afk mythics
does claiming a mythic from afk give you a random one, or do you get to choose? and what is the chance per 5 minutes?
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its random
its a very low chance
I would say its lower than the actual case one
Must be incredibly low since i’ve been asking for around a week now with no result
what do u expect
do you really think that its easy getting a mythical from the 5 mins afk drops
no lol but i was told somewhere else that it was 0.2 but i don’t believe it a little now
thats 1 in 500, twice the chance of the robux one
the case actual % its 0.001%
yeah damn then it’ll be a while before i get anything
its lower than that because its free and also dosent need you to be actually playing the game or grinding
also theres around 1400 minutes in a day that would mean 280 tries
its obviosly a extremelly low chance
yeah ik but i want atleast one
def not paying for it tho
fr fr dont do it
its simply not worth it
also js grind on mythical grab or sum
ppl reach over 1k score on that gamemode, getting like 200 300 kills
meaning like 3 or 4 cases per game
more if we count the assist or other things
I did for a while but i don’t enjoy publics tbh, i enjoy privates a lot more personally and i don’t have the time to grind that much
sadly then its really hard
the odds are really thin
normal case % its almost the same as winning the lottery
yeah ik i doubt ill get one anytime soon but its not like im doing a lot to cancel the afk
with enough time i’ll have it
tho ill tell you it will take a lot of time if you arent lucky
ppl leave the game days and weeks open, and still nothing
i’m horrible with luck unless it’s something idc about
then dont care about mythics
i got two special grades first 50 spins on jj infinite
that sounds rare
and i’ve stopped playing it after like a day
i think it’s 0.25 per
mythics are .001
like 1 in 100k
with 100%+ case luck is .002 or 1 in 50k, and so goes on
I have around 280%+ ~
atp i might aswell js save up some overtime for it
though i saw a guy spend 600 on cases and only get one so
on robux cases or
600 dollars not robux
oh mbmbmb
still I hate those cases
they will drive me insane some day
cashgrab game fr and the devs worried about animations looking old
if I dont get a mythic tho
fr they dont even listen to their own community
literally said hes gonna willingly ignore us like thats insane
the parry rework is ok, annoying to play against, but fun when used
eh i like the old one a lot more
sadly theres nothing we can do about it
its makes the game more punishing, but already I was felling a bit rusty
mainly because whenever i play in privates with friends im getting jumped bc all them are low level
so old parry helped a lot with 1v2s and 1v3s
tho light spammers just got buffed
I see nowadays a lot of chainsaw users
yeah some lights can one shot
i got lucky with the scissors and got them first try and theyre my main weapon now
scissors are annoying to play against
im still used to heavy so i use them like a heavy
its a light-heavy
or an excuse to use a reskinned triple katana
i used to use that when my friends first started bc i got a zoro cosplay and they didnt want me using ds
nah im not a triple katana user hater, js I think they arent really skill full
light path dosent teach you soo much, only maybe about parry improvement
since you dont have to mind on landing good hits
i dont like lights for the most part, only one i use is scissors and i use them like heavy anyway because it works
i only got chainsaw because i had the excess of credits
Its I think the best weapon as of rn
either that or ds, anchor has a broken range, and chainsaw is just meh
also I dont count mythics
anchors broken as in bad or?
either really bad or really broken
yeah theyre made to be op so
since anchor has a weird hitbox It could lead into weird interacctions when used with a spin
technically theres a way for me to use mythics but its annoying and idek if its allowed since its a free mythic in a way
like for extended range
wdym wdym
i have an xbox so if you turn off crossplay and go into mythical drop servers then block people in each server until you find your own then you can inv ur friends and fight them with it
idk if theyd count that as free mythic since you still go into their mythic mode but yknow
about that I dont think is a baneable offence
yeah its still a public so others can join
also Mgrab servers die a lot faster than normal servers, since people rage quit when they lost an mythic that took them a lot of time
nah xbox servers are dedicated in my experience
Ive played a lot of mythical grab to the point to upgrade my kdr
fr fr?? although wdym by that
i stayed in an xbox mythical server with the same randoms for like 4 hours just fighting
had like 8 people
dedicated only console you mean?
like the people in xbox servers are dedicated
console players like mobile servers?
oh yeah if ur on console it gives you the option to join console only servers if thats what you mean
I thought you meant like a whole diferent server section
yeah it doesnt show on pc
yeah yeah, but I also think It would make it too tedious to make a mythical grab console dedicated server
so they maybe masked it or its a roblox console thing
nah they have that but when you have crossplay off you can still join the normal mythic grabs
which since you have crossplay turned off on xbox it still puts you in console only so technically theres two different console only options
roblox's or combat warrior's
I thought It could be a console's roblox thing idk
tho thats odd, having dedicated console mythical grab servers
yeah i cant show it rn since im on pc but if i go on console today ill send you a pic
alr alr