Can't slide

I have a weird issue where I cannot slide I don't know why I can crouch and I can run but when I do both at the same time nothing happens it's like the game can't detect that I'm doing both inputs at once (cw isn't the only game this issue happened to me in also got it for wall jumps in jjs if that will help)
5 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors7mo ago
Your support thread has been created! :warning: Please note, we cannot help with reports or appeals - please use the respective channels. To help others find answers, you can mark your question as solved via Right click solution message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. This helps others find answers to similar questions. We use Answer Overflow to help us manage our support threads. By creating a thread, you agree to the thread being indexed by Answer Overflow.
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Auxi7mo ago
it sounds to me like you are experiencing a keyboard issue, please go here and try the combo
Keyboard Tester
Test every key on your computer keyboard from within your browser for free.
rapu7mo ago
some kind of key rollover issue i'd bet
aymen198OP7mo ago
yes you are right how can i fix it tho
rapu7mo ago
see Rem's message might be a faulty switch if you're using a mechanical keyboard that's another possibility

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