayuda ojala tampoco q resulte que si estabas usando algun tipo de cheat y te saquen el ban despues de algun tiempo
YesiOP2mo ago
Tranquilo!, Muchas gracias igual y pregunte varias veces en el chat publico o a otras personas y no me contestaron nada- asiq agradezco tu intento de ayudarme de todas formas Puede serm

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