Frequently Asked Questions
❓ What are some websites I can use to report exploiters?
❓ What about reporting Sprays?
❓ What is classified as an exploit?
- An exploit is classified as anything involving unintended use or manipulation of game mechanics, systems, or bugs to gain an unfair advantage over other players, alter the intended gameplay experience, or achieve outcomes not originally intended by the developers ; Fast Flags, Abusing Bugs, Modified Files, Glitches or Injected Clients.
❗ Where do I report someone in-game?
- You can report someone here ->, Where instructions are listed on the required information needed for the report.
❓ How do I transfer my data from one account to another?
- This is not possible, any data from one account cannot be transferred to another and you will have to obtain your progress again, this also applies to new accounts requesting their old weapons back.
❗ I was banned, how do I appeal?
- You may appeal in #📩・ban-appeals , please note legacy bans or bans over 30 days may not be appealed, and any previous ban appeals denied cannot be appealed as well.
🐛 I have a bug I'd like to report but I don't know where to.
- Please head over to and file your bug report with video, image or console proof, and also how to replicate it if possible.
:roblox_logo: Why am I not receiving any rewards while being afk?
- Please ensure that you have Roblox premium, if not you may purchase it here, Without premium the only thing you have a chance of getting is the mythical every 5 minutes.
:roblox_logo: What does the more afk rewards give?
The more afk rewards give the following per the listed time;
- 1.5x Daily Spins
- 1.5x Credits
- 1.5x Aether
- 2x XP
:vanguard: What does vanguard give?
- One-time bonus of 650 Aether, 2,000 Credits, and 4,000 XP
- 2x daily reward
- 2x XP (stacks with Gold)
- 2x map votes (stacks with Gold)
- Vanguard Kill Effect
- Vanguard Skin
- Vanguard Enchant
- Vanguard Chat Tag
- Vanguard Character Aura
- Vanguard Overhead Tag
:gold: What does gold give?
- One-time bonus of 1,500 Aether, 4,000 Credits, and 8,000 EXP
- 3x EXP (stacks with Vanguard)
- 3x map votes (stacks with Vanguard)
- Gold Chat Tag
- Gold Lightning Character Aura
- Gold Fire Enchant
- Crown Overhead Tag
- Gold Skin
- Gold Kill Effect
:Star: How does xp work with the gamepasses?
Base XP: 100, 200 on weekends.
Base XP + Vanguard: 200, 400 on weekends.
Base XP + Vanguard + Gold: 600, 1200 on weekends.
370 Replies
@Rem, Eater of Logs I think you forgot to close this so one can chat, but only look, or is that intentional?
Intentional for questions people have
how do you disable global chats
how do you do what I just asked
last time asking
You can't
You can disable the button though

Pretty useful
How do I show video when I want to report a player?
Read the top
I need to post a video on YouTube?
yayayay faq update :happy:
it's readable and easy to digest :applause:
what is "2x daily reward" for vanguard? like what daily rewards
When you log in after 14 hours the xp and aether you get per day doubles
oh those
i forgot about those sorry LOL
Does this mean super jumping and chainsaw dashing can get you banned? @Combat Warriors Support
Those are core mechanics and affected by the robloxs physics engine
What about this Red eye cat thing
it keeps kicking me out of the game when I do any of those
does bloxstrap fps cause this to kick me?
No its anti-cheat
Im unaware of what it is besides anticheat
Also I think adding a small section explaining anti-cheat bans being related to roblox instead of cw may be a good idea, since rn it's the most frequently asked questions
Guys I captured a video of a hacker
bro what are the codes?
there are none
When sending an image of the NSFW spray, does the image need to be censored?
why did they deleted matatabi boss fight?
just don't post NSFW sprays..
Wdym? I didn't post, I was asking if I needed to send a censored version of the NSFW spray when I need to report it in #📩・player-reports
oh, no. and it's also at #📩・support
is there weakly or monthly updates?
bro ur useless
how am I useless like just check the game for updates what
dude I asked 2 things you werent able to answer one
I answered one of them, the matatabi boss fight was deleted due to unknown reasons.
The updates are random, not weekly or monthly.
for the luck increase and base percentage of getting a mythical do you add the luck increase to the base percentage or multiply it cus idk how they do it but i wanna know what my total percent is with my luck increase?
my luck increase is 44.08% btw if someone wants to do the mathings for me that would be awesome because idk how cw does the mathings and addings and substractings
multiplies it.
so the base change (0.001%)x(your multiplier)
will you let all old swing and hitbox change back
ok ty
Guys how do I get a higher chance of getting mythics I'm at 28.8 percent chance rn
Anyone online here?
get more score
and open more cases
Alr I have 300k score actually from koth

that doesnt count
What score is it then
LE score
Erm what is le score

Hmm so how much is 1 le score into the chances by percent
I need to know the relation between the two
i do not know
Orry for disturbing
you need a lot to make a difference
Hmm ok
LE score is from kills
Can you give me an ss of the whole screen on the home page
Hmm so you basically need alot of kills to get higher chances
gamemode score doesnt count
So if I get kills in koth does it count?
kill score counts
Alr alr
not score from gamemode stuff
like CTF and KOTH
if i dont have ds and chainsaw
can i still get sea beast or energy blade from the robux crates
question: when u get the mythical, is it temporary, or permanent
Permanent from cases
Temporary from daily and airdrop
how do I manage to get a gun regularly without buying it? and if so does it work in ps too?
It's called a kill streak, it has when you get 8 or more kills, which can be further developed into a mythical kill streak at 12 or more kills .
hey everyone
i found new bug
can i show yo?
Unknown User•5mo ago
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Is super jump bad
No, super jump isn't punishable
Bro do people even sill do that in 2024 😭😭
convient bug
What’s up with these ghost updates 😔
Bug patches
can people still get the berserker armor ever
thats so lamed
question: how to get unbanned in cw from a busted anti cheat? (Anti player)
answer: you cant unless ur reme

Rem also being banned by the anti-cheat is the craziest shit i've ever seen
the devs stats on the auto mod was 600 people where banned first day, thats a lot of innocent poeple banned. this problem is detsoryinh CW and is being ignored because the dev doesnt know likely because the mods and admins are keeping everythinh hidden
there’s Zero communication
or effort
@shade (@xshade03) look at this shit
blame the testers and devs 🤷
also this is for Frequently Asked Questions, not rants
the most you can do rn is just making a mod report through #📩・support
and just hop you can appeal
bruh look at my roles
a mod report is different from a ban appeal
ill do it later
takes time actuallu writing structured stuff
yep scammer get scammed
what does this mean???
isnt rem a mod?
this game is actually so poorly developed
it’s been left to die
sven was money hungry and didn’t want to collaborate with a dev team
so sad seeing a game I used to play every day get a lower and lower player count every day
yep now sam well has his grubby hands on it
tf sam do bro 😭
please NEVER post that shit again 🙏

At least he isn't scizo ranting about communist china like he usually does
sorry you cant have a conversation about it
whats black cat red eye
you have to appeal to cas it means youve been banned
@Pretzelz at them rn
I think it's where u get caught by the anticheat
Lulu dan 🥰🔥😋
When will mythical weapons become buy able 🤔
they are, by crates
Ik but.. it's hard as he'll trying to get them
I'm talking about like how the weapons like ds and stuff are buy able -.-
you get those in the loadout menu
you have to work your way up for it
Ik but don't yall think it's a little unfair?? Like think about it it only takes 1k each spin for anchor but for the mythical weapons it takes 5k for each spin and the hard part is u don't know how many spins It takes just to get one weapon.
its fair tho
its hard to get really op weapons
you dont want everyone with EB or SB
Good point
Wait then why was anchor a crate then-
idk it just was
Btw if yall make more weapons don't make them as crates plzz
Make them as load out weapons
Ikr I had to write a 7 paragraphs on why they need to fix it, that's how bad it is
I do agree with with that
Rip the fingers
On god
Plus roblox made the parent control thing more a problem now.
Sorry I had to edit more
Alr I'm finished editing, Im done saying what I had to say
This is the only time I ever get to yap
But wouldn't you agree?
My profile description say's "straight"?
okay and?
I'm saying that I'm not gay cus you don't know who's gay and who's not so for all I care you could be gay tbh
im gay
Nice👍 should I throw you a party 🥳
I just realized if your gay but you can't talk to gay's how do you think because when you think your basically talking to your self which your gay?
how old are you bro
Bro just answerer my question
what fuckin question???
Nvm bro nvm
wtf does this mean, guy who discord ebegs
Stop calling me that, and did you not see the attachment silly cat sent, scroll up
I did, and I'm wondering wtf does your question mean
Idk it was kinda like a shower thought
Did you suffer a traumatic brain injury in the shower to come up with that one?
No, did you suffer brain injury to respond with that?
Irony speaks for itself with that one
Be quiet rage bait
no one understands what you said bro
I can't believe y'all actually take the time to argue with me on a platform now I feel even more special thx and that I need to go touch grass
Cat memes in 2024 really...
"I just realized if your gay but you can't talk to gay's how do you think because when you think your basically talking to your self which your gay?"
that shit isnt even a question
barely a sentence
Your still on about that bro
Now I know you don't take time off a platform just to argue with people so you can feel right tbh
how old are you bro..
Why would I tell you?? You can't just be asking random people their age
Bro forget it your making me feel mentally challenged talking to you
i believe you always feel like that but okay
What I said "mentally challenged talking to you"?? I never said I'm always mentally challenged
Your weird but ok
you arent real bro 😭
guys how do I sprint on a xbox controller
I don’t have an L button 😭😔
The joystick
Whats even going on now?
I can pair fists with bows?
Yea, that's what I do when I play ranged (fists are in secondary)
Hey uh
Quick question
Since Christmas is coming up will we get an update for that?
Is void heart gonna be a real weapon? I tought it lost against the crucible but I saw it's badge so is it gonna release or no?
Yes it will
The image sent was asking players which they dev should prioritise first and people voted the crucible
Then the void heart, and after that scissor blades
whats the new badge for
Probably some boss fight
i have no idea

prolly a how to train your dragon collab?
No I think it's for the new Christmas event that's in the new servers it's starting in December 25th
It might be new ugc I think
When will more weapons come out
And will we get an update on cw in Christmas time?

Chirstmas battlepass?
is combat warriors getting an real update before tsb?
Why can't vanguard and gold also 5X the credits you earn?
cuz it'll be P2W
Ain't cw too much P2W already
Jolly cat i need help
jolly cat i need help
There is a hack that entered my account and activated the hack on the map, and when I returned to my account, I found it banned. Can you unlock it for me?
Yo the banded give it me apeal deind
If you believe that your appeal was unjustly denied, we kindly ask you to utilize the Moderator Reports option.
To report a moderator:
1. Navigate to
2. Select the
I still need support
3. Choose Report a moderator
Please note that your report will be directly handled by the administrators, rather than the moderators. This ensures that your concerns will be addressed impartially and without any bias.coldfempaws
I reported in i open tiket he's not claimed
i cant do anything to help you with that stuff pass telling you this
Ok, I am wronged,
hi wronged,
Haha not funny bruh
give us a one leak for the chirstmas event
There's 3 new weapons
Guys tell me where is 3rd symbol in sfoth ?
two is at crossroads v2 winter and crossroads v1 winter has one and sfoth has one
just gonna say
use fly and freecam
also try hitting some walls
chirstmas related?
But they're just like reskins
know what weapons/
i hope it not yoru,ds,katanas and chainsaw
It won't be yoru or chainsaw
Probaly like the mid light weapons
oh wow
There's 2 lights and 1 heavy
i bet the heavy one is gonna be ds
It isn't
Cause if it was
Then it's just a reskin of ds for free then so yeah I don't think so
just wanna know if its gonna be good
i guess we wait 4 more days
There's gonna be like exclusive quests and a energy case (winter)
i tought that secret badge was related to the event
It might be
chirstmas mythical weapon
are they really that obessed with the mythicals
Nah there's a new type
Its called event
more luck?
if so i gonna buy chirstmas cases instend
Yeah i think
They're might be a new currency aswell
spenting two million for nothing is making me angry
Yeah same
Christmas tokens
prob will get it from the quests
is there going to be a battlepass for it
I honestly don't know
where did u found out about the reskins and chirstmas tokens so i can know too
Someone told me about the reskins and the tokens is just my guess
When will there be another event
3-4 months
he's lying, it's literally tmr
Phew ok.
wtf im lying? they were talking about gamenights no?
I think they meant actual ingame events or something
im not sure
In game events
That’s what I mean
why doesnt the mythical and spec airdrops cant spawn in ps?
Mythicals can spawn now?
Apparently its an admin only command wich wasnt made for regular people to use
best cmd in game and they ruin it
like they ruined kunais
more dislikes but still nerfed them and wanted to make them parryable
they should
these are annoying ash
theyre not a primary why they should make them parryable? its not a weapon like the dragon slayer
Let’s be fair they are the smallest weapon so
so did i need to unlock ds and chainsaw to use the energy key purchase in winter event?
I think
How to complate stage 4 ??
How ?
Howw pls
(Unseal Black Cat Green Eye + Elusive Cat Yellow Eye Effigies) Ques...
combat warriors last quest for Christmas event. BCGE — ECYE badge
That’s cool
is there going to be more winter quests because I want the hell ice skin but I don't have enough and I have a single quest to complete
also how much keys do they give u when u get 500 score?
just kill ppl, i bought everything except the stage 4 things
i have a question
will they make a gamepass so u can buy the dragon slayer or chainsaw with rbx instead of using spins
or grinding for along time
ye they should make it for like 10k robux so you will save 1999 robux when you would be buying ds instead of the largest coins packs
10k robux is insane
they should prob make it 3k or 5k
thats to low, why would you by credits then?
10k is nothing anyways, i spent 22k on robux cases
what is the cwencer slayer

can someone test its gk and finish using the settings
yea wtf?

its a PS thing
join your PS and use the cmd /cwencing on
it will give you the sword
its the old dragon slayer animations
its for the comp players who complained about it
they need to bring it back on public servers
whats the point of using it on a ps you dont gain anything from using it + it looks like a cardboard
it wont happen.
i know this devs suck bro
is it not normal for level 200+
can you spawn mythical airdrops in ps?
what the skibidi

when the new mythical
are the light sabers real?
what is that
i need help guys
how do i fix this
when i run i cant equip my weapon is it normal?
That's the wolf from hells excaliburs abilities
Yes they are
No it's not normal, I'm not sure how to fix tho uhhm try changing weapons then see if it works
Or maybe the server that you were in was bugged
yeah i saw some fur when i was using some skills on it
btw whats the difference between old and new ds
The old ds has shorter range on the hitbox while the new ds has increased range on the hitbox, basically just bigger hitbox kinda like anchor

Help me

I don't know how to complain.

what does it mean?

that you're banned 🐴
For no reasson?
How to get unbanned? (moderators don't pay attention to my ticket)
If you believe that your appeal was unjustly denied, we kindly ask you to utilize the Moderator Reports option.
To report a moderator:
1. Navigate to
2. Select the
I still need support
3. Choose Report a moderator
Please note that your report will be directly handled by the administrators, rather than the moderators. This ensures that your concerns will be addressed impartially and without any bias.coldfempaws

how does this happen
You should see this lol,
Idk if the video is laggy or if that's only me.
What happened is that I threw a smoke grenade and the air drop bugged out and got flunged into the void
maybe its because you hit the side or the top
i need to learn how to do this
i could be evil
Lol I think they fixed this idk though
This was a while ago after when they added mythicals and spec's to air drops
that reminds me of a glitch i found where if you reset with a fireworks kill effect under an airdrop it would go flying up
Does it still work or is it patched?
patched im pretty sure
i think its because they were lagging
hit HeadSize ?
Is sickle users can be parry?

you got banned for exploiting
#📩・ban-appeals to appeal
you're lucky mine is worse

bro yall literally get banned for exploit
What if it was unfair?
It may not always be your exploiting
Are prestige weapon skills confirmed?
12 year long parry
only due to lag
animation ended on your end, but not for the guy who swung, unfortunately for them
how it feels to spread misinformation
that what a ping dif does :|
insert blah emote icon
this our last hope
if you guys start talking in community support cuz of the everyone ping
guys i got ban for reason
Got banned because they thought of me exploiting 🤷♂️
Sometimes they think we use exploit
Fuck this game got banned because I use a Gatling gun
I used to like this now it's fucked up, bullshit
Do anything but ask questions in this place
This is messed up.
Yo how we get unbanned
hey i buy this weapon but i cant use

@simba la rue
User-Generated Content (UGC) items serve as accessories for your Roblox avatar. It is important to note that buying UGC items does not grant you access to weapons within the Combat Warriors game. To avoid confusion among players, these accessories do not show on your avatar in Combat Warriors, ensuring that the weapon you actually have equipped remains visible to others.
im cooked
gatito and postman pat are down
My question is if you bought the starter pack where do you find the mythic you get from it cuz it says mythic
It's not a 100% chance to get a mythical
i got banned
i already did but that says "We will not unban you, so please do not open a ticket"
curious about the situation
what happened
i saw a video with aimbot so i open it "exploiting" Asta join the server so he banned me
that's all
why i got banned
prob because of anti cheat
bro i didnt cheat
i playing
the anti cheat is shit
killing player
i get it dude.

other people got falsely banned aswell
for what i got XD
i just get 12 kill score and spec item for that killing people with ak47 and do headshot, and i die , next time i play normal i killing people and at that communication "banned"
its just anti cheat
i can see you my file XDD
its ass and people know that it is
what i do
go to #📩・ban-appeals
if u have video proof
if dont then you're cooked.
video proof?
i know i have video where reported cheater
where see my screen
so u dont have video of u getting falsely banned
screenshot i have
thats XDD
dont think its going to work
wait when i have friend? who play with me?
and he know what i doing
so ur friend has a video of u getting falsely banned or?
see know my played and looking always on me
idk what to doo :((
i'm frome poland and dont know 100% english
if u dont got no video proof then say bye bye to ur combat warriors account
make an alt or sum
or quit the game its better off without cw
its new account..
thats account have 2 week?
or 5
ehh :(
wthhh i can truth that i got ban for nothing, than what i must rexording all my gameplay on ccw
i have just that moments where i banned
and go on counter blox to see screen, to see i dont have cheats
thats all what i have
When did you start playing cw?
(This question will make sense after you answer it)