Bought 2 Case Luck, but its never been worse

I bought both "More Case Luck" and Big Case Luck". I got big case and then I got more case luck. I have the photos to prove it. But dispite they claim to stack, my honest to god luck hasn't been better at all. since I got it, the first time I got any epic items was beacuse I reached the max pity. I swear to god. did I get scammed.
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54 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors4mo ago
@White (@Pr0fessor_White)
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Professor_WhiteOP4mo ago
Honest, Is it just me? or does the system just suck and I got scammed.
Moon4mo ago
The increase of case luck is minimal Maybe there is some kind of luck, but you won't observe it too much
JollyQ4mo ago
Gatito4mo ago
@White (@Pr0fessor_White)
As of 08/11/2024, all case/spin luck gamepasses have been removed. (see Anyone who previously owned any of the luck gamepasses will still keep their benefits, and the gamepasses will never be returning for future purchase.
JollyQ4mo ago
Augh, wheres the old text
Professor_WhiteOP4mo ago
I know that, I saw that notifcation. But doesn't explain why my luck has gotten worse When they removed the oni outfit, i got 1400 crystals or what ever. From doing the draws, I got 2. 2 ITEMS THAT WERE RARE AND LEGNDARY. 2
Protfessional person hater
good luck i guess bro
katana4mo ago
it provides no guarantee of legendaries, its just a small boost to luck
Protfessional person hater
keep gambling.
Drilla4mo ago
The luck is a scam @White (@Pr0fessor_White) it just makes it LOOK like you got luck, but its really the same, it wasnt worth the robux when it was out Why do u think u see 90 different good things but u only get bs like cw bfr
Professor_WhiteOP4mo ago
well fuck Not able to get a refund huh.... well shit
Drilla4mo ago
Yeah sadly
Professor_WhiteOP4mo ago
Why don't they just delete the gamepasses? we get auto refunds. Or are they to greedy. it doesn't even ome from their account
Protfessional person hater
same thing happened to me for the spins, but i had no clue it wasnt real and was just a dono
Drilla4mo ago
Protfessional person hater
I don’t even need case luck though wbu whyd you get it? its useless na i think they need the money, considering the fact that theres 8 mythics gonna be out, i’ll assume thats gonna take robux, or maybe i know nothing xD
Professor_WhiteOP4mo ago
I just have really, REALLY bad luck. I mean, so I was hopping not get my 40th uncommon.
Protfessional person hater
LOL at least you got pity bye ima go afk rewards for some xp or whatever
Notathugs4mo ago
Personally I got one of the small case lucks and I went from always getting greens to mostly getting blues purples and sometimes golds
Professor_WhiteOP4mo ago
w h a t I... I'm only getting greens, if im lucky I get blue
Notathugs4mo ago
Damn Idk then cs it works for me
Protfessional person hater
case luck just a scam fr
Professor_WhiteOP4mo ago
well, good, fuck
Protfessional person hater
it might not be, i’ll ask
Drilla4mo ago
That’s literally normal luck 💀🙏🏾 It is lmao
Protfessional person hater
case luck deleted anyways
Notathugs4mo ago
I got purples and golds a lot more often after buying case luck?
Drilla4mo ago
Sure ig
Protfessional person hater
case luck is deleted bro
Drilla4mo ago
It still works as they stated
Protfessional person hater
Drilla4mo ago
Hello woman!
Protfessional person hater
im a guy obviously tho
Drilla4mo ago
Shush woman!
Protfessional person hater
shush wallet
Drilla4mo ago
Shush kitchen dweller
Protfessional person hater
go to war, NOW!!!
Drilla4mo ago
? Clean up my white substances
Drilla4mo ago
Drilla4mo ago
Why jit catfishin tho ol freaky dude 🔥😭
Protfessional person hater
why not? isnt catfishing like trickery and agreeing to date somebody then appearing as your actual self
Drilla4mo ago
And u dont think this setup isn’t weird 💀
Protfessional person hater
i meannnn
Drilla4mo ago
Avg cw male 🧍🏾
Protfessional person hater
its not that bad fr + if someone is a simp, i like to say i am female and completely go along
Drilla4mo ago
Protfessional person hater
not if i dont do anything weird, i like to screenshot stuff they say and send it to my friends to see their reaction, then ill say “im a guy btw.”
Drilla4mo ago
Drilla4mo ago

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