Mythical Weapon drop chance

I talked to some ppl with mythical weaponds and they got theres with like 5-10k robux, I do have 11k but I just need to know the drop chance before i get into it. ALso is there a crate luck buff with premium?
14 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors6mo ago
@Xelogotpremium (@Xelogotnitro)
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zero point one percent for credits and two percent for robux
Sleepy6mo ago
it's 0.2 for robux and it's 0.002% multiplied by your Score (Le), and the amount of cases you've opened
error6mo ago
or im other words the credit case is normally 1 in 50,000 chance (without muiltipliers) and the robux crate is just in general 1 in 500 chance to get one of the mythical weapons since there is 2 mythical weapons and you dont care which one you get, then the credit case without muiltipliers is 1 in 25,000 and the robux crate is 1 in 250
Sleepy6mo ago
no? i don't think you're mathing very correctly there
greed6mo ago
Dont do it it might be a waste. I spent 36K and i got nothing bro
XeloOP6mo ago
thanks for the feedback everyone
dumb mf
dumb mf6mo ago
99% of gamblers quit before energy/seabeast continue.
War6mo ago
done 90k ima go until 200k
dumb mf
dumb mf6mo ago
tbh you should probably spend that 30k and all you got on cred cases since the credits scale
alpha6mo ago
Rich af.....
dumb mf
dumb mf6mo ago
its like 900$ almost a thousand, who knows how long thatd take to get off purely pls donate (i never go there too many bots) idk might be a content creator and rlly popular but idk
alpha6mo ago
Either way its above my pay grade Im no broke for ts i need a sponsor
dumb mf
dumb mf6mo ago

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