PlayStation 4 sensitivity is horrible

Fix the sensitivity of the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, it is very slow, please fix it. 🤓
12 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors10mo ago
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From An unknown user
If you have any questions, please contact a member of staff.
SkyOP10mo ago
I know man, but guys don't do anything, they don't solve things
Sleepy10mo ago
posting it here wont do anything either
Pawizes10mo ago
mate we can do as much as you can do we're just here to help the community
SkyOP10mo ago
So please resolve this sensitivity, many people are already stopping playing because of this, and I really like this game and I don't want to stop playing because of this... If you could do this for our console community I would greatly appreciate it, as everyone will appreciate it. And they also posted a lot of feedback and you didn't resolve it...
Its only developers who can really do anything about it Most people here have no affiliation with the game including admins and the staff team. Talking about it here won't help with anything, this channel's purpose is to help others if they're facing issues with the game,
Pawizes10mo ago
Dude i have no access to the game's development Im not a dev or staff member
SkyOP10mo ago
I know, but you can talk to one of them since you are high class and could you talk to the owner or someone who has permission to change the game.
Pawizes10mo ago
im not a high class i dont have the power to speak to the owner lol
SkyOP10mo ago
Oh Okay bro, but if you could try to help with this problem by doing something, it would help a lot! But that's it, I'll be afk thanks for your attention.
SunnySide10mo ago
console sense has been broken for years now. its a roblox issue not the game roblox neglects console 247

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