Where is the login method of this offical doc imported
I want to build my personal login page
Where is the login imported from??
Kinde docs
Custom sign-up and sign-in pages
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14 Replies
That is a code example from our ReactSDK, what SDK are you using?
I am using nextjs
for nextjs it seems that the import of this method has some problems?
How to do it with nextjs sdk
what kind of problems are you having when using this method? @Vincent
It will give this error
The nextjs code is like this
This is the error image in the front end

@DavidF9265 @Daniel_Kinde
And after I add 'use client', it gives me this

i experienced this issue when trying to work with management api
I think the right approach here is to move your login logic to a server action in nextjs
so that all your env variables are available
could you try this? create a login action in the server side and consume it from the client
in the button you showed
yes but what function from the sdk should I use?
Like the problem is the login function of the sdk is not working in nextjs client
And for sso there should be no logic in the server side
It's all redirect in the client side
I think there's just no login function from the sdk. I remember when the custom auth was introduced I asked the question
Are you using the NextJS SDK?
he is
Actually I find a way to do it in nextjs sdk
I am interested if there is something you feel could be clearer in the docs