Sveltekit starter return errorCode: ''INVALID_TOKEN_MEMORY_COMIT"
Hi, i'm just new on Kinde and i create sveltkit project using Kinde starter kit.
When i've signed up using Kinde in my sveltekit app, it return this
KindeSDKError: Attempting to commit invalid access_token token "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOltdLCJpYXQiOjE3MDYxODIwNTIsImp0aSI6ImE3NzU0YjJiLTc2ZDEtNDQ4Ni04NDM3LTA5YmMyMDU1NzY5MCIsInNjcCI6WyJvcGVuaWQiLCJwcm9maWxlIiwiZW1haWwiLCJvZmZsaW5lIl19.nZY_8Om4_zbRCuZzVp_gi_MGGttveQB42iHhh31wmWUZ0Xq8eIzQtW37mBjGrfzDALqDgNblsbBvovMBxw2dSLa91J0Z5DXaDgJtNChkXGF8NbfJ8G-ezRu-f6NEOs8onmwv9T016-l9ydNbB0nhNGP-jI_QmStXadqxz29W-jK5pyDFv0OYmXM0X0DIel_JqjRSSkn2MImC22KYrqCO3SlC7LqwAjKpf0pBFCv0u_TAET0Sdb4FBtOi2aA5L8MHqzUjFgdS0QXOSlMYXTVUaiMz6hp1mfyTOpI1usxN5oGlzKicyQ-Ov9sHRlM38dH2ye8t11ZsIY7ZHk6kN04COQ" to memory
at new KindeSDKError (file:///D:/Projects/sveltekit/sveltekit-starter-kit-main/node_modules/@kinde-oss/kinde-typescript-sdk/dist/sdk/exceptions.js:24:28)
at step (file:///D:/Projects/sveltekit/sveltekit-starter-kit-main/node_modules/@kinde-oss/kinde-typescript-sdk/dist/sdk/utilities/token-utils.js:32:23) {
any idea about this issue? Thank you4 Replies
Sorry @warawiri that you are seeing this issue. Let me check with the team to help troubleshoot.
Hi @warawiri I am picking this up from Andre.
Could you give me some more details on your setup
- What browser are you using?
- Are you using username/password or a SSO connection? If SSO which connection are you using?
This will help me find a solution to your issue.
Hi @Daniel_Kinde
- i'm using Brave browser
- i'm using username/password
Hi @Daniel_Kinde
i've solved the issue.
the root cause is because i set KINDE_AUTH_WITH_PKCE=true
when i change to KINDE_AUTH_WITH_PKCE=false then it works
sorry for the trouble, stupid me 🙃
Great news @warawiri, that explains it!
I will make a note to update the error messaging around this. Thank you for letting me know, feel free to reach out if you have any further issues.
I will make a note to update the error messaging around this. Thank you for letting me know, feel free to reach out if you have any further issues.