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All posts for Kinde
My application is unable to login my users. I need to solve this ASAP
<appname> Wants to Use "" to Sign In popup in ios expo
How to show signup page with expo-starter-kit?
Custom sign in page content applying inconsistently
Access Token claims not updating after "Refresh User Claims and Invalidate Cache"
Feature flags not showing in created Organization
Error verifying JWTs signed by Kinde from Next.js to Express API
502 badgateway on m2m token endpoint
Error code: 1656 - Unable to log into integration environment since 6:03am GMT
Custom param missing from callback using authUrlParams in Kinde Next.js
I’ve been getting 504 Gateway Timeout errors today.
Kinde Error:
@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-react compatibility with React 19
Gateway timeout for Management API
How do I maximize the logo size?
User request to sign up
Protect Next.js API Routes?
How to handle root redirect before Auth and i18n case
Why my permissions are not sent in the token?
Facebook login for Business request more permissions
Microsoft AD email domain issue (resolved)
error fetch failed when logging in
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'kindeAuth')
How are people using Hasura?
Confused about user permissions vs properties
Kinde & .NET Blazor Server?
Is there a way to programmatically customize M2M token
get organization custom properties
Authenticating API calls with Kinde
Private Relay Apple ID
Middleware not protecting routes in version 2.5.0-11
Some users are are reporting issues signing in.
Automatic Signup
Edit home page?
How does token expiration work?
Nuxt + Kinde Module Logic Problems
Microsoft Entra ID (OAuth 2.0) - Always show sign-in button
Change redirect_uri in Remix framework
Is it possible to set or update user id before or after user creation
Use Kinde Auth with Ionic react
How to implement the token based authentication in GRPC interceptor with Python SDK?
Pass custom parameters through authUrlParams
Kinde + react router v7 (remix)
Automatically call api/auth/logout
Android getToken in non-activity classes.
Where to pass `KINDE_REDIRECT_URL` instead of defining in `.env` file?
Kinde with Nuxt & Supabase
SSO Inactivity Timeout
Username enumeration issue
Nextjs 15 .1.4 - cookies() should be awaited before using its value
401 when using request access form
Kinde management API returns "scope missing"
NEXT_PUBLIC_KINDE_AUTH_API_PATH and kinde middleware
Did not use affiliate link
Error code: 1656
504 Errors
Created a Business, deleted it, can't take subdomain back
Kinde + supabase
What is the proper way to test if user is authenticated?
Kinde +
`oauth2/token` endpoint returns 502 Bad Gateway error
Import users via CSV import hangs
Sveltekit Auth failing on build and preview
Typeform - Kinde integration
Google Calendar integration support
NextJS SDK Active Sessions
Kinde creates 2 identities when I try to signup an existing email using Google social connection
Error: State not found
Billing Access
Callback URL invalid
getUser returns null when Using Kinde and Vercel Multitenancy
How to process an action post sign-up or login
Custom Auth Page with Python
Hot to get Organisation Names while calling kinde_client.get_user_organizations() in Python SDK?
Kinde Management API: next_token usage
Netlify functions, Web Crypto API (crypto.subtle), set AWS_LAMBDA_JS_RUNTIME to nodejs20.x
Support for Flutter Web
Redirecting URL
Constantly getting ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in production
Astro SDK
Change default country for phone number input
Is it possible to get org code from the response after adding a organization via management api
Organizations Usage
Profile picture
ExpressJS SDK working locally, but not hosted, need help with logging
refresh token guide needed
KindeProvider Usage
Authentication Issue on Vercel Deployment
NextJS PWA app gets stuck at this screen
JWT guide needed
useKindeBrowserClient isAuthenticated
Extra fields using Kinde
Personalized page using email codes
Refresh claims approach
Fetching user's organization from Next.js SDK returns null and no name for organization returned.
Transfer ownership to team member
Delegated User Management
NextJS API endpoint - verify token
The React SDK is not available, unable to automatically refresh the token successfully.
Password for my Kinde Account?
ext_provider missing
Any way to continually test service without waiting for email code?
Other connected app support like gmail, outlook
Feature Billing / payment
Retrieve user data from access token
How users can update their own profile?
Logging out of not only Kinde, but also the social provider (Google)
Next.js Build doesn't call getUser() from kinde
How do I go back from "Check your inbox"?
Next.js - blocking error upon login when creating new organisations
Strange bug with logins using @kinde-oss/kinde-auth-pkce-js
/api/login route cannot found on build (NUXT)
Using Kinde as IDP
Python SDK login issues with jwt iat validation.
Access to user data
Subdomain Authentication
Verifying JWT provided by Kinde with PKCE extension
React Native - expo
How to get `post_login_redirect_url` to work
Kinde returning Invalid callback URL, even though the URL is in our allowed list
Login UX improvement
Error 500 with AuthProvider
Register / sign up flow: Is it possible to have admin accept pending registrations?
Dynamic Redirect on SvelteKit Multi-tenant App
Documentation on Kinde with Retool
Migrating out of Kinde connection for social auth
Discord cancelled auth shows error
Discord OAuth does not provide the user's name
MFA token takes long time to receive
user schema for database connection with Kinde
Is there a way to view last signed in on Kinde User dashboard?
502 Bad Gateway on POST /oauth2/token endpoint
Typescript jwt payload type?
Given a low enough ID token expiry, is it safe to store it in the browser (localstorage/cookies)?
"AuthProvider gives access to auth data in your app"
Kinde auth on Electron
Something went wrong - Error code: 1656
Middleware: Not being redirected back to the protected page
expressjs and protected routes with user roles
.env variables showing in HTML page source on React site
User logged in even after deleted from Kinde
Can we send the signin link of our app in an Email from my NextJS app?
Can we we use Kinde just for authentication?
Get current user role
Entra AD - How can I get AD group information?
Can KindeClient be a singleton in TS SDK?
How to Configure 1 org with email + password auth and all other orgs with MFA
Custom SMTP settings using resend not working
unable to login using kinde on Android apk preview
Management API SDK
Authentication flow: Received: null | Expected: State not found (Next14, Vercel)
Hide description in the password page
How can I have a distinct login & registration experience without custom UIs?
undefined access_token when using session manager with typescript SDK
Invalid Token Error
Prohibit people from registering
How to Configure 1 org with magic link auth and all other orgs with MFA
Custom username field
How do i add a redirection link when having authentication errors?
Autocreate orgs by email domain?
Entra SSO
User referral codes
Assigning identities when creating a user.
Trouble with SMS
Flutter SDK with Encrypted Box
Scalability of feature flags in access token claims
Something went wrong - Is there an outage?
Reset users MFA through managment API
Get the logo thru the api
User handles / usernames
Suspend an Organisation?
NextJS Kinde SDK not auto-refreshing tokens
Get Logo From User Org
Kinde Managment API JS SDK missing endpoints - Identities
Logging user out after 30 mins of inactivity
How to get role of the current logged in user
How to get better Error messages when the user is logging, and option for refresh
How to get Slack specific user data?
Remove the email verification for the other oauth
Bulk update feature flag by user email.
Having problems with supplying scope to Kinde API
Callback URLs bug
Configuring DynamoDB express session store
Kinde Billing Release Date?
A nuxt project from scratch giving index.mjs error (Kinde Nuxt Module)
Get list of users who consented to marketing emails
NUXT. Vue. Error 500 while accessing /api/login, while it works fine when running dev server.
KINDE_SITE_URL for Org handles and subdomains
Management API without M2M?
im getting this "enter valid email" on my login/sign up page and cant figure out why
Using `@kinde/expo` for app `client`
Kinde working on local but not working on live Envoirment
Access blocked: Kinde's request does not comply with Google's policies
Grammar changes in Verification Email
Documentation update
Authentication error
Next.js Refresh Token null
getIdToken error
Updating boolean user properties
Next.js v15 404 error on login
Add an Access Request user via API
Limit User Sessions
ExpressJS SDK backend with AngularJS frontend auth issue
Registration post_login_redirect_url
I would like to store the data of the users who registered through Kinde registration in the prisma
University project, kinde dont open just saying error 404
Can't install kinde SDK for sveltekit because of the new svelte5 installation dependency.
I redirect to the login page after my access token expires.
I'm getting wrong logout redirect even when I'm using logout url in env vars and in kinde setting
TypeError: (0 , react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createContext) is not a function
Vercel Preview Kinde Authentication not working
Create Account Screen Displaying english text even though arabic language is set as default
Using the kinde management API...
Can I include just one button instead of Sign in / Sign up?
Users on iOS (WebKit browsers) are unable to sign-in using email
Azure guest users login with Kinde for azure app.
Stripe success_url from checkout session logs user out.
what are the rate limits of SSO providers when using the Kinde credentials?
ExpressJS SDK for a MEAN stack web application.
Using Prisma to MongoDB With Kinde
Can I change the user info from the SDK?
Create Kinde Users Within Application
Switch organization for logged in user
Logout url
linked auth
404/terms page
Production problem
JSON Web Key JWKS expiry
Kinde and Supabase without SSR
NextJS + FastAPI
Unexpected Server error with Remix SDK and Cloudflare
Issue with getKindeServerSession().refreshTokens(); in Next.js App Router
Help: cant login anymore (resolved)
Email custom sender with Outlook/Office 365
How to add subdomain auth flow for a multi tenant app?
How to append a role to an user given the userid using @kinde/management-api-js ?
Bad gateway Cloudflare error when logging in with Google
can I enable email + password for the main kinde admin dashboard of kinde?
Sveltekit App Creation type?
I want to recreate my business. Is it possible to delete the old one?
Expo - React native EAS build Error
Custom Sign Up From Not Working As Expected
Using Kinde with Angular Capacitor and NodeJS
Nuxt SDK - Get User Role on the Server
What is the limit for number of organizations in one kinde account?
Setting dark theme as default experience still serves light theme login page
How do I logout progmatically?
Own email address
How do i add a redirection link when on this session error?
React SDK - Clear token cache
Authenticated sessions across applications including mobile app?
Trying Flutter auth, I get always "Invalid callback URL"
Migration from Kinde
Proper Kinde hierarchy?
How can i add test-user to production env if i use email + code
Custom domain on localhost
ExpressJS Backend receiving API requests with bearer tokens
Email undefined for apple id registration on dashboard page
Redirection without <RegisterLink>
next.js server => api
add-urls-to-kinde script
MFA option not showing
Token validation Azure prod
Intro and questions of a new discord member
how to set provided_id when creating user via management API?
React Native @kinde/expo in the browser
Do Roles or Permissions update immediately in user session?
Haven’t been able to use Kinde on my node project . I have tried locally and on prod with Heroku
Issue: State not found error with express-session and Slack auth
Machine Api Access Token granted once but not again
Check if the user already exists in Kinde
Unable to visit /admin/*
getUserOrganizations returning null
I have a problem with "Invalid callback URL" issue
`onRedirectCallback` receiving `undefined` value in Remix
Email password configured but I get magic link
getKindeServerSession() - secure?
What is the recommended way to do Kinde auth with a SPA app (Vue) and a REST API (Fastify)
Customize e-mail
Hasura integrations. Claims key not found
Use callbacks_url with and without intl18 subdomains
User unable to login
First time user authentication and database entry
Error on User export requests page
newly added team member does not have role admin
Routing on React?
Kinde Management API - 400 Bad Request: malformed Host header
Accessing Kinde from Redux store
Kinde user is lost in Nextjs development by HMR
Remix: onRedirectCallback Functionality in Documentation
How to use Is_create_org in NextJs.
Missing Email and Profile Picture When Authenticating with Hotmail Accounts
Custom Sign In | React ref for LoginLink || login() function in NextJS SDK
Redirect user if their account doesn't exist
Are there components for settings, like clerk
Protect all routes except some public ones
"Invalid request error" post login. Http vs. https.
Error while adding user in organization
Problems getting a new refreshToken
Email custom sender gmail smtp
Is it possible to set a profile picture through the API
[help] custom sign-up and sign-in pages
I want to get the information of the user who successfully registered
Can't remove team members
Need advice on multi-tenant design
Post logout url in NextjsSDK not redirecting
Is it possible to export user data along with number of sign ins (total)
[Bypass] Custom sign-up and sign-in pages
Offline Development
[authentication] custom sign up using react
Custom Properties
Can I implement SSO using Kinde on multiple WordPress websites and services using SAML and/or OAuth?
Inviting team members to business not working
Android Kinde SDK not compatible with Stripe?
University Single Sign On
Custom Claims
Organizations UI Dashboard
How can I let the user disable/unlink an MFA authenticator?
Remove all roles of a user
Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'compute-pressure
Help with FastAPI registration
refreshTokens when expired
pass url redirect path to login link in Nuxt
Usage of Application login URI
.Net oidc switch organisation
New Expo SDK setup
M2M token expiry and refresh
Dynamic redirect after Login in Nuxt SDK
Custom Properties not showing on Access Token or ID Token (Next.js)
Expo React Native Env Vars
Vercel app not working
Context user not being returned on auth callback.
React Native Expo-secure-storage
Loosing session after reload
Session details
Typo in docs
Get user by id
Update the user’s role without needing to enter the Kinde admin.
401 Unauthorized on login with email + code
Next js app router SDK Organization managment
How to use React SDK with axios
flutter mobile custom signing
When is the billing releasing, I really need the early access urgently
Redirect to register instead of login?
Use persisted tokens in elixir
Vue3 integration
Authentication in a Chrome extension
When will "Create identity" API endpoint support type: "phone" ?
Is there a way to get the active sessions of a user?
How do I link a social login to an existing User?
GetUser() returning Null on Live Nextjs.
No Github username
[Help] 500 With token exchange!
Problem not sending state to the oauth2 /auth endpoint
Client Credentials with Python SDK
LogoutLink is not redirecting to my desire URL
Need some help with my custom domain for production.
Deploy a React Kinde app on Vercel
Middleware based protection not working
Are there guidelines for integrating Kind Auth with a React.js-based Figma plugin?
Nuxt with Prisma ORM and Kinde Auth
Session cookie does not persist after reload in React SDK
Create a user with username and password authentication using the API
How can I get the users JWT token after logging when using the Nuxt module?
React SDK Sample CORS Error
Customizing or redirecting from the "Account not found" page
phone sign in, custom has changed
Invalid Credentials for kinde/management-api-js
[Critical] kinde-auth-pkce-js
React Native Session Provider
Localhost Development
Is there a way to logout in nextjs without using Link Logout?
Token Expire time not changing
Organisation cross platform permission control
Redirect Urls for multi tenant application
isReturnToCurrentPage in Next.js middleware
min version for wildcard callbacks
ExpressJS, redirectURL redirects to siteURL
How can I change Kinde user ID in my code?
With a custom signup screen, how do I ask user for first name and last name?
B2B - custom auth for each customer
Invalid Callback URL
Sometimes when a user is logged out, it's redirected to kinde page
Is there a character limit in user properties?
Remix app how to redirect to previous page post login
How can I get the X username or the user ID of the user when they are signing up using X
Changing the displayed organization name on the login screen
Changing API settings takes an incredibly long time
Support OAuth scope specific to org/work space
Missing methods on PHP SDK storage
Loosing auth after rerender in "use client" componenent
Refreshing token not working on Safari (iPhone)
conditional components is not showing
I just find a problem, you can't update user roles using api or sdk?????
Stripe integration
Signup isn't working anymore
user is not defined
Custom Domain is not working
Gravatar images empty
How can I make a custom login screen with sveltekit?
Webhook Validation
Why do i keep on getting invalid credetianls log?
[react-sdk][react-native-sdk (expo)] recommendation for integration testing mocks
Where is the login method of this offical doc imported
GitHub connected app
disabling multi-orga sign-up
satellite domains
How can I figure out whats gone wrong when I get this error?
How to implement refresh token
Redirect User Not Found to request access page
Im having 401 in http://localhost:3001/api/auth/setup when using browserClient hooks for the front
Getting updated user data from NextJS App Router Middleware.
WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync error
No audience for token in react native
WebHook: User Signup
Verification Code for passwordless signup - taking a lot of time to send
Getting username
Instagram Browser Auth Flow Error
Login from a device that does not support callbacks
Determine sign up conversion rate
ASP.NET API not validating token
Hoe can i add a 2 custom fields to the registration component?
flutter SDK and getToken
Org-scoped M2M tokens?
how I can using Application homepage
Invalid callback URL
ext_provider claim not present in some cases
Seeking Help with Customizing Logout Messages in Kinde
Authentication flow: Received : key | Expected: State not found
Roles in id token
update user email in code
Refused to frame '' because an ancestor violates the CSP
picture / ext_provider claim inconsistent
Unmatched Route
Attempting to commit invalid access_token token
🚨How to set up webhooks to for new sign ups?
Cannot log into Kinde => authentication timeouts
Setting the audience for Nuxt to get token to be used with ASP.NET API
next.js 14 hostinger vps nginx pm2 - CORS related issues
Entreprise SSO
Confused about Kinde implementation with Node/Express on the backend and React on the frontend
Next.js app router: is it safe to do the authenticated check in the layout?
How to handle Roles and Permissions WITHOUT stripe dependancy?
503 after signup
IOS app review
"PropertyRequiredException: Issuer cannot be empty, js engine: hermes" error on Android APK
Kinde + tRPC + NextJS app router
Error not found /api/auth/login
Migrating MEAN web application (ExpressJS+MongoDB+AngularJS) to Kinde
Kinde + Supabase + WeWeb
Quick and Urgent about logout component
JWKS not containing any signing keys
Requested audience X has not been whitelisted by the OAuth 2.0 Client
Choosing a MFA method only works the first time for each user
Is there an outage?
Cookie size hit when adding several permissions
How to detect if a token has expired with the Client JS SDK?
Kinde SDK offline PWA
Android Demo App
Email verification is required for every Twitter login
How to refresh tokens in a Next.js client component?
GET /api/auth/setup 401
Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL at isCustomDomain
`getPermissions()` not returning latest data
is it possible to use session manager (typescript sdk) with client side only cookie?
Details Update Propagation takes too much time
Building Google non-Drive apps using Kinde
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'redirectURLBase')
How to get the token in Nuxt?
how to do kinde's website example
Secure Spring Boot App - M2M Tokens
how to request tokens using curl?
Nuxt DB connection
Adding the audience in the Access token
kindeClient.getUserOrganizations() its returning Compact JWS must be a string or Uint8Array
Import from Auth0 not showing social logins or logins_count
custom signin/signup page
React Native SDK: Android Login not working
Fetch roles inside token
Kinde + Supabase
When requesting /oauth2/token, does the endpoint returns the same token or issues a new one?
Workflow with separate NodeJS/Vue Webapp?
How do you update user details from own-app?
From @jasdeep about tokens
Kinde Webhook
Nuxt useKindeClient not working properly
ext_provider in id_token is not present after the user change org with login + org_Code
"@kinde-oss/kinde-node-express" doesn't support module js project
Why wont the the login funcion work on loccalhost but in vercel it works
How to understand the relationship between Id, Access and Refresh tokens
TypeError: Cannot read property 'KindeSDK' of undefined
Unable to retrieve claims & identity from token
Unexpected server error when I click on /kinde-auth/login
Sorry, we don't see a way to authenticate you at the moment.
Is there any Honoj SDK you provide, as it is for my separate backend?
Can we use our own mail server to send mail like aws ses?
AWS API Gateway JWT Check
How to update Kinde account payment?
Kinde sign-in screen register link means no new org
Auth0 import - file too large
Organizations API doesn't provide full functionality
Inability to update certain Application fields via API
Automatically adding user to organization on sign-in (not sign-up)
Is there a way to change *when* email verification comes up in the sign-up flow?
How to organise API Tests with REST and Kinde?
nuxt ssr
Token expired issues
KindeServerSession values are null when using Stripe webhook
not getting verification emails
SMTP Server Timeout
How to setup SSO only for one organization?
Express Protected Routes: How to pass JWT from client?
After calling createOrg({ org_name: 'name' }) a call to /token that returns 500
Custom properties added to the wrong token
Extending KindeIdToken type to include the `organizations` claim
useKindeAuth isLoading doesn't change to false
Getting organization handle in id token claims
Permission doesn't work
How to sign the user out when /logout is visited?
Should I include user model in database schema? And how to handle users registering their business?
isAuthenticated === false vs user === null
Multi-factor auth using SMS - Where is the user's phone number stored?
Protecting routes in Next.js App Router middleware
User's first and last names are overridden when user logs in using Google
`await getUser()` doesn't return the first and last name
Does Kinde provide Login/SignUp components for custom Login/SignUp pages?
Subscribe Form...React
Revoke all access tokens from Kinde
Separate login per organization
Kinde Management api
Protect Next.js route handlers with machine-to-machine application?
Logout button doesn't rendered
Chaining Middlewares Next.JS Kinde + next-international
Has anyone used kinde_flutter_sdk to build android app?
Unable to login to our dashboard in Kinde
Billing feature launch date
What would be the most secure way to create invitation link for users to join an organizations ?
Does the expo/RN SDK work with react native web?
How to prefill "First name" and "Last name" like we can do email with "login_hint"
Why I am getting this error , even though I have setup callback url and redirect url.
SAML per organization - estimation
add user in mongodb database on nuxt
work email verification
your connection is not private
NextJs + Kinde SDK 2.2.3 deployment on vercel failed
Newbie question: How do we save post login user into event.locals when using kinde with sveltekit?
How to protect APIs for SaaS with API-first approach?
Logout the same user if logged in on another device
Expired Token Handling
Invalid State on subdomain login
PWA webview issue
16/17-APRIL Outage?
AU auth still down
Authentication issue
Authentication not working Amplify
How to validate an access token in Python?
help with flutter custom sign-in and sign-up
Event for when a user signs up for the first time
Add user with phone number
Authenitication fails with PKCE=true on SvelteKit
useKindeBrowserClient shows error
NextJS Kinde Management API troubles
Enforce phone MFA for a specific user via API
Email empty after CSV user import
Having trouble setting up SAML
Is this how I must list all the allowed callback and allowed logout redirect URLs?
adding a loading state to the SignIn component in NextJS
Login to Org using Next.js Login Link
Updating custom properties
how long does it take for cert to be issued?
Cors error on redirect
Nuxt, router.push("/api/login") raises 404 error
Auth works in Development but not on Prod
Architecture idea for B2B2C app
Manually fetch user
testing best practices
need access for kinde billing, please need urgent
Unable to make a POST request to retrieve a token with `grant_type` of `authorization_code`
Github connected apps
Kinde Pro subscription + Expo question
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
Reducing log spam when user not logged in
Reading Kinde user's discord id, if possible
GitHub Connected App Not Working
Delete user function?
No user found
User not receiving PIN to their email address
Is it possible to have teams in my Kinde application?
"Welcome back" displayed in login even in Incognito mode
Migrating Applications from Auth0
Data Processing Agreement
How to get organization name in React SDK
Implementing Kinde to Express NodeJS typescript and Ionic Angular application
create user using management api
Getting tokens failing when navigating to new page
Personal account and organizations
Try Our Ai Chatbot In Your Website
Post authentication redirect returning HTTP ERROR 500
Language on default layout
How can I generate API keys for my users to use programmatically?
WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createContext is not a function
Secret landing page
Next.js with separate backend - which SDK to use?
React-admin front-end and Next edge-runtime back-end - which SDKs/applications and how to auth API?
[NextJs]-Passed 'state' parameter does not meet requirements
Using custom login pages on Flutter.
Data fetch from twitter
I get an error when I go to the web page to log in
I'm getting a bunch of api/auth xhr requests, is this normal?
Add clickable button that redirects them back into the homepage when on authentication page
[NextJs] [Vercel] Is it possible to use Vercel previews and kinde authentication together?
[Nuxt] callback URLs independent of the project base URL
Not clear error message
integration with Frontend-React, Kinde and .Net
MFA setup after initial decline
Error: Authentication failed because it tries to validate state
Authentication error
Auth Mails go to SPAM
i cant find kinde on zapier
Not receiving any emails
Set a value property to the Kinde user
Seamlessly integrating a separate marketing and application site
Integrating Convex with Kinde
Empty permissions and no roles in jwt tokens.
Creating users via Kinde API
login front and backend with same token
Machine to Machine Account & Custom Domain
error: getuser is not a function
More frequent 504 errors
Next.js - Middleware for Kinde & Redirect to login page
<LoginLink> / <RegisterLink> causes: "Error: (0 , react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createContext)"
KindeSDKError2: Attempting to commit invalid id_token token "undefined" to memory
Any new competitions ?
custom domain
Can I describe external id using
Integrating with React, Vite, URQL
Organization branding control
Is there any hook in React to update user profile (email/firstname/lasname - custom properties)?
Proper use of Organizations as opposed to Applications
We can't find your account
Hey, i want to make a data stored per accounts using kinde typescript, how to do it?
I want to save data like username, preferred locale, theme for a user in my React App
Vercel deployment - Invalid callback url
Only Signup page
{ errors: [ { code: 'NAME_REQUIRED', message: 'Name is required' } ] }
Post Logout Redirect Parameter
redirect from root "/" with middleware in next.js
Know if an email address is validated in JWT
What is the best way to let my .NET API know a user has registered ?
Custom Success route.ts failing in build process && not showing logs inside GET()
getting redirected even when not wanted
kinde and Cloudflare Workers
Whether each backend sdk can directly create users
Invite users to Kinde (and organization) through the API
How can I implement an API to search user by their emails?
next.config.js Kinde Env Vars
Testing protected pages in cypress (e2E)
Server and Client side connection
Speedrun Competition Clarification
Create organization after login
Need help integrating with php
Unhelpful error message, stuck
Kinde Integration
How to set values to kinde object
redirectTo home with search parameters encodes the ?
Single authentication/two applications
kinde callback
Nuxt Module org_code is not working
Permissions and roles not updating after a change using the Nuxt module
Post signup event trigger
Server Side authentication
JWT Authorization in Python Backend
Updating a user's name
Verification code via email not arriving
`prompt`=`registration` not supported?
Google auth token
auth init!
Best way to access the management API from Nuxt server routes?
Discord Auth user object
Can't get the user info from const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession();
Using custom login page
Get Users with Kind TS-SDK
KINDE_AUTH_WITH_PKCE on sveltekit throws error
Malformed Response Cookie
Auth check in +layout.server.ts – known issues?
Add audience using Nuxt Module
Dark Mode & Multiple Organization Login
Persistent Auth & Custom Domains
custom auth pages
Github connection doesn't pull name in IDToken
The specified organization could not be found.
Limitations of Discord Auth Integration
Wildcards in callback URLs bug
custom sign in in node.js
Offline Usage of Kinde Auth
Is there a way for the login/signup happen in a modal rather than a full redirect?
Import error with Kinde TypeScript SDK in Next.js 14 project using PNPM
Problem with the SvelteKit SDK.
Having problems with logout URLs
MFA Endpoints to Change User Preferences
Redirected to a page displaying null after login
How to specify org when creating a user using kinde management api
Pro Plan bill due in -28 days
JwtInvalidIssuerError: Missing Issuer. Expected:
create user account fails
Billing is integration with Stripe?
How to switch organization for apps in the Kinde dashboard?
can i control the number of sessions using kinde auth
Sveltekit starter return errorCode: ''INVALID_TOKEN_MEMORY_COMIT"
Is it possible to merge username & password fields into one page?
i want to make a api call with userId after a new user is registered how do I do that using nextjs
[NextJS 14] User session returns null in API route, when user is already authenticated from caller
Trying to get the user session in server side Next.js v14 pages directory, always returns null
Can the PKCE access token be used to authenticate/authorize requests
Set up a Subscription form for Nextjs App.
Need help with roles (setPermission(s), setRole(s))
Firebase auth with Kinde. for firebase storage to write security access
Java SDK Support for Spring Boot 3
Typescript SDK middleware route handling.
Multiple audiences
Kinde + Bun + Hono + React
Invalid export using kinde
Error '500 - Invalid URL string' with Nuxt + Cloudflare
Error: this method must be invoked in a node.js environment
Signing in Kinde Auth in Cypress Automated Testing
Logging out manually/ending session and redirect
Getting 404 Error when trying to redirect api/auth/login
CreateOrgLink Sign-in
Billing query
Search for user via provided_id via API?
Decoupling API calls with react components
Prompt Request Parameter: Using Kinde without SDK
Is there a way to customize the color of the login/register interface?
Is there a way to set a user's password on the Kinde platform?
Cannot login when doing local development on mobile device
Unable to add payment details
How to allow specific emails to login with auth0?
Fetch user role in nextjs-app-v2 sdk
typescript SDK session manager
Authentication flow state not found with NextJS Middleware
Dangerous Site Warning using custom subdomain
How to design proper structure for organizations, projects, and users in kinde
This client must include a code_challenge when performing the authorize code flow, but it is missing
Generating Access Tokens
Type definations for nofe express alp
Unable to Complete Login Process - Authentication Error
Audit log missing details
Automatically set token in header
HTTP 429 Too Many Requests
Error ID_REQUIRED when calling POST /v1/user
Difference between M2M API and Back-end API
Malformed auth_url
Updating a User: changing email address
How to get Kinde user id after a User creates their account?
Can i rotate JWKS?
Kinde Auth Register 500
Kinde Auth Register 404
Account connection support
Unexpected Character Error with KindeSDK in Expo/React Native
Quick way to grab valid JWT
NextJs Redirect URL issue
Authentication issue after login. Node Express SDK.
kinde-flutter configuration problems
Kinde with React Js
kinde-flutter-sdk invalid session on every login attempt.
NextJS App Router v2 getAccessToken() and getToken()
Change my instance region
Resolving auth in back-end (.NET) with token retrieved from front-end (React)
What's the protocol for transfering ownership of the account?
BrowserClient.getUser returns Promise<string>
Token being sent
Allow user to delete their account (nextjs)
help with Google Auth concent screen.
Create Company during Register
Help Needed: Authentication strategy for authenticating access to a backend express API from NextJs
Next.js 14.0.3 Middleware TypeError
Are you required to be authenticated to be able to check feature flags?
Password and Passwordless enabled on same time?
Clicking login takes me to API route and not login page (Next 14)
Problem when trying to edit role when limit plan is reached
Trouble handling callback from SSO always returns 400
kinde_flutter_sdk not being recognised
sign out
NextJS App Router Error out in middleware
User Audit Logs M2M tokens question
Design bugs
Help in Vercel Deployment
Kinde TypeScript type in Next.js middleware
New Application Environments
Integrating Kinde to Astro
Not receiving the accessToken
Use of history.pushState in createKindeClient.ts
Link directly to sign up page.
Session Storage Cleared before Callback
Login background image not loading
Custom domain functionality not working
Business Plan
Kinde not syncing details from Google
Email Marked As Spam by Google
Restricting Google Domains
Restricting access to Kinde API
Accessing appState
Rotating Client Secret
Accessing ID on the backend
getToken from useKindeBrowserClient
Validating JWT tokens for non-OAuth mechanisms
Remove an enterpise connection
Enforcing permissions
Matching Users to Organisations
Feature flags
Customize Registration Fields
Linking to my sign up
Getting error after signin
New Flutter Package + NextJs
Custom Root Domain
Integration with Convex Custom Auth
Cookie Problem
SMS as passwordless auth
Ability to set MFA option at the Organization level
Is there a way to track session state
Adding an account to an organization via api returns 200 but user is not in the list
Issue with US region email delivery
Prod version callback to localhost