Why did I got permanent banned for no reason

Let me tell you my story i had a main acc and it was banned because of exploit with footage and ban appeal denied , after that the only thing I can do now is play legit so I made a new acc and after a couple days of grinding I got to great sword after that a couple hours later I started playing combat warrior then I use schimitar and dominate intermidiet server then I got Tommy gun from the airdrop crate because of 8 kill streak and then I kill alot of players and got the mythical weapon airdrop the sea beast after that I killed some more players and then suddenly got banned like bro I didn't even use hack and I can't use hack on laptop since I don't know how and I don't want to use hack since my main got banned because of it and now I can't even ban appeal since it's already denied because of my main I don't know what to do I'm upset because of this even the reason said black cat red eye /42 not even saying any reason like exploiting and i have no previous ban since it was a new acc and now not even moderator wanna read this , it's a new acc fresh like bro there isn't even any footage of me hacking on that acc ITS A NEW ACC BRO
81 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriorsβ€’3mo ago
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Gatitoβ€’3mo ago
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Why do you care about my name?
Same bro i had the same case the moderation in here is horrible
jokerff098β€’3mo ago
I was banned without using anything, the reason was "black-red cat" or something like that, first it was a 7-day ban and an hour later I went to see again and it was a permanent ban my nickname is "TR_ESPADACHIM" OR "ZERO7XIS"
911topicβ€’3mo ago
I got banned because of the sea beast It's a false ban When getting the mythical sea beast for airdrop I even saw a video very identical to how I got banned If u want o avoid it just don't get 8 kill streak Apparently to low level acc
I was banned in the same way by this false ban. I can't play anymore, I was denied, and the moderators told me that it was due to exploits, I literally sent them a video showing all my installed programs and part of my computer, bruh they told me that they can't and that they won't ban anyone who has this same one type of ban
What you can do is create another account and keep your kd low and your killstreak at least 5 kills.
911topicβ€’3mo ago
I even saw a video about this false ban It's literally the same way I got banned And yet the "best"moderator said it was exploit
This irritates me, since I created an account to play again I encounter this type of things, literally it will be the 3rd account that I create here in Roblox to play the game Literally, I still say that creating another account and starting over but calmly is the best, eliminate yourself after 5 kills and let it happen
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Irritates me too And the thing is Exploiting that use aimbot and hitbox expander not getting banned And when I showed proof of a video and the user It just dismisses me
I am too good with the bow, it is my main in the game, I understand that hitting the majority of hits can be consecutive, but the automatic moderation is too bad
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Are u banned when using the sea beast weapon?
literally we cannot appeal for being supposed exploiters
911topicβ€’3mo ago
And getting the kill streak of 8
any mythical brother
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Yea But to me I got banned when using sea beast
on the first account I took out the halo sword, and now the sea beast
911topicβ€’3mo ago
The same as the (identical) to the one in a YouTube video
911topicβ€’3mo ago
The channel is called rain With 299 subs
yes dude same the same error
911topicβ€’3mo ago
And the thing is when appealing the ban the moderators just make us appeal denied Like gave us the appeal denied role
I will have to create a new account again and start playing It's the only way to go
911topicβ€’3mo ago
But brother what's the point of make a new acc when it's gonna get falsely banned again
Pawizesβ€’3mo ago
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
I got banned to
Pawizesβ€’3mo ago
Yeah im pretty sure the anticheat is flagging people randomly
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
Bc of these like what?
911topicβ€’3mo ago
And the moderators aren't helping
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Idk something to do with spec airdrop
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
I got my mai acc banned and after that my second too
911topicβ€’3mo ago
And mythical weapon
Pawizesβ€’3mo ago
I've noticed it has something to do with the mythic airdrop
fix the problem with the literal airdrop there are now 3 accounts that I created to be able to play
Pawizesβ€’3mo ago
My bf got banned twice from the mythical airdrop
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
911topicβ€’3mo ago
I mean my main acc was banned cus exploit which is acceptable but the new acc is unacceptable since I don't use any cheats on that
Pawizesβ€’3mo ago
He appealed twice and got unbanned
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
Me too
911topicβ€’3mo ago
How did he get unbanned
Pawizesβ€’3mo ago
He appealed
911topicβ€’3mo ago
But moderators are taking there time with other stuff
How can I appeal if they banned me as a role?
911topicβ€’3mo ago
And yet most of them just automatically put a appeal denied role
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
Me too
Pawizesβ€’3mo ago
Gatitoβ€’3mo ago
If you believe that your appeal was unjustly denied, we kindly ask you to utilize the Moderator Reports option. To report a moderator: 1. Navigate to ⁠https://discord.com/channels/693237498264027156/1039176573770809354 2. Select the I still need support option 3. Choose Report a moderator Please note that your report will be directly handled by the administrators, rather than the moderators. This ensures that your concerns will be addressed impartially and without any bias.
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Make a new discord acc like I did Senior serpent was my acc And this is the second one so I can appeal again
Above I put a screenshot that literally a moderator sent me a private message by the bot saying that they would not do anything and that they would not remove bans of this type from people
911topicβ€’3mo ago
But that is false ban
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
These moderators need some new employers
911topicβ€’3mo ago
The so called "best" moderators only believe a bot who flagged random innocent people Swen need some new moderator
Sw4xβ€’3mo ago
Yup Yes
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Man I grind that new acc to great sword And now it got banned I remembered the moderator saying the only way to play again is by makimg a new acc Making*
Pawizesβ€’3mo ago
Yea like me
911topicβ€’3mo ago
You a mod?
Pawizesβ€’3mo ago
911topicβ€’3mo ago
I already sent the report about it, how can they do this type of thing when I show every inch of my computer and programs
911topicβ€’3mo ago
I hope mine gets appealed even tho the mod put a appeal denied role on me
I hope you can appeal brother, I'm going to play something on steam
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Alright brother take care
Why do you care about my name?
they should fix their moderation and to check things twice like i never ever used aimlock just playing 1st person with a bow and got my moves it even showed not all of my hits were locked or headshot honestly this is horrible to ban level 245 that buy items with robux WHY THE HELL WOULD A PERSON THAT SPEND TIME AND MONEY ON A GAME WOULD EXPLOIT, AT LEAST BE KIND AND GIVE REFOUND OF THE ROBUX THAT I SPEND TO BUY GAMEPASSES Well, at least be fair for your users don't just ban a person that was reported especially an og players that are 200+ at their level
Tututu-3β€’3mo ago
Eu fui banido por gato preto olho vermelho?, que tipo de motivo é esse, (erro 267) eu nem uso script e tomei ban injustiçamente, eu nem sou upado no jogo eu tava apenas jogando normal, quero voltar a jogar de novo, pode verificar minha conta e tudo, nunca teve script nessa conta
No description
bunβ€’3mo ago
Well it’s called having hundreds of appeals and reports a day This month so far we’ve had 1.6k reports A general month is 2.5k-3k Add appeals on top, we’ve probably had 300-400+ appeals
cooldude1060β€’3mo ago
i got ban like that too can i get unban
911topicβ€’3mo ago
What's the point of having hundred of appeal and reports a day when you don't even unbanned most of them because of lack of evidence And the fact that I got banned and I literally showed a video literally identical to how I got banned and still got denied due to lack of evidence And how the hell are all the players gonna get evidence when we get banned randomly Most of us don't even record We arent going to record everytime we are playing And even typing a whole paragraph of why I should be unbanned seems pointless When the moderators only respond with we cannot help u any further due to lack of evidence At this point they should get rid of the ban appeal ticket when they are this useless and just thinking every player that are banned by the anti cheat are exploiters
Geonβ€’3mo ago
Omg same bro all I did was load up synapse then inject my scripts and I got banned, dumbass mods (but fr tho moderation sucks)
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Geon shut the hell up your banned is beyond appealable You were using script The only thing that sucks is false ban because of the anti cheat While u are banned because of exploit
Tututu-3β€’3mo ago
Como cancela ?
edgβ€’3mo ago
theres a joke there that went right over your head they probably arent even banned
911topicβ€’3mo ago
Fix your grammar
edgβ€’3mo ago
this is why they denied your appeal
911topicβ€’3mo ago
This is why you no one likes you
Gatitoβ€’3mo ago
:bot_success: Successfully muted @911topic for don't be an arsehole! They will be unmuted <t:1734775839:R>
edgβ€’3mo ago
TOXXYβ€’3mo ago
how did u get inf stamina and no cooldown?

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