Adding the audience in the Access token
I want to had an audience inside the access token since by default it's empty so following your documentation (
I'm doing something like this :
With that the aud field is still empty inside the token
Do I misunderstand something?
Kinde docs
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5 Replies
hey @Merlinofchaos sounds like you're doing the right thing, have you tried logging out and logging back in before checking for the audience in the access token?
Yes I did that so many time 😓
Thats no good 😦
Let me try and reproduce
I'm just following up, do you have any news ?
So that's random you just stopped to answer me and you answer other posts ? no follow up...
Hey @Merlinofchaos,
@Peter (Kinde) is still looking into your issue.
Please bear with us.
Hey @Merlinofchaos,
We are still struggling to reproduce this issue.
Are you able to send over a sample code that reproduces this issue?
The smaller the code, the better