Hi! I see a lot of people getting false banned like me, will the devs do anything about it?

Currently, there is an issue with anti-cheat which bans players who are "supposedly" breaking the game rules by exploiting or bug-abusing. The thing is - I got banned by anti-cheat too. When I contacted the support game moderator said that there is nothing he can do, since I had no evidence that I didn't use exploits. It's kinda ridiculous. An anti-cheat that can ban players permanently is a mistake. PLEASE do something about it. I wouldn't cheat on a account with robux after all. I wouldn't cheat playing on LINUX DUDE. OS: GNU/Linux Distro: Arch Linux DE: Hyprland I used Sober to play roblox on my linux machine. Sober is CLOSED source project made by vinegarHQ that essentially uses x86_64 apk to run roblox. I played roblox using wine in the old days, but since Hyperion couldn't run correctly with wine roblox cut off wine support. Sober is a new way to play roblox on linux and there is currently no way to exploit using it. It rejects any foreign apks and closed source which makes impossible for me to exploit. i use linux just cuz its pretty if someone questions why tf i even play roblox on linux
9 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors2mo ago
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Gatito2mo ago
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NirvunuhOP2mo ago
Please tell me that the support can do something with that evidence nonsense I can't clip every my step i use arch btw almost forgot to say that
gooberboober2mo ago
highly doubt they will, seems once u cant clip when u were banned then your cheating, guilty till proven innocent type stuff, for mine i even provided a clip of a little bit prior showing my gameplay and still wont approve it so i gave up
NirvunuhOP2mo ago
Damn shit policy I liked the game though
nuthing you can do, they don't believe us and they are 100% sure that their anti-cheat it's working rn, when his anti-cheat is a s.-. and people got banned EVEN xbox/ps5 player for his "anti-cheat". Ayo, hard to believe actually console players are using exploits.
gooberboober2mo ago
yeah like they dont really realize bots can make mistakes i get proving your innocence but like come on especially the ones that had no prior bans that instantly her perma bans is wild
fr that's actually crazy
Gay2mo ago

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