Misunderstood banned and solved not clear

So i just created and played normally on my new account since im bored. But then my account get banned randomly and didn't know anything about it, it’s code: black cat red eyes. I send an appeal but got denied and said im exploiting? I swear im not using any cheat.. Also how am i gonna take a video while i get banned randomly? I need to make this cleared. “Sorry if my language is bad” User: Bl4zieJr
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24 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors3mo ago
@Bl4ze (@tranquangkhai281)
Your support thread has been created! :warning: Please note, we cannot help with reports or appeals - please use the respective channels. To help others find answers, you can mark your question as solved via Right click solution message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. This helps others find answers to similar questions. We use Answer Overflow to help us manage our support threads. By creating a thread, you agree to the thread being indexed by Answer Overflow.
From An unknown user
If you have any questions, please contact a member of staff.
Gatito3mo ago
We do not handle reports in this channel. Please use the #📩・player-reports channel to report players.
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WwhHanm3mo ago
fr like the game banned randomly player and how we are supposed to record it like literally randomly banned and then the mod cw asked for it when we make appeals this is just ridiculous
✧ 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥
Can’t do anything about it Theres no solve just create a new account .dispute
Gatito3mo ago
If you believe that your appeal was unjustly denied, we kindly ask you to utilize the Moderator Reports option. To report a moderator: 1. Navigate to ⁠https://discord.com/channels/693237498264027156/1039176573770809354 2. Select the I still need support option 3. Choose Report a moderator Please note that your report will be directly handled by the administrators, rather than the moderators. This ensures that your concerns will be addressed impartially and without any bias.
TheYoin3mo ago
Same happened to be but I had screen record the second time but I can't even appeal since the first one was declined
блейз <3
блейз <3OP3mo ago
Awwh:( Idk why it’s banned me but ig it’s caused by kill streak (spec/mythical weapons) cuz when i got that then after like 3-5 minutes i got banned so.. ye (biggest mistake)
mich3mo ago
Same happened to my alt, the anti cheat just refuses to acknowledge flying people but bans me after I farm a lvl 20 lobby
блейз <3
блейз <3OP3mo ago
Yea that’s just ridiculous There’s people with auto parry but it’s not banned like wth
mich3mo ago
I cant appeal it either because the mods dont know the anti cheat works or rather "Aren't allowed to say this to avoid bypassing it" like I thought moderation team is for banning exploiters?
блейз <3
блейз <3OP3mo ago
💀 dawg wth
mich3mo ago
whats the point of the moderation team if theres an anti-cheat
TheYoin3mo ago
Funny thing is you're gonna get banned again this is my second alt
блейз <3
блейз <3OP3mo ago
Dont know man but im disappointed abt how they’re solved my appeal is not cleared, what if another player got ban the same way as me?? How r we gonna take a video even it’s randomly?????? Base on ur luck?? 😭 naurr
TheYoin3mo ago
İ hate this game bro But I'm addicted asf i had 200 lvl account
Gatito3mo ago
@Bl4ze:3 Please do not ghost ping users. The following users were ghost-pinged: @TheYoin
блейз <3
блейз <3OP3mo ago
WwhHanm3mo ago
same happened to me i got banned randomly on my lv 530+ account without reason its say ill use 'exp' like wth man why would i using exp on higher lv account with knowing gonna get banned soon:skul: when ill make appeal they just say they need a record for it like what how am i record when i got banned randomly they think i can time travel or what what the point of ban appeal when they not even solve the problem their anti-cheat is just suck as hell that thing banned normal player instead hacker here alot hacker around the game like 2 or 3 even 4 in one server everytime ill play the game i always saw some1 cheating 10 server but 8 of them already has some1 cheating atp these mod is just make an stupid excuse to avoid their problem they even turn their game into money farmer instead improve the game system or whatever it is atp just remove ur anti-cheat like dawg it banned normal player instead hacker and these mod is just make an excuse to avoid player problems when they make an appeal why yall even create ban appeal channel when yall not even solved player problem
TheYoin3mo ago
Lvl 530 is tuff My main got perm banned on another reason Roblox won't accept the appeal
Iron Man
Iron Man3mo ago
Is this true , so I shouldn’t farm spec weapons with kill streak anymore ? @Bl4ze:3 ?
блейз <3
блейз <3OP3mo ago
Just a theory but some other players got banned like me after using them so ye
Iron Man
Iron Man3mo ago
K ty
jimozork3mo ago
don't grab spec/mythical weapons
блейз <3
блейз <3OP3mo ago
Im not gonna grab it again in my entire life

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