The answer to all of our problems, unique servers

everybody is toxic to each other because of bows kunais light whatever these morons can think of to use as an insult and im going to be honest, tho i dont endorse any kind of toxcity, after all these are features in the game which the developers added i dont blame people for hating the weapons i hate people who hate other people for using them criticizing the game is one thing but hate is unacceptable my second point is where this gets interesting though these weapons are here to stay, they unbalanceness of them mushing with one another makes the game alot less fair and alot of frustrating personally i think that bows dont fit in the game almost at all, the ability to deal damage from afar when most players battle with melee, and the fact that it does so much damage when being so dirt cheap on the weapons store is unbelievable, a swift bow and kunai can basically one shot a player who didnt even realize what was happening, even the energy sword doesnt have that overpoweredness to it. some arguments also apply to the kunai but to a less extent. point is, the weapon system heavily needs a rework, but theres a problem with that, either bow users complain about nerfing the bows too much, or melee users complain about it being too overpowered third point: (and heres my idea) specific weapons servers have special servers which only allow either only bows to be used or only melee this idea can even be evolved into: -only bows -no bows -only heavy -no light -no kunais -mabye even make an only guns server ,could be cool of course this is all hypothetical and could possibly be me talking way too highly about an already too toxic community but i really hope at least some developers are reading this and to that i say, please at least discuss and consider it i think it can bring alot of good to the game now and if somehow this idea gets somewhat implemented in the game which if it is (TYTYY SOME MUCH) plz showcase it correctly, we dont need another "bigger" servers case
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6 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors•7mo ago
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masrihulyOP•7mo ago
ye ye ik :3 btw if any of you ask how experienced i am in the game and how much i know what im talking about im about lv 250, take it how you want to but i think its pretty high idk if theres a "reach this level to get your opinion accept" level :cutegato: also sorry for the rambling about bows and kunais, im sure there are great arguments againts some light weapons as well, id love to hear them but please keep it civil and dont be a dumbo for no reason
Pawizes•7mo ago
masrihulyOP•7mo ago
I might be cooked
Pawizes•7mo ago
this isnt the channel for feedback
masrihulyOP•7mo ago
ye I realized that only now :gato: Sorry

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