Kinde•4mo ago

Can KindeClient be a singleton in TS SDK?

DO I need to create a KindeClient every time I need it? Or can I create it once and reuse it? Is it cheap to create it? Ill be using it for Management API purposes (like create Users and Orgs)
4 Replies
TotalScrub•4mo ago
It may depend on your SDK. I imagine the different implementations may have different performance tradeoffs and concurrency considerations. Using .NET as an example... Because I wasn't sure about how thread-safe the client was I went with creating an instance each time as the client didn't look too expensive to create. However, one problem with creating an instance each is if you also call Authenticate() each time as it will issue a new access token chewing into the 500 machine tokens per month you have (across all environments). The .NET SDK will cache your access token, but in memory. So if you need to restart the process regularly through regular dev activities (or running CI / CD pipelines) you will quickly burn those access tokens as each time it can't find a cache hit in memory it will use up a new monthly token. I was lucky given the way the Kinde team implemented the SDK that I could modify their implementation (without having to fork their repo) to allow me to create some code which would modify the authentication behaviour so that I could persist this token somewhere more perminently (i.e. not in memory) and re-use it.
maustacheOP•4mo ago
Good point Stephen! My question is regarding the Typescript SDK
Yoshify•4mo ago
Hi Maustache, There should be no issues with creating and reusing a single Kinde client instance. I've used this pattern before - I create it and export it from the file it's created in, and just import the client instance wherever I need to use it 🙂
maustacheOP•4mo ago

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