Billing query

Does Kinde's pro plan is shared among all businesses or Each business needs its own pro plan? Or it simply charges us just no of MAU and other features. I created a School Management app using NextJS that will be distributed to different school owners like this School 1 App --- Business ------- | School 2 App --- Business --- Kinde | School 3 App --- Business ------- Every school will have almost 20 -30 users. I want to assign the same roles, same permissions but in isolation. Also I want to set up a custom domain for every school. Can I achieve this using Organisations or I have to create separate businesses for each school.
4 Replies
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde14mo ago
Hi @vikaspachar, Thanks for reaching out and elaborating in detail about your ideal setup. I will discuss this with my team and get back to you.
vikaspacharOP14mo ago
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde14mo ago
Hey @vikaspachar,
Does Kinde's pro plan is shared among all businesses or Each business needs its own pro plan? Or it simply charges us just no of MAU and other features.
At the moment each business needs its own Pro plan. It sounds like you can achieve the above using Organizations, so you wouldn't need to create a Kinde business per school client of yours. I would suggest having a read of the following doc: The only thing we don't have at the moment is custom domain per organization, but this is on roadmap. You can be notified when this is live by subscribing here
Kinde Docs
Kinde organizations for developers - Build on Kinde - Help center
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
Custom domains per organization
Custom domains per organization
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde14mo ago
Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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