Hey all! Combat Warriors has had a NEW PATCH, in which certain utility items were vaulted / removed. The full list is in a message under this post. In essence, no your items weren't removed in a bug, the items were removed entirely because of the new patch. Please read this, along with other posts with the "Highlighted Posts" tag which include answers to commonly asked questions and posting rules before making a new post. Thanks for coming to my TED talk :) P.S. Don't complain using the forms - you will be moderated for improper use of the forms.
1 Reply
voxeliOP2y ago
The following items were removed: - Flashbomb - Flashbang - Impact Grenade - Health Splash - Stamina Splash - Slow Splash - Poison Splash - Damage Splash WHY WERE THE NEW UTILS WERE REMOVED? Short Answer: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Long Answer: While we cannot be certain on why these weapons were removed, we speculate that they have been removed to "balance the game out". Please note this is only speculation and should not be taken as the definitive answer as to why potions and flash weapons were removed. That being said, stop asking the same question - we will delete posts that are "reposts" of the same question, along with any other post that violates forum rules.

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