What are all the energy blade odds?

From credit cases and robux cases and also afking.
11 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors8mo ago
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guvnah8mo ago
For the credits case its 0.002% chance And the robux case is 20x better than that And the afk method is who knows how much rarer I can tell you right now it is not 1/500 or anything like that, and it definitely isnt 1/50 for the robux case, or else people who bought 100 robux cases should have gotten it already, statistically speaking
rose8mo ago
There is no pity system
guvnah8mo ago
Yes there is not
Sleepy8mo ago
roughly speaking, 1/25 is more accurate instead of 1/50, since the chances is 0.04%, and with premium you can increase it to a 0.08%
guvnah8mo ago
but itsnt 0.04% its 0.002% the premium 2x chance thing only applies to AFK
rose8mo ago
Premium only 2x for afk Not for the chest
SK3LT0M1C8mo ago
if its 1/8000 per day im pretty sure that it is 0.036 per 5 mins and that becomes 0.072 with premium
guvnah8mo ago
for the afk method? its 1/50k for the credits case, and 20 times that is 1/1,000,000, and 1/500k with premium I wish they just told us the damn rates though
rose8mo ago
They dont do that so they could make it more p2w and have people dump even more money either over paying or underpaying
guvnah8mo ago
I've heard that hiding the chances with gambling crap is against Roblox TOS, but that could just be all talk

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